


Part Two Basic Skill’s Training


I.Teaching Materials

See Part Two

II.Teaching Aims

1.Teach the students how to use the most useful words appropriately.

2.Help the students make correct judgement about their own language mistakes and

teach them to find out the correct ways to avoid the inappropriate, unidiomatic expressions.

III.Teaching Time: 4 periods

IV.Teaching Focuses

1.Unique ways of making correct judgement in choosing proper words to express

oneself in writing.

2.General rules of correcting wordiness and omission in language.

V.Teaching Procedures

1.Step One—Ask the students how many levels are there in language according to


2.Step Two—Give out some exercises concerning with the false usage of language

and make corrections in class.

3.Step Three—Analysis and brief summary of each type of basic language training.

4.Step Four—Assignment

VI.Detailed study of step one: a discussion on the formality of the words in different situations.

VII.Detailed study of step two.

Section One Choice of words措辞

The choice of words from one’s vocabulary can affect his writing style. Let’s look at two groups of words and compare them:

Pretentious Wording(fml.) Common Wording(standard)

in regards to concerning, about

utilize use

elucidate explain

prior to before

because of the fact because

of the opinion believe

ascertain find out

commence begin

When selecting words to use in an essay it is important to remember the four levels of diction:

1)Formal—Highly educated audience: ceremonial, scholarly or technical purpose.

2)Standard—Educated audience: college papers, mass publications, business communications, and many other writing purposes.

3)Informal—General audience: spoken rather than written situations, personal letters, conversational and entertaining purposes.

4)Slang—Specific audience: used to enhance the writing through dialogue essential to the character, such as in novels; or to build connections between members of a specific group or generation. Exercises:

1. In each sentence below, choose the more precise of the two words in brackets and fill in the blank with your choice:

1).A judge must be ______ in the cases he tries. (uninterested, disinterested)

A few listeners were _____ and dozed off.

2). Y our niece impressed me as sweet and _____. (childish, childlike)

Though she has grown up, her behavior is often _____.

3). The President spoken on the radio to the ____. (land, nation)

4).Why were you so ____ about your achievements? (humble, modest)

5).She has become very _____ since marrying him. (respectable, respectful)

People are serious and _____ at religious services.

Keys:disinterested, uninterested, childlike, childish, nation, modest, respectable, respectful

Section Two Confusion of words用词混淆

1. There are only three pairs of words in English which seemed to be as the antonyms, yet they are not. Pick them out:

a. flammable/inflammable

b. hinge/unhinge

c. valuable/invaluable

d. integrate/disintegrate

e. furl/unfurl

f. ravel/unravel

Keys:a, c, f

2.Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks:

1)The nurses take good care of the _____. (diseased, deceased)

2)He is under the ____ that he often hears voices urging him to kill. (illusion, delusion)

3)Laziness _____ to his failure. (contribute, attribute)

4)The guests _____ the hostess on her cooking. (complement, compliment)

5)The young lady despised the good ____ he had given. (counsel, council)

6) He is _____ enough to believe anything you tell him. (credible, credulous)

7) It’s _____ to err. (hum an, humane)

8) The ____ of the enemy troops was sinking. (moral, morale)

9) Let’s ____ to the next item on the agenda. (precede, proceed)

10) We must adhere to the four cardinal ______. (principal, principle)

Keys: diseased, delusion, contributed, complimented, counsel; credulous, human, morale, proceed, principles

Section Three Problems of collocation搭配问题

Collocation mainly involves with verb and prepositions or adverbs, which are called phrasal verbs.

1.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs:

1)The plan was well conceived, but it broke ___ because people were unwilling to cooperate.

2)A rash broke ____ on her hands, so she went to see a doctor.

3)As the famous movie star appeared, the waiting crowds broke ____ loud cheers.

4)Dr. Salk failed many times, but he finally broke ____ to find a successful polio vaccine.

5)Sentences can be broken _____ clauses, and clauses _____ phrases.

Keys: down, out, into,through, up into

2.Choose one of the four answers to complete the sentence:

1)When I was young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon __ it.

A. got off

B. got across

C. got away

D. got over

2)Obviously, the laz y girl would never ____ her parent’s expectation.

A. come up to

B. face up to

C. live up to

D. stand up to

3)Y oung children soon ___ words they hear their elders use.

A. put forward

B. turn up

C. pick up

D. use up

4)The manager needs an assistant that he can _____ to take care of problems in his absence.

A. count on

B. count in

C. count up

D. count out]

5)Then the speaker ____ the various factors leading to the present economic crises.

A. went after

B. went for

C. went into

D. went on

Keys: D, C, C, A, C

Section Four Wordiness累赘

In writing, we should try every means to make a sentence concise and avoid repetition. For example,we sho uld use “We must keep studying. /We must study persistently.” instead of “We must study, study, and study.”

1.Cross out the unnecessary words in the sentence:

1)Rachel Carson was a woman who pioneered in ecological studies.

2)In the book it tells about a spring when no birds sang.

3)Robins eat many earthworms a day, and they eat as many as earthworms a minute. Keys:

1)Rachel Carson pioneered in ecological studies.

