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Diagram of an Essay

Title of the essay

Introduction opening remarks to catch reader’s interest; thesis statement

Body Topic sentence 1 (supporting point 1 )

Topic sentence 2 (supporting point 2)

Topic sentence 3 (supporting point 3)

Conclusion summary (optional); General concluding remarks



1.General description: 概述句,总体描述(1句)

1) It is well known that…

2) It goes without saying that

3) It is quite clear that…

4)It has been found that…

5)It is believed that…

6) Nowadays, there follows a craze for…

7) As more and more people f ocus on…, …draw more and more attention from the public.

8) …has witnessed an unprecedented tide of…

2. Details:挖掘细节词、联结成句(1句)








引用句式:As the saying/proverb goes/says…

As Mark Twain puts it…

Earnest Hemingway once remarked…

It is widely accepted that…

对比:in sharp contrast, by/in contrast

•on the contrary

•rather than/otherwise/unlike

•whereas, conversely, yet

•while, however, but

数据:The table shows the changes in the number of… over the period from…to…

•According to the figures/indicators given in the graph,…

•The table gives the information that…

•It can been seen from the chart that…


饼状图:pie chart/graph

柱状图(条形图):bar/column chart, histogram

直线图(曲线图):line chart/graph; curve diagram


on the rise/go up/gain a momentum/continue its upward trend 减少:decrease/drop/fall/descend/decline/reduce

go down/on the decline/drop off/continue its downward trend 程度逐渐增加:slightly-slowly-gradually-moderately-considerably-


小波动:a minor fluctuation/small rise and fall/up and down

3. Theme: 立论句,主题(1句)


Topic sentence (1句)symbolic meaning

Argument (3句) 论据:原因、解释、论证

•Five angles

•Six devices

•Facts Relation

(1) Five angles:


E.g. Idol Worship

1) With globalization, idol worship is extremely popular among the adolescents.

2) With the speedy social, economic and cultural development, young people in

expanding numbers adore superstars.



1)There is no denying the fact that a great many fans worship pop singers, film

and sports stars.

2)Actually, it is common to see the worship of idols among young people. Others’ Opinions

•To begin with, the purpose of the topic is to show us that…yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously.

•What the topic conveys goes far beyond only a…Instead, it carries…meanings.

The fact that…


•Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another. Consequence

Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of challenges.
