

外文出处:Mohammad M. Rahaman. Access To Financing And Firm Growth. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2011(35):709–723





1 引言


2 相关著作

在一个经典的研究中,Rajan和Zingales(1998)表明,通过降低外部筹资成本,金融发展将促进经济增长,在更发达的金融市场,依赖外部筹资的企业不成比例的增长更快。此后,有许多文献认为金融没有真正的影响经济增长的实际效果。Demirguc-Kunt和Maksimovic (1998)研究了在法律和财务系统中影响企业的外部融资而达到资金增长上有何差异。他们认为法律体系效率指数得分高的国家,是一个更大比例的公司使用长期的外部的融资和一个活跃,尽管不一定很大,股票市场和一个大型的银行业对外同样有关联的财政支持企业的成长,在一个单独说明里,黄和Kracaw(1984)也表明,总股市波动的Granger引起各种宏观经济的手段,如国民总产出和失业。这些研究明确界定金融和实体经济的总体水平之间的联系,






it 并且与时间呈正相关:a










3.2 数据


3.3 主要变量

3.3.1 企业发展

在我的研究中主要依靠的因变量就是企业发展。我专注于企业成长的两种不同定义:就业增长和销售额增长。一个明显的利用就业增长的优势就是企业就业水平密切跟随着FAME 数据库。

3.3.2 内源性筹资

我用两种不同的措施为企业的内部筹资来源来代理的。第一个措施,IFUNDit,直接估计企业的内部资金的增长和被定义为: IFUNDit = Log(Owner0s Equityit) - Log(Owner0s Equityit-1)。它用于计量增加或减少的留存收益,这些是公司为了筹资发展已累积的从周期t-1到t的留存收益。我使用的第二个措施是公司的经济效益。由于更大的能力意味着更好企业财务未来增长的性能,公司的代理经济表现也应该记录内部筹资的资金来源。

3.3.3 外源性筹资



3.3.4 控制变量






3.3.5 总结统计




4.1 实证策略

我们用如下的企业实证模型:Y it=α+ΒY it-1+X,it-1θ+Z it-1δ+μit,μit=v+∈it其中Y it是企业i

是i企业拥有的各种筹资来在t-1到t期间的企业增长,X it-1是企业特征的控制变量集,Z



4.2 估计结果:内部基金和增长


4.3 估计结果:小型与大型企业


表1 总结统计


平均值中值N 平均值中值N 雇佣增长0.0160 0.000 52,140 0.032 0.000 27,410 销售增长0.0520 0.050 52,139 0.061 0.055 27,410 公司特征

总资产8.1537 8.214 52,124 7.323 7.253 30,140 销售9.2811 9.268 52,139 8.337 8.357 30,151 年龄 3.2064 3.242 51,845 3.042 3.060 30,077

1.6704 1.266 52,066 1.719 1.256 30,103




0.0825 0.004 52,124 0.077 0.000 30,140


财务松弛-0.278 -0.588 52,057 -0.289 - 0.698 30,097 董事数量 1.9473 1.946 52,140 1.807 1.792 30,151 筹资渠道

内部基金0.0828 0.070 47,686 0.104 0.079 24,567 边际利润0.0468 0.032 52,140 0.047 0.029 30,151 股基金0.2534 0.161 48,116 0.265 0.163 27,360 总资产0.0635 0.054 52,120 0.065 0.052 30,137

银行信誉设备0.2816 0.219 52,057 0.286 0.212 30,097 虚拟私企0.9628 1.000 52,140 0.962 1.000 30,151


平均值中值N 平均值中值N

雇佣增长0.005 0.007 17,770 -0.018 -0.008 6960 销售增长0.046 0.049 17,769 0.032 0.039 6960 公司特征

总资产8.772 8.732 19,544 9.585 9.539 7653 销售9.790 9.720 19,546 11.453 11.381 7656 年龄 3.308 3.378 19,345 3.391 3.569 7577 流动资产/流


1.590 1.262 19,524 1.568 1.264 7650 长期负债/总


0.087 0.011 19,544 0.095 0.009 7653

财务松弛-0.276 -0.492 19,523 -0.280 - 0.452 7642 董事数量 2.041 2.079 19,547 2.260 2.303 7656 筹资渠道

