


1. 辨析take;cost;spend;pay


(1)spend多用人作主语,后接金钱或时间。spend…on sth / (in)doing sth,例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book.

(2)take常用于"It takes sb. some time to do sth" 句型中,例如:

It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day.


I paid 15 Yuan for this new book.


This new book cost me 15 Yuan.

【例题】How much money did you in fixing your watch?

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend

2. 辨析bring; take; get;carry

(1)bring指将某物或某人从离说话人较远处“拿来”或“带来”,由远及近。例如:You’d better finish you homework today and bring it to school tomorrow.

May I bring Tom along?Bring the book to me, please.


Could you take the book to the classroom? I am busy now.


Will you get that book for me?


The buses and taxis are carry people here and there.

The box is so heavy that the little boy can’t carry it.

【例题】I don’t know where Wenchuan Country is.

---- Let me a map of China for you.

A. take

B. bring

C. fetch

D. carry

3. 辨析take part in;join

take part in 指“参加某活动、比赛”。

join 指“加入某组织或人群

【例题】Many famous pop stars the charity show.

A. join

B. take part in

C. took part in

4. 辨析put on;wear;dress ;in

put on 表“穿上”,强调穿衣的动作,后接衣服作宾语,代词放中间。

Here is your coat. Put it on, Lucy.

He put on his new pair of sunglasses and went out.

wear 表“穿着”,强调穿的状态,后接衣服作宾语。

-“What is she wearing?”

- “She’s wearing a red hat and a blue jacket.”

dress 表“给…穿衣服”,宾语为人。

My mother is dressing herself.

My little brother is too young. Mom dresses him every morning.

in 后多接衣服的颜色,表示“穿着……颜色衣服的”。例如:

The man in black is my father.

Have you seen a boy in a red sweater?

【例题】Can you_____ your little brother? I’m busy now.

--- OK. I’ll do it right now.

A. wear

B. put on

C. dress

D. in

5. 辨析have been to;have gone to

have been to 表“曾经去过某地”(已经回来了)。

have gone to表“已经去了某地”(还没回)

【例题】Maria is wanted on the telephone. Where is she?

---- She ________ the library. You can find her there.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. has left

D. will leave

6. 辨析tell; talk; say; speak


I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back tomorrow.

Granny often tells me funny stories.

The policeman told us not to play football in the street again.

talk表“交谈、谈论”,talk多是不及物动词,常与with/to/about搭配使用再接宾语。如:They are talking about their friends now.

I will talk to your father about your health next time.

Mr. Zhang is going to give us a talk at the meeting.


Did you say goodbye to your granny?


We can speak Chinese and English.

May I speak to Henry?

He will speak at the meeting tonight.

【例题】Our English teacher often us stories in English.

A. tells

B. speaks

C. talks

7. 辨析look up;look for;find;find out

look up 表“查找”后接“词典、书、电话簿”等。

look for 表“寻找”强调找的动作。

find 表“找到”强调结果。

find out 表“找出,发现,查明”。

【例题】What's the matter ?

----I am having trouble ____ who has taken my book.. (2008山东青岛)

A. finding

B. looking for

C. finding out

D. looking up

8. 辨析reach;arrive;get


We reached Shanghai at eight on Monday.

arrive 须与in/at连用,arrive in+大地名,arrive at+小地名.

We have already arrived in Shanghai.

They arrived at school at 6:30 yesterday.

get须与to连用,即get to+地名。

I got to the Capital Cinema at 9:00.

注意:当表示到达here, there, home时,arrive或get后不要加介词。

When did you get home? When will you arrive there?

【例题】It's reported the Olympic flame for 2008 Beijing Games________Beijing International Airport on March 31, 2008.

A. reached to

B. arrived at

C. got at

D. entered in

9. 辨析lend; borrow; keep

borrow指其逻辑主语从别处或别人那里“借来”东西,常与介词from连用。例如:May I borrow some money from you?

You can borrow books from the library.

lend指其逻辑主语将东西“借出、借给”别人,常与介词to连用,lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人。例如:

Could you lend me some money?

The library lends books to the students.


How long may I keep the book? I have kept the book for 3 weeks.

【例题】You have my dictionary for two weeks.

A. lent

B. borrowed

C. kept

10. 辨析forget; leave



【例题】This morning I went to school in such a hurry that I my notebook at home.

A. left

B. forgot

C. lost

11. 辨析receive; accept


I received a gift from her, but I returned it back to her this morning.


He received an invitation from her and accepted it happily.

【例题】I _________a strange gift yesterday, and I still don’t know who it was from.

