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Dear Mum,

How are you? Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday we played ping-pong. On Thursday we climbed a mountain. We took many pictures. Tomorrow I'll be back home!

Miss you and dad.


John (1)What did John do on Monday?

(2)Where did John go on Tuesday?

(3)What did John do on Tuesday?

(4)Did John play badminton on Wednesday?

(5)Did John climb a mountain on Thursday?

【答案】(1)He ate good food.

(2)He went to a park.

(3)He sang and danced.

(4)No, he didn't.

(5)Yes, he did.



(1)根据短文叙述 On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. (周一我们去了饭店。我们吃了美食。)可知周一吃美食。故答案为: He ate good food.

(2)根据短文叙述 On Tuesday we went to a park. (周二我们去了公园。)可知是去了公园。故答案为: He went to a park.

(3)根据短文叙述We sang and danced. (我们唱歌和跳舞。)可知是唱歌跳舞。故答案为: He sang and danced.

(4)根据短文叙述 On Wednesday we played ping-pong. (在星期三我们打乒乓球。)可知不是打羽毛球,用否定回答。故答案为: No, he didn't.

(5)根据短文叙述 On Thursday we climbed a mountain. (周四我们爬山了。)可知用肯定回答。故答案为: Yes, he did.



(2)Where is Andy going this weekend?

(3)What is Bob going to do this weekend?

(4)Where does Wu Lan want to go?

(5)What does Li Ming want to do there?

【答案】(1)He is going to see dinosaurs.

(2)She is going to department store.

(3)He is going to see a film.

(4)She wants to go to Beihai park.

(5)He wants to fly a kite.


【解析】【分析】大意:表格讲述了约翰,安迪,鲍勃,吴兰和李明在某地做某事。(1)句意:约翰明天要做什么?根据表格可知他要去看恐龙,故答案为 He is going to see dinosaurs.

(2)句意:安迪这个周末要去哪里?根据表格可知她要去百货公司,故答案为She is going to department store.

(3)句意:鲍勃这个周末要做什么?根据表格可知他要去看电影,故答案为 He is going to see a film.

(4)句意:吴兰想去哪里?根据表格可知她想去北海公园,故答案为She wants to go to Beihai park.

(5)句意:李明想在那里做什么?根据表格可知他想放风筝,故答案为He wants to fly a kite.



My Wonderful Holiday in China

In Beijing, I visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer

Palace. I also met all Bill's friends and family.

Last week, Bill's family took me to Xi'an by train. Xi'an is in the northwest of China. We visited the Terracotta Army there. They are so amazing! We also ate some delicious noodles there.

Then we went to Sichuan. It's in the southwest of China. First, we went to see the pandas in Wolong. They are very cute. Then we climbed Mount Emei. The mountain is very beautiful. We saw many funny monkeys on our way. I was very tired, but very happy. We ate some delicious hot pot there. Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

Tibet is in the southwest of China, too. We went there by plane from Sichuan. It was sunny and hot in Tibet, but there was still snow on the mountains. We visited the famous Potala Palace and took many photos.


(1)What places did Ted visit in Beijing?

(2)Where did Ted go last week? What did he do there?

(3)What is Sichuan famous for?

(4)What did they see on Mount Emei?

【答案】(1)In Beijing, Ted visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace.

(2)Last week, Ted went to Xi'an. He visited the Terracotta Army there and ate some delicious noodles there.

(3)Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

(4)They saw many funny monkeys on Mount Emei.



(1)句意:泰德在北京参观了哪些地方?根据In Beijing, I visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. 可知在北京,特德参观了长城、紫禁城、天安门广场和颐和园,故答案为In Beijing, Ted visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace.

(2)句意:泰德上周去哪儿了?他在那里做了什么?根据Last week, Bill's family took me to Xi'an by train. We visited the Terracotta Army there. We also ate some delicious noodles there. 可知上周,特德去了西安。他参观了那里的兵马俑,在那里吃了一些美味的面条,故答案为Last week, Ted went to Xi'an. He visited the Terracotta Army there and ate some delicious noodles there.

(3)句意:四川以什么闻名?根据 Sichuan is famous for hot pot. 可知四川以火锅闻名,故答案为 Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

(4)句意:他们在峨眉山上看到了什么?根据 Then we climbed Mount Emei. We saw many funny monkeys on our way. 可知他们在峨眉山上看到许多有趣的猴子,故答案为They saw many funny monkeys on Mount Emei.

