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◆Welwitschia mirabilis

Title: the world’s most resistant plant

It’s not pretty to look at, but welwits chia mirabilis is unique. It consists of only two leaves and a strong stem with roots. Two leaves continue to grow and the stem thickens and can grow to be almost 2 meters high and 8 meters wide. Its lifespan is 400 to 1,500 years. It can survive up to five years with no rain. The plant is said to be very tastyeither raw or baked in hot ashes.

◆Dionaea muscipula

Title: the Venus Fly Trap

Dionaea muscipula is the most famous carnivorous(肉食性的) plant due to the active and efficient nature of its unique trap. It may be famous, but it’s also threatened. It produces a short leaf that forms two sides of a trap. Each side contains some sensitive hairs. When it is touched two to three times, the trap will shut in less than a second, fast enough to catch flies and other insects. The leaf, once closed, produces some enzymes(酶) that slowly dissolve the insects and supply the plant with food.

◆Rafflesia arnoldii

Title: the world’s largest flower

Rafflesia arnoldii, the largest flower in the world, is an exotic and rare plant. The flower is 3 feet across and weighs 15-24 pounds. However, you wouldn’t want to grow it in your garden. In a rainforest-type environment, it gives off a most unpleasant smell, which is somewhat like rotten meat. This is why it is often called the Corpse Plant by some natives of Indonesia where it comes. Its flowers only last for three days to a week.

◆Euphorbia obese

Title: the Baseball Plant

Euphorbia obese is known as the Baseball Plant. Over-harvesting by plant collectors for its interesting and curious appearance has severely reduced the wild population. However, it has become very common now. By growing euphorbia obese in large numbers, many gardens have been working to ensure that the plants being traded and sold among plant collectors are not wild plants.

21. From the passage, we know that __________.

A. welwitschia mirabilis is very beautiful

B. dionaea muscipula is famous for its trap

C. rafflesia arnoldii feels like rotten meat

D. euphorbia obese can be used as baseball

22. According to the passage, rafflesia arnoldii __________.

A. shuts its trap two or three times in one second.

B. gives off a special smell to attract flies and insects

C. smells bad in a hot and wet environment

D. has a big flower, a strong stem and two leaves

23. Plant collectors like euphorbia obese because __________.

A. it looks strange

B. it tastes delicious

C. it can be planted in the garden

D. it is worth a big fortune


The tough challenge of a six-month, 3,200-kilometer walk across the South Pole, in the long darkness of the Antarctic winter when temperatures can fall to -90℃, proved irresistible to the experienced British explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes.

Fiennes’s hero, Captain Robert Falcon Scott, wrote “great God, this is an awful place” when he reached the South Pole a century ago, before freezing and starving to death with his team on the return journey.

That journey was made in summer. Nobody before has attempted to cross the pole in winter. In a statement, Fiennes said, “This will be my greatest challenge to date. We will stretch the limits of human endurance. ”

However, Fiennes could not explain why anyone should consider such a venture, still less a man aged 68 who has survived cancer, heart surgery and the loss of most of the frozen fingertips on one hand. “It’s what I do,” he said, looking slightly puzzled at the question.

Fiennes, the world’s greatest living explorer, according to the Guinness Book of Records — was the first to cross the Antarctic continent unsupported; the first to cross both polar ice caps; and the first to travel across the globe from pole to pole.

Fiennes admitted his wife, Louise, and their six-year-old daughter were not thrilled. “But I’ve never done anything else; it’s how I earn my living. And you’re much more likely, statistically, to die on the roads than on the polar ice,” he said.

After training in the Swedish Arctic in a relatively balmy -40℃, Fiennes’ team will set sail from London on Dec.6 on a South African research ship. The ice trek will begin on Mar.21, the spring equinox(春分) that marks the official start of the polar winter, from the Russian base of Novolazareskaya. Fiennes and his five team members must then climb more than 3,000 meters on to the inland plateau, walk for several hundred kilometers using an ice tractor to pull all the supplies and equipment they need, descendanother 3,000 meters and finally reach the Ross Sea. If they reach Captain Scott’s old base at McMurdo Sound by the spring equinox six months later, they will still have to wait for months until the sea ice backs off enough for their ship to collect them.

24. Fiennes is going on this expedition because__________.