A. took

B. accepted

C. received

D. brought

12. 辨析win;beat


Our football team won the football game by 3 to 1.


Our football team beat theirs by 3 to 1.。

【例题】Our team the match. We’ve got the first place.

A. hit

B. beat

C. won

13. 辨析be made of;be made from

两者都指“由…制成”,be made of 看得出原料;be made from看不出原料

【例题】The desks are made ______ wood.

A. from

B. of

C. in

D. by

14. 辨析hope ;wish



hope接的宾语从句常用将来时态,一般表示能够实现的希望,hope 不能接双宾语。

hope to do sth (√) hope sb to do sth (×) wish sb to do sth (√)

hope sb sth (×) wish sb sth (√)

【例题】_________you good luck in the new year!-----The same to you.

A. Hope

B. Want

C. Wish

D. Like

15. 辨析sound;listen;hear

sound 表“听起来”是系动词,常接形容词作表语。

listen表“听”是不及物动词,须与to 连用才能接宾语,表示听的动作。

hear 表“听见、听到”,强调听的结果

【例题】Can you ____ some animals?

A. hear

B. listen to

C. look

16. 辨析look;see;watch;read

look看,表动作,须与at 连用才能接宾语,表“朝…看”,强调看的方向。



read读书看报等文字材料。例如:My father is reading newspaper now.

【例题】I the blackboard carefully, and I my name on it.

A. looked at; watched

B. looked at; saw

C. watched; saw

17. 辨析reply; answer

reply表“回复、答复”,是不及物动词, 常与to连用后才能接宾语。

H e didn’t want to reply to my questions.


【例题】You must me soon.

A. answer to

B. reply to

C. write

18. 辨析lie; lay

(1)lie有多个意思:表示“躺;展示;位于”时,其变化是:lay,lain, lying;

表示“说谎”时,其变化是:lied, lied, lying

I saw an old man lying on the street.

Don’t believe him. He always lies.

(2)lay的含意是“放置、产卵”等。其变化是:laid, laid, laying.

I can’t find my boo k anywhere. I remember that I laid it on the desk last night.

19. 辨析join; join in;take part in


Join ①指加入某组织并成为其中一员。When did your brother join the army?

②和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb.in (doing) sth.,根据上下文,in (doing) sth.也


Will you join us in the discussion?你参加我们的讨论吗?

He’ll join us in singing the song.他将和我们一道唱歌.

join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。如:

Come along,and join in the ball game.

take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用.如:

We’ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.

20. 辨析get;turn;become

这三个词都可作系动词用,表示状态的变化,后跟表语,但三个词的用法稍有不同。get 强调情感、气候和环境的变化;turn强调色彩的变化;而become则强调职务、职称等的变化。如:

The days are getting shorter and shorter in winter.冬天的白天越来越短。

She couldn't answer the question and her face turned red.她回答不出问题,脸红了。

When did you become a teacher? - Ten years ago.你什么时候当的老师?十年前。



Many cars in advertisements are red, blue or green but almost 75 percent of new cars sold are black, white, silver or grey.

A survey shows people prefer the car colors that don't show dirt such as grey. That means the owners can wash their cars less, saving money. Besides, some areas that are short of water do not allow people to wash their cars often.

According to another survey, white cars are often sold more than cars of other colors. In China, car buyers say white makes a small car look bigger. Car buyers in other countries also like white. And the research also suggests that there is a lower risk of accidents during the day for white cars compared with darker ones. People also think the temperature inside white cars is lower than that in cars of other colors.

At present, every year about 11 percent of cars sold are red and 8 percent are blue. Green has become less popular. In the mid 1990s, green was the most popular color in many places of the world. But today, green cars are hard to find.

Sometime in the future, people may not have to choose the color of their car technology may let owners change their car's paint color anytime.

(1)You can often see cars in advertisements.

A. white

B. black

C. red

D. silver

(2)Car buyers choose grey because they .

A. can wash their cars less

B. don't need to wash cars

C. can pay less money for cars

D. don't allow washing cars

(3)According to the passage, white cars look than those of other colors.

A. safer

B. darker

C. cheaper

D. bigger

(4)Green cars .

