新人教版七年级英语下册Unit3 教案

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Unit 3 How do you get to school?教案

Part 1:Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: How questions; Affirmative and negative statements

Target language:

How do you get to school? I take the bus.

How long does it take? It takes 20 minutes.

How far is it? I t’s 10 miles.

Vocabulary: get to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus stop, train station, bus station, subway station, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation, calendar

Learning strategies: Personalizing; I nferring vocabulary



●To learn to use How questions, affirmative and negative statements

●Lean to talk about how to get to places, how long it takes to go to places, and how far the

places are

●To talk about kinds of transportation


Warming up by talking

Hello, everyone! What’s the weather like today? It’s a sunny day with a gentle

breeze. It’s comfortable. So this morning I come to school by bike. It took me

nearly 50 minutes. You know I live far from school. I often take buses to come

here. But it takes me more than an hour. What about you? Today, let’s talk

about how you go from one place to another. And we

will talk about the time it takes to get to places and how far it is between two


1a Looking and writing

Open your book at page19. Look at the picture carefully and read the

dialogue. Then please write how the students in the picture get to school in

the morning in the chart.

Sample answers:

1. take the subway

2. ride a bike

3. take the bus

4. take the train

5. walk(on foot)

6. take a boat

7. take a taxi 8. go in a parent’s car

1b Listening and writing

Look at the picture again. How do students get to school? Let’s listen to

a conversation between two people talking about this. Listen carefully

and write the number of the name in the white box next to the student.

Please do it individually. Then let’s check the answer.


1. Bob takes the train.

2. Mary takes the subway.

3. John takes the bus.

4. Paul walks.

5. Yang Lan walks.


A: How do Bob and Mary get to school?

B: Bob takes the train and Mary takes the subway.

A: How does John get to school?

B: He takes the bus.

A: How do Paul and Yang Lan get to school?

B: They walk. Look, there they are waling now!

Now read the tapescript, shadow the how questions and underling the expressions.

1c Doing pairwork

Please read the dialogue on page 19 in the box. And make your own conversations about how the people in the picture get to school with their partner. Then I’ll ask some pairs to say their dialogue. Sample dialogue

A: How does Bob get to school?

B: He takes the train.

A: Does John take the train to school, too?

B: No. He takes the bus.

A: What about

Mary and Paul?

B: Paul walks,

and Mary takes the


A: And Yang Lan walks, does she?

B: Yes, she does.

2a Listening and repeating

Listen to these numbers and repeat. Please pay attention to the pronunciation.


32, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

2b Writing the numbers

forty-six 46 thirty-three 33 seventy-two 72

one hundred and five 105 fifty-eight 58 ninety-nine 99

sixty-one 61 eighty-four 84

2c Listening and checking

Now please look at the five transportation pictures. And we’ll listen to two conversations. The people are talking about how students get to school and how long it takes. Listen carefully and put a checkmark to show the kinds of transportation they talk about. Check your answer.

40 minutes 35minutes


10 minutes
