
( 英语教案 )




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Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners, and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.




( )1. —i can’t swim. —i can’t swim ____.


b. two

c. either

( )2. —have a ____, bobby. —yeah! i can fly.

a. a.look at

b. look

c. try

( )3.look at dogs under the tree. they’re very cute.

a. they

b. that

c. those

( )4. —how many ____ do you have?


a. mango; two

b. mangoes; two

c. mangoes; too

( )5. —here’s ____ egg for you.

—thank you. what ____ big egg!

a.an; a

b. an; an

c. a; a

( )6. this is our snowman. his nose ____ small. his eyes ____ big.

a. is; is

b. are; are

c. is; are

( )7. –where is your aunt? ??-- _____ in the living room.

a. i’m

b. she’s

c. he’s

( )8. --do you have ____ apple? -- no. i have ____ oranges.

a. an, an

b. an, some

c. an, any

( )9. i’d like to drink two of .

a. cups; coffees

b. cups ; coffee

c. cup; coffee

( )10. -where the cakes ? -- in the fridge.

a. is ; they’re

b.are ; they’re

c. is ; it’s

( )11. where ____ my pens?

a. is

b. are

c. am

( )12.a: your school bag is nice. b: ____

a. yes.

b. no, it isn’t.

c. thank you.

( )13. a:_____would you like? b: _____like some noodles.

a.what’s ; i b what ; i’d c how ; i’d

( )14.i’m hungry. i’d like ____.

a some tea b. a sandwich c. some coffee

( )15. do you have_____toy animals?

a some

b any

c a

( )16. whose classroom is this? it’s____ classroom.

a. we

b. us

c. our

( )17.his father is very _____.

a. big



( )18.____ you like a pie? yes,please

a. do

b. would

c. do

( )19. —can you play football?

— yes, i ____.

a. do

b. can

c. can’t

( )20. —_____ _____ crayons do you have?

— twelve.

a. how many

b. how nice

c. how much

二、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(10分) ( )1. what is this? a. it’s time for bed

( )2.what do you like? b. thanks.

( )3.would you like a cake? c. i’d like a toy panda. ( )4.look at my dog. d. no, i don’t

( )5.how much is it? e. it’s a toy monkey.

( )6.what would you like? f. it’s fifty yuan.

( )7.it’s nine o’clock. g. yes, please.

( )8.how many pencils do you have? h. it’s cute. ( )9.here you are. i. four.

( )10.do you like tigers? j. i like monkeys.




小学三年级英语评价方案 评价活动对调控教学,激励学生起到积极的调节和向导的作用。小学阶段的英语教学评价应从教学的特点和目的出发,坚持以育人为本的教育方针,根据小学生的年龄、心理及个性特点,因班制宜和因人制宜,采用灵活多样的评价手段和方法。尤其三年级英语,孩子们刚刚开始接触英语,培养孩子的英语兴趣,激发孩子的英语学习动机尤为重要,更应当采取多样的评价方式,让学生喜欢上英语,愿意学习英语。 一、评价原则 (一)激励性原则:让学生通过活动的开展,看到自己成长的足迹,有成功的体验,从而产生进步的动力。 (二)参与性原则:教师为主导,学生是学习和评价的主体,创设宽松愉悦的成长环境,鼓励学生积极主动地参与各种活动,主动对自己的学习态度、学习情况进行评价与反思。 (三)主体多元化评价原则:评价不仅是教师的个人行为,要发挥学生的主体作用。鼓励学生、同伴、教师和家长共同参与评价,实现评价主体的多元化。 (四)形成性评价为主的原则:小学英语评价应以形成性评价为主,终结性评价为辅,以学生平时参与各种英语教

学活动所表现出的兴趣、态度和交际能力为主要依据。 (五)活动性评价原则:以接近课堂教学活动的听、做、说、唱、玩、演、等形式进行评价,改变以往单一的书面测试形式。 二、具体方案: 1、课堂观察 观察是评价人类技巧和行为的基本方式,所有语言信息收集的方法都可以被理解为:在特定情况下,用以了解学生学习行为、态度的具体工具,这里讲的课堂观察主要是检测学生参与课堂活动(包括课堂游戏、竞赛、单词或句子朗读、对话表演、准交际活动等)和遵守课堂纪律情况。 方式:教师评价。鉴于学生数在70人左右的大班额教学,而且小学生好动,注意力不够集中的特点,所以以小组为单位进行评价。 目的:课堂活动是完成学习任务、达到学习目标的主要途径。学生参与课堂活动的程度与质量在很大程度上决定着学生的学习成效。通过教师及时、全面、客观、公正地评价和奖励每个小组,让学生意识到他们自己的学习状态,并学会不断改进自己参与课堂活动的能力和水平,以形成同质小组间的竞争来激发学生学习英语的积极性和自信心。 操作: (1.)教师制定以小组为单位(A、B、C、D组)进行评


