

Section 3

1.To criticize a disaster film for being ________ is a bit silly, since people do not go to disaster movies to see an honest portrayed of reality.






2.Though many avant-garde writers ________ traditional distinctions among literary categories, combining elements of biography and fiction, prose and poetry, this fusion of forms has been slow to catch on with publishers.






3.Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild

4.If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)________ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)________ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to

5.China’s rapidly growing population is the main threat facing large carnivores in the People’s Republic. Increasingly, policies aimed at limiting population growth have been (i)________: nevertheless, the country’s vast size and the isolation of many its re gions mean that human populations in areas where large carnivores still occur(ii)________. This

6.The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from

a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)________. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)________ public trust in the way companies were run. And

In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support. Johnson’s rejection of his patron’s belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture of patronage. However, patronage had been in decline for 50 years, yet would survive, in attenuated form, for another 50. Indeed, Johnson was in 1762 awarded a pension by the Crown—a subtle form of sponsorshi p, tantamount to state patronage. The importance of Johnson’s letter is not so much historical as emotional; it would become a touchstone for all who repudiated patrons and for all who embraced the laws of the marketplace.

7.The author of the passage mentio ns Johnson’s 1762 pension award in order to

A.reveal that Johnson remained consistent in his rebuke of Lord Chesterfield well after 1755

B.provide evidence for a general trend in the later half of the eighteenth century of private patronage’s being replaced by state sponsorship.

C.situated the debate over the end of patronage within the wider realm of eighteenth-century

D.suggest that Johnson’s letter to Chesterfield was noticed by the crown only years after

E.emphasize that patronage still helped support Johnson’s writing after his letter to Lord Chesterfield

8.Which of the following best describes the function of highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?

A.It points out the most obvious implications of Johnson’s letter to his patron

B.It suggests a motivation for Johnson’s rejection of Chesterfield’s patronage

C.It provides information that qualifies the assertion that Johnson’s letter sharply defined the end of a publishing era

D.It provides a possible defense for Chesterfield’s alleged neglect of Johns on

E.It refuses the notion that patrons are found primarily among the nobility

Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basins–the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons. In such collisions, the impactor is completely destroyed and its material is incorporated into the larger body. Collisons between bodies of comparable size, on the other hand, have very different consequences: one or both bodies might be entirely smashed, with mass from one or both the bodies redistributed among new objects formed from the fragments. Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth’s Moon.

The Earth-Moon system has always been perplexing. Earth is the only one of the inner planets with a large satellite, the orbit of which is neither in the equatorial plane of Earth nor in the plane in which the other planets lie. The Moons mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earths mantle. This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations. In order to spin off the Moon, Earth would have had to rotate so fast that a day would have lasted less than three hours. Science offers no plausible explanation of how it could have slowed to its current rotational rate from that speed. Moreover, the Moons composition, though similar to that of Earths mantle, is not a precise match. Theorizing a titanic collision eliminates postulating a too-rapidly spinning Earth and accounts for the Moons peculiar composition. In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earths mantle. Most of the earthly component would have been in the form of melted or vaporized matter. The difficulty in recondensing this vapor in Earths orbit, and its subsequent loss to the vacuum of outer space, might account for the observed absence in lunar rocks of certain readily vaporized compounds and elements.

Unusual features of some other planets might also be explained by such impacts. Mercury is known to have a high density in comparison with other rocky planets. A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal.

A massive, glancing blow to Venus might have given it its anomalously slow spin and reversed direction of rotation. Such conjectures are tempting, but, since no early planet was immune to titanic impacts, they could be used indiscriminately to explain away in a cavalier fashion every unusual planetary characteristic; still, we may now be beginning to discern the true role of titanic impacts in planetary history.

9. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?

A. They occur less frequently than do titanic collisions.

B. They occur between bodies of comparable size.

C. They occur primarily between planet-sized bodies.

D. They result in the complete destruction of the impacting body.

E. They result in mass being redistributed among newly formed objects.

10. The author of the passage asserts which of the following about titanic collision models?

A. Such models are conclusive with respect to certain anomalies within the solar system, but leave numerous other anomalies unexplained.

B. Such models are more likely than are earlier models to account for the formation of multi-ring basins.

C. Such models may be particularly useful in explaining what happens when the impacting bodies involved are of highly dissimilar mean densities.

D. Such models have been tested to such a degree that they are quickly reaching the point where they can be considered definitive.

E. Such models are so tempting that they run the risk of being used indiscriminately to explain unusual planetary features.

11. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the cited compounds and elements?

A. They were created by reactions that took place during a titanic collision.

B. They were supplied by an impactor that collided with Earth.

C. They were once present on the Moon but were subsequently vaporized.

D. They are rarely found on planet-size bodies in our solar system.

E. They are present on Earth but not on the Moon.

12. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

A. Arguing in favor of a particular theory about the formation of the EarthMoon system.

B. Summarizing conventional theories about the formation of the earth-Moon system.

C. Anticipating and responding to criticisms of a particular theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.

D. Explaining why the Earth-Moon system is considered scientifically perplexing.

E. Questioning an assumption underlying one theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.

13. Although legislators on both sides of the issues have repeatedly________ a desire to find a middle ground, until now no acceptable compromise has been achieved.







14. Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories________: she didn’t understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.







15. The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives, supports his arguments with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very _____ subject.







16. To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation be a_________ compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism.







Although several ancient cultures practiced mummification, mummies from ancient Egypt are generally more well preserved than mummies of similar antiquity from other cultures. One possible explanation for this difference is that the mummification techniques or materials used by ancient Egyptians were better than those of other cultures. A second, more likely, explanation is that the extremely dry climate of ancient Egypt was largely responsible, given that dryness promotes the preservation of organic remains generally.

17. Which of the following provide the most support for the argument?

A. The materials used by ancient Egyptians for mummification were not used by any other ancient culture that practiced mummification.

B. Some ancient Egyptian mummies are better preserved than other ancient Egyptian mummies from around the same time.

C. No ancient people living in very damp areas practiced mummification.

E. Bodies from ancient Egyptian tombs dating from before the practice of mummification began are almost as well preserved as ancient Egyptian mummies.

F. Ancient mummies discovered in places other than Egypt have typically not been as well protected from the elements as ancient Egyptian mummies were.

Attempts to identify New Guinean’s hunter-gatherers face the well-known difficulty of defining what constitutes a hunter-gather group. According to the common definition, hunter-gathers are those who subsist by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants. Yet those criteria beg numerous questions, including the issue of what constitutes “wild”. The very presence on a landscape of humans who are consumers affects food resources, blurring the lines between wild and domesticated and, hence between hunting and pastoralism, and between gathering and cultivation. Moreover, it is unclear how groups should be classified that are hunter-gatherers in their procurement strategies but that make use of pastoralism and cultivation in their consumption patterns––subsisting, for example, by trading wild foods to neighbors in return for domesticated crops.

18.The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.suggest that there are not as many hunter-gathers in New Guinea as is commonly thought

B.explain why identifying N ew Guinean’s hunter-gathers is not a straightforward process

C.point to certain difficulties in establishing what constitute a wild plant and a wild animal

D.establish new, more relevant criteria for what constitutes a hunter-gather group

E.discuss the implication of an inappropriate definition of pastoralism

19.Replacement of the word “common” with which of the following results in the LEAST change in meaning to the passage?






Columnist: Until very recently, Presorbin and Veltrex, two medications used to block excess stomach acid, were both available only with a prescription written by a doctor. In an advertisement for Presorbin, its makers argue that Presorbin is superior on the grounds that doctors have written 200 million prescriptions for Presorbin, as compared to 100 million for Veltrex. It can be argued that the number of prescriptions written is never a worthwhile criterion for comparing the merits of medicines, but that the advertisement’s argument is a bsurd is quite adequately revealed by observing that Presorbin was available as a prescription medicine years before Veltrex was.

20. In the columnist’s argument, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?

A. The first is a claim that the columnist’s argument seeks to clarify; the second states a conclusion drawn about one possible interpretation of that claim.

