


ability 能力— inability /disability 无能力able 有能力的— unable 无能力的capable有能力的—incapable无能的abroad 在外国— at home 在家

absent 缺席/不在— present 出席

accept 接受— refuse 拒绝

active 积极的— inactive 不活跃的

active 主动的— passive 被动的

actress 女演员— actor 男演员

add 增添— reduce 减少

increase上升—decrease/lessen 减少advantage 有利— disadvantage 不利

afraid 害怕的— brave 勇敢的

coward胆小鬼/胆小—brave 勇敢的

after 在…之上— before 在…之前

previous/earlier/former/past —later/timely the former前者—the latter 后者

again 再,又— once 一次

against 反对— for 为,赞成

approval赞成/认可—disapproval不认可ago 以前— later 以后

agree 同意— disagree 不同意

agreement 一致— disagreement 意见不同accurate精确的—inaccurate不精确的

alive 活着的— dead 死的

all 全部— part 部分

all 所有一切— none 没有任何东西appropriate恰当—inappropriate不当的appreciated感激的—unappreciated不被领情的both两者都—neither两者都不

allow 允许— forbid 禁止

almost 几乎— hardly 几乎不

alone 单独地— together 一起

along 沿着— across 横过

already 已经— yet 还未

always 总是— never 从来不

anger 怒/愤怒— pleasure 喜/愉快

angry 生气的— pleased 高兴的∕calm 平静的animal 动物— plant 植物

answer n. 回答— question 问题

answer /reply vt. 回答— ask/inquire 问anxious /uneasy不安的— /calm/easy 放心的appear 出现— disappear 消失

arrive 到达— leave 出发

ashamed 害臊— proud 自豪

asleep睡着的sleepy睡眼惺忪的— awake 醒的attack 进攻— defend 防守∕protect 保护attention 注意— inattention 不注意

aunt 姨/姑/婶— uncle 叔/伯/舅

awake adj. 醒的— asleep 睡着的

back 背面后面的— front 正面/前面的be badly-off贫穷— be well-off 富有balanced 平衡的— unbalanced 失衡的beautiful 美丽的— ugly 丑陋的

before 在…之前— after 在…之后

before 在前— later 在后

begin 开始— finish 结束

beginning 开始— end n.结局

behind 在后面— ahead 在前面

behind 在…之后— in front of 在…之前believe 相信— doubt 怀疑

below 在…以下/— above 在…以上

bent 弯的— straight 直的

best 最好— worst 最坏

better 更好的— worse 最坏

beyond 在…之外— within 在…之内

big 大的— little 小的

severe/strict严格/严厉的—tender温柔/慈悲的birth 出生— death 死的

bitter 苦的— sweet 甜的

black 黑色的— white 白色的

blame 责备— praise 表扬

boil 沸腾— freeze 结冰

body 身体— spirit 精神∕soul 心灵

bone 骨头— flesh 肉

bored 厌烦的— pleased /delighted 高兴的borrow 借人— lend 借出

bottom 底底部— surface 表面∕top 顶部boyfriend 男朋友— girlfriend 女朋友

brave 勇敢的— afraid 害怕的

break 损坏— repair 修理∕mend 修理

brief 简洁的— long/lengthy 冗长的

bright 明亮的— dark 暗的(brightness)bright 聪明的— stupid 笨的∕foolish 蠢的bring along带来— take away 拿走broaden 拓宽— narrow 窄的/变窄

brother 兄弟— sister 姐妹

brotherhood 兄弟关系- sisterhood 姐妹关系brotherly兄弟般的—sisterly姐妹般的

build/construct 建设— break/destroy 破坏construction建设—destruction破坏

bury 埋— dig 掘

busy 忙的— free 有空的

be occupied with忙于—leisurely悠闲的/地apply oneself to doing/put one’s heart into


diligently勤勤恳恳的—lazily 懒惰的convenient方便的—inconvenient不方便的buy/purchase 买— sell 卖

calm 平静的— angry 生气的/ excited 兴奋的cap (无边) 便帽— hat (有边)帽子

careful小心的—careless 不注意的

be cautious/ incautious about 谨慎/不谨慎

carefully 细心地— carelessly 粗心的

catch 赶上— miss 错过

take the lead带头—fall behind落后

cause 原因— result 结果∕effect 结果ceiling 天花板— floor 地板

central 中央的— local 地方的

downtown(往)闹市区—remote偏僻/疏远的certain 确定的— uncertain 不确定的certainly 当然— perhaps 也许

change 改变— fix 确定

cheap 便宜的— dear 贵的∕expensive 贵的children 孩子— parents 父母

city 城市— country 乡村

clean 干净— dirty 脏的∕unclean不洁的clear 清晰的— unclear 不清晰的

clever 聪明—stupid 笨∕foolish 蠢∕silly 傻

close vt.关/闭— open 开

close adv. 近— far 远

closed 关着的— open adj. 开着的


cloudy 阴天— fine /sunny 晴朗的

cock 公鸡— hen 母鸡

cold 冷的— hot 热的



chilly/cold 寒冷— hot/heat 热


combine 使结合— separate 使分开

elegant优雅的—inelegant 不雅的/粗糙的physically物质/生理上—mentally思想/精神上come forward过来— go backward 回去comfort 安慰— discomfort 不安comfortable 舒适的— uncomfortable 不舒适的common 普通的— uncommon 不平常的complete 完全的— incomplete 不完全的usual通常/平常的—unusual不常见/难得的connect 使连接— disconnect 使分离content 内容— form 形式