小学英语六年级上册综合素质测试题 班级姓名等级: Ⅰ、词汇考查 1、将英语与汉语连线,使之搭配正确。 (1) living room A.教学楼 (2)usually B .客厅 (3) do sports C.第二、秒 (4) teaching building D.通常 (5) second E. 做运动 2、根据汉语提示选出正确的英语单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ()①我的 A.mine B. yours C.Lingling's ()②为什么 A.who B. why C. what ()③唱歌 A.sit B. send C.sing ()④电脑室 https://www.360docs.net/doc/242269593.html,puter roomB.art room C.music room ()⑤盒子 A.park B.card C.box Ⅱ、综合运用 3、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。 ()1. Where are you going? A. It’s near the post office. ()2. Where is the museum? B. We are going to the cinema. ()3. What’s wrong? C. Yes, he does. ()4. What are you doing? D. My mother is ill. ()5. Does he like dancing? E. I’m going to draw some pictures. Ⅲ、知识拓展 4、将下列英文翻译成汉语。 Hello, boys and girls! My name is Mike. I’m tall and fat. I have a long nose and two big ears. My mouth is too big. My body looks like a wall. I have four strong legs and a short tail, too.


2016-2017第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.


2017年谷城县中考适应性考试 英语试题 (本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,答在试题卷上无效。 3.非选择题(主观题)用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 选择题(共70分) 一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 下面你将听到8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。CACCABBA 1. Which city is the girl’s fa vourite? A. London. B. Paris. C. New York. 2. What’s the weather like now? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 3. What’s the date the day after tomorrow? A. June 1st. B. June 2nd. C. June 3rd. 4. How often does Lisa surf the internet now? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 5. Who wrote the interesting e-mail? A. Kate. B. Mike. C. Judy. 6. Where might the speakers be? A. In a bank. B. On a road. C. At a crossing. 7. What does the man mean? A. He’d like to go to the beach by car. 英语试题第1页(共8页)


小学英语学科 2014-2015学年第二学期期末口语评价活动的 实施方案 为促进小学生口语表达能力的提升,突出语言的交际功能,进一步重视非纸笔评价手段,经研究,教研室决定在全市小学三、四年级开展期末口语评价活动。活动本着以人为本的指导思想,着重考查学生实际口语表达水平及语言运用能力。 一、口语评价的意义 语言最基本的功能是交际性,针对学生英语学习中不敢大胆开口说的现状,有必要实行英语口语评价,这是提升学生语言综合运用能力的必要途径,同时也能够进一步地促进《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》所倡导的“小学英语教学评价以激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心为主要目的”的达成。 二、参评对象 , 小学三、四年级全体学生 三、评价内容和标准 依据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》语言技能分级标准中一级说唱标准和PEP小学英语三、四年级上册教材内容,三、四年级设置不同的口语测试评价内容和评价标准,具体如下: (一)评价内容 分为两大项:朗读和吟唱、口语交际。其中:

三年级 1.朗读和吟唱 (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 — (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,要有节奏感。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词。 2.口语交际 交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 四年级 1.朗读和吟唱 - (1)朗读指定的单词,朗读时要用升、降两种语调。 (2)朗读课文对话,会正确使用连读和升、降调,朗读流利。 (3)朗读课本中的自选歌谣,节奏感强。 (4)选唱课本中的英文歌曲,演唱熟练。 (5)根据图片说出单词或短句,并能正确拼读单词。 2.口语交际 (1)交流和表达:通过师生自由会话,交流和表达本册教材中的话题。 (2)角色表演:根据提供的对话,能同伴合作做简单的角色表演。 (


2017年人教版小学六年级英语下册第一单元测试题 及答案 2017年人教版小学六年级英语下册第一单元全练全测基础全练全测 一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词。(50分) 1.更高的____________ 2.更矮的____________ 3.更强壮的____________ 五、你能找出不同类的一项吗?(10分) ()1.A.tall B.funnier C.thin ()2.A.kg B.m C.cm ()3.A.foot B.shark C.seal ()4.A.stronger B.longer C.big ()5.A.father B.smaller C.thinner ()6.A.pen B.man C.pencil ()7.A.banana B.apple C.tomato ()8.A.tall B.what C.where ()9.A.tiger B.longer C.lion ()10.A.Amy B.my C.your