B. The first identifies the conclusion of an argument that the columnist’s argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.

C. The first states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument; the second states a conclusion that the columnist draws in defending that conclusion against an objection.

D. The first identifies an assumption made in an argument that the columnist's argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.

E. The first is a claim that has been offered as evidence to support a position that the columnist opposes; the se cond states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument

Section 4 1. The idea of a “language instinct” may seem________ to those who think of language as the zenith of the human intellect and of instincts as brute impulse. A. jarring B. plausible C. gratifying D. inevitable E. conciliatory 2. The maps in this volume are meant not as guides but as________ they are designed to make the reader think anew about the city. A. adornments B. references

C. truisms

D. provocations

E. valedictions 3. Proponents of international regulation of environmental issues have always struggled against scientific uncertainty and economic hostility, two obstacles which, form a political standpoint, often have been closely related, as economic hostile toward environmental regulation for economic reasons have (i)________the considerable uncertainly underlying most environmental challenges to (ii)________ of environmental regulation.

4. It would be imprecise to characterize her scholarship as (i)________: though her etymological discussion is necessarily esoteric, there is nothing (ii)________

about the conclusions she derives from it.

5. The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)________ in the most positive sense: (ii)_______ rather than settles.

6.With the emergence of scientific history-writing in the late nineteenth century, several authors sought to ignore the glowing myths surrounding George Washington and uncover the human being within, but their biographies were still (i)________ enough that Washington remained a marbled and remote figure. Indeed, by the 1920s Washington had become such (ii)________ personage that inevitably someone had to go to the other

Early life insurers in the United States found themselves facing the problem of obtaining reliable information, as they needed to rely on applicants themselves to provide truthful, complete answers to a standard set of questions. In an attempt to personalize the relationship between insurers and their individual applicants, firms selected highly respecte d local citizens to act as their agents. These agents were expected to evaluate the appearance of candidates, unearth evidence of unhealthy family histories or questionable habits, and attest to the respectability of the people writing testimonial letters on an applicant's behalf. In short, the initial purpose of the agency system was not to actively solicit customers, but, rather, to recreate the glass-bowl mentality associated with small towns or city neighborhoods.

7. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. explain the original function of life insurance agents

B. evaluate the effectiveness of early life insurance agents

C. describe how life insurance was first introduced

D. illustrate how the life insurance agency system changed over time

E. compare the strategies used by life insurance in cities and in small towns

8 . The author suggests which of the following about “city neighborhoods”?

A. They were places where family histories where difficult to establish

B. They were places where unhealthy behaviors had been successfully addressed

C. They were locations that were well suited for recruiting insurance agents

D. They offered a high degree of transparency about a resident's personal history and character

E. They offered potentially fruitful markets for the life insurance industry

Throughout much of the Tertiary period (most of the past 65million years), the Arctic supported continuous forests. Only toward the end of that period does the fossil evidence show that certain present-day Arctic plants were established and widely distributed throughout the Arctic. Many Arctic plants are thought to have originated in the high mountain ranges of central Asia and North America, to have spread northward to the Arctic as global temperatures fell in the late Tertiary, and to have achieved a circumpolar distribution by the end of the Tertiary (about 2 million years ago). However, fossil evidence to support these proposals is either lacking or fragmentary. Consequently, the routes by which these plants expanded their ranges during their colonization of the Arctic remain unknown.

9. Which of the following statements about Arctic plants is supported by the passage?

A. The decline in global temperatures in the late Tertiary prevented many high-mountain plants from becoming established in the Arctic.

B. There is not enough evidence to firmly establish the historical migration routes of present-day Arctic plants.

C. Present-day Arctic plants are less likely to leave fossil remains than are plants outside the Arctic.

10. The context in which it appears, "distributed" most nearly means

A. developed

B. isolated

C. dispersed

D. divided

E. disconnected

9.Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the

deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto________ party is ready to bargain.







10.The company is so old-fashioned and opposed to innovation that it can seem downright________.







11.Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is ________.







12.In sharp contrast to the novel’s scenic realism and precise characterized figure is its persistent philosophical ________.







A mouse’s immune system generally rejects proteins different from those produced by that mouse. The immune system of a pregnant mouse does not, however, reject the mouse’s fetuses, alt hough the fetal tissue a fetus produces as it develops typically contains many such proteins. Some scientists hypothesize that the placenta surrounding the fetus physically blocks the mother’s immune system. But others, noting that the placenta produces IDO, an enzyme that suppresses the immune system, hypothesize that IDO plays a crucial role in protecting the fetus.

15. In order to choose between the two hypotheses, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?

A.Whether mice sometimes produce IDO when they are not pregnant

B.Whether the immune systems of fetal mice are capable of attacking the tissue of the mother

C.Whether there are cases in which the immune system of a pregnant mouse rejects some fetuses but not others

D.Whether IDO is the only substance capable of suppressing the immune system produced by mice

E.Whether the immune systems of pregnant mice that are given a drug that inhibits IDO production subsequently reject the fetus.

Biologists studying wild monkeys sometimes need the genetic material DNA from a particular monkey to determine the animal's parentage. Until recently, DNA could be extracted only from blood. Collecting a blood sample required tranquilizing the donor animal. Now DNA can be extracted from hair. Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep. Therefore, researchers will now be able to determine the parentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.

16. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. The places in which monkeys sleep are easily accessible to researchers

B. Information about a particular monkey’s parentage is the only kind of information that can be determined from DNA that has been extracted from that monkey’s hair.

C. For at least some samples of hair collected from monkey habitat it will be possible to associate hairs with the individual monkeys from which they came

D. Examining DNA is the only way to determine the parentage of wild monkeys

E. It will be necessary to obtain any hair samples used in determining a monkey’s parentage from a place where the monkey has slept

During the 1920s, most advocates of scientific management, Frederick Taylor’s method for maximizing workers’ productivity by rigorously routinizing their jobs, opposed the five-day workweek. Although scientific managers conceded that reducing hours might provide an incentive to workers, in practice they more often used pay differentials to encourage higher productivity. Those reformers who wished to embrace both scientific management and reduced hours had to make a largely negative case, portraying the latter as an antidote to the rigors of the former.

In contrast to the scientific managers, Henry Ford claimed that shorter hours led to greater productivity and pro fits. However, few employers matched either Ford’s vision or his specific interest in mass marketing a product—automobiles—that required leisure for its use, and few unions succeeded in securing shorter hours through bargaining. At its 1928 convention, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) boasted of approximately 165,000 members working five-day, 40-hour weeks. But although this represented an increase of about 75,000 since 1926, about 70 percent of the total came from five extremely well-organized building trades’ unions.

17. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would probably agree with

which of the following claims about the boast referred to in highlighted sentence?

A.It is based on a mistaken estimation of the number of AFL workers who were allowed to work a five-day, 40-hour week in 1928.

B.It could create a mistaken impression regarding the number of unions obtaining a five-day, 40-hour week during the 1920s.

C.It exaggerates the extent of the increase between 1926 and 1928 in AFL members working a five-day, 40-hour week.

D.It overestimates the bargaining prowess of the AFL building trades’ unions during the 1920s.

E.It is based on an overestimation of the number of union members in the AFL in 1928.

18. According to t he passage, the “reformers” (line 5) claimed that

A.neither scientific management nor reduced hours would result in an improvement in the working conditions of most workers

B.the impact that the routinization of work had on workers could be mitigated by a reduction in the length of their workweek

C.there was an inherent tension between the principles of scientific management and a commitment to reduced workweeks

D.scientific managers were more likely than other managers to use pay differentials to encourage higher productivity

E.reducing the length of the workweek would increase productivity more effectively than would increases in pay

Unlike herbivores and omnivores, predators have traditionally been thought not to balance nutrient intake because of the assumption that animal tissue as a food source varies little and is nutritionally balanced. But chemical analysis of invertebrate prey reveals remarkable variation in nutrient composition among species; even within species, nutrient composition may vary considerably. Greenstone suggested that predators may select food items according to their nutrient contents. Jensen et al (2011) have shown experimentally that even sit-and-wait invertebrate predators with limited mobility can work to address nutrient deficiencies. The wolf spider, for instance, has been shown to regulate nutrient intake by extracting more dry mass from a prey item if it contains a higher proportion of a nutrient that was deficient in the previous prey.