内部基金0.062 0.063 16,677 0.056 0.060 6442 边际利润0.042 0.032 19,547 0.047 0.039 7656 股基金0.225 0.150 18,384 0.259 0.171 7083 总资产0.225 0.054 19,542 0.057 0.058 7654 银行信誉设

0.273 0.222 19,523 0.289 0.238 7642 虚拟私企0.961 1.000 19,547 0.971 1.000 7656

表2 企业发展筹资来源













































































































是是是是是是N 37,421 37,421 35,999 35,999 1422 1422

公司数量5043 5043 4852 4852 191 191 χ2243.509 375.184 243.065 360.619 21.28 21.688

4.4 估计的结果:公司业绩和成长


4.5 稳健性:因果关系检验


统计推论,因果关系应在误差修正模型的基础上测试。因此我使用了Im et al.(2003)的测试程序并且拒绝在我的面板数据上面板协调的零假设。我继续简单的线性恩格尔格兰杰因果检验。

5 总结






工业设计原著选读 优秀的产品设计 第一个拨号电话1897年由卡罗耳Gantz 第一个拨号电话在1897年被自动电器公司引入,成立于1891年布朗强,一名勘萨斯州承担者。在1889年,相信铃声“中央交换”将转移来电给竞争对手,强发明了被拨号系统控制的自动交换机系统。这个系统在1892年第一次在拉波特完成史端乔系统中被安装。1897年,强的模型电话,然而模型扶轮拨条的位置没有类似于轮齿约170度,以及边缘拨阀瓣。电话,当然是被亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔(1847—1922)在1876年发明的。第一个商业交换始建于1878(12个使用者),在1879年,多交换机系统由工程师勒罗伊B 菲尔曼发明,使电话取得商业成功,用户在1890年达到250000。 直到1894年,贝尔原批专利过期,贝尔电话公司在市场上有一个虚拟的垄断。他们已经成功侵权投诉反对至少600竞争者。该公司曾在1896年,刚刚在中央交易所推出了电源的“普通电池”制度。在那之前,一个人有手摇电话以提供足够的电力呼叫。一个连接可能仍然只能在给予该人的名义下提出要求达到一个电话接线员。这是强改变的原因。 强很快成为贝尔的强大竞争者。他在1901年引进了一个桌面拨号模型,这个模型在设计方面比贝尔的模型更加清晰。在1902年,他引进了一个带有磁盘拨号的墙面电话,这次与实际指孔,仍然只有170度左右在磁盘周围。到1905年,一个“长距离”手指孔已经被增加了。最后一个强的知名模型是在1907年。强的专利大概过期于1914年,之后他或他的公司再也没有听到过。直到1919年贝尔引进了拨号系统。当他们这样做,在拨号盘的周围手指孔被充分扩展了。 强发明的拨号系统直到1922年进入像纽约一样的大城市才成为主流。但是一旦作为规规范被确立,直到70年代它仍然是主要的电话技术。后按键式拨号在1963年被推出之后,强发明的最初的手指拨号系统作为“旋转的拨号系统”而知名。这是强怎样“让你的手指拨号”的。 埃姆斯椅LCW和DCW 1947 这些带有复合曲线座位,靠背和橡胶防震装置的成型胶合板椅是由查尔斯埃姆斯设计,在赫曼米勒家具公司生产的。 这个原始的概念是被查尔斯埃姆斯(1907—1978)和埃罗沙里宁(1910—1961)在1940年合作构想出来的。在1937年,埃姆斯成为克兰布鲁克学院实验设计部门的领头人,和沙里宁一起工作调查材料和家具。在这些努力下,埃姆斯发明了分成薄片和成型胶合板夹板,被称作埃姆斯夹板,在1941年收到了来自美国海军5000人的订单。查尔斯和他的妻子雷在他们威尼斯,钙的工作室及工厂和埃文斯产品公司的生产厂家一起生产了这批订单。 在1941年现代艺术博物馆,艾略特诺伊斯组织了一场比赛用以发现对现代生活富有想象力的设计师。奖项颁发给了埃姆斯和沙里宁他们的椅子和存储碎片,由包括埃德加考夫曼,大都会艺术博物馆的阿尔弗雷德,艾略特诺伊斯,马尔塞布鲁尔,弗兰克帕里什和建筑师爱德华达雷尔斯通的陪审团裁决。 这些椅子在1946年的现代艺术展览博物馆被展出,查尔斯埃姆斯设计的新的家具。当时,椅子只有三条腿,稳定性问题气馁了大规模生产。 早期的LCW(低木椅)和DWC(就餐木椅)设计有四条木腿在1946年第一次被埃文斯产品公司(埃姆斯的战时雇主)生产出来,被赫曼米勒家具公司分配。这些工具1946年被乔治纳尔逊为赫曼米勒购买,在1949年接手制造权。后来金属脚的愿景在1951年制作,包括LCW(低金属椅)和DWC(就餐金属椅)模型。配套的餐饮和咖啡桌也产生。这条线一直


