






National Geographic Exhibit " Titanic : The Untold Story"

The National Geographic Museum is always an interesting and educational place to visit. The admission isn't free but is definitely worthwhile for unique exhibits like this. We'll be taking a self-guided tour but there may also be museum staff on hand. About the exhibition

On this exhibition, you will be surprised to find that the sunken Titanic was discovered by Robert Ballard, who was then carrying out a top secret Cold War mission(任务). In 1985, Ballard's mission was to dive to depths of 9 ,800 feet using a camera system called Argo to find and document the exploded remains of the submarine(潜艇) Scorpion. The objective of the mission was to gain evidence to determine what led to her loss. After concluding his successful investigations, Ballard used the final 12 days of his expedition to discover the remains of Titanic.

The exhibition - originally exhibited at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum -shows the history of the discovery from an entirely new angle. Not only are visitors exposed to the historical events that led to the ship's finding, but they can hear the fascinating stories of some of the passengers on board the ship. In addition to items borrowed from families of the survivors that have not been reunited since the night the ship sank in 1912, the exhibition contains those from the rich collections of the National Archives and the 20th Century Fox Archives. There are also movie sets and clothes worm by actors from the 1997 movie Titanic.


Regular: $15

Seniors/Students/Military: $12

Children5--12 (free under 5): $10

21. Why did Ballard carry out the 1985 mission?

A. To determine the place of Titanic.

B. To save passengers during the Cold W ar.

C. To help find the reason for Scorpion's loss.

D. To experiment with a new camera system.

22. What can visitors see in the exhibition?

A. The survivors of Titanic.

B. The original design of Titanic.

C. The movie about the ship Titanic.

D. The possessions of the survivors.

23. If a retired couple takes their 4-year-old grandson to the exhibition, how much should they pay?

A. $24.

B. $30.

C. $34.

D. $40.


"Ae," she said, meaning ”yes" in Hawaiian, when asked a question by a male voice. ”Ae hanau ia wau i Honoma'ele.”("Yes, I was born in Honoma'ele," she said. ) That voice of an elderly Hawaiian woman was that of my great-grandmother, speaking her native language on a Honolulu radio program more than 40 years ago.

The first time I heard the CD recording, it sent thrills down my back. I never met my great-grandmother, but hearing her speak in the Hawaiian language was like magic. It was a way to meet her and tor the first time, I heard people speaking the Hawaian language to each other.

In Hawaii today, nearly everyone knows how to speak at least a few words of Hawaiian. But the practice of primarily speaking the Hawaiian language from birth nearly died with my great-grandmother's generation. A man named Larry Kimura- the voice interviewing my great-grandmother on that radio program - set out to change that. In the 1970s,when he started the 90-minute radio program, there were just about 2 ,000 of Hawaian speakers left who grew up speaking Hawaian in the home. Today, he puts that population at a couple of dozen.

The Hawaiian language had been banned from school instruction in 1896. And by the time Kimura's show was on the air, there weren't many places to formally learn the Hawaiian language, even as a second language. " Language is the first aspect of a people to vanish," said Kimura.” People don't recognize that until it's almost gone, because they' re hanging onto their typical culture identification tags such as their songs,their foods or what they wear.

As for my family, my great-grandmother did not pass along the Hawalian language to her children. But that doesn't mean it's too late. Last year, my kids and I joined a Hawaiian cultural group and hula school. Word by word, we are trying to teach ourselves what got dropped between the generations.

24. How did the author feel when she first heard Hawaiian spoken?

A. Moved.

B. Excited.

C. Relaxed.

D. Confused.

25. Why did Larry Kimura start the radio program?

A. To honor the author's ancestor.

B. To show the value of the language.

C. To save the Hawalian language.

D. To keep the Hawaiian people alive.

26. What does the underlined word " vanish" in paragraph 4 mean? "

A. Disappear.

B. Develop.

C. Exist.

D. Vary.

27. What does the author and her kids' experience indicate?

A. What is lost between generations.

B. How important cultural education is.

C. The influence of the radio program.

D. The need to protect Hawaiian people.


Few things are more satisfying than sleeping late on weekends. But though the extra sleep may improve your mood, it does not appear to improve your health. A new study shows that so-called " recovery sleep" cannot reset the body clock and may actually lead to some serious health problems.

Christopher Depner, an assistant professor at the Department of Integrative Physiology of the University of Colorado Boulder, said,”Sleep loss can influence a range of physiological systems. It can increase our risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, it can cause weight gain, and it can increase our risk of diabetes (糖尿病)."

In the study, Depner and his colleagues divided the volunteers into three groups.

One group was allowed to get a full night's sleep. The next was kept to just five hours each night. And the third group went back and forth, limited to five hours of shut-eye during the workweek, allowed as much sleep as they wanted over the weekend, and then back to five hours for the last couple of days.

"We found that a loss of sleep leads to a sharp increase in snaking (吃零食). But even more surprising, sleeping on the weekend doesn’t help--and even makes thing worse" said Depener. " After the weekend.,when they went back to getting inadequate sleep during the wok or school week, their liver and muscle insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity or blood sugar regulation was reduced. And this is not something we found in people who had long-term inadequacy sleep schedules. So it's possible that this is a worsening of the body's ability to regulate blood sugar for these specific tissues after the weekend. ”

So make a date with a pillow. And trade the sweets for sweet dreams.

