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情感目标: 在学习过程中,让学生学会探究合作,小组讨论等,以培养学生的集体合作精神;并且能够产生对于英语语法的兴趣。









Step1 Grammar revision

Ask students what the form of the passive voice is and show them on the blackboard.

基本结构:be + p.p.

一般现在时被动语态:am/is /are + p.p.

现在进行时被动语态:am/is/are + being + p.p.

Then ask students to fill in the following blank with correct passive voice.

1.Their house _________(paint) and they have to live in their parents home.

2.Visitors _________ (request) not to take photos here.

3.In some parts of the world, tea _______(serve) with milk and sugar.

4. A new railway ________(build) at present.

Step2 Grammar learning

1.Show some sentences which use the future passive voice and ask students to observe the underlined parts.

1)The 31th Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

2)Many athletes are going to be sent to there to compete for medals.

3)These desks and chairs are to be repaired tomorrow.

2.Ask the students what tense is used in these sentences. And then tell them they use the future

passive voice. Show the form of the future passive voice on the blackboard.

将来时被动语态:shall/will + be + p.p.或者am/is/are + be to + p.p.

或者am/is/are + going to be + p.p.

3.Ask students to turn back to page9-10, and try to find the sentences which use the future

passive voice from pre-reading and reading. If necessary, they can translate the sentences into Chinese.

4.Finish Exercise2 on page 13 and learn about the rule for the Olympic Games.

Step3 Practice

1. I promise that this matter _____ next week.

A. will be taken care

B. will take care of

C. will take good care

D. will be taken care of

2. These dictionaries _____ the library again (by you ).

A. will be taken out of

B. won’t be taken out of

C. will take out of

D. won’t take out of

3. The class ____ on everything they have learnt this year.

A. is going to be examining

B. are going to examine

C. is going to be examined

D. are going to be examined

4. An exhibition of painting _____ at the art museum when he comes back from abroad.

A. is going to hold

B. is going to be held

C. are going to hold

D. are going to be held

5.We are told that a new car factory _____ here next year.

A. will set up

B. will be set up

C. would set up

D. would be set up

6. The 2008 Olympic Games _____ in Beijing; several big changes _____ in the capital city.

A. is held; will make

B. will be held; will make

C. will be held; will be made

D. is held; make

7. You _____ to take so much luggage with you on the plane.

A. will be allowed

B. will allow

C. won’t be allowed

D. won’t allow

8. You _____ around our school this afternoon. Now, please have a good rest.

A. are shown

B. were shown

C. are going to be shown

D. will show

Step4 Summarize the grammar rules




Those books will be published next month.


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