

More and more farmers and food manufacturers are genetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility to disease, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you think genetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Sample 6 Score

A few decades ago, manipulating genes in people, plants, and animals was just

science fiction. Today, it’s a reality, and genetic modification may have many

positive applications in the future, including the eradication of many hereditary

diseases. But like most scientific and technological advances, the genetic

modification of organisms for our food supply can be as dangerous as it is

beneficial. Because of the potential dangers of this technology, I think genetically

altering plants and animals in the food supply is a practice that should

be very tightly controlled and carefully studied before it is an accepted and

common practice. Unfortunately, it may already be too late for that.

Many people don’t even realize that many of their foods are genetically

modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are already prevalent in supermarkets

and grocery stores across the country, but manufacturers are not

required to label foods as having been made from GMOs. As a result, millions

of Americans purchase and eat GMOs every day without even knowing

it. Yet we don’t even know if GMOs are harmful to our health. We

don’t really know how GMOs may affect our bodies or our ecosystem.

When we mess with DNA, we may be making changes that have all sorts

of dangerous repercussions, including some that we may not even realize

for several generations.

One of the main concerns about GMOs is the unpredictability of the

behavior of altered genes and of the bacteria, plants, and animals that interact

with the altered organism. For example, a crop of corn genetically modified

to be less susceptible to a particular insect may take on other unwanted

characteristics due to the change. It may, for example, become more susceptible

to another disease, or it could develop a tougher skin on its kernels,

or it could decrease the crop’s ability to produce vitamin E.

More frightening is the domino effect of genetically modifying foods.

Any change in an organism’s DNA has the potential to affect not only the

organism but also anything that feeds off of it, including us. How do we

know how GMOs might affect us on a microscopic, genetic level? We don’t

know, and can’t know, without years of studies that track all sorts of potential

outcomes over several generations.

Another fear is that transferred genes may escape from one organism into

another. For example, imagine that Strain A of sweet peas was altered by

adding a gene that would increase its sugar production. Through cross-pollination,

this altered genetic code could enter other strains and slowly (or

quickly) infect the entire sub-species. If the alteration was beneficial, this

could be a good thing. But the altered gene might not act the same way in

all varieties, and the change may not be a good thing in the first place,

and/or it may have unintended consequences.

Genetically modifying foods is a practice that has been driven by the

desire to make more food available more quickly and more cheaply than ever before. This attitude puts profit first and consumers and the environment last, and that is simply dangerous. The agribusiness needs to slow

down and stop selling us GMOs until their safety is certain.

转基因食物 英语作文(优.选)

Genetically Modified food With the science and technology expanding day by day,we can get and experience more and more things which have never existed before,such as plane,car and genetically modified food.The planes and cars can let us be more convenient in our daily life.However,so far we still do not clearly know all the aspects of genetically modified food.Do they damage to our healthy? So what is the genetically modified food?It is a kind of food that people apply modern molecular biotechnology,transfer some biological gene to other species, transform the genetic material of living things,change the shape, nutritional quality, consumer quality to the target of people's needs.So from the definition of GMF,we can know it happened for people's needs.We can have more options to cook and eat,and it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than others.Originally, it is good for our life. While,almost 50 percent of the whole people in China believe that the genetically modified food is not safe to our healthy,but what is the fun thing is most of them don't know how the genetically modified food damage their healthy.They just are deeply misunderstanding and even have repellent psychology because of the long-time negative public opinion.


