




1.Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the student?s program of study, primarily through tutorials.


2.Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs.


3.In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large.




1.The changes we have brought in our environment — from global warming to the reduction and extinction of various flora and fauna —force us to face the question of how we will build a model for sustainable existence.


2. Events around the world remind us that we share a small planet among peoples with different beliefs, hopes and cultures, and that understanding and appreciating their ambitions and their history will be critical to building a better world for all


3. I hope that you will discover a new understanding and appreciation for the pluralistic society in which we live and find constructive ways to contribute to the world.


4.You have chosen to attend a university that is not only a great educational institution; it is also a great research institution.


5. But it is your children, as individuals, who will choose what excites them, what generates intellectual passion and what engages their very able minds.


6.I hope your time here transforms your lives, just as it has transformed the lives of so many alumni.




1.The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TRAK, an Internet site listing45,000 entry-level positions.


2. Smith is one American who clicked her way into a job.


3.“The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant,” says Tools. “Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career.”


4. Most major newspapers and trade publications have on-line versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world.


5.A refugee of the war in Bosnia, Dozlic had had a variety of jobs but was now ready for something new.


6. To find out more about the company, she clicked on to Artitron?s home page and that of its parent company, Ceridian Corp., where she reviewed an annual report and the company?s financial performance.

为了了解该公司的更多情况,她又点击了Artitron的主页,以及它的母公司Ceridian Corp.的主页,查看了一份年度报告,以及该公司的财政状况。


1. Everybody wants a genuine connection, and a little arm candy doesn?t hurt. 人人都希望找一个可以真心交往的人,要是长相亮丽也绝无坏处。

2. The employees must reflect our users.


3. “What you see is young employees selecting companies that confirm their views of themselves,” he says.


4. “Your identity today is built on where you work. It sends a strong message about who you are.”




1.Our slogans and characters are more than memorable — they raise awareness, inspire individuals to take action, and save lives.


2.The War Advertising Council, a private, non-profit organization, was founded to rally support for World War II-related efforts.


3. The Ad Council?s mission is to identify a select number of significant public issues and stimulate action on those issues through communications programs that make a measurable difference in our society.


4. The Ad Council reached out to the federal government as well as important national nonprofits with an offer to create and also distribute their crisis-related messages to media outlets nationwide.

广告委员会主动联系联邦政府及美国重要的非营利机构,提出创作与危机相关的公益广告, 在全国媒体播出。.


1.This list goes on, and it is expanding every day.


2. Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events.


3. As useful as it is, advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people.


4. Yet these advertisers blatantly ignore facts and promote their products nonetheless.


5.Besides giving us a mental jolt they methodically numb and abuse our minds until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their chatter without actually listening.



6. Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless assault on the viewers.




1. This was going to be the time of their lives.


2. The crash site was a scene of total destruction.


3. The crash stunned skaters and figure skating fans

around the globe.


4. All that remained as rescuers combed through the wreckage were three pairs of melted skates dangling from one of the wings.



1. Just over a slight rise to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly made its way up the incline.


2. Falzo knew right away that the train was going too fast to stop in time.


3. …Falzo knew he couldn?t outrun it.


4. With one child tucked under each arm, he pressed Todd and Scott down into the roadbed gravel.




1. It?s true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft, but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out—and I?d love to have the time to go back.


2.Since you are a success, my students perceive that as a reason not to care much about getting a good education.


3.But somebo dy handing you a book doesn?t automatically foster learning.


4.In high school there were periods when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had wide-ranging academic interests.


5. One parent wrote me that her 15-year-old son “lost himself in th e hole of the computer.”


6.It?s fine to take a deep interest in computers, dance, language or any other discipline, but not if it jeopardizes breadth.


7. If you fall into an obsessive pattern in high school, you?ve got two problems.


8. Graduate school is one way to get specialized knowledge, although extended college education isn?t always a good investment from a purely economic standpoint.



1. No one could imagine Christopher Reeve any other way.


2. His horse, Eastern Express, appeared to be in fine shape.


3. He thought it might be best for his family, too.


4. Wherever Christopher appeared, his speeches met with standing ovations - and many teary faces.


5. After nighttime dreams of running and playing with his son, he needed the 20 minutes “to wake up and make that shift…”




1. The silver medal he earned in Albertville, France, ushered the 27-year-old figure skater into a new existence.


2. He was no longer a nobody who choked at big events, like the 1988 Calgary Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 10th.



