

Jack Ma Davos 2015 interview

C: Wellcome Jack Ma

M: thank you

C: We’ve all become very cognitive Jack and his story and when Alibaba went public with the largest IPO in history, we knew a lot more about him, so I want to talk about his personal story, I want to talk about how many times he tried and failed, and what kept him going, I want to talk about where he is today and how he got here and where he is going and how expects to get there and if he gets there what will it all mean for him and for the people that he wants to inspire, so, begin with this question, though, Jack, why are you back at Davos.

M: It’s a long break for seven y ears, I think my last time trip here was 2008, but I was coming for your to find one for young global leader for tomorrow, and I think remember I never heard about a Davos when I came, but when I came out I and a Switzerland, so many young people demonstrate was such a horrible scene that I was a net and ask them who wanted to do it, they say NT globalization and as why grandmas this is a great thing, why people and you know don’t like it, and then we come all the way for two hours here, there’s some Russian gone there’s a people checking out the all go is that there’s follower zap reason, we’re going to go into that, but when I joined the fun at the young global leader, I was thrilled by so many ideas for the first of three four years, I’ve learned what doe s the globalization mean, what is the copper to citizenship mean, what about social responsibility

mean, how all these new ideas and see so many great leaders talking about leadership and that benefit a lot and a year 2008, and 2009 when the financial crisis came, I think about it go back to work because we can never win the world by talking, so go back to spend seven years, now I come back, I think it’s time to do something return, so I learned so much, let’s talk about years ago so why I should not talking to young global leader of today shelling with them how we gone.

C: Through that was the thing, let’s start with where you are today just how big is all about, how many people come every day, I mean people come in a week how fast is it growing.

M: yeah, we have for over a hundred million buyers visiting our site shop in our site our everyday, and we create a hundred million and everything we created 14 million jobs for china directly and indirectly, and we grow from 18 people to 30000 people, meeting people in my apartment to now, we have a full big campers compared to 15 years ago, we were big but compared to 15 years later with to a baby.

C: And a big will you be 15 years from them.

M: I think 15 years ago, I told my team that 15 years in the past 15 years we go from nothing to this size, and 15 years later I wanted people see know about alibaba no top up, because it’s already everywhere, I want 15 years ago when we talk about what is e-commerce why small business can using this e-commerce this internet

can do business cross the nation, and I hope 15 years later people forget about e-commerce, because they think it’s mega electricity nobody think is a high-tech today, now this is something that I don’t want 15 years later we still walk on the straight talking about why and how e-commerce can help people.

C: T alk about the IPO you did it exceed your expectations

M: well, it’s a pretty small IPO 250.

C: yeah, two largest not to do in the history, number two was Chinese bank.

M: Thank you, I remember your tooth and while we went to raise some five minutes remaining venture capitalist daughters in the USA and got reject, and I say we come back raising some a little bit more, but I think it you know what we think more about is for 225 billion dollars how we can spend the money efficiently, because this is not the money visit the trust from the world, the trust from those people they want you to better jobs to help more people, they want have a good return. So I think give me more pressure because when our market cap is bigger than IBM or someday were bigger than Walmart, we are one of the top 10 15 largest market cap company in the world, I told my team and myself is that ture, we’re not that good because years ago people say a lot about the models terrible dose not make money have this and that all the big bad things, because emma’s battery-based better, google is better and there’s no such model like alibaba in the USA, so I told myself and people, we will better than people thought, but today when we got that big

size I said no, we’re not that good as people thought, we were just a company 15 years old, average age is twenty-seven twenty-eight year, so young people were doing something that human being have never tried.

C: so. What I want to talk about the future, let me take you back to


Compared to 15 years ago, we are big; but compared to 15 years later, we are still a baby. I think 15 years ago, I told my team that ... in the past 15 years, we grew from nothing to this size, and 15 years later, I want people see no about Alibaba, no Taobao, because it is already everywhere. 15 years ago, when we talked about what is e-commerce, why small businesses can [use] this e-commerce and this Internet and do business across the nation; and I hope 15 years later, people forget about e-commerce, because they think it is like electricity – nobody think it is a high-tech today. I don't want 15 years later, we still walk on the street, talking about why and how e-commerce can help people.

2. 谈遭拒(8:25)

I think we have to get used to it. We are not that good; even today, we are still having a lot of people [who] reject us.