28. What effect does sleep loss have on people?

A. It results in changes in their moods.

B. It does harm to the body clock.

C. It damages the liver severely.

D. It makes people become fatter.

29. What do we know about the volunteers in the second group?

A. They were allowed to have the least sleep in a week.

B. They could have as much sleep as possible on weekends.

C. Their liver and muscle insulin sensitivity was reduced.

D. Their ability to regulate blood sugar was found worsened.

30. What does the author advise readers to do according to the text?

A. To sleep extra hours on weekends.

B. To balance their work and sleep.

C. To trade some sweets as possible,

D. To get enough sleep on weekdays.

31. From which part of a website is the text probably taken?

A. Culture.

B. Health.

C. Sci-tech.

D. Fashion.


For a few months twice a year, the waters off California are home to gray whales moving north or south between the coast of Mexico and the Bering Sea. This year, however, it seems that fewer whales are surviving the journey north. So far this year,a total of 30 dead gray whales have washed up on the West Coast: Eight in Washington, one in Oregon and 21 in California. Those numbers are usually high.

In Northern California, three out of four of the dead whales that have been examined so far appear to have died of starvation and the fourth was killed by a ship strike, said Barbie Halaska, a research assistant at The Marine( 海洋的)Mammal Center ( TMMC),a nonprofit organization that rescues and rehabilitates ( 使康复) marine mammals in California. Halaska and her colleagues examined the four whales ---three young whales and one adult male---and planned to examine the remaining dead whales in the region in the next couple of days.

Gray whales were once severely threatened by whalers. Only around 2 ,000 of them lived in the ocean in 1946,so an international agreement to stop gray whale hunting was signed in order to help the population recover. Gray whales were removed from the endangered species list in 1994 when the population reached 23,000 individuals and TMMC predicts there are now around 26 ,000 gray whales in the Pacific Ocean, which is about how many there were before the whaling boom got up steam almost 200 years ago.

Although the gray whale population has recovered to a certain degree, the number of dead whales washing up this year is alarming, Halaska said. Climate change and declining fish stocks are likely key factors in the whales' poor health,she said.

Halaska stressed that boaters and beachgoers on the West Coast should watch out for gray whales this time of year.

32. What are the statistics in paragraph 3 about?

A. Severe conditions facing gray whales.

B. An agreement to stop killing whales.

C. The evolving development of gray whales.

D. The number of gray whales in different times.

33. What's Halaska's attitude towards the population of gray whales?

A. Worried.

B. Discouraged.

C. Optimistic.

D. Uncaring.

34. What may be talked about following the last paragraph?

A. The importance of gray whales.

B. Gray whales' living environment.

C. Things to do to help gray whales.

D. Ways to increase gray whales' population.

35. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Gray Whales Are Threatened by Whalers

B. Why Many Gray Whales Died on California's Coast

C. Gray Whales Are in Great Danger of Dying Out

D. Where Gray Whales Move to Avoid Being Hunt

第二节(共5 小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Family conflict affects everyone._ 36,you may want to mediate (调解) to make everyone's life easier. It's worth it to try to smooth things over.

37. It can be difficult to look at family situations objectively,so before trying to mediate disagreements, make sure you look at all sides of the argument. While you shouldn't take sides when trying to mediate,you don't want anyone to think you're overlooking their point of view. Take some time to think about why everyone feels wronged or hurt in the situation.

●Encourage everyone to control their feelings. It's not uncommon for tensions to run high when discussing family conflict. 38 . Try to control the emotional outbursts as much as you can. While everyone has a right to their personal feelings,make it clear these feelings must be expressed in an appropriate, productive way.

●Try hard for forgiveness. Even if you were not directly involved in the argument, you were probably affected by the atmosphere in some way. Choose forgiveness. Remember, you can't control someone else's actions but you can control your own response. You can also encourage other family members to forgive.39

●Work on fixing the relationships. 40,you can offer suggestions how family members could better treat one another in the future. Think about what has been said during mediation. Look for areas where change is needed. You should also agree to work actively on letting go of the conflict. For example, " For the next couple of months, let's agree not to bring this up. "

A. Have a healthy discussion

B. Think about everyone's view

C. Though it's not your job to offer exact courses of action

D. There may be times when people get sensitive and angry

E. If there is an ongoing argument between family members

F. If a family member reacts very violently to an unimportant affair

C. However, remember you cannot force someone to feel a particular way

第三部分语言知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)



Our 13-year-old son won a local”Hoop(篮圈) Shooting" competition and entered the regional competition. So on Saturday morning we 41 our bags and headed down to Green Bay,Wisconsin to 42 many other basketball shooters for an 43 to move forward to the state championships.

In the competition, my son 44 waited his turn. Nearly an hour later, he went to the hoops. His first basket was 45.We could see the frustration(沮丧) in his eyes. He tried 46 to shoot another hoop. Then another failure---he shook his head in 47 .But he continued. Finally, he_ 48__to shoot a few balls and scored 20 points. My son 49 from his hoop, frustrated and disappointed, being_ 50__that he didn't make it because there were several guys getting over 40 points, already 51 his.

If it had been up to our 52 son to decide, he would have left before watching the game and himself in our hotel. Instead, we took this chance to help him 54 this life disappointment: giving him time for frustration and then sharing our opinion on this 55. We told him: It's because of his earlier 56 that we were able to watch this game;

it's 57 to fail. We all fail at some point in our lives. We were proud of him though he didn't_ 58 the prize.

In the end, we_ 59,watched the game, and had a great time! When you are_ 60 by life, don't let it keep you down. As the old saying goes,”When life hands you lemons,make lemonade!"