A. make up 11% of the cars sold

B. are hard to find all the time

C. were the most popular in the mid 1990s

D. were less popular than blue cars in the past (5)In the future, we can .

A. choose cars in all colors

B. paint our cars any color anywhere

C. buy cars in all colors

D. change our car's paint color anytime







(1)细节题。根据Many cars in advertisements are red,可知,广告里的车的颜色是经常是红色的,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据A survey shows people prefer the car colors that don't show dirt such as grey. That means the owners can wash their cars less, 可知,车的用户选择灰色的车,因为他们可以更少洗车,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据the research also suggests that there is a lower risk of accidents during the day for white cars compared with darker ones.可知,研究表明白色的车比其他颜色的车更安全,故选A。

(4)推断题。根据In the mid 1990s, green was the most popular color in many places of the world. 可知,在20世纪90年代绿色的是世纪很多地方最受欢迎的颜色,推出绿色的车那时应该是最受欢迎的,故选C。

(5)细节题。根据Sometime in the future, people may not have to choose the color of their car technology may let owners change their car's paint color anytime.可知,将来,我们可以在任何时候改变我们车的漆的颜色,故选D。



Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy, but few know how to

find happiness. Here is a story to help you.

Once a bird lived unhappily. So it traveled far away to look for its happiness. It flew and flew. Suddenly it saw a spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway. But it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didn't give up. The little bird asked the spider in surprise. "Why don't you have pain but happiness on your face though you fail again and again?"

"Because I keep making my efforts. I'm happy." said the spider.

Then the little bird saw it happiness is a will in the heart.

The bird continued flying and saw a lame duck help a little duck who got lost to find the way back home. Although it was disabled, it had a smiling face.

"I'm happy because I can help others." said the lame duck. So the bird saw it happiness is a love in the heart.

The bird went on flying and suddenly saw a little dying flower, whose face was full of smile. The bird didn't know the reason. So it asked the little flower, "You're going to die. Why are you still so happy?" "Because my dream will come true," said the little flower." What is your dream?" "To produce sweet fruit." The little bird saw it: happiness is a hope in the heart.

So the little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the truth happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart. You are the maker of your own happiness.

(1)Who never gave up though it failed again and again in this passage?

A. The bird.

B. The spider.

C. The flower.

D. The duck.

(2)Why is the little dying flower still so happy?

A. Because it often helps others.

B. Because it'll produce sour fruit.

C. Because it has a hope in the heart.

D. Because it keeps climbing up a wall.

(3)What can we know from the story?

A. The bird found happiness in its own heart.

B. The bird found happiness in the faraway place.

C. The bird didn't know where happiness was at last.

D. The lame duck wasn't happy because it had to help others.

(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Happiness is important for everyone.

B. Many people know how to find happiness.

C. We make happiness by ourselves.

D. The way to happiness is to have a dream, to help others and not to give up.

(5)The passage is mainly about .

A. will

B. hope

C. love

D. happiness







(1)细节题。根据 The spider fell off the wall halfway. But it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didn't give up 可知蜘蛛从不放弃,故选B。

(2)推理题。根据 "Because my dream will come true," said the little flower." What is your dream?" "To produce sweet fruit." The little bird saw it: happiness is a hope in the heart. 可知因为它心里有希望,故选C。

(3)推理题。根据So the little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the truth happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart. You are the maker of your own happiness. 可知这只鸟在自己的心里找到了幸福,故选A。

(4)细节题。根据but few know how to find happiness. 可知几乎没有人知道如何找到幸福,故B选项是错的,故选B。




The secret of happiness

An old man walked slowly with a cane(手杖)into the restaurant .His old jacket, worn-out shoes and warm personality made him stand out from the usual crowd.

A young waitress watched him move toward a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said: “Here, sir……let me help you with that chair.”

Without saying a word, he smiled and nodded(点头)a thank you. She pulled the chair away

from the table and helped him sit. Then she put his came against the table.

“Thank you, miss.”he said, kindly.

“You're welcome, sir.”she said.

After he had finished his breakfast, the waitress brought him the change(零钱)from his bill. He left it on the table. She helped him up and walked with him to the front door.

When she went to clean his table, she found a business card under his plate and note on a napkin(纸巾). Under the napkin was a 100-dollar bill.

The note on the napkin read: “Dear miss, I respect you very much and I can see you respect yourself, too. It shows by the way you treat others. (3)You have found the secret of happiness. Your kindness will shine through to all those who meet you.”

The man she had waited on was the owner of the restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she or any of the other workers had ever seen him in person.

By Steve Brunkhorst

(1)The old man left﹩100 under the napkin because he

A. had a habit of giving tips to waitresses

B. thought the meal was delicious

C. wanted to thank the waitress for her good attitude

D. learned the secret of happiness from the waitress

(2)What do we know about the waitress and the old man?

A. The waitress knew who the old man was from the note.

B. The waitress knew the old man before she served him.

C. The old man wanted to have the waitress as his secretary.

D. It was the first time that the waitress had ever seen her boss.

(3)We can tell from the story that the old man went to the restaurant to .

