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Key to Exercises of Unit one
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1) ① 2) ③ 3)① 4)②
2. 1)① 2)② 3)① 4)③
3. 1)n.② 2)v.① 3)n.① 4)v.②
Exercise 6
1. evaluate 2.terms 3.estimating 4.earth wns 6.retired 7.afford 8.instead 9.owed 10. lent
11.appeal 12.simulated 13.borrowed 14.absorbed 15.Eventually
16.social 17.arrangement 18.human 19.convinced 20.results
Exercise 7
1. a. pays b. payment 2. a. injury b. injured
3. a. ignorant b. ignore 4. a. represents b. representative
Exercise 8
1. is cleared up 2. In the meantime 3.fall into 4.take time
5.has adjusted to 6.seek out 7.plungd into 8.think up
9.as though 10. on purpose
Exercise 9
1. It is the first time I’ve ever spoken to him.
2. He was worried, because it was the first time she had ever been late.
3. It is the first time you’ve ever made a complaint about it.
4. We were surprised, because it is the first time they had ever invited us to lunch.
5. The boy was delighted because it was the first time he had ever read anything like this.
6. The boy doesn’t look very confident or comfortable, because it is the first time he has ever ridden a horse.
Exercise 10
1. We’ll end the meeting here, provided(that)there are no further questions.
2. You can stay up late unless you feel tired.
3. We’ll be late if the train doesn’t arrive on time.
4. Unless he tells us who he is, we won’t let him in.
5. I’d like to ask you some questions, unless you’re busy.
6. We should have a good time, if we get good weather.
7. As soon as you don’t object, we’ll interview the next candidate now.
8. He will lend you money provided(that)you promise in writing to pay him back.
Text B
Exercise 3
1.disappointment 2.reserved 3.eagerness 4.announcement 5.forgive 6.critical 7. sliding 8.cheerfull 9.polished 10.converted
Exercise 4
1. was filled with 2.be converted into 3.set down 4.was brought up
5. on the surface 6.fold down 7.on the terms 8.turned to
Exercise 5
1. I’ll tell Ann what happened if you really want me to I’d rather you told her.
2. You could invite Tom to the party but I’rather you didn’t invite him(to the party).
3. I’ll do the washing-up if you really want me to but I’d rather you did it.
4. I’ll go to the bank if you really want me to but I’d rather you went to the bank.
5. A: Do you mind if I go home early?
B: Well, there’s a lot of work to be done. I ‘d rather you stayed until 5 o’clock.
6. A: Is he getting better?
B: I’m not sure. In any case, I’d rather you didn’t mention his death when you see him.
Translation Practice
practice 3
1. 分不清颜色的人是色盲。
2. 电流能顺利通过的物质称为导体。
3. 发动机坏掉的那辆车是上个月买的。
4. 火箭发动机能在没有空气的太空中工作。
5. 我们必须

practice 4
1. 通过那些我得记住不能砍掉的花,通过那些有意插在地里的东西,或丢失在草地的东西,我开始了解各种各样的人。
2. 无非是除草,而且巴卢先生园子里的草就那么一点,也花不了多少时间去修整。
3. 我感受到母亲用这件礼物来跟我交流,而这种交流我已盼了50年。
4. 我姐姐一直保存着这张书桌,直到我们能把它弄来。
5. 我在信中请求,以您选择的任何方式给我回信。母亲,您总是选择比言辞更响亮的行动来表达您的心愿。
practice 5
1. He had gone there on purpose to see what had happened.
2. Take your time, I’m in no hurry.
3. We were brought up in the Party’s belief that we should serve the people.
4. As a teenager I yeaned for heart-to-heart talks with my teacher.
5. I was astonished by the great power a novel could contain.
Guided writing
practice 6
There were several reasons why I decided to come to college. First of all, I was influenced by my friends, most of whom were going to college , I founded it difficult for me to choose any other career. The second reason is that I wanted to get a college degree because a college education was necessary for anyone who wanted to get a better job. Finally, I have always enjoyed school, and I also wanted to continue to learn something new in college.