19.The passage supplies information for answering which of the following


A.Do invertebrate predators with full mobility address nutrient needs in the same fashion as sit-and-wait invertebrate predators with limited mobility?

B.Why would there be a considerable variation in nutrient composition within prey of a given species?

C.Is all of the nutrient content of invertebrate prey contained in the dry mass?

D.What would a wolf spider do if a fly it was eating contained a higher proportion of a certain nutrient than was present in the spider’s recent prey?

E.How is a wolf spider able to determine that some prey it is eating contains a higher proportion of a nutrient that was deficient in the previous prey?

20.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?

A. A phenomenon is described, and an interpretation is offered.

B. A claim is made, and the corroborating evidence is evaluated.

C. A hypothesis is presented and undermined by recent findings.

D. A contrast is noted and shown to be specious based on recent findings.

E. A series of assumptions is presented and shown to be based on sound reasoning.


基于MOLDFLOW的 模流分析技术上机实训教程主编: 姓名: 年级: 专业: 南京理工大学泰州科技学院

实训一基于Moldflow的模流分析入门实例 1.1Moldflow应用实例 下面以脸盆塑料件作为分析对象,分析最佳浇口位置以及缺陷的预测。脸盆三维模型如图1-1所示,充填分析结果如图1-2所示。 图1-1 脸盆造型图1-2 充填分析结果(1)格式转存。将在三维设计软件如PRO/E,UG,SOLIDWORKS中设计的脸盆保存为STL格式,注意设置好弦高。 (2)新建工程。启动MPI,选择“文件”,“新建项目”命令,如图1-3所示。在“工程名称”文本框中输入“lianpen”,指定创建位置的文件路径,单击“确定”按钮创建一新工程。此时在工程管理视窗中显示了“lianpen”的工程,如图1-4所示。 图1-3 “创建新工程”对话框图1-4 工程管理视图 (3)导入模型。选择“文件”,“输入”命令,或者单击工具栏上的“输入模型”图标,进入模型导入对话框。选择STL文件进行导入。选择文件“lianpen.stl”。单击“打开”按钮,系统弹出如图1-5所示的“导入”对话框,此时要求用户预先旋转网格划分类型(Fusion)即表面模型,尺寸单位默认为毫

米。 图1-5 导入选项 单击“确定”按钮,脸盆模型被导入,如图1-6所示,工程管理视图出现“lp1_study”工程,如图1-7所示,方案任务视窗中列出了默认的分析任务和初始位置,如图1-8所示。 图1-6 脸盆模型

图1-7 工程管理视窗图1-8 方案任务视窗 (4)网格划分。网格划分是模型前处理中的一个重要环节,网格质量好坏直接影响程序是否能够正常执行和分析结果的精度。双击方案任务


模具厂所接的订单的和一般公司还有所不同,我们所接的模具订单各种各样,工程师的经验有时毕竟有限,所以借助MOLDFLOW软件的分析功能,对我们设计模 具帮助很大。 案例一,CLIP设计: 此产品为一固定U盘的回行夹。如下图所示,标示处变形量要求较严格,以往生产出来的产品此处变形常常偏大,我们的工程师考虑先在模具设计时设定一方向的预变形,与产品变形相互抵消,保证产品符合要求的。 问题是此预变形量多大,方向如何,设计前并不知道,如果预变形做的太大, 将来产品可能就会反向变形。 借助MOLDFLOW软件的FLOW COOL WARP 模块,我们先分析出产品可能的变形量,在此基础上,给模具设计一合理的预变形量,从而一次试模成功,获得 了合格的产品。 案例二,memorex-bottom-top 设计:[/ALIGN]

此套模具为2+2 模穴,设计为自然平衡流道,如果不经过分析,模具设计者很难想到要在标示处加强排气,只能等试模时才能发现问题,必然会提高整 个产品上市周期。 经过 MOLDFLOW 软件的FLOW 模块分析后,我们在模具设计前就已经知道此问题,所以模具设计时特意在此处加强排气,保证一次试模成功。 还有一些案例解决流道平衡的问题,一模多腔的设计,通过控制流道尺寸,保证流动平衡,从而控制产品品质。避免由于流动不平衡带来过保压现象,导致产品翘曲变形。同时优化流道尺寸设计还有一个很大的益处就是减小循环周期。因为很多情况下,产品最后凝固在流道处,如果流道尺寸偏大,必然提高整个循 环周期,同时还会产生较多的废料。 电池盖部件是我们运用MOLDFLOW软件的又一成功案例。此产品是薄壁件, 难以填充。 在分析之前,解决它的方法是加大注射压力,提高注射速度,强制成型。这样一方面机器磨损较大,另外高压高速注射后的产品内部残余应力较大,产品品质仍然无法保证。采用MOLDFLOW分析后,采用局部加厚的方法,改善了产品的流动,从而使公司可以利用较小的压力和较低的注射速度成型。提高了成型参数 的选择范围,改善了产品品质。 [/ALIGN] [/TD][/TR


[义隆永中学]中永中学任课教师安全工作 目标管理责任书 【工作计划】 中永中学任课教师安全工作目标管理责任书 根据《xx年度龙湾区学校安全工作目标管理考核办法》,对照教育部《中小学校岗位安全工作指南》,结合实际明确本校各个岗位的安全职责,健全学校安全管理制度,落实各项制度措施,切实将安全教育和管理融入到学校日常工作的各个环节,确保广大师生安全,确保校园和谐稳定。 本着“谁主管、谁负责”的原则,责任书签字人如工作变动,接任人为自然签字人。责任书自签订之日起生效。 附件:xx学年度龙湾区中永中学任课教师安全工作目标管理内容 龙湾区中永中学担任学科: 签字人:签字人: 附件:中永中学任课教师安全工作目标管理内容 一、任课教师 1、明确并履行岗位安全职责,落实学校安全工作的有关要求,做好安全防范工作。 2、将安全教育有机渗透到本学科教学内容和教学过程中。 3、课前清点学生人数并立即上报班主任,课堂上发现学生行为具有危险性时应及时制止、告诫、教育,并与班主任或学生家长及时沟通。课间负责本楼层就近楼梯间、楼层的安全工作。

4、密切配合班主任开展安全工作,及时将班内的安全问题向班主任反映,协助班主任对学生进行安全教育,妥善处理班级出现的安全问题。 5、课堂教学中如遇突发事件或安全问题,及时将学生有序疏散到安全地带并作妥善处理,同时立即向分管领导或校长汇报 。 6、开展“放学前一分钟安全教育”。每天最后一节课下课前,结合实际提醒学生注意交通安全、防劫防骗、防各种伤害事故等安全事项。 7、完成领导小组交办的其它安全工作。 二、体育教师 1、掌握教学班学生特异体质状况,在体育教学中合理安排相关学生活动,并做好记录。 2、做好课前准备,根据教学内容,对场地、器材及教学环境进行全面安全检查,及时排除安全隐患。 3、结合体育项目特点,讲解安全注意事项,带领学生认真做好准备活动,强化学生相互保护意识,提高学生自我保护能力。 4、遵循体育运动规律,严格按照体育教学要求上好每节课,不违规操作。特别是体操教学,要做好“保护与帮助”的示范动作,教会学生如何进行“保护与帮助”。 5、严格教学过程管理,把控学生动态。认真、及时解决好学生在体育教学过程中的各种矛盾或纠纷,


