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As I think back I realize how hard it is to view the world ____31____ the eyes of my childhood.

____32____ child’s mind is still filled with the idea that anything and everything is possible. They haven’t begun building the mental walls yet. Watch a child ____33____(learn) to walk and it’s amazing. No matter how many times they fall down, they hop back up ____34____ they instinctively know that eventually t hey’ll be able to walk. They don’t have to worry what ____35____ think. They have no need to put up a front(讲面子). They are who they are.

But somewhere along the line they learn to be ____36____(practice). Their creativity is blocked over time, as the world ____37____(teach) them to fit in. Eventually they don’t bounce back as fast when they fail. Learning is now something you have to do ____38____ is very boring and unpleasant.

You and I ____39____ tear down those walls that are closing in and start fresh. It’s time to bring back that sense of joy and wonder. When you’re setting your goals for the New Year, th ink like a child. Set your goals as if ____40____ is possible.


You must first set your goals if you are to accomplish anything in a big way. Goals give you a starting place and a destination. People ____31____ goals succeed because they know ____32____ they’re going. Plant your dreams, nourish and begin to live them. ____33____ most important thing about a goal is having one.

The first law of success is concentration. Bend ____34____ of your energies to one point, and go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left. Concentration is the magic key

____35____ opens the door to accomplishment. Success is the result of well directed energy. You can, in time, become what you earnestly desire to be, if you set your face in the direction of the things you want and bring all your powers to bear towards its ____36____ (attain). When your physical and mental resources ____37____ (focus), your power to solve problems multiplies tremendously. To do two things at once is to do neither. Nothing can add ____38____ power to your life as much as

____39____ (concentrate) all your energies on a limited set of targets. The sun’s rays do not burn

____40____ brought to a focus.



31. through 用through the eyes of表示“在……看来”。

32. a 表示在泛指的“任何一个”小孩的头脑中,故用不定冠词。

33. learning 在watch后作宾补,用动词原形或动词的-ing形式;又由语境可知,小孩摔倒是在正在学走路的过程中,故用learning更好。

34. because 因与两句间没有连词,应填连词;后句是前句的原因,故用because引导原因状语从句。

35. others 在宾语从句中作主语,一定是名词或代词;泛指的“别人”用代词others。

36. practical 作表语,用形容词。

37. teaches 在句中作谓语,且由语境判断是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单词,故填teaches。

38. that 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是something,多用关系代词that引导。

39. can 因谓语动词tear是原形,所以前面可能是情态动词;由上下文的语气可知,作者认为“你和我”都“能够”拆卸这些墙。

40. anything 由语气或第一段第二句可知,用表示“任何事”的anything较适合。