continent 大陆— island 小岛

continue 继续— interrupt 打断∕stop 停止convenient 便利的— inconvenient 不便利的cool 凉快的— warm 暖和的

correct/right正确— wrong/false/ incorrect 不正确country 乡村— city 城市∕town 城镇urban城市的—rural乡下的

cover 遮盖— uncover 暴露/discover发现create 创造— destroy 毁坏∕ruin 毁坏cruel 残忍的— kind/merciful 仁慈的




cry /sob/sweep哭— smile/laugh 笑curiously 好奇的— incuriously漠不关心地dad 爸爸— mum /mom 妈妈

daily 每日的— weekly 每周的

damage 毁坏— repair 修理

danger 危险— safety 安全

dangerous 危险的— safe 安全

dark 黑暗的— bright 明亮的


darkness 黑暗— light/brightness 光明daughter 女儿— son 儿子

dead 死的— alive 活的∕live 活的

dear 贵的— cheap 便宜的

death 死— birth 出生∕life 生命

deed 行为— word 言语

defend 防守— attack 攻击

delay 耽误— hurry 赶紧

delight 快乐— sadness 悲哀

delighted 高兴的— bored 厌烦的

deliver 递送— collect 收回,收集

demand 需要— supply /provide 提供

desire 期望— disappoint 失望

destroy 破坏— build 建设

determination 决心— indetermination 犹豫

die 死— live 活

different不同的-same 相同的/similar 相似的difficult 困难的-easy 容易的/simple 简单的dig 掘— bury 埋

direct 直接地— indirect 间接地

dirty 脏的— clean 干净的

disability 无能为力— ability 能力disadvantage 弱点/不利- advantage 优点/有利disagreement 不一致— agreement 一致disappear 消失— appear 出现

disappoint 使失望— encourage 鼓励disappointment/discouragement扫兴—encouragement 鼓励

discover 发现—uncover 揭露

disease —病— health 健康

dislike 不喜欢— like 喜欢

like象—unlike不像/alike (只做表语) disobey 不服从— obey 服从

distant 远的— near 近的

disturb 扰乱— settle 使安宁

divide 分离— unite 结合

doctor 医生— patient 病人

doubt 怀疑— believe 相信/trust 相信downstairs 在楼下— upstairs 在楼上downwards 向下— upwards 向上

draw 拉— push 推


dress 穿衣— undress 脱衣

drop 掉落— hold/grasp 抓住

dry 干的— wet 湿的

dusty 满是灰尘的— clean 干净的

early 早— late 晚

earn 赚钱— spend 花钱

earth 地面— heaven 天空

easily 容易的— hard 难地

east 东— west 西

eastern 东方的— western 西方的

easy 容易的— difficult 难的/hard 难的effect 效果— cause 影响



either 两者之— neither两者都不

elder/elderly年纪较大的— younger年少的empty adj.空的— full满的

empty vt. 倒空— fill 装满

encourage 鼓励— disappoint 使失望

end 结尾— beginning 开端

enemy 敌人— friend 朋友

enlarge 扩大— reduce 减少

enter 进入— leave 离开

entrance 入口— exit 出口

envy n.嫉妒— satisfaction 满意

envy v.妒忌— satisfy 使满足

equal 相等的— unequal 不等的

especially 特别地— generally 一般的

/usually 平常地

evening 晚上— morning 早上

ever 曾经— never 从没

every 每一个的— none 毫无的everybody 每个人— nobody 无一人everything 每件事— nothing 没有东西everywhere 到处— nowhere 无处

exactly 确切地— inexactly 不确切地excellent 优秀的— bad 坏的

exciting 令人兴奋的— boring 令人厌烦的excuse 宽恕— blame 责备

exit 出口— entrance 入口

expense 支出— income 收入

expensive 贵的— cheap 便宜的experience 经验— inexperience 无经验extraordinary卓绝的— normal 正常ordinary平常emperor皇帝—empress皇后



fail 失败— succeed 成功

failure 失败— success成功

fail 公平的— unfair 不公平的

faith 信心— doubt 疑惑

fall 落下— rise 升起

fall n. 秋天— spring 春天

false 假的— true 真的∕real 真的

familiar 熟悉的— strange 陌生的

famous 著名的— unknown 无名的far 远— near 近

fast 快的— slow 慢的

fast 快地— slowly 慢地

fasten 扎牢— unfasten 解开

fat/obese胖— thin /slim /skinny 瘦/皮包骨的obesity/fatness—thinness

fear 恐惧— courage 勇气

fearful/fierce吓人的—fearless/brave无畏的feed 喂— starve (使)挨饿

female 女性的— male 男性的

few 少数的— many 多数的


fierce 凶猛的/狂热的— gentle 温和的

fill 添满— empty 倒空

finally 最后的— first 首先

find 找到— lose 丢失

fine 晴朗的— cloudy 阴天∕rainy 下雨finish 结束— begin 开始∕start 开始

firm 牢固的— loose 松散的

first 最初的(地) — last 最后的(地)