41.A. put up B. tidied up C. pulled up D. turned up

42. A. contact B. gather C. join D. visit

43. A. invitation B. instruction C. announcement D. opportunity

44. A. anxiously B. desperately C. casually D. politely

45. A. success B. burden C. shame D. miss

46.A.invain B. on purpose C. by accident D. in public

47. A. regret B. silence C. discomfort D. disbelief

48. A. expected B. attempted C. managed D. offered

49. A. recovered B. withdrew C. excused D. dismissed

50. A. relieved B. astonished C. aware D. doubtful

51. A. improving B. doubling C. guessing D. ignoring

52. A. nervous B. guilty C. worried D. embarrassed

53. A. cheered B. encouraged C. blame D. trained

54. A. work through B. carry out C. go over D. reflect on

55. A. occasion B. practice C. dilemma D. situation

56. A. arrangement B. accomplishment C. preparation D. persuasion

57. A. acceptable B. easy C. awkward D. annoying

58. A. deserve B. desire C. receive D. reject

59. A. remained B. left C. agreed D. arrived

60. A. acknowledged B. welcomed C. teased D. bettered



Tea is one of China's greatest cultural treasures. While taking a trip in China, buying tea can be an __61____ ( enjoy) and necessary part of it.

Buying tea in China is like buying a bottle of fine wine in France. Since the 62.__________( various) is amazing, people need to educate themselves about the qualities of tea, and then taste and taste. The one you like most is the 63.________(good) for you. You will be offered some samples( 样品) before deciding what 64._________(buy)in a tea shop. Usually,customers 65._________(sit) at a small table, the shop assistant prepares tea in small pots and pours it into tiny cups for them.

Although tea can be found everywhere in China, it's 66._______ ( basic) a kind of regional thing. On the one hand, most of famous Chinese tea 67.________( name) after their production area, such as West Lake Longjing Tea. Therefore, some areas in China are particularly known 68._______their tea. On the other hand, a certain kind of tea usually is unique to a certain place. Take Pu-erh as an example. It refers to tea from Yunnan province 69.________ Pu-erh is grown. The tea is compressed(压紧),either in__ 70____ form of pancakes ( bingcha),bricks ( zhuancha),bowls ( tuocha) or mushrooms (jincha).

第四部分写作( 共两节,满分35分)




增加:在缺词处加一-个漏字符号( N),并在其下面写出该加的词。





During the winter vacation, my class organized an one-day activity ---doing some volunteer labor in a park. We got there at nine o'clock. After divided into three groups, we began to work. Each group was given different tasks. Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The two group picked up rubbish leaving by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipments on the children's playground. Each of us did our job hardly. We didn't finish all the work at about half past twelve. Though we were tired, but we felt happy. It was a meaningful day for we students because we have done a good deed.










_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


21-25.CDABC 26-30.ACDAD 31-35.BDACB 36-40.EBDGC

41-45.BCDAD 46-50.ADCBC 51-55.BBCAD 56-60.BACAD 61.enjoyable 62.variety 63.best 64.to buy 65.sitting

66.basically 67.is named 68.for 69.where 70.the

71.an-a 72.After后加being 73.two-second 74.leaving-left 75.equipments-equipment 76.hardly-hard 77.at-until

78.but-yet或者but删除79.we-us 80.have-had


河南省许昌市襄城县一高初中部2020-2021学年九年级上学 期期中数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.一元二次方程23610x x --=的二次项系数、一次项系数、常系数分别是 A .3,6,1 B .3,6,-1 C .3,-6,1 D .3,-6,-1 3.如图,AB 为⊙O 的直径,CD 是⊙O 的弦,∠ADC=35°,则∠CAB 的度数为( ) A .35° B .45° C .55° D .65° 4.如图,二次函数2y ax bx =+的图象经过点A ,B ,C ,则判断正确的是( ) A .0,0a b >> B .0,0a b << C .0,0a b >< D .0,0a b <> 5.下列一元二次方程中无实数解的方程是( ) A .210x x +-= B .210x += C .221 x x -=- D .2450x x --= 6.二次函数 y =ax 2+bx +c 图象上部分点的坐标满足表格:

则该函数图象的顶点坐标为( ) A .(﹣3,﹣3) B .(﹣2,﹣2) C .(﹣1,﹣3) D .(0,﹣6) 7.如图,△ABC 的顶点A 、B 、C 、均在⊙O 上,若∠ABC+∠AOC=90°,则∠AOC 的大小是( ) A .30° B .45° C .60° D .70° 8.如图,PA 、PB 为圆O 的切线,切点分别为A 、B ,PO 交AB 于点C ,PO 的延长线交圆 O 于点D ,下列结论不一定成立的是( ) A .PA =P B B .∠BPD =∠APD C .AB ⊥P D D .AB 平分PD 9.在同一平面直角坐标系中,函数22y x kx =+与(0)y kx k k =+≠的图象大致是( ) A . B . C .