基于MOLDFLOW的模流分析技术上机实训教程 主编: 姓名: 年级: 专业: 南京理工大学泰州科技学院

实训一基于Moldflow的模流分析入门实例 1.1Moldflow应用实例 下面以脸盆塑料件作为分析对象,分析最佳浇口位置以及缺陷的预测。脸盆三维模型如图1-1所示,充填分析结果如图1-2所示。 图1-1 脸盆造型图1-2 充填分析结果 (1)格式转存。将在三维设计软件如PRO/E,UG,SOLIDWORKS中设计的脸盆保存为STL格式,注意设置好弦高。 (2)新建工程。启动MPI,选择“文件”,“新建项目”命令,如图1-3所示。在“工程名称”文本框中输入“lianpen”,指定创建位置的文件路径,单击“确定”按钮创建一新工程。此时在工程管理视窗中显示了“lianpen”的工程,如图1-4所示。 图1-3 “创建新工程”对话框图1-4 工程管理视图 (3)导入模型。选择“文件”,“输入”命令,或者单击工具栏上的“输入模型”图标,进入模型导入对话框。选择STL文件进行导入。选择文件“lianpen.stl”。单击“打开”按钮,系统弹出如图1-5所示的“导入”对话框,此时要求用户预先旋转网格划分类型(Fusion)即表面模型,尺寸单位默

认为毫米。 图1-5 导入选项 单击“确定”按钮,脸盆模型被导入,如图1-6所示,工程管理视图出现“lp1_study”工程,如图1-7所示,方案任务视窗中列出了默认的分析任务和初始位置,如图1-8所示。 图1-6 脸盆模型 图1-7 工程管理视窗图1-8 方案任务视窗

(4)网格划分。网格划分是模型前处理中的一个重要环节,网格质量好坏 直接影响程序是否能够正常执行和分析结果的精度。双击方案任务 图标,或者选择“网格”,“生成网格”命令,工程管理视图中的“工具”页面显 示“生成网格”定义信息,如图1-9所示。 单击“立即划分网格”按钮,系统将自动对模型进行网格划分和匹配。网格划分信息可以在模型显示区域下方“网格日志”中查看,如图1-10所示。 图1-9 “生成网格”定义信息图1-10 网格日志 划分完毕后,可以看见如图1-11所示的脸盆网格模型,此时在管理视窗新增加了三角形单元层和节点层,如图1-12所示。 图 1-11 网格模型图1-12 层管理视窗


MAGMAsoft模流分析简介 中文名: MAGMA SOFT铸造仿真软件 英文名: MAGMASOFT.V4.4 资源格式: 光盘镜像 版本: V4.4 发行时间: 2008年12月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 铸型的充填、凝固、机械性能、残余应力及扭曲变形等的模拟为全面最佳化铸造工程提供了最可靠的保证。以往只有对铸造工程参数及铸造质量的影响因素有透彻的了解,才能使铸造工程师对生产高质量的铸件拥有信心。传统的方法对铸造工程的最佳化工作既耗资又费时,时程的压力使得很多铸造工程无法发挥全面的潜力。

MAGMASOFT软件中的专用模块满足您独特的需求。 ●MAGMA standard 标准模块包括: ●Project management module 项目管理模块 ●Pre - processor 分析前处理模块 ●MAGMA fill 流体流动分析模块 ●MAGMA solid 热传及凝固分析模块 ●MAGMA batch 制程仿真分析模块 ●Post - processer 后处理显示模块 ●Thermophysical Database 热物理材料数据库 ●MAGMA lpdc 低压铸造专业模块 ●MAGMA hpdc高压铸造专业模块 ●MAGMA iron铸铁铸造专业模块 ●MAGMA tilt 倾转浇铸铸造专业模块 ●MAGMA roll-over浇铸翻转铸造专业模块 ●MAGMA thixo 半凝固射出专业模块 ●MAGMA stress 应力应变分析模块 ●MAGMA disa DISA铸造生产线模块 使用MAGMASOFT铸造仿真软件则是最经济、最方便的方式,它为以最低的成本生产高质量的铸件提供正确有效的解决方案。 MAGMASOFT铸造仿真软件的应用: ●铸造部件设计的开发 ●最佳化生产制程 ●新模具的生产


教师教学目标管理暂行规定为加强对我校教学工作的管理,适应课程改革的要求,全面提高教师的业务水平,提高教学质量,根据《教师法》和《广东省中小学教师职业道德规范》教师教学目标管理的意见。 一、工作态度 1、满节 ①严格按课程表上课,功课表调度权属教导处有关领导,每位教师都有代课的义务,必须无条件服从学校教务部门的调度。 ②教师不得擅自停课,私自换课,私自换课者按缺课处理。 ③因公出差、因事、因病应在准假的前提下,提前通知教导处,调好代课,否则按旷课处理。 2、合理教案 ①提前一周写好课时教案,认真、细致写好教案,一课一案。无教案上课视为失职。 ②教案书写工整、图形规范,杜绝照搬硬套网上现成教案。 ③教案要完整:一般要有目的要求(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)、重点、难点、知识点、能力点、关键、教学方法、手段、导言、内容(教学过程)、课堂练习、小结、作业、板书设计。 3、集体备课 ①坚持每周一次集体备课制度。 ②做到三定(定时间、定内容、定中心发言人)、三保(保时间、保人员、保质量)、六备(备课标、备教材、备学生、备教法、备学法、备手段)、六统一(统一目的要求、统一重点、难点、关键统一知识点、能力点、教育点、统一板书设计、统一课堂练习、统一作业)。(在记录本上能体现出来)。 ③主讲人准备充分,组员发言积极。 ④及时写好备课记录,同时确定下次主讲人。 4、课堂纪律 ①上课时教师必须做到预备铃响后到教室,不迟到,不坐着讲课,教师一经进入教室,无特殊原因不许中途离开教室,教师要注意衣着整洁、得体、语言规范、健康,上课期间不得接、拨手机,下课不压堂。 对学生严格要求,严格训练,保证良好的课堂纪律。杜绝学生上课时趴桌子、搞小动作、看课外书(或其它学科的书和作业)、说与课堂无关的话等。 ③上课期间,没有特殊情况不能让学生出教室,如果违反规定,一旦发现,按违纪处理,授课教师应负一定的责任。 ④课堂上出现的问题,原则上由任课教师负责处理(特殊情况除外),不能推给班主任。 ⑤坚持点名制度,发现学生无故缺课应及时与班主任联系,特殊情况应及时报告学校领导并通知家长。 1 1