fit 合适的— unfit 不合适的

fix 修理— break 损坏

fix 固定— replace 变更

flat 平坦的— rough 粗糙的

flesh 肉— bone 骨头

floor 地面— ceiling 天花板

fold 包起— unfold 展开

follow 跟随— lead 带领

foolish 愚蠢的— wise 睿智的/clever 聪明的foot 脚— head 头

for 赞成— against 反对

forbid 禁止— permit 允许

foreign 外国的native 本国的

forget 忘记— remember 记得

forgive 原谅— punish 处罚

form 形式— content 内容

falsely捏造的/虚假的—truly正确的/诚实的former 以前的— present 现在的fortunate 幸运的— unfortunate 不幸的fortunately 幸运地— unfortunately 不幸地luckily幸运地—unluckily不幸地

fortune 运气— misfortune 不幸

forward 向前— backward 向后

found 建立— destroy 破坏

fragile 易碎的— strong 牢固的

free 闲的— busy 忙的

freeze 结冰— boil 沸腾

frequent 频繁的— infrequent 稀少的


friend 朋友— enemy 敌人

friendly 友好的— unfriendly 不友好的from 从…— to 到

front 前面— back 后面

full 满的— empty 饿的

funny 有趣的— sad 悲哀的

future 未来— past 过去

ups and downs起起落落

home and abroad 国内外

Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于豪言高中英语形容词短语小结

Group A

be aware of /be conscious of (意识到)

be anxious about (对... 感到焦急)

be eager for/be thirsty for /be dying for (渴望得到...) be curious about (对... 很好奇)

be crazy about(着迷于)

be fond of /be keen on(喜欢)

be tired of /be sick of/be fed up to (讨厌)

be particular about (对... 很挑剔)

be cautious about 对很谨慎

be sensitive to\about/be allergic to 对很敏感

be proud of 对很骄傲

be ashamed of 对感到耻辱

be patient with对有耐心

be strict with sb. in sth.对很严格

be hard on对很苛刻

be kind\ friendly\ polite\considerate to对


be angry with sb at sth对很生气

be grateful\thankful for 对很感激be sorry for为感到难过,遗憾

be generous\mean with 对很慷慨吝啬

be responsible for对很负责

be famous\ known for以很著名

be familiar with/to熟悉

be popular with受到欢迎

be beneficial to有益于

be harmful to有害于

be good\ bad for对有好处有害处

be relevant to与有关

be related to与有关

be connected to\ with

be linked to

be associated with和有关系联系

be different from与不同

be similar to和相似

be the same as和一样be

be careful of\with认真小心对待

be sure\certain of\about对有把握

be confident of\about对有信心

be content with对满意

be optimistic\pessimistic about对乐观悲观be enthusiastic about对热心

be tolerant of 容忍

be happy with 对满意

be doubtful of\about/be sceptical of\about 怀疑

be hopeful about 抱希望be guilty of对很愧疚

be ready for为做准备

be fit for be equal to be suitable for适合于

be capable of有能力

be lacking in /be short of缺乏be rich in /be high in /be

abundant in含有丰富的

be full of 充满

be weak in在很弱

be afraid of /be fearful of害怕

be free of\from 免于

be independent of 独立于

be senior\junior to高于

be superior\inferior to 优于

be equal to 与平等

be worthy of 值得

be convenient to\for 方便于

be accessible\ available to 易


Group B

be interested in

be disappointed at/in/with,be pleased with,

be astonished\shocked at,be embarrassed about

be confused\puzzled about be frightened\ terrified of be scared\horrified of,

be experienced at ,

be engaged in,

be occupied with,

be involved in,

be addicted to,

be accustomed to,

be adapted\adjusted to,be used to

be related to be connected to\ with,

be linked to

be associated with

be concerned with

be stuck\caught\trapped in

be covered wit

be filled with

be surrounded with\by

be faced (up)with

be equipped with

be armed with

be furnished with

be seated in

be dressed (up) in

be concerned about

be based on

be devoted to

be buried in

be bent on

be focused on

be concentrated on

be prepared with

be satisfied with

be upset about

be well-known as\for\to

be designed for

be meant\intended for

be convinced of

be sentenced to

be amazed\ surprised at

be disappointed with

be lost in, be located in

be charged with

be absorbed in

be faced with

be attached to


高考英语常用同义词辨析汇总 1. a good/great many(of)/a number of/a large quantity of/plenty of/a large amount of/a great deal of 2. a number of/numbers of/the number of. . . 3. abandon/desert

4. abolish/cancel 5. above all/first of all/at first 6. accuse/charge/blame/scold

7. acquire/obtain/gain/win/earn 8. adjust/adapt 9. adopt/adapt 10. agreement/contract/bargain

11. also/too/either/as well/besides/moreover 12. anxious/eager/keen 13. apart from/except/except for/except that/besides