谈谈我对转基因食品的 看法 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

谈谈我对转基因食品的看法 摘要:本文从转基因食品的内涵入手,介绍了转基因食品的技术,分析了转基因食品的安全性,阐述了对待转基因食品的思考。 关键词:转基因食品技术安全性思考 转基因食品(Transgenic Food or Genetically Changed Food)是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物(动物、植物或微生物))的基因转移到其他物种中去,通过对生物基因的改造,改变它们的遗传物质,使优良基因在其中得到表达,使其在性状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。这种以转基因生物为食物或为原料加工生产出的食品,我们称之为“转基因食品”。 1983年世界上第一例转基因植物构建成功,从此揭开了转基因食品的序幕。美国是最早进行转基因食品研究的国家,至1998年底,美国已有3O例转基因植物被批准进行商业化生产。2O世纪8O年代初,我国也逐步开始了对转基因食品的研究,并且取得了一定的成果。进入21世纪,转基因食品得到了更快的发展,但是人们对转基因食品的安全性也产生了种种疑虑,转基因食品对人类的安全、对环境的影响、对物种的危害等问题成为当今社会讨论的热点问题之一。 如何看待这一问题呢?我认为首先应该从转基因食品的发展来认识这一新的技术。1、转基因技术 转基因技术就是利用现代分子生物技术,将基因转移到生物的基因组中,通过表达,从而使生物在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。转变的目的基因有两种:一种是生物本身的基因,过量表达或者降低表达了而已;另一种是别的生物的基因(比如最常见的就是HT蛋白和BT蛋白的基因)的正常或过量表达等。除了目的基因以外,同时转进去的载体上含有启动子(启动这个基因表达的)和报告基因(一般是抗生素基因)。而转变了这样基因的食品就是转基因食品。 2、转基因食品利弊认识 了解了转基因技术,接着我们在从从DNA和RNA水平上看转基因食品。大家都知道,我们吃的绝大部分食物都是由活或死的细胞构成的。细胞含有遗传物质DNA,DNA会被人体分解。食品中的DNA进入肠道时已成为碎片,变成非完整的基因。而外源基因想转入肠


班级:A17班姓名:学号:Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped? Nowadays, the number of genetically-modified food is steadily increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped . As far as I am concerned , genetically-modified food should not be stopped. Firstly, there is necessity for genetically-modified food to exist. Genetically-modified food belongs to food. The world is lack of resources. Every day, millions of people around the world eat only the bare minimum of food to keep themselves alive. They will be very grateful for having this kind of food to survive. Secondly, it is easier for us to plant genetically-modified food. At the same time, the production cost is also greatly reduced. As a result ,food prices will increasingly low. There is no doubt that it is good news for consumers. Thirdly, It will reduce the use of pesticides and then avoid the pollution of the environment. In addition, genetically-modified food can bring us many other benefits, for example, increasing food nutrition, increasing the types of food and so on. However,although genetically-modified food have so many advantages, some people still insist that they should never eat genetically-modified food. They are afraid of potential threat


Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 思路解析: 2016年雅思收官之战的作文来了一道新题,问当今社会老年人的生活是不是很 糟糕?说是新题,因为本题以前从未原题出现过,但关于年龄的话题却不缺少。 比如2010年7月10日“年轻人是否适合担任政府要职”,2012年3月10日“老 龄化现象的原因及解决方法”,2012年3月31日“年轻人和老年人谁的价值更 高?”,2013年6月8日“政府是否应该对老年人养老提供财政支持?”,2015 年1月1日“年轻人当领导,行不行?”,2015年4月11日“老年人与年轻人 争夺工作职位,怎么办?”等等。 本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。那 么,变老有哪些坏处呢?首先,当然是身体条件没有以前好了,甚至可能出现多 种疾病(物质层面);其次,不工作了,与人的联系少了,心里可能会感觉孤单, 甚至感觉没有价值了(精神层面);最后,变老后对社会的依赖程度更高,给社会 增加了压力(社会层面)。那么,这些问题在当今社会是不是得到了解决呢?首先, 医疗条件的改善有助于保持老年人的身体状况;互联网的出现有助于缓解老年人 的心理孤单问题;物质水平的提高也降低了老年人给社会造成的压力。如此观之, 现代社会老年人的生活的确容易多了,但我的观点是:外部条件只是改善老年人 生活的一个方面,最重要的还是老年人自己要积极调整心态,努力适应退休后的 生活,从而过一个更幸福更祥和的晚年。 Sample answer: Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reach a certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, and you may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you will feel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, then you may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically or emotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your family and the whole society as well. For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that the life of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the first place, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old people to stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might have