Load and Ultimate Moment of Prestressed Concrete Action Under Overload-Cracking Load It has been shown that a variation in the external load acting on a prestressed beam results in a change in the location of the pressure line for beams in the elastic range.This is a fundamental principle of prestressed construction.In a normal prestressed beam,this shift in the location of the pressure line continues at a relatively uniform rate,as the external load is increased,to the point where cracks develop in the tension fiber.After the cracking load has been exceeded,the rate of movement in the pressure line decreases as additional load is applied,and a significant increase in the stress in the prestressing tendon and the resultant concrete force begins to take place.This change in the action of the internal moment continues until all movement of the pressure line ceases.The moment caused by loads that are applied thereafter is offset entirely by a corresponding and proportional change in the internal forces,just as in reinforced-concrete construction.This fact,that the load in the elastic range and the plastic range is carried by actions that are fundamentally different,is very significant and renders strength computations essential for all designs in order to ensure that adequate safety factors exist.This is true even though the stresses in the elastic range may conform to a recognized elastic design criterion. It should be noted that the load deflection curve is close to a straight line up to the cracking load and that the curve becomes progressively more curved as the load is increased above the cracking load.The curvature of the load-deflection curve for loads over the cracking load is due to the change in the basic internal resisting moment action that counteracts the applied loads,as described above,as well as to plastic strains that begin to take place in the steel and the concrete when stressed to high levels. In some structures it may be essential that the flexural members remain crack free even under significant overloads.This may be due to the structures’being exposed to exceptionally corrosive atmospheres during their useful life.In designing prestressed members to be used in special structures of this type,it may be necessary to compute the load that causes cracking of the tensile flange,in order to ensure that adequate safety against cracking is provided by the design.The computation of the moment that will cause cracking is also necessary to ensure compliance with some design criteria. Many tests have demonstrated that the load-deflection curves of prestressed beams are approximately linear up to and slightly in excess of the load that causes the first cracks in the tensile flange.(The linearity is a function of the rate at which the load is applied.)For this reason,normal elastic-design relationships can be used in computing the cracking load by simply determining the load that results in a net tensile stress in the tensile flange(prestress minus the effects of the applied loads)that is equal to the tensile strength of the concrete.It is customary to assume that the flexural tensile strength of the concrete is equal to the modulus of rupture of the


外文翻译 原文 World Trade and International Trade Material Source:https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html, Author: Ted Alax In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved. For example, the United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any or its own. Consequently, the United States must import coffee from countries (such as Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala) that grow coffee efficiently. On the other hand, the United States has large industrial plants capable of producing a variety of goods, such as chemicals and airplanes, which can be sold to nations that need them. If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000 bags of coffee, foreign trade would be extremely cumbersome and restrictive. So instead of batter, which is trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United State receives money in payment for what it sells. It pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to buy wool from Australia, which in turn can buy textiles Great Britain, which can then buy tobacco from the United State. Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them. Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.


E---MARKETING (From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.) As the growth of https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html, shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customer value.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light of proven traditional marketing practices. (Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning ) 1.What is E--Marketing E--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives. This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.