3. 谈学英语(9:51)

I don't know why at 12 or 13 years old, or that time, I suddenly fell love into that language, English. And there's no place where you can learn English at that time; there's no book, English books. So I went to the Hangzhou Hotel, now called the

Hangzhou Shangri-la Hotel, because that was the hotel ... [that] can receive the foreign visitors. So every morning – for 9 years – I showed them around as a free guide, and they taught me English. And I think that changed me. I am 100% made in China; I never got one day's training outside China...So I think that was the 9 years – these Western tourists opened my mind, because everything they told me was so different from the things I learnt from the schools, and from my parents. So now I have had a habit – whatever I see [and] whatever I read, I use my mind [to] think about for 2 minutes.

4. 谈资金(18:26)

(I have never got money from the Chinese government.) I wanted it in the beginning, but later I don't want it, because I think that if the company [is] always thinking about picking money off the government's pocket, that company is a rubbish. Think about how can you make money from the customers and the market, and then help the customers succeed. That's our philosophy. (I think the relationship with the government for us is very interesting...I learned that you should never rely on government organisation[s] to do e-commerce. And I started the business, [and] I told the people in [my] team that "being in love with the government; don't marry them; respect them.")

5. 谈一切皆有可能(25:11)

In the beginning, I thought... when I was young, I said everything is possible. Now I know not everything is possible. You have to think about ...you have to consider

about the others... you have to consider about the customers, the society, your employees, the share holders... there are so many things...I think, if you continue to work hard, there's possibility. If you don't do it, nothing's possible; if you try to do it, at least you have the hope.

6. 谈阿甘(33:16)

I learnt so much about the Hollywood movies, especially the Forrest Gump. (I like Forrest Gump because he is) simple, [and] never gives up. People think he is dump, but he knows what he is doing...This is the guy we should learn from. Believe what you're doing, love it – whether people like it or don't like it; be simple. And I like the word, "Life is like a box of chocolate – you never know what you are going to get." I told my people in my department 15 years ago, "guys, we have to work hard, not for ourselves. If we can be successful, 80 per cent of the young people in China can be successful. We don't have the rich father, [or] powerful uncle. We don't get one dollar from banks, [or] one cent from [the] government. Just work as a team."

7. 谈希望(34:49)

I worry about that today, a lot of young people lose hope, lose vision and start to complain. We also ha[d] the same period because it is not a good feeling to be rejected by so many people; we were also depressed. But later we found that the world has a lot of opportunities – (it all depends on) how you see the world, [and how] you catch the opportunity.

8. 谈英雄(35:40)

Movie probably is the best product that can help Chinese young people to understand...because one thing I told the Chinese people...my friends, [is that] in an American movie, all the heroes – at the beginning, they looked like the bad guy. [But when] terrible things [were] coming, they became the hero and finally they all survived. In Chin[ese movies]... all the heroes died. So because only dead people became the hero, nobody wants to be a hero. (So I want to change the Chinese definition about the hero.) I want to say that today, we have so many heroes LIVE in this world.

9. 谈太极(36:52)

I love tai'chi. Tai'chi is a philosophy about the "yin" and the "yang". Tai'chi is about how you balance. Like competition...people say when I compete[d] with eBay "you hate eBay". [And I said] "no, no, no, I don't hate eBay. It is a great company, you know, they come, I go." Tai'chi is about that you fight here, I go over there; they put on the top, I go the down. Right so? It is about BALANCE! You are heavy and I am small, you know, when I am small, I can jump; and when you are heavy, you can't jump. Tai'chi is about philosophy. I use the Tai'chi philosophy in the business – Calm down; there's always a way out. And keep yourself balanced... Because business is a competition, [and] competition is a fun. Business is not like a battlefield that you die and I win – even if you die, I may not win. It's about fun. So Tai'chi gave me a lot of inspiration.

10. 谈改变(38:24)

First, I think many years ago, I want to change the world. [But] now I think, before I change the world, we change ourselves. Chang[ing] ourselves is more important and easier than chang[ing] the world. And second, I want to improve the world. My job is to make sure that my team is happy. Because [if] my team is happy, they can make my customer[s] happy; Our customers are all small businesses; when they are happy, we are happy.

11. 谈女性(38:56)

About women...one of the secret thoughts about Alibaba's success is that we have a lot of women. Because in this world... if you want to win in the 21st Century, you have to make other people powerful, empower others, make sure that the other people are better than you are, and then you will be successful. So I found that women...they think about the others more than they think about themselves. Women think about the kids, husband, parents much more than the men. And they use the friendliness.

