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Unit One


the back burner.

Your answer Correct answer

on on


Your answer Correct answer

out out


Your answer Correct answer

for for


Your answer Correct answer

to to


Your answer Correct answer

about about


I'm only a law school student—I'm hardly


Your answer Correct answer

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Your answer Correct answer

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Your answer Correct answer

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Your answer Correct answer

out out


Your answer Correct answer

in under

Unit Two

1. When was the last time you were in _______ with your childhood friends?

A. context

B. contact

C. control

D. content

2. Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _______ when he wasn't interested.

A. float

B. soar

C. sink

D. drift

3. Mrs Jones didn't trust Jack, so she was very _______ to let him cut her grass.

A. reluctant

B. reluctantly

C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

4. My house seems to be in a _______ state of disrepair—something is always broken!

A. perpetually

B. perpetual

C. perpetuity

D. perpetuate

5. The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _______ .

A. prospective

B. directive

C. perspective

D. executive

6. Dr. Carter has written _______ about the brain and its influence on our emotions.

A. extensively

B. intensively

C. extensive

D. intensive

7. The accident of last week _______ a review of school safety policy.

A. prompted

B. prompt

C. prompting

D. prompts

8. I am easily _______ by ice cream, so it's probably the best if I don't look at the dessert menu.

A. tempt

B. tempts

C. tempting

D. tempted

9. Wouldn't it be _______ if we didn't need to worry about money?

A. predictable

B. marvellous

C. astonishing

D. depressing

10. Researchers claim that there is a _______ link between caffeine and headaches.

A. definite

B. definitely

C. definition

D. defined

11. It's incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _______ on other people for everything.

A. depending

B. dependence

C. dependent

D. dependents

12. The criminal devised an _______ plan to escape from prison.

A. intrinsic

B. intricate

C. intrepid