常用模流分析软件简介 Moldflow 美国MOLDFLOW上市公司是专业从事注塑成型CAE软件和咨询公司,自1976年发行了世界上第一套流动分析软件以来,一直主导塑料成型CAE软件市场。MOLDFLOW一直致力于帮助注塑厂商提高其产品设计和生产质量,MOLDFLOW的技术和服务提高了注塑产品的质量,缩短了开发周期,也降低了生产成本,MOLDFLOW已成为世界注塑CAE的技术领袖。利用CAE技术,可以在模具加工前,在计算机上对整个注塑成型过程进行模拟分析,准确预测熔体的填充、保压和冷却情况,以及制品中的应力分布、分子和纤维取向分布、制品的收缩和翘曲变形等情况,以便设计者能尽早发现问题并及时进行修改,而不是等到试模后再返修模具。这不仅是对传统模具设计方法的一次突破,而且在减少甚至避免模具返修报废、提高制品质量和降低成本等方面,都有着重大的技术、经济意义。塑料模具的设计不但要采用CAD技术,而且还要采用CAE技术,这是发展的必然趋势。 模流分析:MOLDFLOW。模流分析(Mouldflow)早期主要应用于结构体强度计算与航天工业上,而各领域的CAE应用功能不尽相同。但应用于塑料注射与塑料模具工业的CAE 在台湾被称为模流分析,这最早是由原文MOLDFLOW直译而来。 MOLDFLOW是由此领域的先驱Mr. Colin Austin在澳洲墨尔本创立﹐早期(1970~)只有简单的2D流动分析功能,并仅能提供数据透过越洋电话对客户服务﹐但这对当时的技术层次来说仍有相当的帮助﹔之后开发各阶段分析模块, 逐步建立今日完整的分析功能。 同一年代﹐美国Cornell大学也成立了CIMP研究项目,由华裔教授Dr.K.K.Wang所领导﹐针对塑料射出加工做系统理论研讨,产品名为C-MOLD。自1980年代起,随着理论基础日趋完备,数值计算与计算机设备的发展迅速,众多同类型的CAE软件渐渐在各国出现﹐功能也不再局限于流动现象探讨。约1985年工研院也曾有过相似研发,1990年起清华大学化工系张荣语老师也完成CAE-MOLD软件提供会员使用,目前则由科盛公司代理销售。 MOLDFLOW公司创办人Colin Austin是个机械工程师﹐1970年前后在英国塑料橡胶研究协会工作。1971年移民澳洲﹐担任一家射出机制造厂的研发部门主管﹔在当时﹐塑料材料在应用上仍被视做一种相当新颖的物料﹐具备了一些奇异的特性。但在塑料加工领域工作了几年后﹐他开始对一般塑料产品的不良物性感到疑虑﹐一般的塑料制品并没有达到物品的适用标准﹐相反的﹐塑料已逐渐成为'便宜'、'低质量'的同义字﹔但他却发现﹐多数主要不良质量的成因却是因为不当成品设计与不良加工条件所造成的﹐所以他开始省思﹐产品设计本身需同时考虑成型阶段﹐才是成功最重要的关键。 他开始花费大量时间在研究塑料流动的文献上﹐但发现这些理论并不能合理解释他在工厂现场所看到的许多问题﹔因此他开始换角度去思考这些问题﹐将射出机台视为一整组加工程序﹐螺杆正是能量的传递机构﹐而模具内部的流动形态﹐才是决定成品质量的最主要因素。具体的关键问题是﹐浇口位置?在何处进浇? 几个浇口? 尺寸为何? 这是一个革命性观念的启始,模具内部的流动形态才真正决定了产品品质,而不仅是机台参数设定或产品外观设计;最佳产品是需要完整考量、系统化的设计观念才有办法得到! 但即使了解了这个观念,问题仍未解决,因为在当时,模具内部成型时的流动形态,仍无法在试模前判断;而要去预测流动形态,必须依据非常复杂的流体力学与热传问题的联立方程式求解,以人力来做几乎是不可能。但随著学术理论发展,电脑计算功能的进步,正式为模流CAE开启了一扇门,1978年,MOLDFLOW公司成立,提供初步的电脑辅助分析技术给世界上不同国家的塑胶制造公司,包括汽车业,家电业,电子业,以及精密模具业等。


衡南县向阳中学 《教师教育教学及相关行政、事务工作量核算办法》预案 为进一步适应和加强新形式背景下学校教育教学工作管理,提高学校教育教学水平,充分体现学校教学管理的科学性、合理性与公平性,科学合理分配教职工工作量,现根据本校实际,现对我校教职工工作量予以明确和规范。 一、工作量的界定 1、课时量:指教师完成单位教学时间的教学任务。 2、标准工作量:根据国家教育行政部门规定的教学计划,综合考虑各学科教师完成单位教学时间的教学任务所付出的脑力、体力劳动的情况,以初中政治、历史、地理等学科的1课时确定为标准工作量(其系数为1.0),其它学科根据教学任务难易程度,以此为参照进行折算产生相应学科课时量系数(语数外系数为1.2,物理化学为1.1,音乐体育美术为0.9)。 3、周工作量:教师在法定工作日内由学校安排的周课时总量 + 工作总量。 4、基本工作量:根据现行教学计划、教师编制的规定,教师在5个工作日内承担的教学任务,行管人员承担的教学和行政管理任务。 二、岗位和内设机构设置 (一)校级领导岗位设置 学校设校长1名,副校长3名,工会主席1名,办公室主任1名。 (二)内设机构设置 学校设教务处、教研室、总务处(含财务室)、政教处(含校团委)、信息处、保卫处6个处室。处室负责人和干事均为兼职,具体由学校根据实际情况自行设定,身兼多职的处室负责人,可适当折算工作量。副校长、中层管理人员以及处室兼职干事必须按照规定的工作量承担与其任职资格专业相同的学科教学任务。 (三)教职工岗位设置 学校岗位包括教师、教学管理人员、教学辅助人员和工勤人员等岗位。 教师:指具有相应教师资格证、直接从事教育教学工作的专业技术人员。 管理人员:指在学校管理岗位上从事管理工作的人员。 教学辅助人员:指学校中从事教学实验、图书、电教、计算机、安全、保卫保健等教学辅助工作的人员。 工勤人员:指学校中从事后勤服务的人员。学校设宿舍管理员2名(其中男女各1名)。 三、学校领导、兼职及部室管理员等周课时折算 1、校长每学期一个满工作量为12 *0.8,副校长(含工会)工作量为8 *0.8,各处室(含办公室)负责人工作量为7*0.8,处室干事工作量为7*0.5。 2、担任班主任工作,周工作量时1.0。 3、担任教研组长工作量为2.5*0.8,体育老师带操工作量为1.0。 4、部门管理(专职人员): A、理、化、生实验室及仪器室管理员工作量为10*0.8; B、图书管理员(含档案室)工作量为10*0.8; C、宿舍管理员(含就餐值班)工作量为10*0.8; D、后勤食堂主管工作量为12*0.8、会计出纳工作量为12*0.8、学校园艺培植工作量为


《模流分析基础入门》 目录 第一章计算机辅助工程与塑料射出成形 1-1 计算机辅助工程分析 1-2 塑料射出成形 1-3 模流分析及薄壳理论 1-4 模流分析软件的未来发展 第二章射出成形机 2-1 射出机组件 2-1-1 射出系统 2-1-2 模具系统 2-1-3 油压系统 2-1-4 控制系统 2-1-5 锁模系统 2-2 射出成形系统 2-3 射出机操作顺序 2-4 螺杆操作 2-5 二次加工 第三章什么是塑料 3-1 塑料之分类 3-2 热塑性塑料 3-2-1 不定形聚合物 3-2-2 (半)结晶性聚合物 3-2-3 液晶聚合物 3-3 热固性塑料

3-4 添加剂、填充料与补强料 第四章塑料如何流动 4-1 熔胶剪切黏度 4-2 熔胶流动之驱动--射出压力 4-2-1 影响射出压力的因素 4-3 充填模式 4-3-1 熔胶波前速度与熔胶波前面积4-4 流变理论 第五章材料性质与塑件设计 5-1 材料性质与塑件设计 5-1-1 应力--应变行为 5-1-2 潜变与应力松弛 5-1-3 疲劳 5-1-4 冲击强度 5-1-5 热机械行为 5-2 塑件强度设计 5-2-1 短期负荷 5-2-2 长期负荷 5-2-3 反复性负荷 5-2-4 高速负荷及冲击负荷 5-2-5 极端温度施加负荷 5-3 塑件肉厚 5-4 肋之设计 5-5 组合之设计 5-5-1 压合连接

5-5-2 搭扣配合连接 5-5-3 固定连接组件 5-5-4 熔接制程 第六章模具设计 6-1 流道系统 6-1-1 模穴数目之决定 6-1-2 流道配置 6-1-3 竖浇道尺寸之决定 6-1-4 流道截面之设计 6-1-5 流道尺寸之决定 6-1-6 热流道系统 6-2 流道平衡 6-2-1 流道设计规则 6-3 浇口设计 6-3-1 浇口种类 6-3-2 浇口设计原则 6-4 设计例 6-4-1 阶段一:C-mold Filling EZ简易充填模拟分析 6-4-2 阶段二:执行C-mold Filling & Post Filling 最佳化6-5 模具冷却系统 6-5-1 冷却孔道的配置 6-5-2 其它的冷却装置 6-6 冷却系统之相关方程式 6-6-1 冷却系统之设计规则