许昌市位于河南省中部,中原腹地,因上世纪八十年代,莲花被尊为市花,所以又称“莲城”。许昌在中国历史上历来是群雄逐鹿,兵家必争之地。截止2010年,许昌市辖3县(许昌县、鄢陵县、襄城县)2市(禹州市、长葛市)1区(魏都区),其中市区建成区面积达到80平方公里;建成区人口超过70万人;城镇化率超过41%。许昌市同时还有许昌新区(副厅级)和东城区、中国许昌经济开发区(国家级开发区)3个现代化新城区。许昌市总面积4996平方公里,全市总人口430.72万人(2010年)。 历史起源:许昌历史悠久,人杰地灵,是中华文明的核心发源地之一。第一个封建王朝夏朝的发源地,夏都夏邑,位于今天的许昌禹州,而三国时的魏都位于今天的许昌魏都区。2007年“许昌人”的考古发现,填补了中国现代人类起源中的重要一环,有望打破人类“非洲起源说”的观点。 旅游资源:悠久的历史为许昌留下了数以千计的文物古迹,其中的汉魏故城、关羽辞曹挑袍的灞陵桥、关羽秉烛夜读的春秋楼、曹操射鹿台、神医华佗墓等三国胜迹颇为有名。因三国文化丰富,许昌被国家列入“三国文化旅游圈”的重要城市之一。 交通运输: 许昌的交通数铁路最发达。2条设计时速350公里的国家高速铁路客运专线(京广深港高速铁路客运专线、郑渝高速铁路客运专线)、4条国家干线客货运铁路(京广铁路、淮海铁路、孟平铁路、平禹铁路)、3条城际铁路在建筹建(郑州—许昌城际铁路、许昌—漯河城际铁路、许昌—平顶山城际铁路)。在公路方面,新近开通了郑州-许昌公交,漯河-许昌公交以及平顶山-许昌的公交专线。 许昌工业:许昌市现代工业体系齐全。特别是在烟草种植、加工业方面历史悠久。许昌有许继集团、奔马机械制造厂等一批国家级、省级制造业名牌;许昌市下属鄢陵县是我国有名的花卉产地,许昌还是我国有名的假发制品地,而瑞贝卡是这个行业的佼佼者。近几年来,许昌市高度重视产业聚集区建设,相继发展了“许昌至长葛集群经济产业带”、“20个产业集群”、“中原电气谷”(是以电力装备制造业为主体的省级重点产业集聚区)等,形成了“一带十区二十个产业集群”的产业发展格局。2008 年许昌市经济生产总值达到1 062 亿元,位居全国第75 位。2010年许昌市经济生产总值达到1312.78亿元。 许昌的产业结构不断优化,三次产业比重维持在“二三一”水平。其中,工业所占产业比重由2003 年的54%增加到2008 年的66%;第一产业所占比重由2003 年的20%下降到2008 年的13%。表明:六年来许昌市第一产业的比重在下降,第二产业的比重在上升,其区域发展水平逐年提高、工业化进程逐年加快,许昌市正由一个工业大市向工业强市转变。

浙江省高中英语 语法练习教案 新人教版必修3

高一年级英语课程语法专题(名词性从句) 【知识/概念梳理】: 名词性从句的种类:1.__________, 特征___________________________________________ 2. __________, 特征__________________________________________ 3. __________, 特征__________________________________________ 4. __________, 特征__________________________________________ 名词性从句的引导词:1. ___________________; 2. __________________; 3. _____________ what在名词性从句中的作用: 充当___________________指____________ that在名词性从句中的作用 ________________,____________________,________________ that在名词性从句中何时可省:____________________________________ if 在名词性从句中何时可替代whether_______________ 且不在_________后, 不与________连用,不解释为_______ who引导的名词性从句指__________,whoever 引导的名词性从句指__________ whoever在名词性从句中相当于_________________________ 在状语从句中相当于_________________________ whatever在名词性从句中相当于_________________________ 在状语从句中相当于_________________________ 名词性从句的语序 ___________例外________________,________________ It可作__________,__________ 同位语从句和定语从句区别:1.与从句前名词的关系,_________________,________________ 2.that的作用,__________________,______________ 宾语从句与主句一致:1. ____________2._________ 3.__________ 【基础练习】: 1.____ is quite clear. A.Where is the fighting B. Why is the fighting C. What war is D. What is war being 2.___ I need is a drink. A.The thing what B. The which C. What D.That 3.___ that not all government officials are honest. A.It seems to me B. In my opinion, I believe C. My believing is D. I think in my mind 4.It is doubtful ___ he has known it or not. A.that B. if C. what D. whether 5.___ is more or less advanced can pass this test. A.Anyone B. Who C. Whoever D. A student 6.___ that there is another good harvest this year. A.It says B. It is said C. This is D. He was told 7.Is this ___ looking for?


2020年河南省许昌市市一高高三英语模拟预测卷(六) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Enjoy a concert, opera, or a ballet that touches your soul, Ontario has your tickets to performances year round. Performing Arts Ottawa's National Arts Centre sand MERIDIAN HALL in Toronto both present great series of music,dance and shows.Representing professional dance and opera companies in the city, the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts(TAPA) will llow you to know what's playing on Toront's stages ; download their mobile app for on-the-go performing arts tickets,reviews and searches, and free telephone service is also available for more guidance. Theatre You'll love the summer theatre in Ontario's scenic rural spaces. Enjoy the Canadian stories in a historic barn( 谷仓) at the 4th Line Theatre near Peterborough. The Brighton Barn Theatre is another unique theatre set in a farm feld. Once a working cattle bam, the Globus Theatre at the LAB now is well-known for offering a professional summer season for theatre and a mix of dramas and comedy nights at other times throughout the year. It creates partnerships with theatre companies in various counties, and shows diverse theatre for communities. Orchestral Music(管弦乐) Enjoy the wide-ranging programs of Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Hamilton's music scene is booming with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra offering up another season of great concerts, as is the Ontario Philharmonic in Oshawa,with a


河南省许昌市2019-2020学年中考数学四模试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题4分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.如图,∠ACB=90°,D为AB的中点,连接DC并延长到E,使CE=1 3 CD,过点B作BF∥DE,与 AE的延长线交于点F,若AB=6,则BF的长为() A.6 B.7 C.8 D.10 2.直线y=2 3 x+4与x轴、y轴分别交于点A和点B,点C,D分别为线段AB,OB的中点,点P为 OA上一动点,PC+PD值最小时点P的坐标为() A.(-3,0) B.(-6,0) C.(-5 2 ,0) D.(- 3 2 ,0) 3.若抛物线y=x2-(m-3)x-m能与x轴交,则两交点间的距离最值是() A.最大值2,B.最小值2 C.最大值22D.最小值22 4.为了大力宣传节约用电,某小区随机抽查了10户家庭的月用电量情况,统计如下表,关于这10户家庭的月用电量说法正确的是() 月用电量(度)25 30 40 50 60 户数 1 2 4 2 1 A.极差是3 B.众数是4 C.中位数40 D.平均数是20.5 5.如图,△ABC中,DE∥BC, 1 3 AD AB ,AE=2cm,则AC的长是() A.2cm B.4cm C.6cm D.8cm