Key to Exercises of Unit Two
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1)① 2)③ 3)② 4)①
2. 1)v.② 2) n.① 3) v.① 4) v.②
3. 1) n.① 2) v.① 3) n.① 4) n.②
Exercise 6
1. slight 2.contrast 3.head out 4.superficial 5.frightening 6. isolated promise 8.keen on 9.improvement 10.preference
Exercise 7
1. leave…behind 2. turn to 3.head out 4.lean on 5.suffered from 6.took to 7.contrast…with 8.keen on 9.isolated from 10.cut…off
Exercise 8
1.C 2.A 3.B 4. D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
Exercise 9
1. I wish they didn’t make such a noise every night.
2. I wish I could give up smoking.
3. I wish I knew her telephone number.
4. I wish I hadn’t painted the door red.
5. I wish I had seen him /had been here when he come.
6. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
7. I wish people wouldn’t drop litter in the street.
8. I wish I were rich/could afford to buy that car.
Exercise 10
1. The island we visited was beautiful but crowded.
2. Mary types slowly but accurately.
3. One should look over a document carefully before signing it and get advice when needed.
4. He founded it not only annoying to be asked for identification each time but also insulting.
5. Byron can speak Chinese but he can’t write it.
6. To listen to fine music and to have a stimulating conversation with good fiends are two pleasure in life.
Text B
Exercise 3
1. intense 2.significant 3. analysis 4. issues 5.statement 6.debate 7. substantial 8.eme

rged 9. calculate 10.objective
Exercise 4
1.as it is 2. convert…into 3.in turn 4.rely on 5.deals with 6. has…exposed…to 7.under no circumstances pared with
Exercise 5
1.serviced 2.repaired 3.confused 4.stolen 5.finished 6.heard 7.typed 8. cleaned 9.understood rmed
Translation Practice
Practice 3
1. 日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。
2. 电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛应用,它使人可能摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。
3. 机械能可转变成电能,而电能又可转变成机械能。
4. 小型化意味着缩小东西的尺寸。这对电子工业的发展极为重要。
5. 他们知道饭店什么时候将残羹剩饭倒进垃圾桶,他们在那里寻找食物。
Practice 4
1. 国际贸易中有一些特有的问题是在国外做生意的公司所必须了解的。
2. 珊珊来迟的外国人常被拦在外面等上一会儿,好让他们知道准时的重要性。
3. 除非你认识这些理应做到的行为,否则结果就可能会冒犯你想与之建立关系的人。
4. 汇率是由进行各国货币买卖的各个市场确定的。
5. 从1945年开始到1971年布雷顿森林体系彻底崩溃为止,国际货币基金组织一直抱有幻想,认为它可以在大部分时期稳住外汇汇率。
Practice 5
1. China is a developing country, belonging to the Third World.
2. English differs greatly from Spanish in pronunciation.
3. He wasn’t keen on buying a car at first ,but I persuaded him to do so.
4. They found themselves very much in opposition to each other.
5. The village had been cut off by the heavy snow for more than a month.
Guided Writing
Practice 6
City X is different from City Y in many ways, but there are things that are similar.
City X is one of the most populated cities in Asia and City Y is one of the most populated cities in North America. The weather in the summer is very hot in City X, and it is the same in City Y. City X is a port and an industrial city and City Y is too. City X has a problem with pollution, and City Y has a similar problem. The both have serious traffic problems.

Key to Exercises of Unit 3
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1) n.③ 2) v.④ 3)v.② 4)v.①
2. 1)① 2) ② 3) ③ 4) ①
3. 1)adj.① 2) adj.① 3) adj.② 4)adv.
4. 1)v. ② 2)v. ① 3)v. ② 4)n.①
Exercise 6
1.cope 2.challenge 3.positive 4.cricis 5.shortened
6.depressed 7.overcome 8.generated 9dimension 10.precious
Exercise 7
1. look into the eyes 2.was worse off 3.in the face of
4.are isolated from 5.to their feet6.yourheads held high
7.in part 8.turned inside out 9.broke down
10.let go of
Exercise 8
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D. 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B
Exercise 9
1. play 2.were 3.finish 4.take 5.behave 6.go 7.stay 8.explode
Exercise 10
1. They will not get there on t