六、火眼金睛,选一选。(10分) ()1.—______you taller than Mike? —Yes,I am. A.Is B.Am C.Are ()2.Mu Lan ______ taller than Amy. A.am B.is C.are ()3.—How ______ is your mother? —Fortythree. A.older B.big C.old ()4.I’m taller than ______. A.your B.you C.yours ()5.She is 170______ tall. A.cm B.m C.mm ()6.The tiger is ______ than the cat. A.biger B.large C.bigger ()7.My legs are longer than ______.A.you B.yours C.your ()8.The coat is 50yuancheaper ______ hers. A.then B.than C.that ()9.He is older than ______. A.me B.mine C.my ()10.______ is eleven.


2016-2017第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t. Writing Part(笔试部分)


2017年中考英语试卷一、听力选择(共12小题题,计15分) 1.(1分) 2.(1分) 3.(1分) 4.(1分) 5.(1分) 6.(1分)What is wrong with David? A.He's OK.B.He's got a cold.C.He's got a headache.7.(1分)How does the woman go to work now? A.On foot.B.By bike.C.By bus. 8.(1分)What will the speakers do on the weekend ? A.Climb mountains.B.Go camping.C.Stay at home. 9.(1分)What are the two speakers? A.Teachers.B.Students.C.Workers. 10.(1分)What are the two speakers talking about? A.How to read novels.

B.How to learn English well. C.How to listen to English songs. 11.(2分)听第一较长的对话,完成第11和第12两个小题. 11.Why is Jane reading the book? A.She usually likes this kind of book. B.She wants to give the man a Surprise. C.She wants to try something different. 12.What is Jane going to do with the book? A.Finish the book soon.B.Read a bit more and see.C.Stop reading right now. 12.(3分)听第二段较长的对话,完成第13至第15三个小题. 13.What has the woman booked? A.A tableB.A roomC.A ticket 14.Where does this conversation take place ? A.In a restaurant.B.In a hotel.C.In a library. 15.How does the woman feel in the conversation ? A.Excited.B.HappyC.Unhappy. 二、语言知识用(共两节,计16分) 13.(1分)The Dragon Boat Festival is _____fifth day of May on the lunar calendar(阴历)()A.in B.on C.at D.by 14.(1分)﹣﹣What else do you need,sir? ﹣﹣________else.I've got enough,Thanks.() A.Nothing B.Anything C.Something D.Everything 15.(1分)That one mistake almost________him his life.() A.Took B.paid C.cost D.spent 16.(1分)Xiongan New Area will help ________big problems in Beijing,such as traffic jams.()A.set out B.check out C.work out D.give out 17.(1分)_______ nervous the girl is!()



小学三年级英语评价方案 一、指导思想 《英语课程标准》指出,评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。英语课程的评价应根据课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展;使教师获取英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当调整,促进教师不断提高教育教学水平;使学校及时了解课标执行情况,改进教学管理,促进英语课程的不断发展和完善。 二、评价对象 XXX小学三年级两个班100名学生 三、评价原则 评价体系体现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化。评价关注学生综合语言运用能力的发展过程以及学习效果,采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方式,即关注结果,又关注过程。 四、评价内容(基于课标及教材) (一)语言技能 听做:能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、做动作等;能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 说唱:能根据录音模仿说英语;能相互致以简单问候;能相互交流简单个人信息(姓名、年龄等);能表达简单的情感和感觉,如:赞同提议、感谢等;能唱英语歌曲4-7首,能说歌谣3首。 玩演:能基于所学目标语言,进行简单的角色表演。 读写:能正确认读、书写26个英文;能正确认读、书写56个单

词;能熟练诵读12篇对话,能在图片的帮助下读懂6个英文小故事。 试听:试听时间平均每周不少于30分钟。 (二)语言知识 语音:知道错误发音会影响交际;知道字母名称的读音;语音清 楚,语调自然。 词汇:了解单词由字母构成;掌握本册56个单词。 语法:知道名词有单复数形式。 功能:了解问候、告别、感谢、介绍、请求等交际功能的基本表 达形式。 话题:能理解和表达有关个人情况、朋友、动物、食品等话题的 简单信息。 (三)情感态度 有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、做游戏等;乐于模仿, 敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。 (四)学习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;在学习中注意力集中;主 动向老师或同学请教;对所学习的内容能主动练习和实践;积极运用 所学英语进行表达和交流。 (五)文化意识 知道英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语;对一般请求和提 议等做出适当的反应;知道英语国家中最常见的饮料喝食品名称。 五、权重分配 形成性评价(55%) 终结性评价(45%) 课堂表现作业表现活动表现单元/期中小结口头表达书面表达成长记录袋