2)The book tells about a spring when no birds sang.

3)Robins eat many earthworms a day.

2.Improve the following sentences and try to shorten them:

1)Speech is silver, and silence is gold.

2)Since he could not meet his brother at the airport, he sent his secretary to replace him.

3)After he has graduated, Tom will work in his father’s company.


1)Speech is silver and silence gold.

2)Unable to meet his brother at the airport, he sent his secretary instead.

3)After graduation, Tom will work in his father’s company.

3.In English, there are many words which have the similar meaning instead of the repetition of a same word. For example: dead and gone, fair and square, null and void, high and mighty, wit and wisdom, valor and vigor.

And there are words which have the opposite meaning to be combined as a phrase:fire and water, thick and thin, weal and woe, etc. all make the language concise and emphatic.

Section Five Omission of words漏词

If you omit a preposition or an adverb in a sentence, then you may make it change into a faulty one:

1.Please find out the omitted parts of each sentence and complete them:

1)She is remembered not only for her warning about the dangers of insecticide poisoning but for her charming studies of the sea.

2)Clearly a malfunction of a nuclear reactor is more serious than a steam engine.

3)Barry Commoner does not call for a halt to scientific progress but rather evaluation of the risks involved in a scientific development before action is taken.

Keys:1)but also… 2)than that of… 3)rather for…

2.Please try to modify the paragraph and fill in the words at the

appropriate places:

It is said that a person’s childhood are the most important years in a person’s life. I dare say most people agree the above statement. They may give reasons like “Children are most receptive”, “Children are curious about everything” and so on. In my opinion, however, most important years in a person’s life are early adulthood. In this period, a person experiences the most important stages in his life: higher education, love, marriage.

Keys: childhood years, agree with, the most important , are those of early childhood, and marriage

VIII. Assignment:

Please try to modify the paragraph and fill in the words at the

appropriate places:

Some teachers seem to be good teachers, but not, even though their students have no special fault to find them. They are not good teachers because they have no special vision, social urge, fight. They know their respective fields very well. They have orderly minds. Y et something keeps them from a great teacher like Socrates. This kind of teacher is more interested in the subject being taught than students or social progress. A good teacher never ceases to think the fates and sorrows of fellow beings.

A good teacher is always eager to bring about social structure which people will be free to be themselves.

Keys: but they are not, find with them, no social urge, no fight, from being a great teacher, think about the fates, a social structure in which…


高级英语写作教案示范 Section One Choice of words措辞 The choice of words from one’s vocabulary can affect his writing style. Let’s look at two groups of words and compare them: Pretentious Wording(fml.) Common Wording(standard) in regards to concerning, about utilize use elucidate explain prior to before because of the fact because of the opinion believe ascertain find out commence begin When selecting words to use in an essay it is important to remember the four levels of diction: 1)Formal—Highly educated audience: ceremonial, scholarly or technical purpose. 2)Standard—Educated audience: college papers, mass publications, business communications, and many other writing purposes. 3)Informal—General audience: spoken rather than written situations, personal letters, conversational and entertaining purposes. 4)Slang—Specific audience: used to enhance the writing through dialogue essential to the character, such as in novels; or to build connections between members of a specific group or generation. Exercises: 1. In each sentence below, choose the more precise of the two words in brackets and fill in the blank with your choice: 1).A judge must be ______ in the cases he tries. (uninterested, disinterested) A few listeners were _____ and dozed off. disinterested, uninterested 2). Your niece impressed me as sweet and _____. (childish, childlike) Though she has grown up, her behavior is often _____. childlike, childish 3). The President spoken on the radio to the ____. (land, nation) nation 4).Why were you so ____ about your achievements? (humble, modest) modest 5).She has become very _____ since marrying him. (respectable, respectful) People are serious and _____ at religious services. respectable, respectful



一、补充新知 [设计意图] 学生在阅读课文前了解童话的作者、创作的背景,有助于帮助学生更好地理解课文内容和主旨思想。 【生快速阅读下面两则材料,增加对作者和童话文体的认识。】 1.安徒生 安徒生(1805—1875),丹麦文学的代表作家。生于鞋匠家庭,童年生活贫苦。早期写有诗歌、剧本和长篇小说《即兴诗人》等。1835年开始写童话,共写了160余篇。在《丑小鸭》《小克劳斯和大克劳斯》《皇帝的新装》《夜莺》《卖火柴的小女孩》《她是一个废物》等篇中,作者揭露了当时社会的黑暗和金钱支配一切的罪恶,讽刺统治阶级的专横愚昧,反映贫富之间的悬殊,同情下层人民的苦难。作品想象丰富,情节生动,语言朴素。 安徒生童话创造的艺术形象,如没有穿衣服的皇帝、坚定的锡兵、拇指姑娘、丑小鸭等,已成为欧洲语言中的典故。他的童话脍炙人口,到今天仍为世界上众多的成年人和儿童所传诵。