我对转基因食品安全的 看法

我对转基因食品安全的看法 食安31402夏辉 序号:25 学号:201405028 摘要:转基因食品自面世来一直受到热议,最近更是上升到了舆论的尖端。转基因食品应用广泛,具有巨大的社会效益和经济利益,同时也可能带来一些潜在的安全问题,对人类健康和生态环境产生一定的危害。本文主要讨论转基因食品的利与弊,了解转基因食品的利与弊,更好的面对转基因食品,在正确的价值观和发展观的指导下采取相应措施,使转基因食品真正造福于人类。 转基因是现代发明的一项新技术,转基因技术的理论基础来源于进化论衍生来的分子生物学。基因片段的来源可以是提取特定生物体基因组中所需要的目的基因,也可以是人工合成指定序列的DNA片段。DNA片段被转入特定生物中,与其本身的基因组进行重组,再从重组体中进行数代的人工选育,从而获得具有稳定表现特定的遗传性状的个体。该技术可以使重组生物增加人们所期望的新性状,培育出新品种。但是这项技术发明的同时还有很大的争议,而争议的关键在于人类是否像自己所认为的那样,已经可以代替上帝改造自然。毕竟人类曾经认为地球是宇宙的中心。 1:转基因食品现状:自1983年世界上第一例转基因作物(烟草和马铃薯)问世以来,转基因植物的研究得到了迅速发展。1994年延熟保鲜转基因番茄在美国批准上市,从1996年开始,转基因作物商品化应用进入迅猛发展时期,2000年全球种植面积达到4420万公顷,2001年在有激烈争议的情况下种植面积仍比上年增加19%,达到5260万公顷。其中,转基因大豆种植面积为3330万公顷,占转基因作物总面积的63%;其次为玉米,980万公顷,占转基因作


Genetically engineered foods have attracted a large amount of media attention in recent years and continue to do so. Despite this, the general public remains largely unaware of what genetically engineered foods actually is or what advantages and disadvantages the technology has to offer.Two main areas of concern have emerged, namely risk to the environment and risk to human health.And I think that genetically engineered foods should be boycotted by restaurant owners, supermarket owners, consumers in general in order to eliminate this potential danger. Firstly, the genetically engineered foods may do harm to individuals and the animals. For example, some genetically engineered crops’ gene is transferred from other plants which are quite different, and this makes them resistant to insects. Since this special crop are resistant to insects, they may be also poisonous to certain animals, and even people. It can affect other species through genetic drift, threat to the biodiversity. Secondly, there is a potential danger. Many children in the US and Europe have developed life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other foods. There is a possibility


雅思大作文5分与7分范文各项指数对比分析 Let’s compare two answers to a question.The topic is as follows: International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the advantages of international tourism outweigh the disadvantages? A Poor Essay – The following is a band 5 essay. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? In my opinion advantages outweight the disadvantages. Firstly, many countries like Egypt or Tailand live from tourism Lots of people work there as a seilsmens or tourist guides. These countries without support of tourists wouldn’t be able to funtcion properly. Secondly, in countries visited by tourists are plenty of places where people just can’t pass because of rare animals or plant s. Another thing is that people like traveling and seeing new exotic places. They like lie on the beach or swim in ocean. Furthermore, tourism is now more growing industry highering tousands of people. There are makeing new places to work and to have fun. But on the other hand, people often for get that they aren’t the only beings on the planet. Many tourists are living garbage just anywhere. Some of them wan’t an exotic souvenir so they pay for illegal things like dea d or live animals or some sculpture. To sum up I think international traveling is a good thing but people must realise that there is something else besides them. They need to know that flora and fauna needs to be protected. People have to enjoy their holidays but alsow protect environment. Below is an analysis of this essay. Task Response The essay question has been copied and used as the introduction (paragraph 1). Once these 34 words are taken off the word count, the response is underlength at 194 words and so loses marks. Nevertheless, the topic is addressed and a relevant position is expressed, although there are patches – as in the third paragraph – where the development is unclear. Other ideas are more relevant but are sometimes insufficiently developed.