Interaction design Moggridge Bill Interaction design,Page 1-15 USA Art Press, 2008 Interaction design (IxD) is the study of devices with which a user can interact, in particular computer users. The practice typically centers on "embedding information technology into the ambient social complexities of the physical world."[1] It can also apply to other types of non-electronic products and services, and even organizations. Interaction design defines the behavior (the "interaction") of an artifact or system in response to its users. Malcolm McCullough has written, "As a consequence of pervasive computing, interaction design is poised to become one of the main liberal arts of the twenty-first century." Certain basic principles of cognitive psychology provide grounding for interaction design. These include mental models, mapping, interface metaphors, and affordances. Many of these are laid out in Donald Norman's influential book The Psychology of Everyday Things. As technologies are often overly complex for their intended target audience, interaction design aims to minimize the learning curve and to increase accuracy and efficiency of a task without diminishing usefulness. The objective is to reduce frustration and increase user productivity and satisfaction. Interaction design attempts to improve the usability and experience of the product, by first researching and understanding certain users' needs and then designing to meet and exceed them. (Figuring out who needs to use it, and how those people would like to use it.) Only by involving users who will use a product or system on a regular basis will designers be able to properly tailor and maximize usability. Involving real users, designers gain the ability to better understand user goals and experiences. (see also: User-centered design) There are also positive side effects which include enhanced system capability awareness and user ownership. It is important that the user be aware of system capabilities from an early stage so that expectations regarding functionality are both realistic and properly understood. Also, users who have been active participants in a product's development are more likely to feel a sense of ownership, thus increasing overall satisfa. Instructional design is a goal-oriented, user-centric approach to creating training and education software or written materials. Interaction design and instructional design both rely on cognitive psychology theories to focus on how users will interact with software. They both take an in-depth approach to analyzing the user's needs and goals. A needs analysis is often performed in both disciplines. Both, approach the design from the user's perspective. Both, involve gathering feedback from users, and making revisions until the product or service has been found to be effective. (Summative / formative evaluations) In many ways, instructional


Journal of Industrial Textiles https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/ Optimization of Parameters for the Production of Needlepunched Nonwoven Geotextiles Amit Rawal, Subhash Anand and Tahir Shah 2008 37: 341Journal of Industrial Textiles DOI: 10.1177/1528083707081594 The online version of this article can be found at: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/content/37/4/341 Published by: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html, can be found at:Journal of Industrial TextilesAdditional services and information for https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/cgi/alertsEmail Alerts: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/subscriptionsSubscriptions: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/journalsReprints.navReprints: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/journalsPermissions.navPermissions: https://www.360docs.net/doc/166731256.html,/content/37/4/341.refs.htmlCitations: - Mar 28, 2008Version of Record >>


Strategic transformations in Danish and Swedish big business in an era of globalisation, 1973-2008 The Danish and Swedish context In the difficult inter-war period, a state-supported, protected home market orientation had helped stabilise both Denmark’s and Sweden’s economies, but after WorldWar II priorities changed. Gradually and in accordance with the international economic development, restrictions on foreign trade were removed, and Danish and Swedish industry was exposed to international competition. As a consequence, several home market oriented industries –such as the textile and the shoe industry –were more or less outperformed, while in Sweden the engineering industry soon became the dominant leader of Swedish industry, with companies such as V olvo, Ericsson, Electrolux, ASEA and SKF. In the Danish case, the SMEs continued to be dominant but in combination with expanding export oriented industrial manufacturers such as Lego, Danfoss, Carlsberg and the shipping conglomerates ok and A.P. moller-Marsk. In Sweden and Denmark stable economic growth continued into the 1970s, but due to the problems during the oil crises, the economies came into fundamental structural troubles for the first time since World War II. In the beginning this was counteracted by traditional Keynesian policy measures. However, because of large budget deficits, inflation and increasing wages, both the Danish economy from 1974 and the Swedish economy from 1976 encountered severe problems. Towards the late 1970s Denmark’s and Sweden’s economic policies were thus increasingly questioned. It was clear that Keynesian policy could not solve all economic problems. Expansive fiscal policies in terms of continued deficits on the state budget could not compensate for the loss of both national and international markets and step by step the Keynesian economic policy was abandoned. The increased budget deficit also made it difficult for the state to support employment and regional development. These kinds of heavy governmental activities were also hardly acceptable under the more market oriented policy that developed first in Great Britain and the USA, but in the 1980s also in Denmark and Sweden (Iversen & Andersen, 2008, pp. 313–315; Sjo¨ gren, 2008, pp. 46–54). These changes in political priorities were especially noticeable in the financial market. After being the most state regulated and coordinated sector of the economy since the 1950s, then between 1980 and 1985 the Danish and Swedish financial markets underwent an extensive deregulation resulting in increased competition. Lending from banks and other credit institutes was no longer regulated, and neither were interest rates. The bond market was also opened as the issuance of new bond loans was deregulated in Sweden in 1983. When the control of foreign capital flows was liberalised in the late 1980s the last extraordinary restriction was now gone. Together with the establishment of the new money market with options and derivates, this opened up to a much larger credit market and the possibility for companies to finance investments and increase business domestically as well as abroad (Larsson, 1998, pp. 205–207). Another important part of the regulatory changes in the early 1980s were new rules for the Copenhagen and Stockholm stock exchanges. Introduction on the stock exchange was made much