3.No longer the target of loaded questions from reporters covering the (91)

Olympic Trials (“What are you doing here?”).


4. But I just decided, I?m going to persevere and hang in there, because I have a shot.


5. With medal in hand, Paul was suddenly ushered into a world of lucrative endorsements and figure-skating world tours, of exclusive events and autograph seekers.


6. Heroism, Paul has observed, requires daily maintenance.


7. As an Olympic medal loses its luster after years of storage, a hero will lose his credibility if he stops looking to the needs of others.



1. I caught my reflection in a mirror and the truth hit me.


2. My biggest challenge was finding a way to fit my passion for cooking into my healthier lifestyle.


3.I didn?t feel deprived, and I felt free to give my body the care and attention it deserved.


4. Now that I know what I can achieve when I set my mind to it, my dreams are no longer out of reach.


5. My biggest challenge was not to beat myself up if I ate something that was unhealthy and to take it as a sign to abandon my healthful habits.


6. I have finally found myself.



汉译英三步骤: 1.理解原文 包括原文逐字逐句的理解、对原文整体思想、观点和态度的理解,也包括对原文句子之 间和各部分之间相互关系的理解。 2.英语表达 在正确理解原文的基础上进行的,不是一对一的死译,而是在理解原文的基础上用相应 的英语结构、词汇和表达习惯准确的表达原文的意思。 3.核对检查 认真阅读自己的译文,要用挑错的眼光来检查译文是否正确表达了原文的意思,是否有 漏译、错译,译文语法如时态、语态、单复数形式和拼写上是否有错误。 汉译英翻译技巧: 1.选择恰当的英语词汇 有些英语词汇不仅有字面意思,还有内含意思。 e.g.“国家”:country, nation, state, land 分别内涵:疆土、人民、政府、感情 有些英语词汇本身含有贬义或一些委婉的意思,运用时要特别注意。 e.g.“宣传”publicize, propaganda (带贬义) 汉译英选词原则: (1)选适合上下文的词汇 e.g.“观众”:audience,viewer, spectator 分别表示:听音乐会或看戏的观众、电视观众、看体育表演的观众 “条件”不同情况下应用不同的英语词表达: 工作条件:working condition 有利的条件:favorable situation 录取条件:admission requirement 付款条件:terms of payment 词汇选择首先要忠于原文的意思。 e.g.近年来由于就业问题日益严重,有些人建议让没有工作的未婚妇女来替换那些 家务繁重的女工。 “就业问题”:employment problem, unemployment problem(找不到工作就业已 成问题,即失业问题) “没有工作的妇女”: women without jobs, women hunting for jobs(没有工作又 需要找工作的妇女,不需找工作的并不包括在内) (2)要注意词的广义、狭义、具体的意思和抽象意思的不同 e.g. ①他讲的笑话逗得我们都笑了。 ②他讲的话使我们大家都笑了。 ①His joke made us laugh. ②What he said make us laugh. We all smile at what he said. (3)选词时不要望文生义,不要死译,要考虑与汉语对应的英语词汇真正的意思。 e.g.①他们的好奇心得到了满足。


Unit 4 1.Never before had anything so tragic happened in their sport. 滑冰界以前从来没有发生过类似的惨剧 2.The plane appeared to be making a normal approach to land when it suddenly reared up into the sky. 飞机好像准备正常着陆,突然又攀升到天空 3.It was 10:05 A.M. when the Sabena jet hit the ground and exploded in a ball of flames. 10点05分,飞机撞到地面爆炸了,燃成了一团火球。 4.All 72 people on board were killed, including 49 Americans and 11 members of the crew. 机上72人全部遇难,其中包括49名美国人和11名机组人员。 5.All that remained as rescuers combed through the wreckage were three pairs of melted skate dangling from one of the wings. 救援人员仔细搜寻了遇难现场,只找到三双已经烧焦的冰鞋,在残留的机翼上摇曳。 Unit 5 1. 我们怎样才能把孩子引向成功之路? 2. 不错,为创建微软,我未完成大学学业,不过辍学之前我已经在哈佛待了三年,而且我真心希望有一天能重返校园。 3. 读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于软件编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。 5. 深入掌握自己感兴趣领域的专业知识,能够引导你走向成功,除非这个专业没有发展前途,或者你并不很擅长这个