2.童话 童话是儿童文学的一种。这种作品通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来塑造形象,反映生活,对儿童进行思想教育。语言通俗、生动,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。童话又往往采用拟人的方法,举凡鸟兽虫鱼、花草树木、整个大自然以及家具、玩具等都可赋予生命,注入思想感情,使它们人格化。 3.创作背景 18世纪末19世纪初,英法战争时期,丹麦由中立国倒向拿破仑一方,成为战争国,后来,拿破仑兵败后,丹麦成为英国的附庸国,丹麦人民受到本国封建阶级和英国资产阶级的双重剥削,过着饥寒交迫的贫困生活,而封建统治阶级则穷奢极欲,挥霍无度。面对这样的社会现实,安徒生根据西班牙一则民间故事改编了《皇帝的新装》。 二、预习交流 [设计意图] 通过检查预习情况,交流预习中不能解决的问题,帮助学生对文本建立起初步感知印象。 【课件展示,生独立完成,组内互阅,反馈矫正。】 1.注音。 炫.耀( ) 称.职( ) 滑稽.( ) 赏赐.( ) 爵.士( ) 御聘.( ) 骇.人听闻( ) 随声附和.( ) 勋.章( ) 〔明确〕xuàn chèn jīcìjuépìn hài hèxūn


入门英语公开课教案 【篇一:英语公开课教案】 剑桥英语公开课教案 教学课题:剑桥儿童英语启蒙unit 1 教学目的:让学生掌握字母a,b,c,的读法及写法,以及了解对应的 单词;熟练 掌握见面问好及分手时的礼貌问候语。 教学内容: good morning,boys and girls! 早上好,同学们! 首先欢迎同学们 来上今天的公开课。在这里呢,请允许我做一个简单的自我介绍, 我叫雷梦园,不过呢,我们现在是英语课堂上,所以我们都要用英 文名,我的英文名就叫mary,大家以后可以直接叫我mary!现在 大家看我手上拿的是什么?对,这些漂亮的贴纸就是给表现好,遵 守纪律的同学的奖励,等你们集齐了一定的数量就能兑换到精美的 文具,看看到最后大家谁换到的文具最多,谁就是表现最好的冠军!好,接下来,我要考一考大家了,谁会唱《字母歌》?好,很多同 学都会啊,那我们一起来唱一遍。“a b c d ??”。今天我们首先学习 字母“a”,a长得像一个金字塔,在黑板上写出a的笔画顺序,小朋 友们和老师一起用手写两遍“a”,在黑板上画一个蚂蚁的简笔画,让学生猜是什么动物,老师说这个蚂蚁的英文名叫“ant”,叫同学们一起做 字母操,一边念一边手写两遍“a”,两只手放在头上做蚂蚁的动作念道:“蚂蚁 ant 蚂蚁ant” 接下来我们玩一个叫大小声的游戏,我说大声,你们要说小声,我 说小声,你们要说大声。mary现在把大家分成红队和蓝队两个组, 看看那个组的反应更加迅速,表现更加好的组将获得一颗星星。让 我们看看哪个组能够获胜。(游戏后)嗯,大家的反应都很快! 我们学完了字母呢,接下来,mary要给大家讲个小故事。有一天,大家最讨厌的灰太狼先生假扮成羊,混入了羊群,他假装友善地和 喜羊羊美羊羊打招呼,他说:“hello!”,但是非常聪明的喜羊羊, 发现了灰太狼的尾巴和尖牙,于是他们说了句“bye bye”就马上逃走了。 在这个故事里,灰太狼也变洋气了,他也会说英文了。那么大家告 诉我,刚才灰太狼打招呼的时候说了句什么话呀?他说了句“hello!”


英语写作之反馈机制 【关键词】反馈高级英语写作教学 一.引言 高级英语写作一般是在英语专业本科大三年级开设的一门专业 必修课,开设此课程的目的不仅是为了继续提高学生的英语写作能力,反馈主要分为同级反馈、会谈反馈及批语式反馈三种形式。也为了培养学生的篇章组织能力、文学欣赏能力、文学表达能力等等。高级英语写作课程对提高英语专业学生的综合能力具有重要的作用,教师应充分重视该课程的教学。 高级英语写作教学的效果受许多因素的影响,学习者作文中的优点与缺点能否及时得到反馈是其中的重要因素之一。在传统的高级英语写作教学中,教师往往采取学生写作,教师评分再把评分结果反馈给学生的形式对学习者的作文进行指导。这种反馈形式有很大的局限性,大部分学生都会忽视教师的反馈,对教师指出的错误不予以重视,在下次写作时仍会犯同样的错误,起不到反馈的作用。小部分英语基础差的学生,对教师的反馈看不明白,弄不清楚自己错在哪里,失去了反馈的意义。本文针对当前高级英语写作教学中反馈的问题,提出了使用多种反馈形式有机结合的方式来有效地提 高学习者的高级英语写作能力。 二.写作教学中的反馈 反馈的概念是在20世纪70年代由过程教学法引入写作教学中