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译原文:

DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products. Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product. Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores. Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface. Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.


毕业论文外文文献翻译 毕业设计(论文)题目关于企业内部环境绩效审计的研究翻译题目最高审计机关的环境审计活动 学院会计学院 专业会计学 姓名张军芳 班级09020615 学号09027927 指导教师何瑞雄

最高审计机关的环境审计活动 1最高审计机关越来越多的活跃在环境审计领域。特别是1993-1996年期间,工作组已检测到环境审计活动坚定的数量增长。首先,越来越多的最高审计机关已经活跃在这个领域。其次是积极的最高审计机关,甚至变得更加活跃:他们分配较大部分的审计资源给这类工作,同时出版更多环保审计报告。表1显示了平均数字。然而,这里是机构间差异较大。例如,环境报告的数量变化,每个审计机关从1到36份报告不等。 1996-1999年期间,结果是不那么容易诠释。第一,活跃在环境审计领域的最高审计机关数量并没有太大变化。“活性基团”的组成没有保持相同的:一些最高审计机关进入,而其他最高审计机关离开了团队。环境审计花费的时间量略有增加。二,但是,审计报告数量略有下降,1996年和1999年之间。这些数字可能反映了从量到质的转变。这个信号解释了在过去三年从规律性审计到绩效审计的转变(1994-1996年,20%的规律性审计和44%绩效审计;1997-1999:16%规律性审计和绩效审计54%)。在一般情况下,绩效审计需要更多的资源。我们必须认识到审计的范围可能急剧变化。在将来,再将来开发一些其他方式去测算人们工作量而不是计算通过花费的时间和发表的报告会是很有趣的。 在2000年,有62个响应了最高审计机关并向工作组提供了更详细的关于他们自1997年以来公布的工作信息。在1997-1999年,这62个最高审计机关公布的560个环境审计报告。当然,这些报告反映了一个庞大的身躯,可用于其他机构的经验。环境审计报告的参考书目可在网站上的最高审计机关国际组织的工作组看到。这里这个信息是用来给最高审计机关的审计工作的内容更多一些洞察。 自1997年以来,少数环境审计是规律性审计(560篇报告中有87篇,占16%)。大多数审计绩效审计(560篇报告中有304篇,占54%),或组合的规律性和绩效审计(560篇报告中有169篇,占30%)。如前文所述,绩效审计是一个广泛的概念。在实践中,绩效审计往往集中于环保计划的实施(560篇报告中有264篇,占47%),符合国家环保法律,法规的,由政府部门,部委和/或其他机构的任务给访问(560篇报告中有212篇,占38%)。此外,审计经常被列入政府的环境管理系统(560篇报告中有156篇,占28%)。下面的元素得到了关注审计报告:影响或影响现有的国家环境计划非环保项目对环境的影响;环境政策;由政府遵守国际义务和承诺的10%至20%。许多绩效审计包括以上提到的要素之一。 1本文译自:S. Van Leeuwen.(2004).’’Developments in Environmental Auditing by Supreme Audit Institutions’’ Environmental Management Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 163–1721