6.如图,两个一次函数图象的交点坐标为(2,4),则关于x ,y 的方程组1112 22, y k x b y k x b =+?? =+?的解为( ) A .2, 4x y =??=? B .4, 2x y =??=? C .4, 0x y =-??=? D .3, 0x y =??=? 7.若分式 1 4 a -有意义,则a 的取值范围为( ) A .a≠4 B .a >4 C .a <4 D .a =4 8.已知抛物线y =x 2+bx+c 的部分图象如图所示,若y <0,则x 的取值范围是( ) A .﹣1<x <4 B .﹣1<x <3 C .x <﹣1或x >4 D .x <﹣1或x >3 9.一条数学信息在一周内被转发了2180000次,将数据2180000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .2.18×106 B .2.18×105 C .21.8×106 D .21.8×105 10.下列图形中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 11.下面调查中,适合采用全面调查的是( ) A .对南宁市市民进行“南宁地铁1号线线路” B .对你安宁市食品安全合格情况的调查 C .对南宁市电视台《新闻在线》收视率的调查 D .对你所在的班级同学的身高情况的调查


河南省许昌市高二上学期期中数学试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共12题;共24分) 1. (2分)已知,,,为实数,且>.则“>”是“->-”的() A . 充分而不必要条件 B . 必要而不充分条件 C . 充要条件 D . 既不充分也不必要条件 2. (2分)在△ABC中,已知a=1,,∠A=30°,B为锐角,则角A,B,C的大小关系是() A . A>B>C B . B>A>C C . C>B>A D . C>A>B 3. (2分)(2012·辽宁理) 已知数列,,它的最小项是() A . 第一项 B . 第二项 C . 第三项 D . 第二项或第三项 4. (2分)若,则对说法正确的是() A . 有最大值 B . 有最小值

C . 无最大值和最小值 D . 无法确定 5. (2分)已知等比数列中,有,数列是等差数列,且,则=() A . 2 B . 4 C . 8 D . 16 6. (2分)在中,, b=,则c等于(). A . B . C . 或 D . 或 7. (2分) (2019高二上·安徽月考) 已知,且,则的取值范围是() A . B . C . D . 8. (2分) (2018高二上·潮州期末) 已知数列的前前项和 ,那么它的通项公式是() A .

B . C . D . 9. (2分)(2020·梅河口模拟) 在中,角的对边分别为,若,,则() A . 1 B . 2 C . D . 10. (2分)设,满足约束条件,则目标函数取最小值时的最优解是() A . B . C . D . 11. (2分)(2019·上饶模拟) 已知等差数列的首项,前项和为,若,则 () A . B . C .



序言 许昌市小麦播种面积数据洞察报告从粮食作物播种面积,谷物播种面积,小麦播种面积等重要因素进行分析,剖析了许昌市小麦播种面积现状、趋势变化。 借助对数据的发掘及分析,提供一个全面、严谨、客观的视角来了解许昌市小麦播种面积现状及发展趋势。许昌市小麦播种面积洞察报告数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并经过专业统计分析及清洗而得。 许昌市小麦播种面积数据洞察报告以数据呈现方式客观、多维度、深入介绍许昌市小麦播种面积真实状况及发展脉络,为需求者提供必要借鉴及重要参考。

目录 第一节许昌市小麦播种面积现状 (1) 第二节许昌市粮食作物播种面积指标分析 (3) 一、许昌市粮食作物播种面积现状统计 (3) 二、全省粮食作物播种面积现状统计 (3) 三、许昌市粮食作物播种面积占全省粮食作物播种面积比重统计 (3) 四、许昌市粮食作物播种面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、许昌市粮食作物播种面积(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省粮食作物播种面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省粮食作物播种面积(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、许昌市粮食作物播种面积同全省粮食作物播种面积(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节许昌市谷物播种面积指标分析 (7) 一、许昌市谷物播种面积现状统计 (7) 二、全省谷物播种面积现状统计分析 (7) 三、许昌市谷物播种面积占全省谷物播种面积比重统计分析 (7) 四、许昌市谷物播种面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、许昌市谷物播种面积(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全省谷物播种面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


河南省许昌市长葛市第一高级中学2019-2020学年高一月考地理试 卷 一、判断题(共10题;共20分) 1.位于色球层上的黑子的多少是太阳活动强弱的标志之一。 2.意大利的新工业区,以中小企业集聚的工业小区为独特的发展模式。 3.环境人口容量是指在一定时期内一个国家或地区所能容纳的最大人口数量。 4.逆城市化是城市化推进的一个新阶段,表明城市化的后退。 5.国际标准时间是中时区的地方时 6.板块消亡边界对应的典型的地表形态有:海岭、海岸山脉、裂谷等。 7.在地球内部圈层结构中,地壳“漂浮”在软流层之上.(判断对错) 8.气压低的地区气温高,气压高的地区气温低.(判断对错) 9.地球的体积和质量适中是其存在生命物质的重要条件。 10.RS技术在资源普查、环境监测、灾害预警等方面起到了重大作用.() 二、填空题(共5题;共24分) 11.铁路运输是当代最________的运输方式之一。运量大、速度________、运费较________、连续性好、受自然因素影响________。 12.我国实施可持续发展战略的重要途径是________经济,该经济是以________技术为手段,以提高________为核心,以________方式利用经济资源和环境资源,实现经济活动的生态化。 13.根据水储藏空间,地球上最多的水体是________,最多的淡水体是________,这些淡水约有2/3储藏在________和________地区。 14.“地球在宇宙中”一节基本知识考察。 地球是太阳系中一颗既普通又特殊的行星,其特殊性表现在其存在生命,请完成下表。