中译英翻译练习(1) 新中国建立了民族区域自治制度。在少数民族聚居地区设立自治机关,由当地民族自己管理本民族的内部事务。目前,全国共有159 个民族区域自治地方,其中自治区5个,自治州30个,自治县(旗)124个。民族区域自治地方根据《中华人民共和国民族区域 自治法》行使各种自治权利,有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例;在不违背宪法和法律的原则下,有权采取特殊政策和灵活措施;上级国家机关的决议、决定、命令、指示,如有不适合民族区域自治地方实际情况的,自治机关可以报请批准变通执行或停止执行;自治机关有自主地管理本地方财政、经济、文化、教育事业的自治权利。在民族杂居散居地区,还建立了1500多个民族乡,使杂居散居的少数民族能更好地享受平等的权利。 New China brought about the system of regional autonomy for national minorities. Organs of self-government were set up in regions where people of national minorities live in compact communities, and the internal affairs of the national minorities were handled by themselves. At present, there are throughout the country 159 national autonomous areas, including five autonomous regions, 30 autonomous prefectures and 124 autonomous counties (or


1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴。(become interested in) After entering the university, he became interested in computer(s). 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all of his spare time. 3.只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) So long as / If you concentrate on your studies, you’ll succeed in passing the examinations. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties, we will do our best to carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) Nobel Prizes are awarded to the scientists who/ that (have)made great achievements in a certain field. 1.让我们利用这次长假去香港旅游。(take advantage of) Let’s take advantage of the long vacation and make a trip to Hong Kong. 2.考核点: 1)take advantage of the long vacation 2)make a trip to 2. 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind) This photo reminds me of the days (that )we spent in the summer camp. 考核点1)remind …of 2)the days we spent 3.假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) If you want to take up this job, you should first be trained for three months. 考核点: 1)take up the job 2)be trained 4. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) Once you form/get into a bad habit, it’s very difficult to get rid of /get out of it. 考核点: 1)once 2)get rid of /get out of 5. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English. 考核点: 1)compared with 2)better 3)listening and speaking abilities 6. 众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) As we all know, success comes /results from hard work; without efforts nothing can be done/achieved. 考核点: 1)as we all know 2)come/result form 3)without 1.早睡早起有益于健康(do good to) Going to bed early and getting up early does good to your health.


英语(1)离线作业英译中 篇一:英语(1)离线作业英译中 请从以下50句英语句子中,任选30句将其翻译成汉语,请标清楚相应的题号。 1.Asisknowntoall,chinaisthelargestdevelopingcountryintheworldtoday.众所周知,中国是当今世界上最大的发展中国家 2.Thefriendsaweverythingbutdidnotsayasingleword. 朋友看到了一切,但没有说一个字 3.TheythoughtthattheremustbesomethingwrongwiththeirTVset. 他们认为一定是他们的电视机出了毛病。 4.Youandyourteamcandiscovertheanswerstoproblemstogether. 你和你的团队可以一起找到问题的答案。 5.Lifeismeaninglesswithoutapurpose. 没有目标的生活是毫无意义 6.hedidn’tneedtoattendthemeeting. 他不需要参加会议 7.hepreferscoffeetotea. 他喜欢咖啡茶。 8.Areyoufondofmusic? 你喜欢音乐吗?

9.You’dbetterdothatagain. 你最好再做一次。 10.whatkindoflifedomostpeopleenjoy? 大多数人喜欢什么样的生活?? 11.Thisboxcanholdmorebooksthanthatone. 这个盒子比那个盒子能装更多的书。12.botheAnnandmaryaresuitableforthejob. 安妮和玛丽都适合的工作。 13.Isleptsoundlyallnight. 我整夜睡的很熟 14.haveyouseenTomrecently? 你最近见过汤姆吗? 这些日子你怎么样? 16.whattimedoyougoswimmingeveryday? 你每天都去游泳吗? 17.wouldyoumindclosingthewindowforme? 能帮我关一下窗户吗? 18.couldyoutellmewherethepostofficeis? 您能告诉我邮电局怎么走吗? 19.I’mthinkingaboutavisittoparis. 我在考虑去巴黎旅游.