14. argue/debate/discuss/quarrel 15. ashamed/shameful/shame 16. at ease/with ease

17. attempt/try/manage 18. attend/join/join in/take part in/participate in 19. average/common/ordinary/general/usual


中考常考同义词及反义词汇总 一、中考常考同义词 (一) above /over 在……上方 almost/ nearly 几乎;差不多 also / too 也;同样 among/between 在……之间 around / near(by) 在周围 arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达autumn / fall 秋天 baby / child 孩子 bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为begin / start 开始 below / under 在……下面 beside / near, next to 在……旁边;附近big / large, great 大的 bright / sunny, shining 晴朗的 busy / working 忙碌的 centre / middle 中间 certainly / of course 当然 clever / bright 聪明的 common / usual 普通的;通常的 dear / expensive 昂贵的 difficult / hard 困难的;艰巨的 easy / simple 容易的;简单的enjoyable / pleasant有乐趣的,使人快乐的 every / each 每个 fail / miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall / drop 落下 famous / well-known 著名的 fast / quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine / good, nice 好的;优的 finish / end 结束;终点 following / next 以下的 friendly / kind 友好的 game / match 比赛 glad/happy, pleased愉快的 go / leave 离去;离开 healthy / fine, well 健康的 helpful / useful 有益的;high / tall 高的 hope / wish, want 希望想要 house / home 家 ill / sick 生病的 journey / travel, trip 旅行 knock / hit, beat 敲打;击中;打败know / understand 懂得理解 laugh / smile 笑 like / enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱 line / row 排;行列 little / small 小的 loud / noisy 大声的;嘈杂的 maybe / perhaps 可能;大概 noise / sound 声音 OK / fine, all right 好吧;行 own / have, hold 拥有,持有problem / question, puzzle问题 pupil / student 学生 rainy / wet 下雨的;有雨的 real / true 真正的;真实的 receive / get 接受;得到 ring / call, telephone 打电话 rock / stone 岩石;石头 room / space 空间;余地 sad / unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的say / speak, talk, tell 说话 seem / look 看似 several / some / a few 几个;若干个shout / cry, call 叫喊 sleep / rest 睡觉;休息 stay / live 逗留;居住 street / road 街道;路 sunny / bright, clear, fine 晴朗的 take / need 需要 terribly / badly, very 非常 town / city 城镇 very / quite, rather, greatly 非常;相当whether / if 是否 whole / total 全部;总共 zero / nothing 零


高中英语同义词与反义词/对应词 ability能力—inability /disability无能力able有能力的—unable无能力的 capable有能力的—incapable无能的abroad在外国—at home在家 absent缺席/不在—present出席 accept接受—refuse拒绝 active积极的—inactive不活跃的 active主动的—passive被动的 actress女演员—actor男演员 add增添—reduce减少 increase上升—decrease/lessen 减少advantage有利—disadvantage不利afraid害怕的—brave勇敢的 coward胆小鬼/胆小—brave 勇敢的 after在…之上—before在…之前previous/earlier/former/past—later/timely the former前者—the latter 后者 again再,又—once一次 against反对—for为,赞成 approval赞成/认可—disapproval不认可ago以前—later以后 agree同意—disagree不同意 agreement一致—disagreement 意见不同accurate精确的—inaccurate不精确的alive活着的—dead死的 all全部—part部分 all所有一切—none没有任何东西appropriate恰当—inappropriate不当的appreciated感激的—unappreciated不被领情的 both两者都—neither两者都不 allow允许—forbid禁止 almost几乎—hardly几乎不 alone单独地—together一起 along沿着—across横过 already已经—yet还未 always总是—never从来不 anger怒/愤怒—pleasure喜/愉快 angry生气的—pleased高兴的∕calm 平静的animal动物—plant植物 answer n. 回答—question问题 answer /reply vt. 回答—ask/inquire问anxious /uneasy不安的—/calm/easy 放心的appear出现—disappear消失ashamed害臊—proud自豪 asleep睡着的sleepy睡眼惺忪的—awake 醒的attack进攻—defend防守∕protect保护attention注意—inattention不注意 aunt姨/姑/婶—uncle叔/伯/舅 awake adj. 醒的—asleep睡着的 back背面后面的—front正面/前面的 be badly-off贫穷—be well-off 富有balanced平衡的—unbalanced失衡的beautiful美丽的—ugly丑陋的 before在…之前—after在…之后 before在前—later在后 begin开始—finish结束 beginning开始—end n.结局 behind在后面—ahead在前面 behind在…之后—in front of在…之前believe相信—doubt怀疑 below在…以下/—above在…以上 bent弯的—straight直的 best最好—worst最坏 better更好的—worse最坏 beyond在…之外—within在…之内 big大的—little小的 severe/strict严格/严厉的—tender温柔/慈悲的birth出生—death死的 bitter苦的—sweet甜的 black黑色的—white白色的 blame责备—praise表扬 boil沸腾—freeze结冰 body身体—spirit精神∕soul心灵 bone骨头—flesh肉 bored厌烦的—pleased /delighted高兴的borrow借人—lend借出 bottom底底部—surface表面∕top顶部boyfriend男朋友—girlfriend女朋友brave勇敢的—afraid害怕的 break损坏—repair修理∕mend修理 brief简洁的—long/lengthy冗长的 bright明亮的—dark暗的(brightness)bright聪明的—stupid笨的∕foolish蠢的bring along带来—take away拿走broaden 拓宽—narrow窄的/变窄 brother兄弟—sister姐妹 brotherhood 兄弟关系- sisterhood 姐妹关系brotherly兄弟般的—sisterly姐妹般的