的。[2]在写作教学中,反馈是指”读者向作者输入修改作文的信息”。[3]在写作教学中,合理地运用反馈能够有效地帮助学习者更清楚、更准确地表达自己的思想,能够有效地提高学习者的英语综合能力。 写作教学中的反馈可以分为同级反馈(peer feedback)、会谈反馈(conferences as feedback)及批语式反馈(comments as feedback) 。不同反馈形式具有不同的作用,但它们都是写作教学中反馈的重要组成部分。 同级反馈是指通过同学之间互改作文的形式,来指出对方作文中的错误,学习者在相互探讨中共同提高写作水平及英语综合能力。同级反馈可以培养学习者对错误的敏感性。在同伴论文中发现的错误,学习者会尽量避免在以后的写作中再犯。而对于同伴论文中的优点,学习者也会进行一定的模仿。因此,同级反馈非常有利于提高学习者的写作水平和英语综合能力,尤其是对于高水平学习者来说。 会谈反馈是指教师通过面谈的方式来向学习者反馈他们作文中 的错误。以面谈的形式进行的反馈,方便教师就学习者的错误作出正面解释。而学习者对教师的解释有不明白之处,也可以现场提问。该种反馈方式及时、效果较好,但是耗时较多,不便于大范围地实 施,但能够迅速提高低水平学习者的写作水平。 批语式反馈是指教师以批语的形式批改学生的作文。该反馈形式


Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their


皇帝的新装第二课时公开课教案 教学目标: 1.抓住文中人物的性格特征。 2.探究这篇课文敢于说真话的现实意义。 教学重点:了解皇帝的性格特点。 教学难点:探究这篇课文敢于说真话的现实意义。 教学准备:多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、课文回顾,复习导入 上课,同学们好,在上一节课我们了解到有一个皇帝非常奇怪,他十分喜欢新衣服但是却赤身裸体上街游行,那么这到底是怎样的一位皇帝呢?让我们一起进入课堂。 首先,我们回顾一下这篇童话故事的结构。 课文是以(新装)为线索,以皇帝酷爱新装为引,以骗子做新装为开端,做了新装那么皇帝和大臣就去看新装,看完新装就到了这篇童话故事的高潮,皇帝穿着新装去游行,最后的结局是这个骗局被一个小孩子揭开。 我们回顾了一下课文结构就是相当于再读了一次课文,那么现在你们能说说课文的情节是围绕哪个字写的,都写了哪些人吗? 二、精读课文,分析人物性格 同学们,你们有没有发现,这个故事从头到尾都是两个骗子设下的(骗)局),对那么我们说全文就是围绕(骗)这个字来写的,

故事里都有哪些人呢?(皇帝,骗子,官员,百姓,孩子)在这个故事里骗子是设骗骗人,那么皇帝呢?(受骗)官员是(助骗)百姓(传骗)孩子(揭骗)。 1.分析皇帝性格 骗子设下的局最先是为了让谁相信,如果是你你会相信吗?那么我们现在回到我们开始提到的那个问题,我们来看一下这究竟是怎样的一个皇帝。请同学们看到第五自然段,找出皇帝三次心理活动。 指名学生回答。(感到有些不大自然-无需害怕-先派一个人去看看),得出皇帝(昏庸、愚蠢)性格特点。(心理、语言描写) 2.指导朗读 从这里看出皇帝期不期待他的新衣服?期待,是啊,他十分期待,所以前前后后派人去看了几次?三次,哪一次他自己也去了,(第三次)现在请同学们看到第21,22段,皇帝看到衣服后心理描写以及语言描写。我们班的同学一个个都是聪明伶俐的孩子,但是今天老师想让你们来挑战一下自己,演一演昏庸愚蠢的皇帝,读一读皇帝看到新装后的心理活动以及说的话,也就是第21、22自然段。先自由朗读一遍,老师再请几位同学为我们表演。开始。指导朗读第21、22自然段。指名三个学生朗读。(预设评价语:恩,不错,但是我觉得愚蠢的程度还不够,真不错,从你的朗读中我看到了一个表里不一的皇帝,哎呀,真是棒极了,我十二分地满意) 3.齐读 集体的力量是巨大的,老师今天还想给一个十二分的满意,不知


公开课教案 Xxx Model 1 How Good Are Your Social Skills? Lear ning Aims: 1. Learn some words related to social manners. 2. Get a gen eral un dersta nding of social skills using differe nt readi ng strategies 3. Be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques Step 1 lead-in What kind of book is it from? A. a bus in ess course

B. a how-to book teach ing social skills Step 2 while- readi ng Skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. Lear n how to do small talk Develop your liste ning skill. Lear n the rules. The gen eral idea is _____ . A. social skills B. liste ning skills C. talk skills D. social rules Step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed in formati on. 1. We will not be shy if we have good ____________ . 2. Accord ing to paragraph land 2 ,We should ______ . A. avoid talk ing to some one whom you know B. lack the con fide nce to talk to a stra nger C. talk con fide ntly to a stra nger 3. Communication is a __________ process」t invoIves _______ and ________ . Step 4post- readi ng