向阳中学教师目标管理 考核评价方案 一、指导思想 目标管理评价是为了教师的发展,对教师评价的过程即促进教师发展的过程。我们遵照民主、协商、平等对话的原则,通过引导教师对自己的工作作出客观评价和有深度的反思,发挥评价的导向,激励和改进功能,帮助教师真正得到发展。 二、目标及考评方法

考评要点及标准: 1、按时参加政治学习,全年有心得笔记10篇,缺一篇心得扣0.2分;全年订阅一份党报或党刊记1分,否则扣1分。 2、自觉遵守《向阳中学教师工作生活纪律制度》,每违反一项扣1分/次,乱收费等受到上级查处的每次扣2分。 3、严格要求自己,讲究为人师表形象,树立典范。升降旗脱离队伍或讲小话每次扣0.2分;迟到、早退一次扣0.1分;事假一次扣0.2分;缺一次扣0.5分。 4、尽职尽责,建立新时期教师新形象,能主动与每位同学及相关家长进行交流、沟通、善待每位学生。不歧视,不体罚学生,发现一次扣0.5分。保学责任学生自然流失1人次扣1分。 5、平等对待每一个孩子,驱赶后进生每流失一人次扣2分。 6、自觉遵守《向了是中学教学工作生活纪律制度》,每违反一项扣1分/次。 7、按照《向阳中学常规教学管理工作细则》执行。 8、依照《向阳中学教师考勤管理制度》,旷课一节或旷会一次扣2分;旷工一天扣4分,迟到、早退一次扣0.5分,事假一天扣0.5分;病假1天扣0.2分。 9、有合格学历,达到国家规定要求,本科学历该项记1分;专科学历该项记0.8分;中专学历记0.5分。 10、按时参加学校组织的教研活动,缺一次扣1分;每年订阅一份业务报刊,否则扣0.5分。 11、能胜任本学科教学,熟悉新课程观念,了解新课标要求,上课生动有趣,深受学生欢迎。学生评议教师满意记2分,较满意记1.5分,一般记1分,不满意记0分。 12、自觉参加非学历现代远程教育,按规定完成业务笔记、听课笔记篇数,缺一篇次扣0.5分。 13、能胜任学校交给的工作任务记1分。 14、履行《向阳中学岗位职责》,保质保量完成学校交给的各项工作。依照各处室布置任务为准,没按时保质完成一次扣1分。 15、以学年度内两次期末统(会)考成绩为准,获全县第10名的记考核分40分。每增减一个名次加减考核分1分。设立进步奖,奖励中途接任的任课教师,其方法是接任前的均


MOLDFLOW模流分析结果解释 解释结果的一个重要部分是理解结果的定义,并知道怎样使用结果。下面将列出常用结果的定义及怎样使用它们的建议,越常用的结果将越先介绍。 屏幕输出文件(screen output)和结果概要(results summary) 屏幕输出文件和结果概要都包含了一些分析的关键结果的总结性信息。屏幕输出文件还包含如图169所示的附加输出,表明分析正在进行,同时还提供重要信息。从它可以看出分析使用的压力和锁模力的大小、流率的大小和使用的控制类型。

图169. 充模分析的屏幕输出文件 屏幕输出文件和结果概要都有与图170相似的部分。它同时包含了分析过程中(第一部分)和分析结束时的关键信息。使用这些信息可以快速查看这些变量,从而判断是否需要详细分析某一结果,以发现问题。

图170. 结果概要输出 充模时间(Fill Time) 充模时间显示的是熔体流动前沿的扩展情况,其默认绘制方式是阴影图,但使用云纹图可更容易解释结果。云纹线的间距应该相同,这表明熔体流动前沿的速度相等。制件的填充应该平衡。当制件平衡充模时,制件的各个远端在同一时刻充满。对大多数分析,充模时间是一个非常重要的关键结果。 压力(Pressures) 有几种不同的压力图,每种以不同的方式显示制件的压力分布。所有压力图显示的都是制件某个位置(一个节点)、或某一时刻的压力。 使用的最大压力应低于注射机的压力极限,很多注射机的压力极限为140 MPa (~20,000 psi)。模具的设计压力极限最好为100 MPa (~14,500 psi)左右。如果所用注塑机的压力极限高于140MPa,则设计极限可相应增大。模具的设计压力极限应大约为注射机极限的70%。假如分析没有包括浇注系统,设计压力极限应为注射机极限的50%。 象充模时间一样,压力分布也应该平衡。压力图和充模时间图看起来应该十分相似,如果相似,则充模时制件内就只有很少或没有潜流。 具体的压力结果定义如下: ?压力(Pressure) 压力是一个中间结果,每一个节点在分析时间内的每一时刻的压力值都记录了下来。默认的动画是时间动画,因此,你可以通过动画观察压力随时间变化的情况。压力分布应该平衡,或者在保压阶段应保证均匀的压力分布和几乎无过保压。 ?压力(充模结束时)(Pressure (end of filling)) 充模结束时的压力属于单组数据,该压力图是观察制件的压力分布是否平衡的有效工具。因为充模结束时的压力对平衡非常敏感,因此,如果此时的压力图分布平衡,则制件就很好地实现了平衡充模。 ?体积/压力控制转换时的压力(Pressure at V/P switchover ) 体积/压力控制转换时的压力属于单组数据,该压力图同样是观察制件的压力分布是否平衡的有效工具。通常,体积/压力控制转换时的压力在整个注塑成型周期中是最高的,此时压力的大小和分布可通过该压力图进行观察。同时,你也可以看到在控制转换时制件填充了多少,未填充部分以灰色表示。


姑开中学学校与任课教师安全工作目标管理 责任书 为了加强学校安全工作目标管理,切实保障师生人生安全、学校财产安全,维护正常的教育教学秩序。根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》、《国务院安全事故行政责任追究的规定》等法、教育部《关于进一步做好中小学幼儿园安全工作六条措施》的要求及纳雍县教育局关于印发《纳雍县中小学(幼儿园)安全教育和管理工作岗位职责(一岗双责)》的通知要求,特制定本责任书: 一、学校班级安全工作目标管理责任人: 各任课教师。 二、学校任课教师安全工作目标责任内容: 1.明确并履行岗位安全职责,落实学校安全工作的有关要求,做好安全防范工作。 2.将安全教育有机渗透到本学科教学内容和教学过程中。 3.课前清点学生人数,发现异常情况应立即上报班主任,课堂上发现学生行为具有危险性时应及时制止、告诫、教育,并与班主任或学生家长及时沟通。课间负责本楼层就近楼梯间、楼层的安全工作。 4.密切配合班主任开展安全工作,及时将班内的安全问题向班主任反映,协助班主任对学生进行安全教育,妥善处理班级出现的安全问题。 5.课堂教学中如遇突发事件或安全问题,及时将学生有序疏散到安全地带并作妥善处理,同时立即向分管领导或校长汇报。 6.开展“放学前一分钟安全教育”。每天最后一节课下课前,结合实际提醒学生注意交通安全、防劫防骗、防各种伤害事故等安全事项。 7.完成领导小组交办的其他安全工作。 三、责任追究。

任课教师如不履行安全管理或安全管理过程中失职、渎职行为的,对重大安全隐患未及时采取消除和上报措施的,学校将责令任课教师限期改正,拒不改正或有下列情形之一的,学校将根据事件情况对任课教师给予行政处分,通报批评和记一次不良工作记录。 1、发生重大安全事故,造成学生伤亡的; 2、发生事故后未及时采取适当措施,造成严重后果的; 3、瞒报、谎报或者缓报重大事故的; 4、妨碍事故调查或者是提供虚假情况的; 5、拒绝或者不配合学校实施安全监督管理职责的; 6、不及时上报全材料的。 本责任书有效期自签字之日起至下年度签字之日止。 教务主任签字:任课教师签字: 纳雍县姑开中学 2017年月日