A:________;B:________;C:________;D:________;E:________;F:________. 15.20世纪以来,资源短缺主要是________资源、________资源、________资源和能源等。生态破坏主要表现在________、________、________等。 三、单选题(共14题;共42分) 16.北京时间2010年11月12日晚上8时整,第16届亚洲运动会开幕式在广州举行,位于纽约(西五区)的华侨收看直播节目的当地时间为() A. 11月11日19时 B. 11月12日8时 C. 11月13日7时 D. 11月12日7时 17.我国北方多煤,而南方有色金属丰富,体现了自然资源的() A. 整体性 B. 多用性 C. 社会性 D. 地域性 18.如果大气垂直分层中平流层的臭氧被破坏()


许昌市区新规划71条道路 命名方案(草案) 序号位置长宽拟命名名称含义 一、东城区许东新城27条道路 规划定位为高端生态居住区,田、林、水、城、绿相融,和谐、生态、智慧、宜居。按照《许昌市地名规划(2010-2020年)》区域定位,该区域8条小街路以所处村名命名,其余19条以植物花卉名称、生态文化主题系列化命名。 1 西起玉兰路 东至松苑路 长720米 宽20米 于庄街 邻于庄 保留老地名 2 北起永昌东路 南至岗王街 长375米 宽12米 金槐路 以植物花卉名称 命名 3 北起永昌东路 南至岗王街 长465米 宽20米 银杏路 以植物花卉名称 命名 4 北起1号路 南至英才街 长656米 宽12米 青桐路 以植物花卉名称 命名 5 北起1号路 南至6号路 长480米 宽12米 紫荆路 以植物花卉名称 命名 6 西起玉兰路 东至5号路 长530米 宽12米 小王街 邻小王村 保留老地名 7 西起玉兰路 东至桂花路 长320米 宽12米 彩女街 邻彩女村 保留老地名 8 北起英才街 南至忠武路 长850米 宽20米 樱花路 以植物花卉名称 命名 9 北起天竹路 南至桂花路 长790米 宽20米 碧桃路 以植物花卉名称 命名 10 西起玉兰路 东至9号路 长480米 宽12米 秋韵街 以生态文化主题 命名 11 西起玉兰路长300米青檀街以植物花卉名称

东至12号路宽20米命名 12 北起洪河南街 南至东飞街 长1500米 宽20米 香樟路 以植物花卉名称 命名 13 北起洪河南街 南至新兴路 长1900米 宽12米 海棠路 以植物花卉名称 命名 14 西起玉兰路 东至12号路 长270米 宽20米 田庄街 邻田庄 保留老地名 15 北起兰花街 南至新兴东路 长1700米 宽30米 花田路 以生态文化主题 命名 16 北起兰花街 东南至13号路 长700米 宽12米 梅林路 以生态文化主题 命名 17 西起玉兰路 东至12号路 长270米 宽20米 竹园街 邻竹竿园村 保留老地名 18 西起15号路 东南至东鹏街 长1200米 宽20米 水杉路 以植物花卉名称 命名 19 西起玉兰路 东至12号路 长255米 宽12米 张湾街 邻张湾村 保留老地名 20 北起东鹏街 东南至忠武路 长770米 宽12米 后王街 邻后王村 保留老地名 21 北起洪河南街 南至兰花街 长420米 宽40米 丹枫路 以植物花卉名称 命名 22 西起红叶路 东至中原路 长550米 宽12米 云水街 以生态文化主题 命名 23 西起忠武路 东至13号路 长200米 宽20米 含香街 以生态文化主题 命名 24 西起忠武路 东至13号路 长230米 宽20米 杏芳街 以生态文化主题 命名 25 西起红叶路 东至雪松路 长220米 宽12米 松叶街 以生态文化主题 命名 26 西起玉兰路 东北至东兴街 长520米 宽12米 木兰街 以植物花卉名称 命名 27 西起13号路 东至红叶路 长450米 宽20米 塔南街 邻塔南村 保留老地名


河南许昌发生特大交通事故造成6死22伤12月5日上午,107国道与许昌县创业大道交叉口发生一起特大交通事故,一辆大客车和一辆满载黄土的大卡车相撞,造成6人死亡,22人受伤。 车祸现场 现场旅游鞋上血迹斑斑 事故发生在11时许。目击者称,大客车从北向南行驶,大卡车由东向西行驶,在十字路口,大卡车撞上了大客车左侧中部,将其撞出约30米,大客车撞断两棵胳膊粗的梧桐树后,侧翻在人行道上。 12时许,记者接报料后赶到现场,发现死者和伤者已被拉走,空气中弥漫着浓烈的汽油和柴油味,一名围观者吸烟时,被警戒的民警

制止。约10米长的大客车头朝东南,侧翻在路口的东南角,前挡风 玻璃碎裂,左侧车窗上的玻璃一块不剩,车厢内留有大量黄土。 旁边的人行道上,一堆黄土旁有两团血迹,一只女式旅游鞋上血迹 斑斑,下面压着一块客车营运牌,写着“郑州-信阳”。 现场还有13个旅行包堆积在一起,民警拍照登记后,将这些旅行包 掂上警车运走。 乘客回忆车祸惊魂一幕 李先生是名军人,从郑州乘车返回许昌。当时,他坐在大巴的右侧 中部。“听到一声巨响后,车就翻了。”李先生指着裤子上的大片 血迹说,车倒后,他的腿上压了两个男子,两人的头被撞破,均不 幸身亡。 稍后来了几名群众,将李先生从车窗中拉出。由于自己伤得不严重,他还帮助消防队员救出了3名乘客,其中一人死亡。