A. have a good meal

B. enjoy good service

C. see the restaurant for himself

D. show his love for common people




【解析】【分析】本文叙述了一位餐馆的女服务员态度友好的为每一个客人服务从而获得幸福的故事。有一天,一位穿着破旧的老人,拄着拐杖来餐馆吃早餐,这个女服务员,热情的为他服务,老人非常尊重她的服务态度,留给她100美元的小费,并且告诉她已经找到了生活的幸福。(1)C推理判断题。第二段的help you with that chair和第三段的helped him sit 可知这个女服务员帮助了他,所以此处老人留下100美元应是感谢这个女服务员的。故选C。


(英语)中考英语动词专项训练及答案 一、动词 1.—How many _______doctors are there in your hospital, David? —_______them _______over one hundred. A. woman, The number of, is B. women, A number of, are C. woman, A number of, is D. women, The number of, is 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——戴维,在你们医院有多少女医生?——有100多名。空一,根据be动词are,可知是可数名词复数,woman的复数形式为women;空二,根据over one hundred,可知此处表示数量,固定搭配the number of,……的数量,空三,主语是the number of…,谓语用第三人称单数is。故选D。 【点评】考查不规则可数名词的复数和短语辨析。注意掌握常见的不规则可数名词复数的变形,注意the number of…,……的数量,a number of...,大量的……。 2.My elder brother my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire. A. took off B. kicked off C. carried out D. put out 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋,让我坐在炉火旁.took off脱掉.kicked off踢开.carried out进行,执行.put out扑灭.根据题干后半句made me sit by the fire让我坐在炉火旁.可推知前半句意思为我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋.结合选项只有A符合题意.故选A. 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 3.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 4.—Mm…Your pizza______ so nice.——Thanks! Would you like to try some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——嗯……你的比萨闻起来真香。——谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。


look短语look for寻找;look after照顾;look over查看;look forward to渴望,向往,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语;look at看着;look up抬头看,在…查找;look up to尊敬;look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if/though看起来好像;look through透过……看,翻阅,浏览;look into调查;look out当心;look out of往…外看look about [around]环顾四周look back 回顾,回想look on旁观, 看作,当作(与as 连用) put短语put off推迟,put on穿上;上演;put away把…暂时收起来,储存……备用;put up举起,建造,张贴;put out扑灭;put down写下;放下;put aside把…搁在一边;put back放回put…into把…放入put one’s heart into全神贯注 turn短语turn down把音量开小一点;拒绝;turn up把音量开大一点;出现;turn round/around回头;turn over 翻开;翻转;turn to朝向;变成;求助于;turn…into…把…变成…;turn into变成;turn out结果证明是;turn away 把脸转过去turn to sb转向某人turn out结果是turn on 打开(电灯等) turn off 关(电灯等) turn over (使)翻过来turn against背叛turn back折回,往回走turn around旋转,转过身来 call短语call at拜访,后接地点;call on拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召;call back回电话;call in 叫来;call up打电话,使回忆起;call for叫某人同往某处,要求;call off取消 be短语be friendly/kind to对…友好;be fed up with对…厌烦;be different from与…不同;be afraid of害怕;be popular with受…欢迎;be fond of喜欢,爱好;be interested in对…感兴趣;be surprised at对…惊讶;be satisfied/content/pleased with对…满意;be proud of对…感到自豪;be strict with对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be good to对…有好处;be good at擅长于…;be sure of/about对…有把握;be divided into被分成;be made up of由…构成;be angry with对某人生气;be busy with忙于;be full of/filled with装满了;be late for…迟到;be covered with覆盖着;be familiar with对…熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说是熟悉的;be famous/known for因…著名;be famous/known as作为…有名 get短语get on/along (well) with与某人相处(融洽),在…进展(顺利);get up起床;get on上车(船、飞机、马);get off下车(船、飞机、马);get back回去;get back to回到;get away离开,逃脱;get down 下来;get home到家;get into进入,陷入;get out (of) (从…)出去;get to到达get together聚会;get in收割get through通过,度过,完成get hold of获得,取得get over越过,恢复,克服get ready for为…作准备get up起床get used to习惯于