《模流分析基础入门》 目录 计算机辅助工程与塑料射出成形 1-1 计算机辅助工程分析 1-2 塑料射出成形 1-3 模流分析及薄壳理论 1-4 模流分析软件的未来发展 射出成形机 2-1 射出机组件 2-1-1 射出系统 2-1-2 模具系统 2-1-3 油压系统 2-1-4 控制系统 2-1-5 锁模系统 2-2 射出成形系统 2-3 射出机操作顺序 2-4 螺杆操作 2-5 二次加工 什么是塑料 3-1 塑料之分类 3-2 热塑性塑料 3-2-1 不定形聚合物 3-2-2 (半)结晶性聚合物 3-2-3 液晶聚合物 3-3 热固性塑料 3-4 添加剂、填充料与补强料 塑料如何流动 4-1 熔胶剪切黏度 4-2 熔胶流动之驱动--射出压力 4-2-1 影响射出压力的因素 4-3 充填模式 4-3-1 熔胶波前速度与熔胶波前面积 4-4 流变理论 第五章材料性质与塑件设计 材料性质与塑件设计 5-1-1 应力--应变行为

5-1-2 潜变与应力松弛 5-1-3 疲劳 5-1-4 冲击强度 5-1-5 热机械行为 5-2 塑件强度设计 5-2-1 短期负荷 5-2-2 长期负荷 5-2-3 反复性负荷 5-2-4 高速负荷及冲击负荷 5-2-5 极端温度施加负荷 5-3 塑件肉厚 5-4 肋之设计 5-5 组合之设计 5-5-1 压合连接 5-5-2 搭扣配合连接 5-5-3 固定连接组件 5-5-4 熔接制程 第六章模具设计 6-1 流道系统 6-1-1 模穴数目之决定 6-1-2 流道配置 6-1-3 竖浇道尺寸之决定 6-1-4 流道截面之设计 6-1-5 流道尺寸之决定 6-1-6 热流道系统 6-2 流道平衡 6-2-1 流道设计规则 6-3 浇口设计 6-3-1 浇口种类 6-3-2 浇口设计原则 6-4 设计范例 6-4-1 阶段一:C-mold Filling EZ简易充填模拟分析 6-4-2 阶段二:执行C-mold Filling & Post Filling 最佳化6-5 模具冷却系统 6-5-1 冷却孔道的配置 6-5-2 其它的冷却装置 6-6 冷却系统之相关方程式 6-6-1 冷却系统之设计规则


附件六 迁西县教育局2015-2016学年度教师进修学校目标管理考核细则总表序号项目权重要点 一学校管理150分1.办学思想40分;2.制度建设50分;3.安全管理50分。4.节约型校园创建10分; 二队伍建设100分 1.干部队伍建设30分;2.教师队伍建设70分。 三教师培训400分1.教师全员培训120分;2.新教师岗前培训40分;3.骨干教师、名师、学科带头人培养与培训80分;4.薄弱学科教师培训100分;5.“送课下乡”活动60分。 四干部培训160分 1.后备干部培训80分;2.现任干部提高培训80分。六办学质量和办学条件160分 1.办学质量100分;2.办学条件60分。 七学校文化30分学校文化30分。

迁西县教育局2015-2016学年度教师进修学校目标管理考核细则 考核项目目标要求考核方式赋分标准及分值 权重系数 实得分A:1. B:0. 8 C:0. 6 D:0. 4 学校管理150分 办学 思想 40分 办学指导思想明确, 办学思路清晰,有近 期、远期发展规划切 目标明确、可行。 查看档案资料,教师、学 生座谈 1.办学指导思想明确、端正,服务教育教学,提高干部管理水 平和教师的业务能力。(15分) 2.办学思路清晰,面向全员、突出骨干、倾斜农村。(15分) 3.近期、远期发展规划目标明确、可行。(10分) 制度建设 50分 制定和完善各项管理 制度,制度成册,落 实到位。 学校制度汇编、具体制度 落实情况记录等 1.以培训为重点,完善各项规章制度、培训方案。(20分) 2.每学期至少召开两次培训分析会,研究分析培训工作情况。 (20分) 3.全校教师工知晓率达到100%。(10分) 安全 卫生 50分 加强学习安全卫生管 理 走访师生和查看相关材 料和工作痕迹、记录。 1.建立健全学校安全卫生管理制度和工作机制,责任层层落 实;各项档案资料齐全。(20分) 2.每月至少开展一次全校性安全隐患排查,记录清楚,责任到 人;加强门卫管理,各种制度上墙。(30分) 节约型校园 创建 10分 学校领导重视节约型 校园创建工作。 听汇报,师生座谈,查阅 档案资料 1.有节约型校园创建方案,有活动档案资料。(5分) 2.全校教职工节约意识强,行为效果明显,学校正常运转成本 下降。(5分) 队伍建设100分 干部队 伍建设 30分 依照干部考核标准考 核 民主测评,检查档案资 料,部分教师座谈 1.加强学习,不断创新,提升管理艺术和决策能力。(10分) 2.自觉遵守廉洁自律的有关规定,作风端正。(10分) 3.落实干部兼听课制度。(10分) 教师队伍 建设 70分 师德建设查看档案资料,教师座谈 1.有师德评价考核方案、考核记录和考核结果,视检查情况按 A、B、C、D四档记分。(10分) 2.按局要求适时召开师德师风建设工作会,有集中学习记录和 个人学习笔记,视检查情况按A、B、C、D四档记分。(10分)班主任队伍建设 班主任工作经验交流会、 研讨会,班主任工作培训 活动影像资料及心得;班 级工作量化考核方案等 1.针对教师进修学校班级管理特点,定期组织班主任工作经验 交流会、研讨会,提高班级管理的针对性、实效性。(5分) 2.针对班主任人员结构实际,多层次、多渠道开展班主任工作 培训,以老带青,以优促优,提高班主任队伍整体的管理艺术 和水平。(5分)


中学教职工目标管理量化考核实施方案 一、指导思想 为了进一步完善校长负责制,调动广大教师的教学积极性,落实以人为本的科学发展观,积极推进学校内部管理体制综合改革。根椐《教育法》、《教师法》、《中小学教师职务条例》、《温州市中学高级教师履职考核办法》和《区教育局关于印发教职工学年度履职考核办法(试行)的通知》(温瓯教政[2007]21号)文件精神,结合学校实际情况,制订本实施方案。 二、具体考核实施方案 本考核实施方案共分三个部分,第一部分为师德表现考核,考核结果分为“合格”与“不合格”;第二部分为教学类人员目标管理量化考核办法,根据高级、中级、初级教师的岗位不同,分类别进行考核,每类各有10个指标,计100分;第三部分为行政教辅人员(职工)目标管理量化考核办法,根据其工作岗位特点,设置了7个指标,共100分;考核办法中充分体现了共性评价指标与个性评价指标,以及定量评价与定性评价相结合的特点,使评价更具针对性,评价结果更能反应教师真实工作的性质、特点,以及所取得的成绩,具体实施方案如下: 第一部分:师德表现考核 一、政治态度与敬业爱岗

(一)基本要求:拥护党的方针政策,贯彻国家教育方针,自觉参加政治理论学习。热爱教育事业,教育思想端正,更新教育观念,注重素质教育,严谨治学,教书育人。工作责任心强。 (二)有下列行为之一者,评定为不合格: 1、反对和抵制党的基本路线,犯有政治立场错误,或在课堂上对学生进行思想政治上的误导,造成不良影响的; 2、在学校和学生中从事传教、封建迷信活动的;对学生进行思想政治上的误导,造成不良影响的; 3、教育过程中不能贯彻新课程理念、不注重素质教育。家长意见大、反应强烈,经批评教育后仍不改正的。 4、工作责任心不强,严重影响工作或造成重大失误。 二、遵章守纪 (一)基本要求:遵守国家法律法规,遵守学校的规章制度,不旷工(课),上课不迟到、早退,不参加与教师身份不符的活动。 (二)有下列行为之一者,评定为不合格: 1、严重违反社会公德或在经济、生活等方面犯有错误,造成不良影响的; 2、对本职工作不负责,无正当理由经党组织、校长室三次谈话仍不服从组织分配,纪律松弛、敷衍塞责、造成教育教学工作损失的;


Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改 中学教师教学工作目标管理责任书4篇 Responsibility statement of middle school teachers' teac hing objective management 编订:JinTai College

中学教师教学工作目标管理责任书4篇前言:责任书是个体分内应做的事,来自对他人的承诺,职业要求,道德规范和法律法规等;就没有做好自己工作,而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务的书信。本文档根据责任书容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:中学教师教学工作目标管理责任书 2、篇章2:中学教师师德师风目标责任书范文 3、篇章3:中学教师师德师风目标责任书范文 4、篇章4:中学教师师德师风目标责任书范文 篇章1:中学教师教学工作目标管理责任书 为全面落实学校教学制度,切实做好学校教学工作,逐步提高竹基中学教学质量,办人民满意的教育。师宗县竹基中学与全体教职工签订教学工作目标责任书,责任书内容如下:一、具体目标

(一)教研活动 1、落实教学任务。按照教学计划的要求,组织完成教学 任务,包括落实课堂教学任务和课外辅导工作。 2、开展教学质量检查工作。通过有计划的业务学习和教 学研讨活动,教师主动学习教育理论,通过互相听课、观摩教学、教学讨论等形式总结交流教学情况和经验,集体研讨、解决教学活动中出现的各种问题;收集学生的意见和要求,帮助教师改进教学,不断提高课堂教学的效果;教学任务下达后,教师按照课程教学大纲的规定,认真备课,钻研教材,编写教案、撰写讲稿,使用多媒体教学手段,精心组织教学;对青年教师和新开课程教师进行具体指导;安排集体备课,集思广益,不断提高教学质量。 3、开展科学研究和各种学术性活动。结合学科特色,制 定科学研究计划,积极申报科研项目和参与课题研究工作。积极组织有关学术讲座,参加学术交流,活跃学术氛围,提高学术水平。 4、强化学科建设,不断提高本学科在学校地位。按照优 先发展,育人为本,改革创新,提高质量的要求,努力提高教研水平。


洵口小学教师目标管理方案 一、指导思想 为了充分调动教师工作积极性,真正体现公平、公开、公正的竞争原则,使教师的调配、职评、绩效工资奖励性部分的分配有据可查、有据可依,经中心小学校委会研究并征询各校教师意见,特制订本评估方案,本方案从德、能、勤、绩四方面对教师进行评估。 二、考核目标及发放办法 一、德:10分 1、遵纪守法,不参与社会上一些非法组织及非法活动;不赌博,八小时工作时间内坚决不准参与玩牌、打麻将、打毛线等无关教学事项;服从分配、服从学校分工。违反扣2分/次。 2、为人师表,关心爱护每一个学生,不歧视差生、打骂体罚或变相体罚学生;违反该项扣2分/次,如有家长来校反映则双倍扣分。 3、大公无私、诚实谦让、胸怀坦荡、团结同志、同事之间和睦相处。违反扣1分/次。 4、积极配合学校做好各项工作,完成学校交给自己的教学任务及社会分工工作。违反扣1分/次。 5、积极参加学校政治学习、培训、会议等各项活动。有相应的学习笔记、心得体会。每学期不少于2000字(以记录为标准,少一次扣1分,扣完为止)。 6、仪表端正、衣着整洁大方,不穿奇装异服,男教师不留长发,课堂上不穿短裤、拖鞋、背心,女教师不浓妆艳抹。违反扣1分/次。 7、增强服务意识,尊重家长,密切联系,不训斥指责家长,不与家长争吵,建立良好关系。违反扣1分/次。 8、严格遵守学校财务制度,按时自觉全额上交学校规定各项收费,不擅自向学生收费,不擅自向学生推销商品,订购资料,违反扣3分/次。 9、教师不得拒绝适龄儿童就近入学、差生转入,不强迫学生留级,应积极动员流生返校,做到班级无流生。违反扣2分/次。 10、爱岗敬业、遵守师德规范,不违反《教师法》、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、《江西省中小学教师职业道德“八不准”》有关规定,违反则视情节轻重酌


教师目标管理考核细则 为全面、客观、公正地评价任课教师的教学工作,促进教师专业发展,提升课程实施水平,提高学校教育教学质量,全面推进素质教育,根据学校实际,特制定本考评方案。 一、考评原则 1、发展性原则:教师发展性评价是以促进教师专业能力不断发展为目的的过程性评价,它要求教师根据学校规划、教师发展计划以及学生发展的需求,使不同层次的教师在原有的基础上都有所发展。 2、自主性原则:教师发展性评价要充分尊重教师的主体地位,挖掘教师自身发展的潜能,开拓发展时空,发挥教师发展的主动性和创造性,不断提高教师自我反思、自我完善、自我发展的能力。 3、激励性原则:教师发展性评价改变以往只注重横向比较的评价方式,要注重教师自身发展的纵向比较,鼓励教师在不同阶段,不同基础的情况都能不断获取成功的体验,以形成自我发展的动力。 二、考评项目及权重 思想政治表现占10%,出勤情况占15%,教学常规占25%,教研教改占20%,教学成绩占30%。 三、具体考评内容及办法 第一部分:思想政治表现 一、目标:依据师德建设的基本要求,从思想品德、教学行为、教育思想、工作纪律四个方面进行考评。 1、思想品德 ①、学习和宣传马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想和科学发展观,拥护党的基本路线。 ②、自觉遵守《教师法》、《教育法》等法律、法规,遵守国家各项法律和社会公德,一切教育教学活动必须严格遵守党和国家的教育路线方针政策。 ③、热爱教育,热爱学校,维护学校荣誉;尽职尽责,教书育人爱岗敬业。 2、教学行为: ①、热爱学生,尊重学生,建立和保持平等的师生关系。 ②、发现和鼓励学生的积极因素,严格要求学生,耐心教导,不讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生,不体罚或变相体罚学生,不私自让学生停课、停学。

模流分析解析(详细) by heyy

AMI 分析详解 7.1.1 1.直浇口 直浇口直接由主流道进入型腔。 2.侧浇口 侧浇口是叫口中最简单又最常用的浇口。侧浇口的深度尺寸的微小变化可使塑料熔体的流量发生较大变化。 3 . 护耳式浇口 使用侧浇口对于某些开阔的型腔,可能会产生喷射呵蛇形流等现象。护耳式浇口可将喷射、气纹控制在护耳上,需要的话,可用后加工手段去除护耳,使制品外观保持良好,常应用于高透明度平板类制件。 4 . 环形浇口 根据制件的几何形状可以分为对称和不对称两种类型。当需要设置多个浇口时,对称形状的制件要遵循每个浇口流长相等和填充体积相等的原则;不对称形状的制件由于本身就不能达到自然平衡,所以每个浇口的填充体积和压力降都不尽相同。不对称形状的制件可能需要较多的浇口数目以获得平衡流动或者产生何莉莉的熔接线位置,同时降低注塑压力。 5 . 隔膜浇口 通常在环状制件的内径中设置浇口,该制件通常具有薄壁区域。 7.1.3 分析结果解释 1 . 浇口位置日志 浇口位置日志给出了分析的一些日志,其中一条主要信息是给出了最佳浇口位置的节点。 2 . 流动阻力指示器 表示熔体的流动前沿离不同浇口位置的流动阻力。流动阻力的值从0到1的变化,阻值越高表明熔体流动越困难。 3 . 浇口匹配性 表示浇口位置合理性的因子分布图,因子值越小,浇口位于这个位置的成型合理性越小。 7.2充填分析 (必须)1 . 充填时间 充填时间显示了熔体填充随时间的变化而变化情况。从充填时间可以看出产品的 填充是否平衡。产品的两个末端的充填时间为****和****,相差****,效果****。 (必须)2 . 速度\压力切换时的压力 V\P转换时刻压力属于单组数据,通常,V\P转换时刻压力在整个注塑周期中时最