新视野大学英语第3册课后翻译原题与答案 汉译英: Unit 1 1.No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, y ou will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难再这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。 2.Just as all his sister’s friend、s cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 就想吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。 3.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help t rack down stolen vehicles. 汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。 4.If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。 5.Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with the ir children. 有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。 6.Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establis h the company. 现在需要面对的问题是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。 Unit 2 1、The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪。 2、All things considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of ir on. 总体来看,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 3、No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 4、Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advanc e. 考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 5、If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor as soon as possible. 服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医师。 6、Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to so lve the problem. 总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法解决这一问题。 uint3. 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统


英语和汉语的区别 一、英语重结构,汉语重语义 我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:“就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。”(《中国语法理论》,《王力文集》第一卷,第35页,山东教育出版社,1984年) 我们看一看下面的例子: Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with inbuilt (成为固定装置的,嵌入墙内的;内在的,固有的)personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell television, and digital age will have arrived。 译文:儿童将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视前休闲,到这时数字时代就来到了。 这句英语是由四个独立句构成的并列句,前三个句子都用简单将来时,最后一个句子用的是将来完成时,句子之间的关系通过时态、逗号和并列连词and表示得一清二楚。而汉语译文明显就是简单的叙述,至于句子之间的关系完全通过句子的语义表现出来:前三个句子可以看成是并列关系,最后一个句子则表示结果。 二、英语多长句,汉语多短句 由于英语是"法治"的语言,只要结构上没有出现错误,许多意思往往可以放在一个长句中表达;汉语则正好相反,由于是"人治",语义通过字词直接表达,不同的意思往往通过不同的短句表达出来。正是由于这个原因,考研英译汉试题几乎百分之百都是长而复杂的句子,而翻译成中文经常就成了许多短小的句子。 例如:Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline (身心的锻炼,训练;纪律,风纪,命令服从;惩戒,惩罚;学科,科目)and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门知识学科的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。 英文原句是个典型的长句,由27个词组成,中间没有使用任何标点符号,完全靠语法结构使整个句子的意思化零为整:less through...and more from构成一个复杂的状语修饰动词arisen。在中文翻译中,"产生兴趣"这一重要内容通过一个独立的句子表达,两个不同的原因则分别由不同的句子表达,整个句子被化整为零。 三、英语多从句,汉语多分句 英语句子不仅可以在简单句中使用很长的修饰语使句子变长,同时也可以用从句使句子变复杂,而这些从句往往通过从句引导词与主句或其它从句连接,整个句子尽管表面上看错综复杂却是一个整体。汉语本来就喜欢用短句,加上表达结构相对松散,英语句子中的从句


请从以下50句英语句子中,任选30句将其翻译成汉语,请标清楚相应的题号。 1.As is known to all, China is the largest developing country in the world today. 1.众所周知,中国是当今世界上最大的发展中国家 2.The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. 2.朋友看到了一切,但没有说一个字。 3.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set. 3.他们想他们的电视一定出现了问题。 4.You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. 4.你和你的团队可以一起研究解决出这个问题的答案。 5.Life is meaningless without a purpose. 5.没有目标的生命是没有意义的。 6.He didn’t need to attend the meeting. 6.他不需要参加会议。 7.He prefers coffee to tea. 7.比起茶他更喜欢咖啡。 8.Are you fond of music? 8.你喜欢音乐吗? 9.You’d better do that again. 9.你最好再做一次。 10.What kind of life do most people enjoy? 10.大多数人喜欢怎么样的生活? 11.This box can hold more books than that one. 11.这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书 12.Bothe Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 12.安妮和玛丽都适合这份工作。 13.I slept soundly all night. 13.我整晚都睡得很好。 14.Have you seen Tom recently? 14.你最近有见到汤姆吗? 15.How are you doing these days? 15.这些天你都在做什么? 16.What time do you go swimming every day? 16.你每天的什么时间去游泳? 17.Would you mind closing the window for me? 17.你介不介意帮我关下这个窗户吗? 18.Could you tell me where the post office is? 18.你能告诉我警察局在哪里吗? 19.I’m thinking about a visit to Paris. 19.我正考虑去巴黎旅游。


汉译英的几种常用技巧(一)常用的翻译技巧1. 增译2. 减译(省译)3. 重复 4. 转译 5. 语序(词序/句序)调整(倒置) 6. 拆句与合并7. 正说反译, 反说正译8. 语态变换 1.增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达 方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。 这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。 英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思完整。 总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。 1. I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到

