高级英语1 unit 1

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Advanced English I
Week 1
Learning Objectives
Understanding the main idea and the structure of the text Appreciation of the writing techniques used in the text A glimpse of the Middle Eastern culture through the vivid description of bazaar
You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. (para. 1)

Background information Text analysis Writing techniques Rhetorical devices Cultural implications Assignment
What occurs to you when the term Middle East is mentioned?
The dye-market, the pottery-market and the carpenters’ market lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar. (para. 6)
Writing techniques

3. Macro-structure of the text
Para 1: general atmosphere Para 2 & 3 & 4: the cloth market Para 5 & 6 & 7: copper Smiths’ market and other markets Para 8 & 9: the mill where linseed oil is made; the description of the mill; Words describing sound
veiled women men in robes & turbans carpets spices Muslims The mosque The Koran Allah Desert Camels
Oasis mirage Petroleum Sandstorm, sand dust Caravansary Trade caravan Merchants Silk Road
general atmosphere
By using your senses, what impression does the general atmosphere give?
the cloth market
Why is the cloth market “muted”? Compare the distribution of the shops in the bazaar and in Chinese markets? Any difference? What are the characteristics of bargaining in the bazaar?

Salisbury Cathedral England
Gothic movies/novels
the Interview with the Vampire

Bram Stocker’s Dracula 惊情四百年

Wuthering Heights
Text Analysis
Middle East Countries
The Middle Eastern Bazaar
Gothic Architecture
pointed arches
arched roof
tall thin pillars
stained glass window

Notre Dame de Pariswenku.baidu.com

Reims Cathedral France
5. agricultural and handicraft economy Give some facts to support your view.
Group work (10 mins)
Mini-presentation: Group 1: entrance Group 2:the cloth market Group 3:the copper Smiths’ market Group 4: other markets Group 5: linseed oil mill Group 6: linseed oil mill
the spice market
The feature of linseed workshop is unforgettable, why?

Room: vast, somber Roof: high, dusty Stone wheels: massive Camel: blind-folded, muscular, massive and stately.
Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. (para. 1) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar……and you come to the muted cloth-market. (para. 2) The shop-keepers speak…… follow suit. (2)
As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear. (para 5) The red of the live coals glowing bright and then dimming rhythmically to the strokes of the bellows. (para 5)
Writing techniques
using rhetorical devices properly metaphor personification Hyperbole antitheses Onomatopoeia Parallelism
Personification (拟人) The window winked at me. England expects every man to do his duty. Lord Nelson
4. Features of each market
General atmosphere:
so noisy as to make you dizzy.
Copper-smiths market:
picturesque. Carpet-market: rich colors, textures and designs
a brief general picture the detailed description in spatial sequence Entrance → cloth market → copper-smiths market → kitchenware market → carpetmarket → spice-market → food market → the dye market → pottery market → carpenter’s market → the linseed oil mill.
Veiled Women
role play
Suppose you are in a bazaar. Bargain with the shop owners and make a deal.

copper-smiths’ market
the pottery market
•Spicy-Market: •pungent and exotic smells •Food-market: • food either humble or sumptuous •Dye-market, pottery-market, carpenters’
•scattered in the bazaar.
Background Info.
Questions for discussion
1. Where is Middle East located? 2. Can you name some Middle eastern countries? 3. What is bazaar? 4. What do you know about gothic architecture?
1. Type of writing? 2.Way of developing a piece of description? 3. Macro-structure of the text? 4. Features of each market? 5.What kind of economy do they represent? Give some facts to support your view.
Writing techniques
Using words of human senses to make the description vivid.
Heat and glare, dark,shadowy–crying – bargaining –muted –tinkling and banging and clashing –flashes–profusion of rich colors –pungent and exotic –sumptuous– sunlit –somber–ramshackle –creak and groan –squeaking and rumbling
The Middle Easter bazaar takes you...
dancing flashes The beam sinks…taut and protesting
They narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down. (para. 3) He will price the item high and yield little in the bargaining. (para. 4) The seller, on the other hand, …… his personal regard for the customer. (para. 4)