高中英语同义词100组 因为because, since, as, for 除了(还)besides, as well as, in addition to ,apart from 位于lie in, be located/situated in 分发hand out, give out, distribute 独自alone, by oneself, on one's own 经历undergo, experience, go through 优点advantage, strong points, strength 感激appreciate, be grateful/thankful to sb 免费for free, for nothing, free of charge 容纳admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat 适合be suited to, be suitable for, be fit for 处理deal with, do with, cope with, handle, dispose of 记住keep/bear sth. in mind, leam sth. by heart 充当act as, serve as, work as , function as 确保see to it that, make sure that, ensure that 当心watch out, look out, take care, be careful 提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in advance 表明indicate, suggest, show, imply, make clear 大约about, some, around, or so, approximately 依靠depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on 总计total to, come to, amount to, add up to, reach 熬夜stay up, sit up, be up late/far/deep into the night 考虑take account of, take sth. into account/consideration 建立establish, found, build, create, set up, put up 缺点disadvantage, weak points, weakness, drawback 说服talk/persuade sb. into doing sth., persuade sb. to do sth. 沮丧depressed, discouraged, blue, down, disappointed, upset 厌烦be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, be sick of 偶然by chance, by accident, accidentally, once in a while 鉴于seeing that, given (that) , considering sth/that, in view of sth 发生happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, break out 控制keep/bring sth under control, take control of, have power over 立即in no time, at once, right away, straight away, immediately 替代replace, stand for, substitute for, take the place of, represent 尽管although, though, even though, while, despite, in spite of, as(倒装) 再三repeatedly, again and again, over and over (again), time and again, 如果providing (that),provided (that),on condition that, supposing that, given that 只要as long as, so long as 区分identify, tell/distinguish...from..., tell/distinguish the difference between... and... 首先first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin/start with, for one thing 总之in short, in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, to sum up, on all accounts 完成fulfill, accomplish, finish, complete, get through with sth., go through with sth. 重视pay more attention to, lay/put/place emphasis on,attach importance/significance to


浅谈英语词汇中的同义词和反义词 摘要:汉语中有近义词和反义词之说,同样道理,英语词汇中,也有同义关系和反义关系的分类。同义词在英语文章中的显现能够证明学习者词汇量的大小,而反义词则是在写作中尤为重要,俗语或者谚语以及对偶句的应用往往使文章出彩,甚至起到强调警示的作用,令人印象深刻。当然,他们也有场合的差异,色彩的不同,甚至不同的人选词也会不尽相同。而且,他们的应用无疑给英语的学习带来了便利和兴趣。Abstract: There are two kinds of words-synonym and antonym in Chinese. In fact, about English vocabulary, there are synonym and antonym classified by relations words. Generally, synonym may be a sign of your vast words, however, antonym appearing in proverb and balanced sentence could color and prominent your article and writing. Of course, there are differences among the occasion, word coloring and position if they are spoken or written by people. This point is of importance. In all, synonym and antonym used widely contribute to English learning. 关键词:同义词反义词对偶句谚语应用 提纲: 1.开篇总述 2.同义关系 (1)语义差别 (2)感情色彩的差别 (3)语体色彩 (4)写作时从句中运用以及修辞上的应用 3.反义关系 (1)换位反义词的对立统一 (2)谚语和对偶句的应用 一、概述 英语词汇可以按照不同的角度分为很多类,而在此着重讲的是词的语义分类(semantic classification of words)。词的语义分类指的是按词与词之间的语义关系对词进行分类。其中,词与词之间的同义和反义关系使我们平时最常见到的,也是文章中经常用到的,但是,对于现阶段,在我们的英语学习中,能够非常游刃有余的把握好它们用的场合,能在写作中巧妙的运用,还可以从修辞手段方面形成写作特色以及在一些谚语中的应用,做到这些,有一定