惨祸已致6死22伤 许昌县交通警察大队提供的材料显示,当日10时41分,一辆豫 S09236宇通大客车(登记住所:信阳市运输集团有限责任公司第二客运公司)与一辆豫K68031低速自卸货车(登记住所:禹州市无梁镇无梁村)相撞,客车侧翻,两车严重损坏。事故造成4人当场死亡(客车乘车人),24人受伤(其中5人重伤)。另据记者了解,被送往许昌市中心医院的伤者有16人,市人民医院有5人,市第二人民医院有3人。截至昨日18时,有两名重伤者不治身亡。 伤员4岁女孩急着找妈 “疼,我要找妈妈,呜——”在许昌市中心医院住院部一楼,一名小女孩依偎在一名女护士怀中哭闹。 “你叫什么呀,多大了,家在哪里?”记者蹲下身子问。“我叫贝贝,4岁,家在漯河。”小女孩接着说,妈妈叫小婷(音),爸爸叫曹宝山(音),当时妈妈带着她,从郑州回家。


河南省许昌市高一下学期数学期末考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、填空题 (共12题;共13分) 1. (1分) (2016高一下·盐城期末) 直线y=x﹣3的倾斜角为________. 2. (1分) (2018高一上·广东期末) 直线与直线平行,则 ________. 3. (1分) (2019高一下·贺州期末) 不论k为何实数,直线通过一个定点,这个定点的坐标是________. 4. (1分)已知,且,则的最小值为________. 5. (1分)(2017·黑龙江模拟) 过动点P作圆:(x﹣3)2+(y﹣4)2=1的切线PQ,其中Q为切点,若|PQ|=|PO|(O为坐标原点),则|PQ|的最小值是________. 6. (2分)若如图为某直三棱柱(侧棱与底面垂直)被削去一部分后的直观图与三视图中的侧视图、俯视图,则其正视图的面积为________ ,三棱锥D﹣BCE的体积为________ 7. (1分) (2012·新课标卷理) 设x,y满足约束条件:;则z=x﹣2y的取值范围为________ 8. (1分)设点A(﹣3,5)和B(2,15),在直线l:3x﹣4y+4=0上找一点P,使|PA|+|PB|为最小,则这个最小值为________ . 9. (1分) Sn是数列{an}的前n项和,若Sn=3n﹣1,则a12+a22+a32+…+an2=________. 10. (1分)在正方体ABCD﹣A1B1C1D1中,与AA1平行的棱有________条.

11. (1分) (2020高一下·萍乡期末) 已知锐角的角的对边分别为,且,三角形的面积,则的取值范围为________. 12. (1分) (2018高一下·苏州期末) 已知函数,若关于的不等式 恒成立,则实数的取值范围是________. 二、解答题 (共8题;共80分) 13. (10分) (2016高三上·湖州期末) 在锐角△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,已知sin2 +cos2A= . (1)求A的值; (2)若a= ,求bc的最大值. 14. (15分) (2020高一下·响水期中) 已知直线且 .圆C与直线相切于点A,且点A的纵坐标为,圆心C在直线上. (1)求直线之间的距离; (2)求圆C的标准方程; (3)若直线经过点且与圆C交于两点,当△CPQ的面积最大时,求直线的方程. 15. (5分)如图,已知正方形ABCD和矩形ACEF所在的平面互相垂直,AB=, AF=1,M是线段EF的中点. (1)求证AM∥平面BDE; (2)试在线段AC上确定一点P,使得PF与CD所成的角是60°. 16. (10分)已知数列的前n项和为,且对任意正整数n都有 .


Magic Touch From my hotel room window,I could see a large advertisement board with his face on it:Jason, the Great Magician. I absent-mindedly turned the56(page)of the phone book and came across a city map. Drinking my iced coffee I ran my fingers along the streets57the hotel to the opera hall.Not more58a half-hour walk,I thought. I looked59(quick)at the clock.The show starts in one hour;plenty of time!I drank the rest of my coffee and went to take a shower.Soon after,I was on my way to the show,60(carry)a fancy black handbag and a happy smile. The hall was dark when I came in;the show was about61(begin).I made my way backstage just62the great magician was putting on his top hat. “Daddy,I’m so glad to see you,”I63(whisper),“I’m in town for the writer’s class,but I just couldn’t miss your show.”I gave him a quick hug and went back into the seating area, leaving him with a64(surprise)smile.I settled down in the darkness,and the curtains opened. Magically,that show remains the Great Jason’s best65____(perform)to this day. 答案:56.pages57.from58.than59.quickly60.carrying61.to begin62.as/when63.whisp ered64.surprised65.performance.


2020届河南省许昌市市一高高三英语高考预测卷 (三)英语试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、阅读选择 1. Our new childcare location in Scheveningen! The center is surrounded by numerous international institutes and embassies and is conveniently located just 10 minues from The Hague city center. You can easily pick up and drop off your child thanks to the many parking spaces close to the entrance. Our services Big Ben Kids provides day care, preschool care and afer-school care. Our activity progamme includes language lessons, violin lessons, guitar lessons and much more. Activites are held indoors, but can also be external, such as swimming in the river, and field trips to the woods. Children learn dancing, making music, and the native language---Dutch! They learn through play. Our curriculum is carefully designed in such a way that the children don't even notice how much they learrn each day. For them, it's all about playing and having fun! What does Big Ben Kids offer your family? ●Homelike environment A warm and stimulating(趣味盎然的) atmosphere that allows children to grow and develop safely. ●A truly international place Our staff members come from all over the world, just like the families we serve. We are therefore acutely aware that our centers should be much more than places that simply care for children. We always go the extra mile to help families and try to bring everyone together to form a friendly international community . ●Healthy meals



目录 城区篇 第一章总则----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 第二章建设用地-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 第一节城市用地分类及兼容性规定----------------------------------------------1 第二节建筑容量控制指标----------------------------------------------------------3 第三节居住区公共服务设施配建--------------------------------------------------5 第三章建筑工程----------------------------------------------------------------------11 第一节建筑间距--------------------------------------------------------------------11 第二节建筑物退让-----------------------------------------------------------------15 第三节建筑高度和景观控制