中考英语动词搭配辨析 1. 辨析take;cost;spend;pay 主语为人的有spend和pay;主语为物的有cost;主语常为“it”的有take. (1)spend多用人作主语,后接金钱或时间。spend…on sth / (in)doing sth,例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book. (2)take常用于"It takes sb. some time to do sth" 句型中,例如: It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (3)pay常与for连用,表“付给……款”。例如: I paid 15 Yuan for this new book. (4)cost常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”,例如: This new book cost me 15 Yuan. 【例题】How much money did you in fixing your watch? A. cost B. pay C. spend 2. 辨析bring; take; get;carry (1)bring指将某物或某人从离说话人较远处“拿来”或“带来”,由远及近。例如:You’d better finish you homework today and bring it to school tomorrow. May I bring Tom along?Bring the book to me, please. (2)take指将某物或某人从离说话人较近处“带到”或“拿到”离说话人较远处,由近及远。例如: Could you take the book to the classroom? I am busy now. (3)get指从说话人所在位置到别处把某物拿来。例如: Will you get that book for me? (4)carry不强调动作来去的方向,只说明动作方式,表示“背着、扛着、提着、载着”等含义。例如 The buses and taxis are carry people here and there. The box is so heavy that the little boy can’t carry it. 【例题】I don’t know where Wenchuan Country is. ---- Let me a map of China for you. A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry 3. 辨析take part in;join take part in 指“参加某活动、比赛”。 join 指“加入某组织或人群 【例题】Many famous pop stars the charity show. A. join B. take part in C. took part in 4. 辨析put on;wear;dress ;in put on 表“穿上”,强调穿衣的动作,后接衣服作宾语,代词放中间。 Here is your coat. Put it on, Lucy. He put on his new pair of sunglasses and went out. wear 表“穿着”,强调穿的状态,后接衣服作宾语。 -“What is she wearing?” - “She’s wearing a red hat and a blue jacket.” dress 表“给…穿衣服”,宾语为人。 My mother is dressing herself.


人教版中考英语专项训练动词短语专项练习经典 一、动词 1.Many teenagers the old and they often offer their seats to them on buses. A. depend on B. care for C. laugh at D. listen to 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:许多青少年关心老人,他们经常在公车上给这些人让座。dependon依靠;carefor关心;laughat嘲笑;listento听。结合语境,所以选B。 2.— Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasn't he? — Of course. He by people all over the world. A. was looked at B. was looked up to C. was looked for D. was looked down 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——Michael Jackson被称为流行音乐之王,是不是?——当然。他被全世界的人们尊敬。look at: 看一看,look up to: 尊敬,look for:寻找,look down: 瞧不起,根据语境可知答案,故选B。 【点评】考查动词短语。牢记四个动词短语的词义。 3.—Who reached the station on time? —I ! In fact, I arrived there 5 minutes earlier. A. was B. reached C. did D. do 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】问句的谓语动词为行为动词reach的过去式,故在作简短回答时,需要借助助动词did.故选C。句意是:—谁按时到达了车站?—我!实际上我提前五分钟就到了那里。 【点评】本题考查助动词的使用。 4.Thomas Edison was such a great person who never that he made so many great inventions all his life. A. took up B. thought up C. made up D. gave up 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】。句意:爱迪生是如此伟大的人物, 一生中他从来不放弃他做的这么多的发明。A. took up接收;B. thought up想出;C. made up编造;D. gave up放弃。根据语意故答案选D。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析主要考查took up thought up made up gave up四个动词短语


初中英语动词短语整理 1. break break down出毛病,拆开 break off暂停,中断 break out爆发 2. call call up打电话 call out大喊,高叫 3. come come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来 come out出版,结果是 come on来临/ 快点 come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来 come up发芽,走近 come back回来 come from来自,源自 4. cut cut down砍倒,削减 cut up连根拔除,切碎 5. die die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因) die from死于(外界原因) die out绝种 6. fall fall behind落后 fall down掉下,跌倒 fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。。掉下 fall out与。。。争吵 7. go go along沿着。。。。走 go through通过,经受 go over复习,检查go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go against违反 go away离开 go by时间过去 go down降低,(日、月)西沉 go on(with)继续进行 go out外出,熄灭 go off发出响声 8. get get down下来,记下,使沮丧 get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复 get along with进展,相处 get up起床 get into (trouble) 陷入困境中 get back取回,收回 get out 出去 get to 到达。。。 9. give give away赠送,泄露,出卖 give out发出,疲劳,分发, give in (to sb.) 屈服 give up放弃,让(座位) 10. hand hand in交上,提交 hand out分发 11.hold hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持 12. keep keep up with跟上 keep out 不使。。。进入 keep from克制,阻止 keep away from避开,不接近, keep on继续,坚持下来 keep down 使。。。处于低水平 13.knock knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上 14. look look up查找,向上看 look through翻阅,浏览 look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心 look about / around/round四下查看 look forward to盼望 15. make make up编造,打扮,组成 make into / of / from 制成 16.pass pass by经过 pass down(on)…to传给 17. pay pay back还钱,报复 pay for付钱,因…得到报应 18. pick pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听, pick out挑选,辨认,看出 19. put put up张贴,举起, put out伸出,扑灭 put off推迟 put into放进,翻译 put away放好,存钱 put down记下,平息 put on穿戴,上映, put aside放到一边

