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Bao Ding army officer school(保定军校)
Baoding is the cradle of generals, the first army officer school is built in baoding, wupeifu(吴佩孚), sunchuanfang (孙传芳) jiangjieshi (蒋介石)ye ting (叶挺) and fuzuoyi(傅作义)etc, more than 1,700 generals were all developed by bao ding army officer school.
My hometown is baoding in hebei province,which is an ancient city with thousands years of history !
Baoding is located in the central of hebei province and situated in the center of shijiazhuang ,beijing and tianjin,so baoding is also called the capital Southgate.
Lang Ya shan(狼牙山 )
Five strong man jump off here
Western Qing Tombs(清西陵)
雍正泰陵 道光 慕陵
嘉庆 昌陵 光绪 崇陵
Yi River(易水河)
Jing Ke tower(荆轲塔)
The triple gem of Baoding(保定三宝)
In terms of environment, the lake is home to about 50 varieties of fish and multiple varieties of wild geese, ducks and other birds. The lake and side parks also are home to a vast number of lotus and other precious plants.there are all kinds of lotuses,in august lotuses are in full bloom,it is the best viewing period.
Ran zhuang(冉庄)
Ran zhuang is a small village in Qing yuan County, Bao ding city. During the AntiJapanese War period, the militia (民兵)in Ran zhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet Army(日伪 军) . Ran Zhuang tunnel stand sites(冉庄地道战遗址)are very important battleground of war sites on the north China in the Anti-Japanese War period .
• Iron balls is a piece of sports equipment Baoding people are very fond of it, especially for the middle-aged and elderly people.
• You generally use a hand to hold the two iron balls and move them around in your hand. It helps move the muscles , activate collaterals(活络) and strengthen the body.
The famours writer Sunli (孙 犁)had wrote a lot of works that all search spots from baiyangdian lake ,and the famous Soldier Boy Zhang Ga is also here.
The Zhili Governor‘s Office(直隶总督府)
The Zhili Governor‘s Office was built in the seventh year of the Emperor Yongzheng’s reign (A.D.1729), famous figures such as Zeng Guofan(曾国藩), Li Hongzhang (李鸿章)and Yuan Shikai (袁世凯)also worked here.
The most famous local specialty food is the Donkey Burg er (驴肉火烧). it is well-known snack popular in north China. It tastes delicious ,the old and young both like eat it .
Now Baoding is the national High and New Technology Industry Development Zone, Baoding-China electric valley(中国电谷), Baoding people are very simple kindhearted, warm and hospitable. If you came to my home, I would be very happy to be your guide.
Look at the old grandpa. I don’t think I can hold five iron balls in hand as calmly as he does.
Байду номын сангаас Yi shui inkstand(易水砚)
• Yishui inkstand can date back to the Tang dynasty. The material of the inkstand is drawn from the river bank of Yi River. The stone is a kind of violet(紫色的) and soft aqueous rock(水 成岩).
Bai yang dian lake(白洋淀)
Bai yang dian lake is one of the famous tourist acctractions , it is called "Pearl of North China", the total area is 366 square kilometers, the China National Tourism Administration classified It as a AAAAA scenic area .
Ye San Po (野三坡)
Besides bao ding has many others famous scenic spots ,such as Ye San Po , Western Qing Tombs ,Lang Ya Shan, Yi river,jing ke tower and so on!Now I won’t introduce them one by one.