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universities. 5. Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to call
home. 6. Waving goodbye to everyone, she got on board the train.
1. Timber?That’s kind of an odd name for a kid. 2. He’s got a whole drawer full of odd socks. 3. The houses on this side of the street have all got odd
Words with multiple meanings
2. I pay $30 a week for board and lodging. 3. Every decision has to be passed by board of directors. 4. She arranged on board some students from the
He had overworked for too long: he _f_in_a_l_ly__________(9) worked himself to death, at _p_r_e_c_is_e_l_y_______(10) 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, at a time when most of the people were sleeping. The obituary said he died of a __co_r_o_n_a_rΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduy________(11) thrombosis, but all his friends and __ac_q_u_a_i_n_ta_n_c_e_s_____(12) knew the truth.
Increasing your language proficiency
beloved: adj.心爱的,挚爱的;n.爱人,心爱之人 board: n.董事会,甲板 v.搭伙,寄宿;登上火车、飞机

classic: adj. 经典的;古典的;一流的,最优秀的 n.经 典著作;文豪,大艺术家;
1. Our babysitter’s just moved away, so we are _a_s_k_in_g__a_ro_u_n_d___ for a replacement.
2. His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they’ll take ages to _s_tr_a_ig_h_t_e_n_o_u_t_______.
What is Type A workaholic? Phil was a typical case in point. He worked six days a week and didn’t stop working __u_n_ti_l ______(1) eight or nine at work. He had no idea what real “extracurricular _i_n_te_r_e_s_ts__________(2)” were, and even took the monthly golf game as work. He always ate egg salad _s_a_n_d_w_i_ch_e_s______(3) at his desk. Inevitably he was o_v_e_r_w_e_i_g_h_t _______(4), an unwelcome fact which he chose to overlook though.
finance:n. 财政,财务,资金支持 vt.为…筹措资金 manufacturers: 制造商,厂商 natural:adj.自然的,天然的,出于天性的 n. 生来就具有特定才能
odd: adj.奇数的;临时的,零散的;古怪的 n. 奇数;怪 人;奇特 的事物
replacement:n.更换,替换/补;替代物,代替者 survivor:n. 幸存者 workaholic: adj./n. 工作狂(的)
He was _s_u_rv_i_v_e_d________(13) by his grief-stricken wife and children. And the company president started _i_n_q_u_ir_in_g_________(14) about the right replacement of the __d_ec_e_a_s_e_d_________(15) right after his funeral.
6. She kept herself alive working at __o_d_d___________ job until she landed a position managing advertising accounts for a local magazine.
7. There has been increased concern among the investors that the company’s _f_in_a_n_c_e_s________are unlikely to improve in the coming year.
他死了,是累死的。他在星期天凌晨3点整离开人世 ,在一个他本该休息的日子里。
He died. He worked himself to death, precisely at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning on his day off.
对此,他的朋友和熟人并不怎么吃惊。在他们看来,他是 典型的A型行为者,一个工作狂,一个典型的工作狂。
His friends and acquaintances were not really surprised. To them, he was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic.
菲尔每周工作6天,其中5天工作到晚上八九点,而公司上 下除了主管经理外已经实行每周4天工作制了。他一个月打 一次高尔夫,但这是工作需要,除此之外,他没有什么的 “业余爱好”。
3. Can you _p_i_c_k_o_u_t________ the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?
4. The little girl _g_r_a_b_b_e_d_a_t______ the balloon, but couldn’t stop it blowing away.
1. It was time Ana faced reality and dealt with the truth that her b_e_l_o_v_e_d________ son died of coronary thrombosis.
2. Now that she has become a high-ranking business executive, I think she should purchase some wardrobe __c_la_s_s_ic_________ such as a wool coat and a smart suit.
He thought he loved his family, but he and his _b_e_l_o_v_e_d________(5) children scarcely had opportunities to communicate. In fact, they just _b_o_a_r_d_e_d________(6) under the same roof. His “beloved” wife knew what a _w_o_r_k_a_h_o_li_c_______(7) her husband was and had long given up trying to __c_o_m_p_e_t_e_______(8) with his work.
8. During my stay in England I _b_o_a_r_d_e_d________ with a family in Bath until I found a place of my own.
9. They asked Barbara, who was about to resign, to stay on until they could find a suitable _r_e_p_l_ac_e_m__e_n_t _____ for her.
5. It is no denying that the world cannot — in the present state of science — survive without __m_a_n_u_f_a_c_tu_r_in_g______, mining and agriculture.
10. People think I am a(n) _n_a_t_u_r_al___________ for the sort of television work required of me, but I’ve had to work at it.
And all that •诸如此类,如此等等
Ask around •到处打听,四处打听
Grab at •抓住,抓取;抓住不放
Look…in the eye •直视;正视
Pick out 挑选出
Straighten out: 1. 安置,解决;安排 2. (使)改正;(使)好转 3.澄清;
改正 The confused situation has straightened out. 原先十分混乱的局面现在已恢复正常了。
Phil worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but for the executives. He played a golf game every month but it was work. Other than this, he had no outside “extracurricular interests.”
numbers, and on the other side they’ve got even numbers. 4. She does some odd jobs but nothing permanent. 5. She looked younger than her 50-odd years.
5. Since he broke the neighbor’s windows, the boy can’t __lo_o_k____________ his father __in__th_e__e_ye______.
6. Being a shopaholic, she went around a lot searching for fancy dresses, luxury accessories, _a_n_d__a_ll_t_h_a_t _________.
3. She was the last _s_u_r_v_iv_o_r________ of the family after all her relatives died an unnatural death one after another.
4. Phil’s wife feels bitter about him being an utter _w__o_rk_a_h_o_l_ic_________ —he cares about nothing but his work!