----------------------------------------------------19 第四节容积率指标计算-----------------------------------------------------------20 第五节绿地和停车----------------------------------------------------------------22 第六节城市夜景亮化--------------------------------------------------------------24 第四章交通工程--------------------------------------------------------------------27 第一节城市道路--------------------------------------------------------------------27 第二节道路交叉口-----------------------------------------------------------------30 第三节机动车停车场--------------------------------------------------------------32 第四节城市公共交通--------------------------------------------------------------33 第五节其他交通设施--------------------------------------------------------------34 第五章市政工程



前言 许昌市社区服务基本情况数据分析报告围绕核心要素社区服务机构数量,年末职工人员数量,年末女性职工人员数量,社区服务机构床位数量,社区服务机构年末收养人数等展开深入分析,深度剖析了许昌市社区服务基本情况的现状及发展脉络。 许昌市社区服务基本情况分析报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局、行业协会、相关科研机构等权威部门,通过整理和清洗等方法分析得出,具备权威性、严谨性、科学性。 本报告从多维角度借助数据全面解读许昌市社区服务基本情况现状及发展 态势,客观反映当前许昌市社区服务基本情况真实状况,趋势、规律以及发展脉络,许昌市社区服务基本情况数据分析报告必能为大众提供有价值的指引及参考,提供更快速的效能转化。

目录 第一节许昌市社区服务基本情况现状 (1) 第二节许昌市社区服务机构数量指标分析 (3) 一、许昌市社区服务机构数量现状统计 (3) 二、全省社区服务机构数量现状统计 (3) 三、许昌市社区服务机构数量占全省社区服务机构数量比重统计 (3) 四、许昌市社区服务机构数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、许昌市社区服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省社区服务机构数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省社区服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、许昌市社区服务机构数量同全省社区服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节许昌市年末职工人员数量指标分析(均指社区服务机构) (7) 一、许昌市年末职工人员数量现状统计 (7) 二、全省年末职工人员数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、许昌市年末职工人员数量占全省年末职工人员数量比重统计分析 (7) 四、许昌市年末职工人员数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、许昌市年末职工人员数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全省年末职工人员数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


语法填空解题技巧 语法填空是2014年新课标卷高考英语科新推出的一种题型,这种题型能全面检测学生在英语词汇、语法,甚至是句法上的运用能力,能更科学地反映学生的英语综合水平。本题型分两种情况:一种为已给单词提示,一种为不给单词提示. 语法填空考查的内容与特点 1、语法填空主要考查哪方面的内容? ①语法和词汇(考试重点)②上下文连贯性(语境) 2、语法填空命题特点是什么? 侧重语境加语法 语法占关键,共10个小题,每题1.5分,满分15分,须在10分钟内完成 短文长度150-200词左右,每格不一定1个词(特别是谓语或非谓语动词形式) 语法填空考哪些语法项目? 1、名词; 2、代词; 3、数词; 4、介词和介词短语; 5、连词; 6、形容词; 7、副词; 8、冠词;9、动词;10、时态;11、被动语态;12、非谓语动词;13、构词法;14、句子种类; 15、句子成分;16、简单句基本句型;17、主谓一致;18、并列复合句;19、主从复合句; 20、间接引语;21、省略;22、倒装;23、强调;24、虚拟语气。 语法填空题—能力要求 1、阅读/理解语篇的能力; 2、分析句子结构的能力; 3、熟练运用语法的能力。 4. 单词拼写能力和逻辑推理能力 语法填空题—解题方向 重在基础语法和句子结构分析: 从语法角度去考虑,填的是语法词,包括功能词和词形变换两个方面。不限定一个词。 句子方面,要学会正确分析句子的结构,如主谓宾等;还要会区分主从句的层次。 特别是动词的成分,是否谓语动词。 Test points(考点) 动词时态,语态——主谓一致 非谓语动词:-ing,-ed,to do 3-4空名词:单复数 有提示词形容词/副词:比较级、最高级 词性转换 10空连词(并列句):and, but, or… 引导词(从句themselves):who, that, what… 6-7空代词:they, him, our, … 无提示词介词:in, on, to, for… 冠词:a/an, the 连接性副词:however, therefore…Test methods 1.Logic thinking(逻辑推理) 2.Sentence analysis(分析句子结构) 3.Grammar knowledge(语法知识) 4.Phrases or sentence patterns(固定结构) 5.Changes of words(词性变化) Test point 1: Logic thinking(逻辑推理) 1. Now I’ll give you some tips on how to make friends with others. One way is being ________ because honesty is very important if you want to get along well with those around you. 2. Soon after David left college, one of his uncles, who was rich and had no ________ of his own died and left David a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own company. 3. To their surprise, the stolen car had been returned and there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to send her to the ________ as soon as possible. Please forget the inconvenience. Honest,children, hospital Test point 2: Sentence analysis(分析句子结构) Put what the sentence needs into the blank ?What’s the function of the blank in this sentence? (1) The number of people ________ (speak) Chinese continues to rise. speaking (2)Some 134,000 Chinese students went to study abroad, and 120,000 of _________ were self-funded stu-dents(自费生). Them Test point 3: Grammar knowledge(语法知识) 1. 从句----引导词 (1) …As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examinations_________ will decide his future of job. that/ which (2) My face turned red on hearing ________ my mother said. what (3) ________ we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we will not really learn the lan-guage. If 2. 并列句----并列连词(and, but, or, so, while然而, when这时,etc) Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems….If tourism creates too much traffic, the inhabi-tants will become annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists, ________ they treat them impo-litely. So 3. 动词(谓语、非谓语)--- using the verbs given ?Analyze the sentence to find out whether you need the Finite Verb(谓语动词) or Non-finite Verb(非谓语动词)