高级英语写作教案示范 Part Two Basic Skill’s Training 基本技能训练 I.Teaching Materials See Part Two II.Teaching Aims 1.Teach the students how to use the most useful words appropriately. 2.Help the students make correct judgement about their own language mistakes and teach them to find out the correct ways to avoid the inappropriate, unidiomatic expressions. III.Teaching Time: 4 periods IV.Teaching Focuses 1.Unique ways of making correct judgement in choosing proper words to express oneself in writing. 2.General rules of correcting wordiness and omission in language. V.Teaching Procedures 1.Step One—Ask the students how many levels are there in language according to them? 2.Step Two—Give out some exercises concerning with the false usage of language and make corrections in class. 3.Step Three—Analysis and brief summary of each type of basic language training. 4.Step Four—Assignment VI.Detailed study of step one: a discussion on the formality of the words in different situations. VII.Detailed study of step two. Section One Choice of words措辞 The choice of words from one’s vocabulary can affect his writing style. Let’s look at two groups of words and compare them: Pretentious Wording(fml.) Common Wording(standard) in regards to concerning, about utilize use


《皇帝的新装》教学设计 【学习目标】 1、通过阅读练习册“课前导航”,能了解作品的写作背景,记住安 徒生的重要作品,并记住童话的特点。 2、通过查找工具书,会读写“炫耀、滑稽”等词语。 3、通过熟读文章,能把握文章情节,复述文章内容。 4、通过找关键句,能分析其作用并探明人物说真话、假话的原因。 5、通过分角色朗读,能分析人物形象,提高语言感受能力。 6、通过续写童话,能激发学生的想像力。 【评价任务】 1、活动一让学生了解作家、作品及童话特点。 2、活动二让学生会读写“炫耀、滑稽”等词语。 3、活动三让学生能梳理故事情节,复述故事内容。 4、活动四让学生能把握关键句的作用。 5、活动五使学生能把握人物性格特点。 6、活动六能使学生激发想像力。 【内容与实施】 一、查预习,导新课 活动一:【课前热身】阅读练习册“课前导航”,识记以下三方面的内容。 1、作家、作品 安徒生(1805~1875)19世纪丹麦文学巨匠,世界著名的童话作家。他的160余篇童话在近150年中被翻译成140多种文字,从丹麦传向世界。安徒生生于鞋匠家庭,童年生活穷苦,早期写有诗歌、剧

本和长篇小说等,1835年开始写童话,著名的童话有《丑小鸭》、《海的女儿》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《夜莺》、《皇帝的新装》等。 2、写作背景 18世纪末代19世纪初,丹麦人民生活在水深火热之中,封建统治阶级则穷奢(shē)极欲,挥霍无度。面对这样的现实,安徒生根据西班牙的民间故事改编,创作了本文,揭露了贵族阶层的阿(ē)谀(yú)奉承和虚伪透顶,深刻地解剖了当时的社会的病状。 3、童话的特点 童话是儿童文学的一种。这种作品通过丰富的想象、夸张和象征来塑造形象,反应生活,对儿童进行思想教育。语言通俗生动,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。童话往往采用拟人的手法。 活动二、查工具书,解决下列字词的拼音、写法。 1、炫.耀( xuàn) 2、滑稽.( jī ) 3、陛.下( bì ) 4、头衔.( xián ) 5、称.职( chèn ) 6、自称.( chēng ) 7、御聘 ..( yùpìn ) 8、赏赐.( cì) 二、理情节,知内容。 活动三、梳理故事情节(用一个字概括),复述故事内容。 引子:皇帝(爱)新装。 开端:骗子(做)新装。 发展:君臣(看)新装。 高潮:皇帝(穿)新装。 结局:孩子(揭)新装。 三、抓关键,探原因


英语优质课教案 I.Teaching Material A Telephone Call A: May I speak to Jim, please? B: Sorry. He's not at home. A: Where is he now? B: He went to the bookshop. A: Would you please take a message? B: Sure. A: Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. We'll have a party at school. B: What time is the party? A: At three thirty in the afternoon. B: OK, I'll tell him when he's back. A: Thank you. II. Teaching Aims 1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone. 2) Raise the students' interest to learn English. 3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another. III.Teaching contents 1 ) Patterns: May I speak to ...? Would you please take a message? 2) V ocabulary: message, party, take a message IV.teaching Aids Four toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus. V. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up Exercise Sing the song "Greetings". Step 2. Presentation and Practice 1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen. 2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone. 3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns: ---- May I speak to...? ---- Speaking. Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls. 4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences: Would you please 'tell me your name? Would you please tell me your home telephone number?


