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Youth Power in Climate Action





Ladies and Gentlemen:


Good afternoon. My name is Li Zilin and I am 9 years old. I come from Chengdu, capital of

southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Today I am very honored to share with you my understanding of youth power in climate action.


My hometown Chengdu is famous for the giant panda, China’s national treasure. The panda is very popular among kids because it is cute, clumsy and plumpish, moving slowly to enjoy life. Sometimes, I really wish the tempo of study and life can be slowed down and everyone will enjoy a relaxed lifestyle. But I am aware in this world, not everything can be done slowly. Many issues call for immediate and concerted action, such as combating the climate change.

我的家乡成都因为中国国宝大熊猫而闻名于世。因为它们憨态可掬,不紧不慢地享受着生活,因此深受孩子们的喜爱。有时候,我也很希望学习和生活的节奏可以慢下来,大家都能享受轻松愉快的生活方式。但我知道,世界上有些事情已经迫在眉睫。很多问题需要我们共同采取行动,刻不容缓,比如应对气候变化。After years of efforts by the UN and the international communities, the climate issue was back to the spotlight thanks to a name Greta Thunberg. On September 24 this year, the 16-year-old Swedish climate campaigner made a passionate speech to world leaders at the UN, accusing them of failing to act on climate change and stealing the kids of their future. Though she drew on herself lots of criticism due to her health issue and her way of calling for school strike, we are inspired by her courage and by knowing the power of youth is turning the tide.


工的行为而引起诸多争议,但她的勇气可嘉,以及强大的青年力量对局势的改变,都使我们大受鼓舞。For kids of different countries, there is not the best solution, but the most adaptable.


Before I came here, I hosted an activity at my school about panda and climate awareness. I think it would be a good hook to relate the climate issue with the pandas because the panda survival is also threatened by global warming. In the end, my schoolmates signed their names after learning why the climate change is endangering the panda and posing threat for the humans. What’s more, they realized how important it is to take actions.


Actions are never absent from our daily life. My classmates put up a play recently, a modern version of Journey to the West, a journey of garbage classification efforts. My friends and I have registered for the “kid ambassador for pandas” program at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. It is designed for kids from 9 to 14 to learn about panda and environmental knowledge and aims to train them to be guides to pass on the knowledge to visitors. At the university level, college students are active participants in various activities and competitions, contributing to the ideas and actions of China’s environmental movements.