2017年小学六年级英语毕业试卷 听力部分(30分) Ⅰ、听辨单词,选出你所听到的句子中的单词。(5分) ()1.A.studyB.studentC.stairs ()2.A.spendB.spaceC.shine ()3.A.scaredB.scaryC.stairs ()4.A.interestedB.interestingC.inside ()5.A.aroundB.arriveC.away Ⅱ、听句子选图片,根据所听顺序将其序号填写在相应的横线上.(5分) ABCDE 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4._______ 5._______ Ⅲ、听问句选答语,将其序号填写在前面的括号里。(10分) ()1.A.Iwantacola.B.Iwantahotdog. ()2.A.Wearesinging.B.We’regoingtosing. ()3.A.It’sgoingtorain.B.It’ssunny. ()4.A.BecauseIamhappy.B.I’mreading.

()5.A.Icanwrite.B.Icouldread. Ⅳ、听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) ()1.Helencouldlearn. ()2.“Hand”wasHelen’sfirstword. ()3.Helen’sfriendputHelen’shandinsomewater. ()4.Helen’sfriendwroteinHelen’shand. ()5.Herfriendcouldtalktoher. 笔试部分(共70分) Ⅴ、选择。(10分) ()1.IwillgotoBeijing______train. A.in B.on C.by ()2.Weoftenmakemistakes________English. A.to B.for C.with ()3.Thisquestionisdifficult_______me. A.for B.with C.to ()4.Sheissinging,butthenthebaby____________. A.cry B.crying C.cries


2017年初中升学考试 英语试卷 考生须知: 1.本试卷满分为100分.考试时间为100分钟。 2.答题前,考生先将自己的“姓名”、“考号”、“考场”、“座位号”在答题卡上填写清楚,将“条形码”准确粘贴在条形码区城内。 3.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题纸上答题无效。 4.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 5.保持卡面整洁,不要折叠、不要弄脏、不要弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 第I卷 一、单项选择(本题共20分.每小题1分) 选择最佳答案。 ( ) l. —The summer vacation is coming. Why don’t you go to the beach to enjoy the sunshine? —Sounds great. ____advice! A.What good B. How good C.What a good ( )2. —When will the graduation ceremony be held? —Oh,it will be held____9 a.m. next Friday. Don’t be late. A. on B. at C. in ( )3. —Could you tell me who the man wearing sunglasses is? —Certainly. He is_____coach. He teaches _____to play baseball. A. us; our B.ours; us C. our; us ( )4. —What did you do yesterday evening? —I_____to a birthday party and had a good time with my friends. A.invited B.am invited C.was invited ( )5. —How do you keep fit? —I live on____floor. I walk upstairs instead of taking the lift every day. A. twelve B.the twelve C.the twelfth ( )6. Calligraphy(书法) is a traditional Chinese art. More and more kids are becoming____in it. A.interest B.interested C.interesting ( )7.My favorite TV program is “Readers”. I think we should spend as much time as we can_____in our spare time. A. read B. to read C.reading ( )8.—How much juice is there in the fridge? —_____. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some after supper. A.None B.Nothing C.Nobody 9. If we travel abroad, we prefer to stay in five-star hotels. That’s because they _____guests with the best service to make them feel at home. A.preview B.provide C.prevent ( )10. —I wonder if our foreign teacher Mr. White ____to his hometown next Tuesday. —I’m not sur e. But if he returns to his hometown,I’ll____him off.


2017年小学六年级毕业调研考试 英语试卷 注意:本试卷共6页,试题总分100分,考试时间60分钟。 一、根据汉语提示写单词。(每空1分,共10分) 1. Winter, spring, summer and autumn are __________(季节). 2. Her hands are __________(脏的). 3. My father is a bus __________(司机). 4. It’s hot in the classroom. Please __________(打开)the window. 5. __________(足球)is my favourite sport. 6. Sixty minutes makes an __________(小时). 7. Kim is a __________(聪明的)girl. 8. It’s 9:00. I’m __________(迟到的)for school. 9. I want strong and __________(健康的)teeth. 10. My mother bought me a birthday __________(蛋糕). 二、选词填空。(每空1分,共10分) 1. Today is my father’s birthday. I bought a gift for ________(he/him). 2. She never________(walk/walks) to school. 3. These__________(potatoes/potatos) are on the table. 4.Let’s________(put up/put on) the Christmas tree. 5.The ball is too________(heavy/light). I can’t throw it. 6. Steven________(teaches/taught) me to play basketball last week. 7. Jenny brushes her teeth ________(before/after) she goes to bed.