12. 谈中国经济放缓(40:45)

I think slowing down is much better than keeping on that 9 per cent. China today is the second largest economy in the world. It's impossible to keep 9 per cent of the growth. If China still keeps the 9 per cent of the growth of the economy, there must be something wrong. You'll never see the blue sky. You'll never see the quality. China should pay attention to the quality of the economy. I think...just like [that] a human grows –this body can never grow, grow, grow...[at a] certain time, the

growth of the body will slow [down]. You should grow your mind, grow your culture, grow your value, grow your wisdom. I think China is moving to that direction.

13. 谈首富(42:00)

I was really not happy in the past 3 months when people say Jack Ma is the richest people of China. 15 years ago, at my apartment, my wife...at that time, one of the 18 founders...I asked her: "Do you want your husband to be a rich person ..." I said not a rich person in China, [or] a rich person in Hangzhou. "or do you want your husband to be a respected person?" She said: "Of course, respected!" Because she never believed, and I never believed, that we would be rich people. We just wanted to survive. I believe when you have 1 million dollars, that's your money. When you have 20 million dollars, you start to have problem[s]; you [start to] worry about inflation, worry [about] which stock to buy – the headache[s] come. When you have 1 billion dollars, that's not your money – that's the trust [the] society give[s] on you. They believe you can manage the money, use the money better than the government, and the others. So I think today, I have the resources [to] do more things. With the money we have, with the influence we have, we should spend more time on the young people. And I would say, some day I will go back to teach, go back to school, spend time with the young people, and share with them what I've done. So the money is not mine; I just happily have the resources. And I want to do a better job. (Like Forrest Gump, we never give up, [and] we keep on fight[ing]. We keep changing ourselves; we don't complain. Whether you are successful or not successful – when [you] finish the job, when [you] make a mistake or if [you] fail, if

[you] always complain the others, [you] will never come back. If [you] only check yourself – well, something is wrong with here, [and] something is wrong with there – [you] have a hope.


马云说创业香港年轻人比大陆有创业优势 2月2日晚间消息,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云今日在香港表示,新的时代机会很多,年轻人拥有天然的优势。“香港 的年轻人知识面太好了,香港所处的地理位置,香港在全球化所 处的位置,金融、法治以及所有大学完善的教育,我认为中国大 陆目前要具备这样素质的学生并不多,只是看香港今天年轻人敢 不敢往前跨一步。” 马云当天作为主讲人,参加了在香港会展中心举办的 “马云与青年有约,从梦想到成功创业”交流会。该交流会面向 香港市民开放,马云将在香港开讲的消息传出后,交流会的门票 在十分钟内被预订一空。交流会开始前,会展中心所在的中环地 区交通一度暴堵,活动不得不推迟开始。 该交流会由团结香港基金主办,该基金由全国政协副主席、香港特区政府首任特首董建华牵头成立,马云也在该基金担 任顾问。 马云在会上坦承,阿里巴巴开始创业的时候没想到能走 到今天。他建议香港的年轻创业者说,全世界创业者都有一本苦 难的经,大有大的难处,小有小的痛苦,但是保持良好的心态, 至少可以做一些事情去改变。创业者一定要少抱怨,但要善于从 别人的抱怨中找到机会。 “今天一定比15年前有机会,整个社会在发生巨大变化,整个互联网时代、数据时代,仅仅刚刚开始,社会正在从IT向DT 时代的转移,”马云说,“如果以前是一个制造的年代,今天是

一个创造的年代。香港年轻人记住,你今天懂的是你爸根本没有听说过的东西。” 交流会前一天,阿里巴巴集团宣布斥资10亿港元成立“香港青年企业基金”,支持香港年轻人开拓事业,培养企业家精神。基金将协助香港年轻企业家在阿里巴巴集团的电子商贸交易市场和平台上创业,并将创业的产品和服务,从香港销售到内地市场。此外,基金还将每年从香港的大学中挑选出200名优秀毕业生,到阿里巴巴集团或其他公司实习。(天涯) 以下为交流会实录: 主持人:团结香港基金主办,“马云与青年有约:从梦想到成功创业”交流会现在正式开始!我们有请团结香港基金创办人兼主席董建华先生,给我们讲几句话。 董建华:Jack,你看这么多人多了不起,我们大家欢迎你!各位朋友,首先我要说一声对不起,因为太踊跃了,这么多人入场。所以我们迟开始了,很对不起你们等了一会儿。 大家好!我非常高兴出席今天晚上的活动,感受到现场充满活力的气氛。连我自己都感到年轻了20岁。今天晚上可以讲是一个追寻梦想,分享梦想的盛会,我们非常荣幸邀请到马云先生来临,他不但是当今世界上最知名的创业家、企业家,而且通过他创业的阿里巴巴平台,他为内地千千万万的小企业、个体户制造了创业以及就业的机会。 我们第一次见面的时候,他跟我讲成功的企业不单单是追求财富,更加重要的是创造社会福祉,你可以看到这是他追求的最重要的理念。Jack,我们中国人,我跟在座各位的一样,对他的成就感到无比的骄傲!


