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An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in

place of TCP/IP

R. Seshadri a

a Computer Centre, S.V. University , Tirupati , 517 502 , India

Published online: 03 Jun 2013.


An abridged protocol stack for micro controller in place of TCP/IP R.Seshadri ∗

Computer Centre

S.V .University

Tirupati 517502India


The existing TCP/IP protocol stack running in hosts takes lot of overhead while the node in network is for a specific purpose.For example transferring simple messages across network.If the node in the network is not a PC but,some thing like a micro controller,which measures some values and stores in its local memory,then it becomes lavishness in using the micro controller’s memory.As it is a node in a network,working with TCP/IP ,it should be able to transfer those values in the form of messages to other hosts which are in either local network or global network.

But in micro controller terms the memory is expensive and compact.The existing TCP/IP stack consumes a few mega bytes of memory.Therefore it can’t be accommodated in the memory of micro controller.Hence one needs to reduce the memory consumption.In this regard,an abridged protocol which replaces the existing TCP/IP has been designed to suit the above needs.For this purpose,the TCP/IP have been combined with KEIL C51features for 8051micro controller to make it work in transferring messages in local area network as well as global network.

The above scheme was implemented and tested and the system was working satisfac-torily.The results are found to be more effective in communicating information/message from the micro controller to a PC.

Keywords :Ethernet,stack,Transmission Control Protocol (TCP ),Internet Protocol (IP ).Introduction to TCP/IP

The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of communication protocols.The name is misleading because TCP and IP are the only two of the dozens of protocols that compose the suite.Its name comes from two of the most ∗E-mail


Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences &Cryptography


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h 2015