高考英语中高频近义词或同义词辨析 (1)grain; corn; crop grain:指稻、麦等谷类及其粒子。 corn:主要指大麦、小麦、燕麦、裸麦、玉蜀黍这5种谷物及其粒子。 crop:指谷物或果类等一年或一季的收成,也可指地里的农业作物或谷物。 Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。 He filled the barn to the roof with corn. 他将谷仓装满了谷物。 The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes. 主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。 (2)hurt; wound; injure; harm hurt:表示“肉体或情感上的痛苦,强调疼痛感”。 wound:表示“由于剑、刀、枪等锐器造成身体上较严重的外伤,特别是在战争中受伤”。injure:表示“指意外事故或偶发事件造成的伤害”。 harm: 表示“引起疼痛、痛苦或损失,其对象可以是自己,也可以是其他人或物”。Many people were hurt when a bus and a truck collided. 一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。 The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。 There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。 Getting up early won?t harm you! 早起对你没有坏处。 (3)affair; thing; matter; business affair:意为“事情、事件”, 含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事。复数affairs一般指商业事务及政府的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等。 thing:意为“事情、事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均称为thing,一般不能专指事务。复数things还可作“形势”解。 matter:重指须留心的要事或问题、难题。 business:作“事务、事情”解时,一般不能用复数,常常指所指派的任务、责任;有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动。 (4)a great deal; a great deal of a great deal:用作名词,意为“大量”,“许多”,作主语、宾语;用作副词,意为“很”或“非常”,作状语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级。 A great deal has been studied and this is the best way. 经过大量研究后,这(被认为)是最好的办法。 a great deal of:意为“大量的”,“非常多的”,相当于much,作定语,后接不可数名词。 A great deal of time/money/energy has been spent on the project. 大量的时间/金钱/能源花在那个工程上了。 (5)at the time; at that time; at one time; at a time at the time:通常用于过去时句子中,指某件事情发生的“当时”、“那时” Many people saw the strange thing happen at the time.


英语同义词近义词反义词词典_众所周知的近义词|反义词|同义词-字词解 析 【--妇女节】 众所周知的近义词|同义词: 1. 妇孺皆知( 注释:孺:小孩。妇女、小孩全都知道。指众所周知。) 2. 家喻户晓( 注释:喻:明白;晓:知道。家家户户都知道。形容人所共知。) 3. 尽人皆知( 注释:尽:全部,所有。人人都知道。)

4. 老妪能解( 注释:妪:老年妇女。相传唐朝诗人白居易每作一首诗就念给老年妇女听,不懂就改,力求做到她们能懂。形容诗文明白易懂。) 5. 有目共睹( 注释:睹:看见。指非常明显,谁都看得见。) 众所周知的反义词: 1.一无所知( 注释: 什么也不知道。) 众所周知的解释: zhòng suǒzhōu zhī

成语解释:大家普遍知道的(周:普遍)。 成语出处:宋朱熹《朱子语类》:"虽十目视十手指,众所共知之处,亦自七颠八倒了,更如何地谨独。 感情色彩:中性成语 成语用法:众所周知主谓式;作谓语、分句;用于书面语。 成语结构:主谓式成语 成语年代:古代成语

成语辨析:众所周知与"尽人皆知有别。众所周知多用作独立语;"尽人皆知多用作判断宾语。 用众所周知造句 1、我认为它们会一直生活在那里,直到众所周知的世界末日来临。 2、这是一条众所周知的用户界面(UI)设计法则,无论代价多大都应避免这种移动。 3、在您试图将治理的概念减少到几句简单的话之前,它是"众所周知的那些术语中的一个。 4、众所周知,我们的孩子最终将会离开我们并成为他们自己独立自治的父母,虽然他们是我们的孩子,他们需要我们,即使他们有自己的议事日程。


中考英语反义词、近义词、同义词及词形转换 1 above 在......上 -- below 在......下 after 在......后 -- before 在......前 all 全部 -- none 全无 answer 回答 -- ask 询问 answer 答案 -- question 问题 back 后面 -- front 前面 bad 坏的 -- good 好的 best 最好的 -- worst 最坏的 better 更好的 -- worse 更坏的 black 黑的 -- white 白的 both 两者都 -- neither 两者都不 busy 忙碌的 -- free 空闲的 buy 买(入) -- sell 卖(出) cheap 便宜的 -- expensive, dear 昂贵的 clean 干净的 -- dirty 肮脏的 clever 聪明的 -- foolish 愚蠢的 cold 寒冷的 -- hot 炎热的 come 来 -- go 去 cool 凉爽的 -- warm 温暖的 danger 危险 -- safety 安全 dark 黑暗的 -- bright, light 明亮的 day 白天 -- night 夜晚 die 死去 -- live 活着 down 向下 -- up 向上 dry 干燥的 -- wet 潮湿的 early 早的 -- late 迟的 easy 容易的 -- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的 empty 空的 -- full 满的 entrance 入口 -- exit 出口 fall 落下 -- rise 升起 far 远的 -- near 近的 finish 结束 -- begin, start 开始 first 最初的 -- last 最后的 foreign 外国的 -- home 本国的 forget 忘记 -- remember 记得 glad 愉快的 -- sad, sorry 悲伤的;难过的 happy 高兴的 -- unhappy, sad 难过的 hard 硬的 -- soft 软的 hate 憎恨 -- love, like 热爱;喜欢 here 在这里 -- there 在那里 high 高的 -- low 低的