ime without taking a taxi.
2. Did anyone inform you of the change of the plans?
3. Despite the city’s many attraction, Johnny still preferred his life in the country.
4. But for his sister’s money, Harry would never be a doctor.
5. The man with a red beard is talking to Henry’s father.
6. In spite of the clear scientific evidence, people still refused to believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous.
Text B
Exercise 3
1. got away from 2.restraints 3.go back to basics
4.collaborate 5.at heart 6.endeavor 7.image 8.bubble 9.boom 10.transparent 11.is going through
Exercise 4
1. in 2.away 3.off 4.to 5.into 6.at 7.through 8.out
Exercise 5
1.The children can go with us or(they can)stay at home.
2.This sentence may be correct grammatically, but/yet a native speaker never says it that way.
3.The girl decided to remain at home, for it was raining hard.
It was raining hard and the girl decided to remain at home.
4.Few blacks are leaving the rural South these days, not because farming has become more popular but because industry is moving in.
5.Brian locked the door and went to a nearby pub.
6.They could not decide what to do, so they asked my advice.
They could not decide what to do and asked my advice.
7. Mr. Fisher neither loves the environment nor is he accustomed to the weather.
8. For the first time I saw my father not as the giant of my childhood but simply as a lonely man.
Translation practice
Practice 3
1. 船通常在什么时间到达?
2. 展览会上没有什么东西使他感兴趣。
3. 科学在我们生活的社会里起着重要的作用。
4. 金属具有强度、硬度和可塑性,这些性能使他们在工业上得到广泛应用。
5. 好钟的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的影响。
Practice 4
1. 要么我们被彻底打败而被逐出,要么我们勇敢地站起来。
2. 时间是医疗创伤的良药,但是那些聪明地利用时间的人会更快得到调整。
3. 生活在继续,而那些不愿同生活一起继续下去的人只会被人所弃,整日沉湎在痛苦之中。
4. 不要再捶胸顿足了。不管你遇到的事情有多糟,还有比你更糟的人,你还可以去帮助他。
5. 赛德曼说:“瑞士联合银行的格言是’你和我们‘,但是我们一手创造的世界实际上却是’你和没有人‘—没有人是通过真实的价值关系相联系的。“
Practice 5
1. In the face of the crisis, how you do things matters more than ever.
2. I’ve have two operations for cancer, but I know I’ll be able to attend my son’s graduation in June and I’m so thankful for that.
3. But for their work we would now be facing an even bigger problem than we are.
4. When I think of the crisis I’ve gone through, I often think about that image.
5. You should make decisions based on good judgement.
Guided writing
Practice 6
The recorded music on sale falls into three categories. The first categor

y is classic music. It is entirely traditional and formal. Since it is hard to follow, it mainly catches the attention of the educated people. The second category is easy listening music, which is also known as light music. This kind of music is structurally simple and pleasing to ears, The melody is beautiful and easy to understand. Most people like it. The last category is dancing music, which is popular for dancing practice, as its name implies. It is lively and energetic and is especially popular with young.