中考英语动词搭配辨析 (5)

中考英语动词搭配辨析 中考英语近义动词(词组)辨析 1. 辨析take;cost;spend;pay 主语为人的有spend和pay;主语为物的有cost;主语常为“it”的有take. (1)spend多用人作主语,后接金钱或时间。spend…on sth / (in)doing sth,例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book. (2)take常用于 "It takes sb. some time to do sth" 句型中,例如: It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (3)pay常与for连用,表“付给……款”。例如: I paid 15 Yuan for this new book. (4)cost常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”,例如: This new book cost me 15 Yuan. 【例题】How much money did you in fixing your watch? A. cost B. pay C. spend 2. 辨析bring; take; get; carry (1)bring指将某物或某人从离说话人较远处“拿来”或“带来”,由远及近。例如:You’d better finish you homework today and bring it to school tomorrow. May I bring Tom along?Bring the book to me, please. (2)take指将某物或某人从离说话人较近处“带到”或“拿到”离说话人较远处,由近及远。例如: Could you take the book to the classroom? I am busy now. (3)get指从说话人所在位置到别处把某物拿来。例如: Will you get that book for me? (4)carry不强调动作来去的方向,只说明动作方式,表示“背着、扛着、提着、载着”等含义。例如 The buses and taxis are carry people here and there. The box is so heavy that the little boy can’t carry it. 【例题】I don’t know where Wenchuan Country is. ---- Let me a map of China for you. A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry 3. 辨析take part in;join take part in 指“参加某活动、比赛”。 join 指“加入某组织或人群 【例题】Many famous pop stars the charity show. A. join B. take part in C. took part in 4. 辨析put on;wear;dress ;in put on 表“穿上”,强调穿衣的动作,后接衣服作宾语,代词放中间。 Here is your coat. Put it on, Lucy. He put on his new pair of sunglasses and went out. wear 表“穿着”,强调穿的状态,后接衣服作宾语。


人教版中考英语专项训练动词短语专项练习综合 一、动词 1.Grandfather lives with us. We all ________ him. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:爷爷和我们住在一起,我们都照顾他。 A. look at看; B. look for 寻找; C. look after照顾;照看; D. look like看起来像…;根据语境及意义,故选C。 【点评】动词词组的意义多与组合所使用的词有关,学生要注意体会记忆。 2.— Smoking and drunkenness (酗酒) are both bad for people's health. — Yes. So we should cigarettes and alcohol. A. shut down B. get on with C. stay away from D. put away 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:吸烟和酗酒都有害人们的健康。--是的。所以我们应该______香烟和酒。A.shut down关闭;B.get on with和......相处;C.stay away from远离;D.put away收起来放好。故选C。 【点评】此题考查固定的短语搭配,平时应多归纳总结并记忆。 3.When you supposed to the meeting yesterday? A. were; had B. was; had C. were; have D. was; have 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】此题考查短语be supposed to do sth.应该做某事。根据yesterday昨天,可知为一般过去时;主语为you,所以be应该为were。故选C 【点评】此题考查固定短语搭配,平时要多归纳总结并记忆以积累词汇量。 4.The red car is Jim's and the blue one me. A. belongs B. belongs to C. belonged to D. is belonged to 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:这部红色轿车是吉姆的,这部蓝色的属于我。belong to 意为“属于”,是固定短语, 排除A;属于不及物动词,无被动语态,排除D;根据连词and前的一般现在时态,故后句也应用一般现在时态。故选B。


人教版中考英语九年级英语动词短语试题和答案 一、动词 1.—What's the meaning of"One Belt and One Road"? —Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语.句意"﹣﹣‘一带一路'是什么意思?﹣﹣让我在新字典中查一下单词."look at看.look for寻找.look after照顾.look up查阅.根据题干第一句﹣What's the meaning of"One Belt and One Road"?﹣﹣"一带一路"是什么意思?可知回答应该是﹣﹣让我在新字典中查一下单词.只有D选项符合题意.故选D. 2.Mr.Wang often encourages us________close to nature and enjoy its beauty. A. get B. getting C. to get D. got 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:王先生经常鼓励我们靠近大自然享受它的美。encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事,故选C。 【点评】考查固定短语。牢记encourage短语的用法。 3.Not having __________ her daughter abroad for a long time, the mother was very worried. A. heard of B. heard from C. learned from 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:很长时间没有国外女儿的……,妈妈很担心。A.听说; B.收到……来信;C.向……学习,结合句意选B。 【点评】考查动词短语词义。 4.We should keep the windows ________ in order to let the fresh air in. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】keep sth. +形容词,使某物处于……的状态。句意:我们应该让窗户__让新鲜空气进来。根据句意应选择形容词open开着的。故选A。 【点评】考查keep sth. +形容词结构。