《英语写作与翻译》教学大纲 适用专业:对外汉语专业(学术型) 课程类别:专业必修课(学位课) 课程学时:68学时(周4学时) 课程编号: 课程学分:4学分 一、课程说明 《英语写作与翻译》是渤海大学对外汉语专业的必修课。本课程的教学目的是通过课堂教学和课外训练,使学生掌握基本的英语写作和英汉、汉英翻译技巧,提高英语应用能力和英汉两种语码转换的能力。根据教学目的,本课程前半部分主要讲授英文写作基本知识,后半部分主要讲授英汉、汉英翻译技巧,两部分学时分配大致相同。 本课程采用双语教学模式,课堂语言和多媒体讲稿多以英语为主。讲练结合、理论和实际应用结合,通过大量的课堂练习和适当的课后练习使学生真正掌握英语写作和翻译知识,提高英语应用能力,鼓励学生阅读中国古典文献和各类现代英语资料,提高汉语和英语水平。 根据学术型学生的特点,课堂上理论与实践并重,在完成基本的英文写作和翻译教学内容的基础上,添加学术论文写作、文体风格与翻译等内容,提高学生的英汉语言理论水平和实际应用能力,为将来从事学术研究或进行对外汉语教学工作打下坚实的汉英书面语表达基础。 二、课程内容和学时分配 第一章文稿格式(2学时) 本章教学重点主要是规范英文写作格式,教学难点是几种主要标点的用法。主要讲授作文的内容安排、大写、移行、标点、书写要求等,增加讲授北京外国语大学出版社出版的《英语写作手册》第十章“标点符号”内容。讲授过程中需要结合大量练习形成新的标点使用习惯。 第二章英语用词(2学时) 本章教学重点是词的类型,教学难点是词义的分类即原义和涵义。主要讲授英语词汇的

层级划分、词的类型、词义、泛指词、特指词和习语等。这部分可与汉语用词对照讲解,尤其是习语部分与汉语成语相比较,有助于学生认识二者的异同点,对英汉翻译能力的提高也有帮助。 第三章英语句子(4学时) 本章教学重点是英语中的完整句和不完整句,教学难点是英语中的并列句、复合句和并列复合句。主要讲授英语完整句和不完整句,句子的类型:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句,简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句、松散句、圆周句和对偶句,长句和短句。有效句子的判断标准:一致性、连贯性、简洁性、强调性、多样性。这部分内容的讲解一定要结合学生课堂和课后练习以及在练习中出现的偏误,对学生的句子偏误进行纠正。在严格的训练中帮助学生建立正确的、区别于汉语句子的英语句子概念,并能根据表达功能的不同写出不同类型的句子。 第四章英语段落(4学时) 本章教学重点是段落的展开法,教学难点是段落的连贯性。主要讲授好段落的标准:一致性、连贯、过渡,段落写作的步骤,段落的展开法:按时间展开、按过程展开、按空间展开、用举例和归纳方式展开、用类比和对比的方式展开、用原因和结果方式展开、用分类方式展开、用定义方式展开、结合几种方式展开。重点练习用举例和归纳方式、用类比和对比的方式、用原因和结果方式展开段落写作。 第五章完整的作文(6学时) 本章教学重点是作文的说明文的写作,教学难点是作文的开篇和结尾。主要讲授英文写作的步骤,包括总体规划、提纲类型、打初稿、修订初稿、誊写初稿;组织结构,包括原则、开篇、主干、结尾;文章的类型,包括描写文、记叙文、说明文、议论文,其中说明文的写作最重要,分为举例说明文、分解与分类说明文、类比与对比说明文、因果说明文和定义说明文。本章是英文写作部分的重点,作文的总体规划、作文三大组成部分的写作技巧需要2学时,不同类型文章写作的基本要求需要4学时。 第六章应用文写作(6学时) 本章教学重点是信函的写作,教学难点是论文写作。主要讲授信函的写作格式、语言特点、信封的写法;不同类型的布告、通知、便条、电子邮件的写法、论文写作等。本章内容较适用型学生课程增加了论文写作部分,占2学时。主要根据学术型学生在学术上进一步深造的愿望,讲授论文的写作写作步骤和格式等内容。 注:英文写作部分教学内容结束,安排2学时的写作训练课,包括句子练习、段落练习和完整作文写作训练以及应用文写作训练。之后进行期中考试,占2学时。

高中英语 公开课教案

珠海市第x中学公开课教案 课题Basic writing-- Introduce a place 课型writing 执教者班级授课时间 节次2/4 课时第课时授课地点教室 教学目标知识与技能 1.Have a general idea about basic writing 2.How to introduce a place 3. Put useful information together logically. 过程与方法For details please refer to the following steps 情感态度 与价值观 Get the students to be confident to write a basic writing. 重点Master the ways to write a basic writing: introduce a place 难点Enable the students to write a basic writing: introduce a place 教学方法Motivations, information processing, cooperative learning Step 1 Brainstorming What is a basic writing? Put the given information together in five setences. How to write a basic writing? Go through the given information Figure out the key words and phrases Write out the simple sentences according to the given information Put the whole information together in five setences using clauses , “with” structure, “-ing” form and so on Check the whole passage, adding conjunctive words if necessary. Step 2 Presentation: Introduce a place---Weifang 1.Go through the given information 2.Figure out the key words and phrases: ?位置be located in ?占地面积cover an area of ?平方公里square kilometers ?人口 a population of ?宜人的气候 a pleasant climate ?多风windy ?雨少little rain ?年平均气温yearly average temperature ?悠久的历史 a long history ?富饶的be rich in ?矿藏mineral resources ?水产seafood products ?旅游城市t ourist city ?举办城市host city


