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英文关键词为:(1)Management of psychological(2)Social Security


4、构建检索策略: Management of psychological AND Social Security



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1.Terror management theory and scrupulosity: An experimental investigation Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 104-111

Thomas A. Fergus, David P. Valentiner

Department of Psychology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA

Received 8 September 2011. Revised 31 December 2011. Accepted 19 January 2012. Available online 1 February 2012.


The present study investigated the applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT) to scrupulosity using a sample of nonclinical college students (N=92). More specifically, we examined whether scrupulosity potentiated the relationship between exposure to conscious reminders of death (i.e., mortality salience) and four variables of interest (mistake-checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt). Results were that individuals engaged in significantly greater mistake-checking behavior, as well as experienced significantly heightened “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt in response to the mistake-checking task, following mortality salience at higher versus lower levels of scrupulosity. These patterns of relations were not found in a control condition. Finally, a “not just right experience,” but not shame or guilt, mediated the potentiating effect of scrupulosity in relation to the increased mistake-checking behavior following mortality salience. Implications of these results for improving our conceptualization and treatment of scrupulosity are discussed. Highlights

► We examined the applicability of terror management theory (TMT) to scrupulosity. ► Death reminders lead to checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt. ► The effect was found only for

those with high levels of trait scrupulosity. ► State “not just right experience” mediated the moderating effect of trait scrupulosity.

Keywords: Scrupulosity; Terror management theory (TMT); “Not just right experience”; Shame; Guilt

2. Analysis and Control of Human Error

Procedia Engineering, Volume 26, 2011, Pages 2126-2132

Shi Wenwen, Jiang Fuchuan, Zheng Qiang, Cui Jingjing

Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China Available online 30 December 2011.


Survival and development is the eternal theme of enterprises, and security is protection of the theme. To prevent accidents and protect the safety of enterprises is an important issue which we should constantly face. Most accidents in the enterprise production are due to human error. The reasons of human error are complic ated, such as employees’ own psychological and physiological factors, enterprise training, imperfect management system and poor social environment. This paper discusses the appropriate responses: First, strengthen basic management to ensure good working conditions; then enhance safety awareness of leadership by strengthening exemplary role model, so as to improve the overall quality, and training security awareness of staff. Study of the causes of human error, then take the appropriate measures to reduce accidents caused by human errors. It is important to protect people's health and property, reduce enterprise's losses, and promote stable development of the society.

Keywords: Safety; human error; psychological factor; physiological; safety precautions

3. Security of communities based on the e-JIKEI Network with information technology and altruism

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 88-94 Koichi Maru, Yusaku Fujii, Yoichi Sugita, Naoya Ohta, Noriaki Yoshiura, Hiroshi Ueda, Shinya Shiraki

Department of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japan

b Department of Computer Science, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japan

c Area of Informatics, Division of Mathematics, Electronics an

d Information, Saitama University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japan

d Library and Information Technology Center, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma

376-8515, Japan

Available online 2 March 2010.