(英语)中考英语专题汇编英语动词(一)及解析 一、动词 1.— That mountain in Guilin ________ an elephant. — So it does. It's amazing! A. looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:“桂林的那座山看起来像一只大象。”“是的,真令人惊奇。”look like 看起来像;look up查询;look for寻找;look after照料。根据句意故选B。 【点评】考查短语动词辨析。 2.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 3.—Three-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours. ——It amazing. It's my first time to get to know the news. A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一3D打印技术可以用于在24小时内建一座房子。一一听起来令人惊异。这是我第一次知道这个消息.A.看起来;B.闻起来;C.听起来;D.尝起来。这是一则有关3D打印的消息,是通过听觉感受到的。故选C。 4.- Who your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? – My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman. A. put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。句意:当你外出度假时,谁照顾你的宠物狗?-----我的邻居,一个热心的女人。A.穿,张贴;B.照顾;C.放弃;D.关。结合句意可知选B。


中考英语必考动词的分类及辨析,为孩子打印收藏! 一百分计划2018-11-23 14:59:28 在英语中,动词的使用形式变化多样,与汉语语法截然不同,因此成为我们学习中的一大难点。由近几年中考题可以看出动词为单项选择题的必考点,尤其是对动词短语的考查,偏向take、turn、put、down等。 考查形式主要集中在三个方面: ①同一动词+不同介词; ②不同动词+同一介词; ③不同动词+不同介词。 对动词的考查侧重感官系动词词义的辨析,也偶尔涉及实义动词的辨析。设题形式均为简单句。 一、系动词 系动词不能单独作谓语,必须跟表语一起构成谓语。常用的系动词分类如下: (1)be动词:am, is, are, was, were (2)感官类:look, sound, smell, taste, feel (3)变化类:become, get, grow, go, turn (4)状态类:keep, stay 二、助动词 助动词本身没有词义,不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词一起构成谓语,表示时态、语态、

语气等特征,共同构成否定、疑问、强调、省略等句子。主要的助动词有be, have, has, had, do, does, did, will, would和shall等。 三、实义动词 实义动词是能独立作谓语的动词。按其语法作用分为及物动词和不及物动词;按其持续性可分为延续性动词和非延续性动词。 1.及物动词 及物动词本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。 (1)动词+宾语 如:Can you open the window? (2)动词+宾语+宾补 如:We call him Bill. I saw Tom play in the park yesterday. 注意:用省略to的不定式或现在分词作宾补的动词有make, let, see, watch, hear, notice 等。 (3)动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 如:May I ask you a question? Please pass me the book. 常见的带双宾语的动词有:give, bring, buy, get, lend, offer, pass, teach, tell, write, return 等。 2. 不及物动词 (1)不及物动词本身意义完整,其后不必跟宾语。


2019中考英语专题练习-动词(含解析) 一、单选题 1.I had to walk to school because the bus broke down on the way this morning. A. threw away B. stopped working C. ran slowly 2.If you ____ someone or something from several people or things that are available (有用的), you decide which person or thing you want to have. A. punish B. push C. choose 3.—Jimmy, your toys should be in right order.—OK, I'll ________ them _________ right now. A. put, down B. put, away C. put, up D. put, on 4.—Did you see Tom at the party? —No, he by the time I got there. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 5.一Have you mended your bike,Bob? 一Yes,I______it twenty minutes ago. A. have mended B. mend C. had mended D. mended 6.-- you go to Xi'an with me tomorrow? -- I'd love to. But I have a lot of work to do. A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Do 7.There a sports meeting tomorrow. A. is going to have B. had C. is going to be D. has 8.—What is a left-luggage office?—It's a place where bags _ be left for a short time, especially at a station. A. will B. must C. can D. should 9.The manager is used to _____________the computer to check e-mails every morning. A. turn on B. turning on C. turn off D. turning off


