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In 1858 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49th state,symbolizing a change of attitude that hold in 1867,when the peninsula was purchased from Russia. 1959年美国人欢迎阿拉斯加成为美国的第49个州,这表明美国人的态度与1867年刚把这个半岛从俄罗斯手中买来时的态度相比有了转变。Then,most Americans had little interest in 1,500,000 square kilometers "of icebergs and polar bear"-beyond Canada s western borders,far from the settled areas of the United States.那个时候,大多数美国人对这块150万平方公里冰山和北极熊的土地不感兴趣。它在加拿大的那一头,远离美国有人居住的地区。

In those sections of the state which lie above the Arctic Circle,Alaska still is a land of icebergs and polar bear.阿拉斯加州在北极圈里的部分仍旧是冰山和北极熊出没的地方。Ice buried in the earth,which is permanently frozen to a depth of 90 or more meters.巨大的冰块被埋在地下,这里永久的冻土层有90米或者更深。From early May until early August,the midnight sun never sets on this flat,treeless region,but the sun cannot melt the icy soil more than two-thirds of a meter down.从5月初到8月初,午夜的太阳从不离开这个平


Alaska is America s largest state,but only about 325,000 people live there.阿拉斯加是美国最大的州,而居民却只有32. 5万人。According to estimates,800,000 hectares of its land area are fit for plowing but only about 640,000 hectares are being cultivated.据估计,这里只有80万公顷土地适合耕种,然而正在开发的却只有64万公顷。

Arctic Alaska has been the home of Eskimos for countless centuries.阿拉斯加处于北极地区的部分千百年来就是爱斯基摩人的家园。It is believed that the Eskimos moved there from Mongolia or Siberia,probably crossing Bering Strait,named for Vitus Bering,the Danish sea captain who discovered Alaska on his voyage for Russia in 1741. 白令海峡因丹麦船长威塔斯?白令而得名。白令船长在1741年为俄罗斯所做的一次航行中发现了阿拉斯加。The Eskimos are the state s earliest known inhabitants. 爱斯基摩人是已知的阿拉斯加最早的居民。Russian fur traders established settlements but,by the time Alaska was sold to the United States,most of the traders had departed.俄罗斯皮毛商在这里建立了居民区。然而,当阿拉斯加被卖给美国人的时候,他们大多离开了这里。

In 1896 gold was discovered near the Klondike River in Canada just across the Alaskan border. 1896年在靠近阿拉斯加的加拿大边境的克朗代克河附近发现了金子。Thousand of Americans rushed to the region on their way to Klondike;some never returned. 成千上万的美国人在奔赴克朗代克河的路上到了这个地区,有些人就再也没返回。Alaska was never completely cut off again,although even today transportation is a major problem. 阿拉斯加与其他地方完全隔离的情况结束了,可是即使是在今天,运输仍然是主要问题。There are only two motor routes from the U.S mainland,and within the state,every town has its own airfield. 只有两条公路通往美国本土,而州内各市都有自己的机场。Planes fly passengers,mail and freight to the most distant villages.飞机将乘客、邮件和货物送到最偏远的村落。

The gold that changed life so suddenly for Alaska was soon ended,and although many stories about mining camps have become part of American literature,the gold from Alaskan earth contributed less to economic progress than the fish from Alaska waters.给阿拉斯加的生活带来突变的金子很快就被采光了。虽然那些关于矿区营地的故事被写进文学作品,然而阿拉斯加的金子对经济发展的贡献远不如阿拉斯加水中的鱼。The fish caught in a single year range in value from $80