对转基因食品的看法 所谓的转基因就是:运用科学手段从某种生物中提取所需要的基因,将其转入另一种生物中,使其与另一种生物的基因进行重组,从而产生特定的具有优良遗传性状的物质。而由通过转基因技术改造成的转基因生物制造、生产的食品、食品原料及食品添加物等就被称为转基因食品。转基因食品主要包括:植物性转基因食品、动物性转基因食品、转基因微生物食品、转基因特殊食品等。 许多人担心转基因食品的安全性问题。有些人觉得吃了转基因食品后,某些基因会转移到人体中,从而危害自身及后代的安全。我认为这是由于不了解基因作用原理而产生的一种误解。其实,几乎任何食品都含有基因,不论基因的来源如何,构成基因的物质DNA进入人体后,都会被酶分解成小分子,不可能将外来遗传信息带到人的基因组里。从这个角度上说,转基因食品与传统食品其实并没有什么差别。 不过转基因食品的确存在着不少问题,如转基因食品可能产生新的有害物质或过敏源;自身能制造杀虫毒素可能伤害其他生物,或进入食物链威胁家畜人类健康;转基因作物可能与野生亲源作物杂交,造成“基因污染”;坑虫害的转基因作物,可能导致对其读素有抵抗力的害虫获得生存优势,成为新的“超级害虫”。 但能作为一门被众多科学家热衷新兴的技术,不难想见转基因食品有其不可抹灭的存在价值。它不但解决了粮食短缺问题,更减少了农药使用,避免环境污染;节省生产成本,降低食物售价;增加食物营养,提高附加价值;增加食物种类,提升食物品质;同时它也促进了生产效率,带动相关产业发展。 我觉得我们不能因为转基因技术存在的问题而因噎废食,毕竟,任何事物都有其两面性。转基因食品是新的科技产物,尽管现在还存在这样或那样的问题,但随着科技的发展,它会愈来愈完善。我们相信,只要按照一定的规定去做,我国生物技术的发展会是健康、有序的,我们的生活也会因生物技术带来的转基因食品而变得更加丰富精彩。带着美好的愿望预测未来,我们再也不会担心农药的危害,我们吃的食品都是新鲜的,我们的食品不会短缺……也许糖尿病人只需每天喝一杯特殊的牛奶就可以补充胰岛素,也许我们会见到多种水果摆在药店里出售,补钙的、补铁的、治感冒的、抗病毒的……很有可能,转基因食品会让我们的明天灿烂无比。但在我们未了解转基因食品之前,还是不要过分乐观,因为转基因食品毕竟不是自然植物,很有可能打乱生物链。所以要加快发展脚步,建立健全转基因食品的安全性评价机制,这是至关重要的。

two parts(雅思考官Simon最新九分范文)

题目是Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be?Should governments give more financial support to local film industries? 很多人喜欢外国电影胜过本土电影。原因?政府该资助本地电影么? 考官级范文库:6大题型36篇9分雅思写作范文汇总分享 范文: It is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than domestically produced films. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and I believe that governments should promote local film-making by subsidising the industry. There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more enjoyable than the films produced in their own countries. Firstly, the established film industries in certain countries have huge budgets for action, special effects and to shoot scenes in spectacular locations. Hollywood blockbusters like ‘Avatar’or the James Bond films are examples of such productions and the global appeal that they have. Another reason why these big-budget films are so successful is that they often star the most famous actors and actresses, and they are made by the most accomplished producers and directors. The poor quality, low-budget filmmaking in many countries suffers in comparison. In my view, governments should support local film industries financially. In every country, there may be talented amateur film-makers who just need to be given the opportunity to prove themselves. To compete with big-budget productions from overseas, these people need money to pay for film crews, actors and a host of other costs related to producing high-quality films. If governments did help with these costs, they would see an increase in employment in the film industry, income from film sales, and perhaps even a rise in tourist numbers. New Zealand, for example, has seen an increase in tourism related to the 'Lord of the Rings' films, which were partly funded by government subsidies. In conclusion, I believe that increased financial support could help to raise the quality of locally made films and allow them to compete with the foreign productions that currently dominate the market. (295 words, band 9) 题目是Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?重复犯罪的原因和解决方法 范文: A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to reoffend. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released. There are a number of solutions which should be implemented to deal with criminals who reoffend. Firstly, the reason for most first-time offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison, is due to the lack of rehabilitation whilst in prison. In other words, offenders are not given a chance to retrain and learn new skills for their future or develop a deeper understanding of correct moral behaviour and instead mix with other criminals, which only strengthens their criminal intentions. Secondly, repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty in finding employment after being released. As a result, many of them struggle financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences. There are two effective solutions to the problem of repeat offenders. One way to tackle this is to ensure that all criminals entering prison are given the chance to retrain with useful skills which will hopefully ensure them a job after they have served their sentence. By doing this, it will help them reintegrate back into society and give them some means of supporting themselves financially. Another method of dealing with criminals who reoffend is to have more supervision and checks in place when they are back in society. This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and deter them from reoffending because they are being so closely watched. In conclusion, having training in prison and also close observation when first time offenders are released are effective in dealing with the issue. If governments implemented these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.