2.Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 3.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。 4.Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。 5. 没有调查研究就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. (No investigation, no right to speak.) 6. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 7. 留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。 So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 8. 班门弄斧 Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 9. 三个臭皮匠, 顶个诸葛亮。


英译中翻译套路 此部分内容和“阅读理解,七选五,完形填空”关联性巨大,读不懂,做题就是玄学。 ◆谓语动词=助动词(情态动词)+ 实义动词 1.时态的翻译 ?注意事项: 时间:默认指的是“现在,过去,将来“,若有具体时间,则相应进行调整。 状态:共四种状态即“一般,进行,完成,完成进行“没有变化,对应相应的汉语意思直接翻译。 一般:经常做 进行:正在做 完成:已经做完了

完成进行:做完了还做/一直做 例句翻译: 1)Curiosity gave us all a natural awareness. 2)Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in Lecce in Italy. 2.被动语态的翻译 形式:be + done一般通过by + n.引出动作的施加者。 A be + done by B译为A被B做了相应的事情。 ?注意事项: be + done对应的汉语意思,常见的有“被,受,给”等词,根据具体情况进行调整。 例句翻译: 1)Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. 2)Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class. ◆名词性从句 根据主从复合句结构表先行判断结构,确定是名词性从句。 先译除引导词外的从句内容再加上引导词的意思。 When:…的那个时间


汉译英翻译技巧 一、分清主从(Subordination) 汉语句中各分句关系比较松散,所以在动笔前应认真分析句子要旨所在。句中重点往往在后。英译时,要突出重点或主句,其他部分可分别用介词短语,非谓语动词形式或各种从句表示。 1、没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去。 Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social production proceed. 2、他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。 The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression - “ anti hegemony ” is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists. 3、有人以为社会主义就了不起,一点缺点也没有,哪有这个事? Some believe that socialism is just perfect, without a single flaw. How can that be true? 4、但是,象我们常说的那样,道路总是曲折的,前途总是光明的。 But as we have often said, while the road ahead is tortuous, the future is bright. 二、选词用字 ( Diction ) 在汉译英时应特别注意选找与原文中在意义上和风味上尽可能都类似的词语。 1、每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?Every nation has its own strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress? 2、树雄心,立壮志,向科学技术现代化进军。 Foster lofty ideals, set high goals and march forward for the revolution of modernization of science and technology. 3、我国的社会主义建设,需要一个和平的国际环境,需要一个国内安定团结,天下大治的局面。 For its socialist construction, China needs an international environment of peace and a domestic situation of stability, unity and great order. 4、论技术,她那时还不如我,但思想却比我高得多。 Professionally she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was head and shoulders above me. 三、增益 ( Ampification ) 汉译英时的“增益”技巧的运用,有时是为了使英美人理解原文的精确含义,有时是为了遵循英语的行文习惯。 1、交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。这样才能把工作做好。 Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only then can you do your work well. (英语行文时人称代词,物主代词用得较多) 2、她挑水,生炉子,洗东西,忙个不停。 Fetching water, building the fire, washing --- she had her hands full every minute. ( 增益为了意译) 3、他们一听说有新任务,就坐不往了。


1.意大利著名旅行家马可。波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己社在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。 The famous Italian traveler Marco Pole was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the mist fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” In China, there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city: In Heaven there is Paradise; on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangz hou.” Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.” In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products. 2.在设备制造期间,雇主的代表有权对根据合同提供的全部工程设备的材料和工艺进行检查、研究和检验,同时检查其制造进度。这一切应在工作时间内于承包商的工厂里进行。如果工程设备正在其它第三方工厂制造,承包商应为卖方代表获得他能在该工厂进行此类检查、研究和检验的许可。此类检查、研究或检验不应解除承包商在合同中的任何义务。 The Employer’s representative shall be entitled during manufacture to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship and check the progress of manufacture of all Plants to be supplied under the Contract. This shall take place on the Contractor’s promises during working hours. If the plant is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the Employer’s representative to carry out such inspection, examination and testing on those premises. 3. 雇主或项目经理提交给承包商的雇主的图纸,技术规格以及其它资料仍应为雇主的财产。除非是为了合同的需要,未经雇主同意,承包商不得使用、复制这些材料或将之传递给第三方。 承包商应对承包商的图纸中的任何错误或遗漏负责,除非他们可归因与雇主或项目经理提供的不正确的雇主图纸或其它书面资料。项目经理对承包商的图纸的批准不应解除本款规定的承包商的任何责任。 The Employe r’s drawings, specification and other information submitted by the Employer or the Project Manager to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer. They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer or the Project Manager. Approval by the Project Manager of the Contractor’s drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility under this Sub-Clause. 4.工程监护:在工程开始后,但在完工移交前,已完工的工程及留在工地的材料、