Key to Exercises of Unit 4
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1) ② 2) ① 3) ② 4) ①
2. 1) ③ 2) ④ 3) ① 4) ②
3. 1) n.② 2) n.② 3)adj. ② 4) n. ②
Exercise 6
1.ideal 2.intention 3.assessment 4.consequences 5.adopt 6.sponsered 7.prejudise 8.occasional
9.tendency 10.concluded
Exercise 7
1. free from 2.apply to 3.So far as 4.as a whole
5.short of 6.was responsible for 7.up to 8.lead to
Exercise 8
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A
11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.A
Exercise 9
1.as the ability to do work 2.AS years go by
3.Small as it is 4.just as the car overtook a lorry
5.As far as weather goes 6.as to help me
7.as we expected 8. As long as you are happy
Exercise 10
1. The house is no bigger than a cabin.
2. Jim is no more careful than you are.
3. He is no more fond of playing chess than I am.
4. This computer is no better than that one.
5. He is no more able to read Spanish than I am.
6. Higgs is no more than Davis in the chemistry exam.
7. There are no more than ten students left in the classroom.
8. Tom’s wife gets up no earlier than Tom.
Text B
Exercise 3
1. disputes 2. image 3. characteristic 4. foundation
5. factor 6. data 7.acknoledged 8. produced
9. reflect 10. ratio
Exercise 4
1. broke out 2. made… up 3. in favour of 4. out of style
5.leave…alone 6.left out 7. are subject to 8. at work
Exercise 5
1. It is necessary that you( should)bring a notebook to class with you every day.
2. It is urgent that the police (should)be notified about those strange phone calls.
3. It is important that no one (should)say anything to him.
4. It is advisable that a seat (should)be reserved on this train.
5. It is vital that we(should)not permit our competitors to know our plans.
6. It is desirable that the course in general science(should) be taken before the chemistry course.
7. It is essential that you(should)not write checks for more money than you have in your account.
8. It is demanded that the work(should) be finished in two days.
Translation practice
Practice 3
1. 这篇文章中有些新的术语,他们的意思可能使学生感到困难。
2. 伽利略死于1642年,他制造了第一架望远镜。
3. 电能是最重要的能量形式,它广泛用于我们的日常生活中。
4. 伯吉斯和理查德?霍格兰与卡尔?萨根取得

5. 科学的结果形成概念,这些概念可用来理解新的经历。
Practice 4
1. 今后的几十年,生物科学的发展将会从根本上改变我们现在所知的文明社会,这一观点被广泛采纳。
2. 当开发出一个新的科技时,它应得到来自社会各界的代表组成的委员会的检验,当然包括在这个特定领域有专长的科学家在内。
3. 他首先阐明的观点是:那些在他们自己专业以外的科学家总体上并不比不是科学家的人聪明多少,他们也不会不持偏见和感情用事,这一点我是同意的。
4. 在讨论这些问题时,科学家们都认为最理想的一点是:科学家有责任把自己研究领域中新发明的真实情况提供给公众,并且有责任指出他所能预见的可能发生的情况。
5. 如今科学家受到如此尊重,原因之一在于科学家的形象是一个冷静地收集数据,不带任何偏见,寻找真理的人。
Practice 5
1.I am responsible to the manager for this matter.
2.We will never stop short of the goal.
3. what the professor says may have some effect on him.
4.This is the first point I want to make.
5.It is up to you whether you accept the job.
Guided writing
Practice 6
European universities and American universities are different in many ways . First, European students enroll in fewer courses each term than American students do. Second, European students seldom live at a university. Instead, they live at home and travel to class. Third, most European courses are given by professors Who lecture to their classes. In contrast, American professors often ask their students questions or allow their students to form discussion groups. Fourth, European professors ask students to write fewer papers than American professors do. Consequently, European students’final examination are usually oral, whereas American students take written final examinations. Finally, a European university is mainly a place to study. But most American universities, social activities take up a large part of the students’time.
Practice 7
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a teacher in the English department of Dong fang University. My major is English of science and technology.
One of my friends told me that you are hiring an assistant editor of English. As you can see from my resume, I have two years of experience in editing the English journal of our college. I am very interested in working with you and your colleagues.
If you need any other information concerning my background please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,

Key to Exercises of Unit 5
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1) n.② 2) v.① 3) n.③ 4) n.④
2. 1) ① 2) ④