初中英语常见动词短语归纳A)动词+ 介词 agree with同意......的意见(想法);符合 base on以......(为)根据 listen to听...... get to到达...... fall off (从......)掉下 help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事) knock at /on敲(门、窗) laugh at嘲笑 learn ... from ...向......学习 live on继续存在;靠......生活

look after照顾,照看 look at看;观看 look for寻找 look like看起来像 pay for (sth.)付钱;支付 point at指示;指向 point to指向...... prefer to ...宁愿(选择);更喜欢 quarrel with (和某人)吵架 regard ... as ...把......当作......;当作 stop ... from阻止......做...... talk about说话;谈话;谈论

talk with与......交谈 think about考虑 think of认为;想起 B)动词+ 副词 ask for请求;询问 carry on坚持下去;继续下去 cut down砍倒 clean up清除;收拾干净 come down下来;落 come along来;随同 come in进来 come on来吧;跟着来;赶快

come out出来;出现;(花)开;发(芽) come over过来;顺便来访 drop off放下(某物);下车 eat up吃光;吃完 fall behind落在......后面;输给别人 fall down跌倒;从......落下 find out查出(真相) get back回来;取回 get down下来;落下;把......取下来 get off下来;从......下来 get on上(车) get up起床


动词专项练习 一、单项选择 1. Judy ______ the Great Wall twice, and now she still ______ to go there. A.went to; wanted B.goes to; wants C.has gone to; wants D.has been to; wants 2. --- “Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!” ---“Sorry, I ____ it.” A.don't see B.didn't see C.haven't seen D.won't see 3. Tom has worked here ______ two years ago. A.for B.at C.in D.since 4. I ____ you for a long time. Where ____ you ____ ? A.didn't see; did; go B.didn't see; have; gone C.haven't seen; have; been D.haven't seen; have; gone 5. Peter's mother died three years ago. She ____ for three years. A.died B.was dead C.has been dead D.has dies 6. There ____ a parents’ meeting tomorrow afternoon. A.are B.will have C.is going to be D. is 7. --- “Where's Li Lei? ” ---“He ______ his sports shoes in the room. He ______ football with his friends. ” A.is putting on; is playing B.puts on; will play C.is putting on; will play D.put on; played 8. Three quarters of the world's books and newspapers ______ in English. A.are writing B.is written C.is writing D.are written 9. Our school will hold a sports meeting if it ______ tomorrow. A.isn't rain B.rains C.won't rain D.doesn't rain 10. Granny Wang told the little children that the sun ______ in the east. A.has risen B.rose C.rises D.rise


中考英语专题复习——动词辨析(真题)C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共60题;共240分) 1. (4分)She said that she would do _______ she could __________ her daughter laugh. A . what, make B . that, make C . what, to make D . that, to make 2. (4分)The children expect the new cartoon soon. A . watch B . to watch C . watching D . watched 3. (4分)My mother wants me milk every day. A . drink B . drinking C . to drink D . drank 4. (4分)My parents decide ________ to the beach this week. A . go B . going C . to go 5. (4分)This house is too small for us ________. A . to live in B . to live C . living to D . lived in 6. (4分)—Could you tell me _______ to have the picnic? —Near the South Beach.

A . what B . when C . where D . how 7. (4分)I feel very worried when I can't think of anyone ___________. A . to talk B . talk to C . to talk to D . to talk to about 8. (4分)It's said that the water in that lake is _______ for us _______. A . too clean; to drink B . enough clean; to drink C . so clean; to drink D . clean enough; to drink 9. (4分)He has much time ____ the piano. A . play B . plays C . playing D . to play 10. (4分)It is easy for those students _________ that river to school. A . cross B . to cross C . across 11. (4分)—I can't stop playing computer games. —For your health, my boy. I'm afraid you _______. A . can B . may C . must D . have to


初三英语动词专项练习题及答案(中考必备) 用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1. Li Ping often __________ (read) English in the morning. 2. __________ he __________ (clean) the windows once a week. 3. The workers __________ (have) sports on the playground now. 4. How long __________ you __________ (stay) there the day before yesterday. 5. Who __________ (listen) to the music? 6. When I __________ (be) a middle school student, I often __________ (sing). 7. His parents __________(go) to the Great Wall tomorrow morning. 8. __________ they __________ (study) Japanese next term? 9. What time __________ you __________ (do) your homework everyday. 10. Look! The students __________ (clean) the classroom. 11. What _________ your after _________ (do) yesterday? —He _________ (write) two letters. 12. There __________ (be) a football match on TV this evening. 13. My father __________ (leave) for Japan tomorrow morning. 14. Tom __________ (not listen) to the radio every morning. 15. __________ (be) there any hospitals here twenty years ago? 16. I __________ (come) to see you again before long. 17. __________ there __________ (be) an English evening next Saturday? 18. __________ your uncle __________ (have) a meeting last Friday? 19. What __________ the young Pioneers __________ (do) on the hill now?