超全高中英语常用同义词辨析库:V英语常用同义词辨析English Synonyms V vague, dim, indefinite, obscure, ambiguous, faint vague, dim, indefinite, obscure, ambiguous, faint 这些形容词均含“不明确的,模糊的”之意。这些形容词均含“不明确的,模糊的”之意。 vague : 多指因语言不确切,太笼统或因构思含糊、不完善而造成模糊难解。vague : 多指因语言不确切,太笼统或因构思含糊、不完善而造成模糊难解。 dim : 侧重指或因光线暗淡,或因年代久远、身体欠佳等因素而产生视觉或察觉方面的困难。 dim : 侧重指或因光线暗淡,或因年代久远、身体欠佳等因素而产生视觉或察觉方面的困难。 indefinite : 指无明确定义或限定,重点或总体轮廓不明确。 indefinite : 指无明确定义或限定,重点或总体轮廓不明确。 obscure : 语气最强,指晦涩难懂。 obscure : 语气最强,指晦涩难懂。 ambiguous : 指文章或讲话中,意思可能有多种理解,令人捉摸不定。ambiguous : 指文章或讲话中,意思可能有多种理解,令人捉摸不定。 faint : 指对某事物印象不深,或指声音微弱或希望的渺茫等。 faint : 指对某事物印象不深,或指声音微弱或希望的渺茫等。 vanish, disappear, fade, evaporate vanish, disappear, fade, evaporate 这些动词均有“消失”之意。这些动词均有“消失”之意。 vanish : 语气强,指完全、往往是神秘而突然的消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹。vanish : 语气强,指完全、往往是神秘而突然的消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹。 disappear : 普通用词,强调从视线或脑海中消失。 disappear : 普通用词,强调从视线或脑海中消失。这消失可能是暂时的、突然的或永久的,视上下文而定。这消失可能是暂时的、突然的或永久的,视上下文而定。 fade : 侧重逐渐消失。 fade : 侧重逐渐消失。 evaporate : 指像水蒸发时那样悄然逝去,也指某人悄悄地、突然退出或离去。 evaporate : 指像水蒸发时那样悄然逝去,也指某人悄悄地、突然退出或离去。


-教育精选- 高中英语同义词与反义词/对应词 ability 能力— inability /disability 无能力able 有能力的— unable 无能力的capable有能力的—incapable无能的abroad 在外国— at home 在家 absent 缺席/不在— present 出席 accept 接受— refuse 拒绝 active 积极的— inactive 不活跃的 active 主动的— passive 被动的 actress 女演员— actor 男演员 add 增添— reduce 减少 increase上升—decrease/lessen 减少advantage 有利— disadvantage 不利 afraid 害怕的— brave 勇敢的 coward胆小鬼/胆小—brave 勇敢的 after 在…之上— before 在…之前previous/earlier/former/past —later/timely the former前者—the latter 后者 again 再,又— once 一次 against 反对— for 为,赞成 approval赞成/认可—disapproval不认可ago 以前— later 以后 agree 同意— disagree 不同意 agreement 一致— disagreement 意见不同accurate精确的—inaccurate不精确的alive 活着的— dead 死的 all 全部— part 部分 all 所有一切— none 没有任何东西appropriate恰当—inappropriate不当的appreciated感激的—unappreciated不被领情的both两者都—neither两者都不 allow 允许— forbid 禁止 almost 几乎— hardly 几乎不 alone 单独地— together 一起 along 沿着— across 横过 already 已经— yet 还未 always 总是— never 从来不 anger 怒/愤怒— pleasure 喜/愉快 angry 生气的— pleased 高兴的∕calm 平静的animal 动物— plant 植物 answer n. 回答— question 问题 answer /reply vt. 回答— ask/inquire 问anxious /uneasy不安的— /calm/easy 放心的appear 出现— disappear 消失 arrive 到达— leave 出发 ashamed 害臊— proud 自豪 asleep睡着的sleepy睡眼惺忪的— awake 醒的attack 进攻— defend 防守∕protect 保护attention 注意— inattention 不注意 aunt 姨/姑/婶— uncle 叔/伯/舅 awake adj. 醒的— asleep 睡着的back 背面后面的— front 正面/前面的 be badly-off贫穷— be well-off 富有balanced 平衡的— unbalanced 失衡的beautiful 美丽的— ugly 丑陋的 before 在…之前— after 在…之后 before 在前— later 在后 begin 开始— finish 结束 beginning 开始— end n.结局 behind 在后面— ahead 在前面 behind 在…之后— in front of 在…之前believe 相信— doubt 怀疑 below 在…以下/— above 在…以上 bent 弯的— straight 直的 best 最好— worst 最坏 better 更好的— worse 最坏 beyond 在…之外— within 在…之内 big 大的— little 小的 severe/strict严格/严厉的—tender温柔/慈悲的birth 出生— death 死的 bitter 苦的— sweet 甜的 black 黑色的— white 白色的 blame 责备— praise 表扬 boil 沸腾— freeze 结冰 body 身体— spirit 精神∕soul 心灵 bone 骨头— flesh 肉 bored 厌烦的— pleased /delighted 高兴的borrow 借人— lend 借出 bottom 底底部— surface 表面∕top 顶部boyfriend 男朋友— girlfriend 女朋友brave 勇敢的— afraid 害怕的 break 损坏— repair 修理∕mend 修理 brief 简洁的— long/lengthy 冗长的 bright 明亮的— dark 暗的(brightness)bright 聪明的— stupid 笨的∕foolish 蠢的bring along带来— take away 拿走broaden 拓宽— narrow 窄的/变窄brother 兄弟— sister 姐妹 brotherhood 兄弟关系- sisterhood 姐妹关系brotherly兄弟般的—sisterly姐妹般的build/construct 建设— break/destroy 破坏construction建设—destruction破坏 bury 埋— dig 掘 busy 忙的— free 有空的 be occupied with忙于—leisurely悠闲的/地apply oneself to doing/put one’s heart into 致力于—absent-minded心不在焉diligently勤勤恳恳的—lazily 懒惰的convenient方便的—inconvenient不方便的buy/purchase 买— sell 卖 calm 平静的— angry 生气的/ excited 兴奋的