《皇帝的新装》教学设计 学生情况分析 1、学生刚刚涉及“童话”要精要地向同学介绍这种文学体裁知识,要求学生自己了解一些安徒生在这一领域的成就。 2、这种情节曲折的故事是学生喜闻乐见的,但对童话的讽刺意义很可能明于心而不明于口,教师应适当点拨,使之对主题的理解水到渠成。 3、学生对文中问题的理解分析易文去矣,且理解肤浅,务必引导学生要独立深思,各抒己见,对问题的认识一定要言之有据。 教学目的 理解课文内容,领会童话的讽刺意义。 有感情地阅读课文、复述、让学生在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力。在思维训练中,增强对语言文字的感悟力,表达力。 了解童话想象夸张是特点,激发学生想象力和创造潜能。 在“师生合作下,生生合作”中,培养学生的合作能力。 揭露了封建统治阶级的虚伪和自欺欺人的本质。体现了孩子的天真胆大和率直,寓严肃的主题于诙谐的故事之中。 教学重点、难点 重点:领会主旨的深刻内涵难点:想象与夸张在文中的表达效果 教学过程: 一、导入新课: 一首小诗《献给安徒生童话的诗》(顾城) 第一节写什么?(美人鱼)第二节写什么?(丑小鸭) 《美人鱼》《丑小鸭》是我们耳熟能详的童话作品,今天让我们走进安徒生另一部名篇《皇帝的新装》。 二、梳理情节 1、《皇帝的新装》中涉及到的人物很多。大家先给他们分分类。 明确:骗子、皇帝、大臣、百姓、小孩。 2、这是一个关于“骗”的故事,整个情节都围绕“骗”展开。如果说骗子设骗,那么其他人呢?请说说,用四个字。 明确:皇帝受骗。大臣助骗。百姓传骗。小孩揭骗。 三、学生说阅读感悟 我们昨天已经在预习单上写下了自己对这篇童话的阅读感想,现在请同学以小组为单位进行交流,最后推选一位小组代表说说本组的阅读感想,感想仅限于一个词语,并说说理由。 《皇帝的新装》本见西班牙曼努尔著的《卢堪诺尔伯爵》第七章,安徒生取其事,改作此篇。读来弥觉轻妙可喜亦可叹。 ——周作人师:你能否像周作人文中的“可喜、可叹”,用几个词来写出你的阅读感悟? 生:昏庸、荒唐、可笑…… 1、“昏庸”国王有什么“癖好”?(第一节)“既不……也不……”写出了什么?一个国家有这样的皇帝会强盛吗? 2、评析“荒唐”这个谎言既然能一眼看穿,为什么大家都要撒谎? “任何不称职的人或者愚蠢的人,都看不见这衣服”。 如果看得见布,会怎样?如果看不见,又会怎样? 3、评析“可笑”


苏教版七年级上册语文优秀教案皇帝 的新装 【教学设计A】导读品析型 创意说明: 这篇近似于小说的童话,语言浅显易懂,故事有趣耐读。但课文蕴涵着深刻的思想内涵,讲读时要防止浮而不实,宜引导学生深入理解,仔细玩味。另外课文较长,因此,实现长文短教很重要。教者应避免烦琐的分析,引导学生在阅读中发现问题、提出问题、讨论问题,深入理解童话的深刻寓意和写作特点。 教学步骤: 一、引发兴趣,导入新课 请同学讲《白雪公主》《灰姑娘》《渔夫和金鱼的故事》,从中引出对童话体裁的认识。引导学生归纳这种体裁在写法上的特点。 丹麦有一著名的童话作家,我们学过他的作品《卖火柴的小女孩》,读过他的《丑小鸭》,今天

我们学习他的另一篇童话力作,板书课题、作者。 二、简介作者,了解背景 1请同学介绍作者。介绍时以一个同学为主,其他同学补充。(旨在培养学生撷取处理信息的能力) 2教师介绍写作背景 三、朗读复述,梳理情节 1快速默读,浏览课文,准备复述课文。 2指名看课件画面,复述内容,以一个同学为主,其他同学补充。(旨在培养学生上课专心听讲和表达的能力) 3引导提问,讨论归纳:课文以皇帝为中心人物,以“新装”作为贯穿全文的线索,围绕“新装”写了哪些事件?并简要概括。 学生讨论后投影显示: 引子:皇帝爱穿新装(1)

开端:骗子喜做新装(2-4) 发展:君臣查看新装(5-12) 高潮:皇帝穿展新装(23-32) 结局:小孩揭穿新装(33-36) 四、深入钻研,理解寓意。 1.默读课文,画出“皇帝想”和“皇帝说”的句子。思考:为什么皇帝想得多、说得少?从中可以看出皇帝是一个什么样的人?(旨在培养学生发现问题、分析问题的能力) 2.紧承上一问题继续提问:这样的皇帝现实生活中有吗?你怎样看待安徒生创造的这个艺术典型?(旨在让学生领会作品反映生活的多种形式,以及培养学生独立思索、辨析问题的能力。) 3.社会如此黑暗,世风极尽龌龊,但小孩的“可是他什么衣服也没有穿呀”无疑是暗夜里的一道亮光。作品为什么安排让一个小孩戳穿骗局,你是怎样认识这个问题的?(旨在让学生领会作品的童话色彩、现实意义,以及对学生进行人生观教育。)