浅谈对转基因看法 转基因技术是现代生物技术的核心,运用转基因技术培育高产、优质、多抗、高效的新品种,能够降低农药、肥料投入,对缓解资源约束、保护生态环境、改善产品品质、拓展农业功能等具有重要作用.目前,世界许多国家把转基因生物技术作为支撑发展、引领未来的战略选择,转基因技术已成为各国抢占科技制高点和增强农业国际竞争力的战略重点. 我国是一个人口大国,解决十三亿人口的吃饭问题始终是头等大事.在工业化、城镇化快速发展的过程中,突破耕地、水等资源约束,保障国家粮食安全和农产品长期有效供给,归根结底要靠科技创新和应用.推进转基因技术研究与应用,是着眼于未来国际竞争和产业分工的重大发展战略,是确保国家粮食安全的必然要求和重要途径.经过多年努力,我国在重要基因发掘、转基因新品种培育及产业化应用等方面都取得了重大成果.当前我们必须认真实施好国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,努力抢占未来经济科技竞争制高点,加速转基因生物技术研究与应用健康发展,为我国农业可持续发展提供强有力的科技支撑. 同样是为了防治病虫害,同样是为了满足人类对食物的需求,化学农药和转基因作物却遇到了公众截然相反的态度.化学农药问世后,人们欢呼人类在同病虫害的斗争中取得胜利.转基因作物问世后,争议声却一直不绝于耳,公众始终充满疑虑. 公众最关心的是转基因食品的安全性,焦点集中在两个方面:转基因食品是否对人和哺乳动物有毒性?是否会引起过敏?事实是,在有关国际机构以及各国政府高度重视和严格监管下,转基因作物在全球大面积商业化种植13年来,从未发生安全性事故. 转基因食品尽管是个新鲜词,但“基因”一词已有100年历史,它由丹麦遗传学家约翰逊于1909年提出.基因能控制生物的性状,转基因就是把一种生物的基因转入到另外一种生物中,使被转入基因的生物产生人类需要的新性状.人类在文明进程中所做的作物品种选育,实质也属于“转基因”,目的是获得产量更高、品质更好的农作物,使其更符合人类的需求. 有人担心转基因食品的外源基因会跑进人体,进而改变人的基因.科学常识告诉我们,所有生物的所有基因都是由核酸组成的,进入胃肠后都要被消化、降解成小分子,不再是完整的基因,不会以基因的形态进入人体组织.我们每天食用的米饭、馒头、蔬菜、肉类等含有亿万个基因,有谁担心过这些基因对自己有害而不去吃饭? 转基因在争论中前行.转基因农作物自1996年在全球开始大规模种植以来,带来了巨大的经济效益和显着的社会与生态效益,其推广速度之快为近代农业科技史上所罕见.目前,美国市场上70%的食品中都含有转基因成分.据估计,全球有半数以上人口食用过转基因食品. 诚然,同任何新生事物一样,转基因不可能十全十美,10多年时间虽然没有出什么问题,但也不能说今后百分之百的没风险,这就注定转基因还要在争论中前行.公众对转基因食品的了解认识还需要一个过程,争论在时刻提醒科学家和政府,把转基因的安全性始终放在重要位置,趋利避害,防范风险,确保转基因技术造福人类


Although we can easily acquire knowledge from modern media like television and internet,I think it is not enough to prove that the teachers will lose their position in the future. Indeed,people can absorb a lot of knowledges from television and internet.For example ,some students now can watch many teaching videos on television and internet and they do not need to get these knowledge from teacher.Some modern software can even help students to make a suitable study plan.It is obvious that students do not need to listen to the fixed content in the classroom. However,are all students have the chance to get the knowledge that they want from television and internet?Many poor students cannot afford the cost of television or internet and some elders do not know how to use these equipments.Getting various of knowledge from teacher is the best way for them.Otherwise,online learning needs time to make the courseware.The student cannot learn the new course if the courseware has not completed by the teacher. Even if television and internet can meet some needs of students but they cannot completely perform the effects of the teachers.In fact, children also need to learn the method of communication and how to become a good citizen.In this aspect,teachers play an important role during the learning process.The computer cannot completely achieve the teaching goal. To sum up, modern technologies can replace some of teachers' job. but considering other important parts in education, I do not believe this development can make teachers useless in the future.