英译中 Unit1 A 1.Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the student?s program of study, primarily through tutorials. 在牛津,每个学生都配有一个导师,主要通过导师制监督学生的学习。 2.Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs. 学生们在申请某一项奖学金之前应仔细核查是否有资格,因为多数奖学金对学生国籍和(或)课程都有限制。 3.In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large. 为了实现这个目标,学校将针对知识环境和整个社会发展的 需要,为员工提供进行创新研究所需的设施和支持。 B 1.The changes we have brought in our environment — from global warming to the reduction and extinction of various flora and fauna —force us to face the question of how we will build a model for sustainable existence. 我们给环境造成的变化—从全球变暖到各种动植物群的减少乃至灭绝—迫使我们要面对这样一个问题:我们将如何建立一种可持续生存的模式。 2. Events around the world remind us that we share a small planet among peoples with different beliefs, hopes and cultures, and that understanding and appreciating their ambitions and their history will be critical to building a better world for all 世界各地发生的种种冲突事件提醒我们,我们是在与拥有不同信仰、希望和文化的各种民族分享一个小小的星球,理解和尊重他们的企盼和历史对建立一个对大家都会更加美好的世界来说将至关重要。 3. I hope that you will discover a new understanding and appreciation for the pluralistic society in which we live and find constructive ways to contribute to the world. 我希望你们能对我们所处的这个多元社会有全新的理解和认识,找到建设性的途径去未世界做贡献。 4.You have chosen to attend a university that is not only a great educational institution; it is also a great research institution. 你们所选择就读的大学,不仅是一个出色的教育机构,也是一个卓越的研究机构。 5. But it is your children, as individuals, who will choose what excites them, what generates intellectual passion and what engages their very able minds.

翻译练习 中译英 英翻中

PART 1 和平统一 1)要促进和平统一,就要有个适当的方式。 To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper means. 2)所以我们建议举行两党平等会议,实行第三次合作。 So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation. 3)大陆和台湾有不同的意识形态,实行不同的政治制度,但绝不能让这一点妨碍我们发展两岸关系,实现和平统一的大业。 The fact that mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achieving the peaceful reunification. PART 2 香港 1)香港坐落在中国南端的一个弹丸小岛上。2)在日趋全球化的经济中,香港正起着一个非常重要的作用。 Hong Kong, a tiny island, perched on the tip of southern China, plays a pivotal role in an increasingly globalized economy. 3)由于香港的战略位置,面向国际的商业氛围,和优越的通信条件,使她成为世界贸易的活动中心和亚太地区的神经中枢。 Given its strategic location, internationally oriented-business culture and excellent communications, it has become a crossroad of world trade and the nerve center of the Asia-Pacific region. 4) 香港已经和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往. Commercial links reached out to corporation in over 170 countries and regions. 5) 与亚洲其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。 Its trade with the rest of Asia has increased substantially. 6) 香港的集装箱港口是世界上最繁忙的,而且还是进一步扩建。 Its container port is the busiest and is undergoing further expansion. 7) 虽然香港成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外货款已经占到香港银行提供的总货款的一半以上。 Although Hong Kong’s emergence as a world financial center came in recent 20 years, offshore loans account for more than half of the total loan provided by its bank. 8)当这颗东方明珠重新回到中国的掌上时,中国人民眼中的香港比过去任何时候都要更加光明灿烂。 As the “Pearl of the Orient”returns once again to China’s palm, its people see her future as brighter than ever. PART 3 人际关系 1)有时候,在工作中重要的倒是是否处理好人际关系而不是有大多的才能。人际关系是一种善于听取别人意见、体察别人的需要、虚心接受批评的能力。 Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career.