小学英语同音词、近义词、反义词归纳 一、小学英语同音词 B—bee—be no—know C—see—sea hi—high I—eye for—four R—are son—sun T—tea our—hour U—you pair—pear Y—why here—hear to—two—too there—their by—bye—buy right—write aren’t—aunt father—farther who’s—whose c-see(看见)-sea(海洋) b-be(是;成为)-bee(蜜蜂) y-why(为什么) for(为)-four hi(喂)-high(高) no(不)-know(知道) by(通过)-bye(再见) son(儿子)-sun(太阳) our(我们的)-hour(小时) right(对的)-write(写) meet(遇见)-meat(肉) hear(听见)-here(这儿) there(在那里)-their(他/她/它们的) dear(亲爱的)-deer(鹿)pear(梨)-pair(一双/副……) father(父亲)-farther(较远地) weight(重量)-wait(等待) it's(它是)-its(它的) who's(谁是)-whose(谁的) 二、小学英语近义词 toilet — WC listen —hear class —lesson everyone —everybody glass —cup large —big glad —happy like —love little —small photo —picture purse— wallet start —begin home—house learn—study beautiful—pretty usually —often look —see cycle —bike near —beside hi —hello quick —fast garden —park desk —table speak —say —talk river —lake go home —come home a moment ago— just now a lot of —lots of — many be good at —do well in of course —sure be from —come from take a walk —go for a walk take a bus —by bus would like —want look for— find 三、小学英语反义词 big(大的)----- small(小的)bad(坏的)----- good(好的) bright(明亮的)----- dark(黑暗的)black(黑的)----- white(白的) beautiful(美的)----- ugly(丑的)cold(冷的)----- hot(热的) cool(凉爽的)----- warm(温暖的)come(来)----- go(去) cry(哭)----- laugh(笑)clever(聪明的)----- stupid(笨的)different(不同的)----- same (相同的)difficult(难的)----- easy(容易的) dirty(脏的)----- clean(干净的)day(白天)----- night(夜晚) early(早的)----- late(迟的)fast(快的)----- slow(慢的) glad(高兴的)----- sad(悲伤的)inside(里面的)----- outside(外面的) in(里面)----- out(外面)large(大的)----- little(小的) left(左)----- right(右)quiet(安静的)----- noisy(吵闹的) new(新的)----- old(旧的)loose(松的)----- tight(紧的) like(喜欢)----- hate(厌恶)open(开)----- close(关)


词义辨析:单项选择适应性训练 1. You’ll find this dictionary of great ______in helping you learn English. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness 2. This book is a _____for students of science. A. necessary B. must C. important D. useful 3. I was attending a meeting, _____come to your birthday party. A. unless would I have B. or I would C. but I did not D. or I would have 4. Mother asked her that in the presence of the princess she should not say anything until _____. A. asked B. being asked C. having been asked D. to be asked 5. She never laughed, _____ever lose her temper. A. so did she B. but she did not C. nor did she D. nor she did 6. Mr.Smith has a strange way of making his lessons lively and interesting, so he is _____respected by his students. A. very B. rather C. enough D. much 7. The teacher warned that whoever was caught _____during the test would be punished. A. cheat B. to cheat C. be cheating D. cheating 8. It was not until he had arrived home _____remembered that he had left the key at the office. A. when he B. that he C. and he D. so that he 9. He showed great interest in my field of work. He asked me _____fresh development. A. keeping him informed of B. to inform him C. to keep him informed of D. informing him of 10. He had a part-time job and was paid _____. A. by the hour B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour 11. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I _____it when I was in the gym. A. must drops B. had dropped C. should have dropped D. must have dropped 12. How did it come _____that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework? A. about B. along C. around D. by 13. We’ll _____the matter, but it will take some time, so you’d better be patient. A. look though B. look over C. look after D. look into 14. She has to be very _____because she hasn’t much money. A. economic B. economical C. sparing D. careful 15. May is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _____, I can’t speak too highly of him. A. As a result B. In a word C. By the way D. On the contrary 16. Every means _____been tried to _____the family expenses. A. have… cut out B. has… cut down C. has… cut short D. have… cut off 17. I can _____some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noises. A. come up with B. catch up with C. put up with D. keep up with 18. The man was under so much stress that he finally _____. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke in 19. It’s _____my power to make final decision on the matter. A. off B. outside C. about D. beyond 20. He spoke for two hours at the meeting, but what he said didn’t make any_____.