对于转基因食物,我个人认为只要是经过严格的检验,符合食品安全标准就应该准许进入市场,而我也愿意食用。 现在在餐桌上随处可见的番茄在秘鲁和墨西哥最初被称为狼桃,被认为是有毒而不可使用的,而张牙舞爪,形象可怖的螃蟹自然也不会是人们最初找寻食物时就愿意尝试的美味。但是,和很多最初被认为不能食用的东西一样,番茄和螃蟹最终被证实可以食用,这两样美味的食材还是被带到了大众的餐桌上。 现在,转基因食物对于我们而言,就像是当时的人面对番茄螃蟹。网络媒体上叫嚣着转基因食物的七大害八大害的,简直把转基因食物说成了是害人不浅的毒物,是科技发展的副产品,是发达国家对发展中国家的欺骗,我觉得这实在是有违媒体工作者的职业道德。我们应该科学、理智的看待转基因食物。实践才是检验真理的唯一标准,实在是没有必要把转基因食物妖魔化。 前不久,在网络上看到关于一则转基因食物的报道,报道称中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院做了一项实验,证实转基因食物对猪无害。该机构对小型猪进行了转BT基因抗虫大米的90天喂养实验,实验显示在这喂养期间“猪无中毒或者死亡现象,皮毛顺滑,行动灵活,饮食正常,生长发育状况良好”。猪的肠道环境与人类似,该实验在一定程度上能说明转基因食物的无害性。我们的消化系统中自有水解食物主要成分的相应的酶,对转基因食物的摄入消化吸收与对普通食物的摄入消化吸收是一样的。仅仅因为转基因食物的来源,而毫无根据的认定转基因食物的食用会导致不孕不育等是不应该的。 但是,人们对未知事物的恐惧与排斥几乎就是本能反应,更何况是在颇受食品安全问题困扰的中国。因此,我们需要让大众了解转基因食物,正确认识转基因食物。要让更多的人了解转基因食物,指望用传统的广告等宣传方式来获得较好的效果几乎是不可能的。我认为,应该多举办像课上所播的视频所呈现的辩论会那样的活动,可以让更多的人参与对转基因食物的讨论,让更多的人接触了解权威观点而不是被一些不入流,不科学的文章所蒙蔽。有争论才会有思考,才能让更多的人自发的去了解转基因食物,而不是被动的接受不靠谱网站报纸公布的信息。 很多人虽然了解转基因食物是什么,但对它仍有些排斥。比如,我身边的同学,大家都学过高中生物,还有朋友大学念的也是生物系,对转基因食物比一般人了解,但是仍旧不愿意食用转基因食物。他们中的很多人表示很支持转基因食物的研究发展,但是不会选择吃转基因食物。因此,一开始就指望转基因食物能获得大众的认可这几乎是不可能的。人们看到第一个吃番茄的人与第一个吃螃蟹的人平安无事,就愿意去吃番茄与螃蟹,一方面是因为番茄与螃蟹毕竟是大自然的产物,是一直存在的,能不能吃,吃了有没有事一看便知;另一方面也是因为当时的人们并不像现在的人这样,每天都会接触很多信息,每天都需要不停的判断所接收信息到底可不可信。转基因食物毕竟不同与其他食物,关于它的有些问题甚至是科学家也仍未完全解决,大众恐慌是必然存在的,对转基因食品的标示还是有必要的,对转基因食品的研究探索更是刻不容缓,万分重要。因此,需要一批批有能力,有责任感,有公信力的科学家投入到转基因产品的研究中,去揭开一个个谜团,向大众传递关于转基因食品的科学认知,让转基因食品得到良好的发展,确保转基因食品的食用无害而有益。