3) ① 4) ③
3. 1) ① 2) ③ 3) ⑤ 4) ⑥
Exercise 6
1.host 2.inspire 3.afford 4.expectation 5.deserve
6.recognition 7.broadened 8.maitain 9.tuition 10.fortunate
Exercise 7
1.put…through 2.insisted upon 3.went by 4.wrote down
5.carved out 6.helped…out 7.handing over 8.paid back 9.scaped by 10.look over
Exercise 8
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B
11.A 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.A
Exercise 9
1. It doesn’t matter very much whether they come or not.
2. It is quite likely that he will let you down.
3. It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.
4. It happens that I have had some unpleasant experience in dealing with him.
5. It is difficult to tell which country is technologically superior in terms of space equipment.
6. It is impossible that you have found a mistake in a computer’s arithmetic.
Exercise 10
1.moreover 2. in that case 3. however
4.therefore 5.after that 6. in other words
Text B
Exercise 3
1. contribution 2.association 3.echoing 4.passion 5.congratulating 6.resort 7.apologized 8.froze 9.odd 10.expenses
Exercise 4
1. pave the way for 2.echoing in my mind 3.amount to 4.hold…together 5. bored into 6. follow in his footsteps 7.in contact with 8.are supportive of
Exercise 5
1. I took as much luggage as was allowed.
2. German is as difficult a language as English.
3. A year is as long a time as it takes for the earth to go round the sun once.
4. Tom has made as many spelling mistakes as Mary does in their compositions.
5. We are going to have as hot a summer as we had last year.
6. We have as efficient management of the school as they do.
Translation Practice
Practice 3
1. 自动生产线最适用于汽车工业,因为那里要生产成千上万个同样的零件。
2. 物质具有一定的特征或特性,所以我们能够很容易地识别各种物质。
3. 虽然电子计算机有很多优点,但它不能进行创造性的工作,也代替不了人。
4. 我们必须给机器的运转部件加油,以便使摩擦大大减少。
5. 由于电子计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常被称作电脑。
Practice 4
1. 虽然从1991年以来,我就没有在电视上主持美国游戏节目“让我们做笔生意”,但没有一天有人认不出我。
2. 1942年一个空气清新的春日,加拿大温尼伯市的一家制衣厂大力神制造公司的业主马克斯?弗里德正返回工厂,他的胳膊下面夹着一摞整齐的订单。
3. 它提醒我,无论我们在生活中是干什么的,无论我们在成功的阶梯上爬的有多高,我们最终因为我们帮助了那些没有我们幸运的人而被记住。
4. 他的父亲是一个成功的医生,用杰夫的话来讲,冷酷而又严厉。他的父亲坚信,一个人除非能上大学并且在23岁以前从大学毕业,否则永远都不可能对社会做出重要贡献

5. 霍尔斯特姆医生张开双臂,似乎想拥抱身边的空气。他低下了头,几乎像是在道歉。在那么一刻,时间似乎凝固了,大礼堂里似乎只有他们两个人。
Practice 5
1. Ever since he left home, not a day goes by that his parents do not worry about his safety.
2. Since he had been put through college by his high school teachers, he planned to do the same for other poor students.
3. Five years after graduating from university, he carved out a name for himself as a successful journalist.
4. He decided to follow his father’s footsteps to become a lawyer as his father had already paved the way for his success.
5. I should have known earlier that you would never amount to anything.
Guided writing
Practice 6
The Impact of Television on Children
Many people are worried about what television has done to children who have grown up watching it. For one thing, recent studies tend to show that TV stifles(抑制)creative imagination. Some teachers feel that cannot understand a simple story without visual illustrations. Secondly, too much TV too early tends to cause children to withdraw from real—life experiences. Thus, they grow up to be passive spectators who can only respond to action, but not initiate it. The third area for concern is the serious complaint frequently made by elementary school teachers that children exhibit a low tolerance for the frustrations of learning. Because they have been conditioned to see all problems resolved in 30 or 60 minutes on TV, they are quickly discouraged by any activity that promises less than instant.
Practice 7
To whom it may concern,
Mr. Xiang has asked me to recommend him for admission to graduate study in the field of International Business at your university. I am more than happy to do so. I have taught him in a course in Business Accounting and in another in Economics. In both he did excellent work. He distinguished himself not only in the grades he earned but also in his ability to work independently. In dealing with his fellow students, he always showed his willingness to help others and earned their affection and respect. I believe he is qualified for graduate study in his chosen field. Thus, I have recommended him without reservation, and will appreciate your assistance to his application with your admission and financial support.
Yours sincerely,
Lu Da, professor
Dean of Economics Department
Of Shanghai University