2017---2018六年级上学期 期中考试试卷 一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每句读两遍。(10分)﹙﹚1.A、during B、morning C、interesting ﹙﹚2.A、send B、seed C、sit ﹙﹚3.A、festival B、centre C、bottle ﹙﹚4.A、wave B、world C、wait ﹙﹚5.A、weekday B、Wednesday C、holiday 二.听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是(√)否(×)相符,每句读两遍。(10分) 1. 2. 3. ( )() ( ) 4. 5. ( ) () 三.听录音,选出你所听到的句子,每句读两遍。(10分)

( ) 1.A.、Where is the museum shop? B、Where is the post office? C、Where is the bookstore ( ) 2.A、Turn left at the hospital B、Turn right at the science museum. C、Go s traight and you can see the Palace Museum. ( ) 3.A、I often come to school by bike. B、Sometimes, I come on foot. C、That’s good exercise. ( ) 4.A、Slow down and stop at a yellow light. B、Stop and wait at red light. C、Go at green light. ( ) 5.A、I’m going to have an art lesson B、I’m going to visit my grandparents C、I’m going to but a dictionary 四.听短文,判断句子对错。短文读两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. ( ) 2. My family are going to take a trip. ( ) 3.My aunt is going to make mooncakes. ( ) 4.My grandma will tell us a story. ( ) 5.Robin and I are going to but a new book. 笔试部分(共六大题60分) 一.看图写单词(10分)


2017年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、考点考场号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对直題目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答題卡各題目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求.从1?15各题所给的ABCD项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 "I'm going shopping in the village," George's mother said to George on Saturday morning. "So be a good boy and don't get into trouble. And don't forget 1 good care of Grandma." Then out she went. Grandma 2 in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said, "Now you heard 3 your mother said, George." "Yes, Grandma," George said. George was bored to tears. He didn't have a brother or a sister. His father was a farmer, and 4 farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 5 there were never any children to play with. He was tired of staring at 6 pigs, hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of having to live in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was hardly 7 way to spend a Saturday morning. "Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 8 sugar and milk," Grandma said. Most grandmothers are lovely, kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one. George's grandma was a woman 9 was always complaining about something or other. She spent all day 10 on her chair by the window. George 11 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself and even worse, she was easy to get angry. "We 12 be nice to the old, George," His mother always told him. Thinking of this, George 13 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag. He


小学三年级英语评价方案 一、指导思想 《英语课程标准》指出,评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。英语课程的评价应根据课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展;使教师获取英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当调整,促进教师不断提高教育教学水平;使学校及时了解课标执行情况,改进教学管理,促进英语课程的不断发展和完善。 二、评价对象 XXX小学三年级两个班100名学生 三、评价原则 评价体系体现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化。评价关注学生综合语言运用能力的发展过程以及学习效果,采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方式,即关注结果,又关注过程。 四、评价内容(基于课标及教材) (一)语言技能 听做:能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、做动作等;能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 说唱:能根据录音模仿说英语;能相互致以简单问候;能相互交流简单个人信息(姓名、年龄等);能表达简单的情感和感觉,如:赞同提议、感谢等;能唱英语歌曲4-7首,能说歌谣3首。 玩演:能基于所学目标语言,进行简单的角色表演。 读写:能正确认读、书写26个英文;能正确认读、书写56个单词;能熟练诵读

12篇对话,能在图片的帮助下读懂6个英文小故事。 试听:试听时间平均每周不少于30分钟。 (二)语言知识 语音:知道错误发音会影响交际;知道字母名称的读音;语音清楚,语调自然。 词汇:了解单词由字母构成;掌握本册56个单词。 语法:知道名词有单复数形式。 功能:了解问候、告别、感谢、介绍、请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。 话题:能理解和表达有关个人情况、朋友、动物、食品等话题的简单信息。(三)情感态度 有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、做游戏等;乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。 (四)学习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;在学习中注意力集中;主动向老师或同学请教;对所学习的内容能主动练习和实践;积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。(五)文化意识 知道英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语;对一般请求和提议等做出适当的反应;知道英语国家中最常见的饮料喝食品名称。 五、权重分配 六、评价个性化及二次评价