课题名称 What colour is it? 课题 What can you do? 一.教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标: 1. 学生能够听、说、读、写5个表示颜色的单词: red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 学生能够运用句型简单地描述事物的颜色: A:What color is it? B:It’s . (二)过程与方法目标: 1. 教师通过创设情境(猜谜语)导入新课,接着运用颜色卡片导入单词教学。接着以跟读、拍手……等多种形式,让学生能够听、说、读、写出7个表示颜色的单词:red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 教师随意抽出颜色卡片,引导学生能够用 A:What color is it? B:It’s . 句型,并以全班、小组、个体为单位操练句型。 (三)情感态度与价值观目标: 1. 学生通过课堂学习与操练,能够养成良好的学习习惯。

2. 学生通过参与多样性的课堂活动和教学评价,能够不断体 验进步与成功,认识自我、建立自信心。激发出学生学习英语的兴趣与积极性。 3. 通过本单元简单的对话练习,学生互相交流,切磋,共同 完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义。 二.教学重难点 (一)教学重点: 1.学生能够听、说、读、写7个表示颜色的单词: red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 学生能够运用句型简单地描述事物的颜色: A:What color is it? B:It’s . (二)教学难点: 1.注意red、black的发音。 red /e/ black /? / 2.注意短语 is it 的连读。 三.教具 彩色卡片 四.教学时间 40分钟 五.教学过程


《皇帝的新装》教学设计 1.易错字 滑稽.(jī)赏赐.(cì)钦.差(qīn)妥.当(tuǒ)呈.报(chéng)陛.下(bì)愚蠢. (chǔn)勋.章(xūn)款.待(kuǎn)御聘 ..(yùpìn) 2.多音字 漂 稽 3.形近字 4.近义词辨析 5.词语释义 称职:能够胜任所担当的职务。 不可救药:比喻人或事物已坏到无法挽救。 骇人听闻:使人听了非常震惊。

随声附和:别人说什么,自己跟着说什么。形容毫无主见、一味盲从。 安徒生(1805—1875),丹麦文学巨匠,世界著名的童话作家。他的160余篇童话在近150年中被翻译成140多种文字,从丹麦传向世界。安徒生生于鞋匠家庭,童年生活穷苦,早期写有诗歌、剧本和长篇小说等,1835年开始写童话,著名的童话有《丑小鸭》《海的女儿》《卖火柴的小女孩》《夜莺》《皇帝的新装》等。 【文题解说】 课文以“皇帝的新装”为题,描述了看不见的、根本不存在的“美丽的新装”。文题是贯串全文的线索,围绕着“新装”,各色人物尽情表演,丑态百出。 【创作背景】 18世纪末19世纪初,英法战争时期,丹麦由中立国倒向拿破仑一方,成为战争国,后来,拿破仑兵败,丹麦成为英国的附庸国,丹麦人民受到本国封建阶级和英国资产阶级的双重剥削,过着饥寒交迫的贫困生活,而封建统治阶级则穷奢极欲,挥霍无度。面对这样的社会现实,安徒生根据西班牙一则民间故事改编了《皇帝的新装》。 本文通过叙写一个昏庸无能而又穷奢极欲的皇帝上当受骗的故事,揭露和讽刺了皇帝和大臣们的虚伪、愚蠢和自欺欺人的丑行;该童话还告诉我们,应该保持一颗天真烂漫的童心,无私无畏,敢于说真话。


课题Unit 6 Whose gloves? 高作小学丁洁 课型:New 教学目标: 1. 认知目标:能四会单词big, small, long, short, gloves, jeans及词组a pair of… 能听懂会说句子The…is/ are too…Try this one/ this pair on. Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re… 2.能力目标:能在一定的情景下,正确使用Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…进行 交谈 能理解人名后加上’s的含义 3.情感目标:通过学习,告诉学生生活是美好的,要懂得享受生活 教学重点、难点: 重点:能四会单词big, small, long, short, gloves, jeans及词组a pair of… 能听懂会说句子The…is/ are too…Try this one/ this pair on. Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re… 难点:能在一定的情景下,正确使用Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…进行交谈 教学方法与手段:课件制作准备板书贴板AB卡练习纸 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings T: Class begins! Ss: Stand up. T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Sit down, please. 设计意图:师生之间的问候拉近了师生关系,让学生紧张的心情得到了放松。 2. Chant T: Boys and girls, today, I’m very happy, because tonight I will take part in a dressing party. And I have prepared some clothes for this party. Please look at the screen, what are they? Now, chant with me like this: Blouse, blouse, it’s a blouse. Can you? Ss: Yes! T: Now, let’s chant! Ss: Coat, coat, it’s a coat. Dress, dress, it’s a dress. Jacket, jacket, it’s a jacket... 设计意图:通过节奏感强的chant形式,复习巩固学生已学的服装类的单词,同时,chant也带动了课堂学习气氛。 Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Teach “gloves, jeans, whose” T: Boys and girls, my friends Helen, Su Hai, Su Yang and Yang Ling are also