Key to Exercises of Unit 6
Text A
Exercise 5
1. 1)③ 2)①a) 3)②c) 4)①b)
2. 1)③ 2)② 3)③ 4)①
3. 1)③ 2)② 3)① 4)④
Exercise 6
1. quoting 2. let alone 3. continuous 4. overwhelming
5. witnessed 6. were deep in 7. reflected on 8. related
9. interruption 10. illustration 11. accessible 12.era
Exercise 7
1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8

.A 9.C 10.B 11.D
12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B
Exercise 8
1. you have any news 2. I walked in the door
3.you hear from him 4.you get the result
5.I saw you 6. I got home
7. I saw him 8. I get the money
Exercise 9
1. needn’t have booked 2. shouldn’t have booked
3. didn’t need to get 4.shouldn’t have borrowed
5.needed to get 6.shouldn’t have been driving
Text B
Exercise 3
1. balance 2.diverse 3. necessity 4. track 5. increasingly 6.speculate 7. convenient 8. potentially
9. reliance 10. vanish
Exercise 4
1. get…across 2. ranging from…to 3. lose touch with
4. in that 5. in terms of 6. is limited to
7. has been around 8. have changed for the worse
Exercise 5
1. being 2. planted 3. learnt 4. telephoning
ed 6. ruining 7. having 8. held
Translation Practice
Practice 3
1. 这些形式的污染像所有其它形式污染一样,其破坏性的因果关系链可归根于一个主要的原因,太多的汽车,太多的工厂,太多的洗涤剂,太多的杀虫剂,太多的越来越多的喷气式飞机留下的尾气,不足的污水消毒处理方法,太少的水源,太多的一氧化碳。
2. 另外,矿物燃料每年释放52亿公吨二氧化碳进入大气,同时热带森林的燃烧大约释放出18亿公吨二氧化碳,这俩方面都对二氧化碳的集结产生作用,因而会很快引发温室效应。
3. 住宿学校和走读学校的平均费用只1993年9月止,上升了40%;而在前一年费用增长率为8.5%,而再前两年费用增长率每年都超过12%。
4. 当被问起为什么英国人在奢侈品上花钱没有意大利人和法国人气派时,菲利普?利奥波德?梅茨格—原法国珠宝商卡蒂埃伦敦地区负责人当即回答:因为房屋价格和学校的费用。
5. 就英国学校费用的安排提出建议的还有一些独立公司:贝恩?克拉克森金融服务公司、弗雷泽?乌尔公司、学校费用投资公司、学校费用保险公司、托里?劳金融策划公司、约翰逊?弗赖金融服务公司。
Practice 4
1. 我把所有这些告诉我在《世界报》当编辑的朋友阿兰?弗拉雄,他风趣地说道:“我想,外国通讯记者把出租车当消息来源的年代已经结束了,因为现在的出租车司机已经忙到没办法给你任何消息。”
2. 我讲述这一些是因为它说明了我近来感受愈来愈深的事情——科技使得我们紧密联系也同样使我们之间疏远。的确,科技可以使天涯若比邻,但它也可以让咫尺之距变得遥不可及。
3. 嘿!我喜欢和很多人接触,彼此有简单的联系,但是在这个许多你认识的人,甚至有更多是你不认识的,都能通过电子邮件或手机联络你的年代,我发现这个干扰的年代真是势不可挡。
4. 互

5. 当考虑如果没有互联网生活会是什么样子时,最明显的变化应该是我们交流方式的改变。
Practice 5
1. He often reflected on the changes that had taken place since the rise/birth of the Internet.
2. At that time, there was no telephone line, let alone the Internet access.
3. The Internet has made us so accessible and at the same time inaccessible.
4. What techniques do they use to get their message across?
5. For many people, the Internet has made shopping much easier because there are more options available.
Guided writing
Practice 7
1. A 2. H 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. F 8. G
