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开头:大家早上好! 今天很荣幸有机会给大家介绍我的民族文,今天我的ppt是关于苗族文化

Good morning everyone! Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce our national culture.

Today I do the PPT is about the miao culture .

PPT 1第一页:首先我们看第一页,是关于苗族及音乐的概述First we see the first page, is about the overview of miao and its music


Guizhou miao music tone style appearance, can be divided into four color piece,Eastern area, middle color piece and color piece in the west and guizhou zhongnan color small pieces。


The following simple introduce the role of miao's folk songs and language usage


I think a lot of students here are fond of music, that I want to ask some of my classmates, why do you like music or music what role?


The students expressed their views, of course, miao music also plays an important role


Miao's folk songs is not only to play the role of a inspiring mood, life fun, and it is a kind of social culture and an important means of patriarchal society ethics


Miao folk classification from the point of view of genre, mainly can be divided into the mountain ,Love songs,custom -songs , ballad songs ,sacrifice songs


What are the students know some of the folk song theme


Estimates that some of my classmates know that is not very comprehensive, it doesn't matter, I will detail the miao folk song


The so-called "mountain", is on the hillside and burst lines as folk songs


All of us to enjoy the southeast carols


The picture is an introduction to travel

游方歌是苗族情歌的专称,是苗族青年男女自由交友自由恋爱的一种形式。Travel song is designed, according to miao song is miao young men and women free dating a form of free love.

Ppt9:这就是苗族游方歌This is miao song to travel

Ppt10:在讲苗族风俗歌之前,我想问下同学,有谁知道什么是风俗歌Before I speak hmong custom song, I want to ask next classmate, who know what is the custom of song

风俗歌,分生活风俗歌与节日风俗歌二种Custom song, life custom of song and festival custom song two kinds

Ppt11:叙事歌也称之为酒歌:所谓酒歌,一般是在酒会上作祝酒时演唱。Narrative songs also called toasting song: the so-called toasting song, usually make a toast to sing on the reception.

叙事歌常出现在隆重节日的酒会场中,具有家族史、民族史、村寨史的宣教功能Narrative songs often appeared in the grand festival cocktail party field, with a family history, fitting, village with a history of propaganda and education function


Sacrificial songs is miao in ancestor worship singing songs or major cult activities. One led, they sing.