马云达沃斯演讲:我申请过10次哈佛都被拒绝了(全文)文档 Ma yundavos speech: I have applied for Harvard 10 tim es and have been rejected (full text) documents 编订:JinTai College

马云达沃斯演讲:我申请过10次哈佛都被拒绝了(全文)文档 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的 讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感 情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文 档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 “我们需要学会习惯被拒绝,即使是现在。我在找工作 的时候被拒绝了三十多次。去肯德基应聘,24个人收下了23个,我是唯一一个被拒绝的。我去考警察,5个人招4个,我 又是唯一一个被拒绝的。后来我申请哈佛,被拒绝了10次。” 1 月23日,瑞士达沃斯,马云同世界名嘴查理·罗斯举 行“洞察力新观念”对话。此场论坛门票在一秒钟内即被抢光,据现场记者观察,同场次的其他论坛瞬间“无人排队”,成为达沃斯世界经济论坛所有对话中最抢手的一场。听众包括戴尔公司创始人兼ceo迈克尔·戴尔,dhl全球首席执行官林经纶、华为董事长孙亚芳等全球知名的政商界大佬。

被哈佛拒绝10次:我习惯了被拒绝 马云年轻时失败不断的经历,最终成为成功学里屡试不 爽劝导年轻人的励志鸡汤。考大学失败三次,考高中失败两次,这些当年“不甚光彩的事迹”在人生耀眼的时刻,味道都变得不一样起来。 被问及“这些被拒绝”的经历对其人生是否产生影响时,马云坦然笑答:影响就是我习惯了被拒绝。 马云似乎从不避讳谈及过往,他甚至还抖出了更多自己 被拒绝的料:我复读了3年,参加过30多次面试,都以失败 告终。我参加警察的招聘,5个人里录取了4个,我是唯一被 拒绝的。甚至后来参加肯德基服务员的面试,24个人面试, 录了23个人,我又是唯一被拒绝的。我向xxx大学递交过10 次入学申请,每次都毫无例外的被拒绝。 难怪有网友神点评:有人天生丽质,马哥你是天生励志。阿里还是个婴儿:我们ipo挺小才250亿美元 即使可以毫不避讳地承认自己crazy如马云,即使是5 年前对沃尔玛高管狂言“XX年后我们会比沃尔玛还要大”, 马云今天依旧认为阿里巴巴“还是个婴儿”,“因为相对于


马云韩国英语演讲稿 篇一:马云韩国英语演讲稿 the next bill gates bill gates said, “ the next bill gates is mayun.”forbes in america valued him as a person who has a short and thin figure as napoleon, but also great aspirations the same as napoleon. today i want to share with you something about how mayun succeeded and i hope his example not only benefits but all of you! another important thing is just do it. and stick on it whatever others say! if you have a good idea, just do it! never found yourself going along the original route , despite how many good ideas you had proposed last ’t follow others. i think is also a very important lesson myun has given me. he didn’t followed google to be a instrument, nor did he does like tengxun or sina, to amuse the youth. he determined to help something really practical to his netizen. the last but not the least,

Jack Ma Davos 马云达沃斯接受采访英文全文

Jack Ma Davos 2015 interview C: Wellcome Jack Ma M: thank you C: We’ve all become very cognitive Jack and his story and when Alibaba went public with the largest IPO in history, we knew a lot more about him, so I want to talk about his personal story, I want to talk about how many times he tried and failed, and what kept him going, I want to talk about where he is today and how he got here and where he is going and how expects to get there and if he gets there what will it all mean for him and for the people that he wants to inspire, so, begin with this question, though, Jack, why are you back at Davos. M: It’s a long break for seven y ears, I think my last time trip here was 2008, but I was coming for your tofind one for young global leader for tomorrow, and I think remember I never heard about a Davos when I came, but when I came out I and a Switzerland, so many young people demonstrate wassuch a horrible scene that I was a net and ask them who wanted to do it, they say NT globalization and as why grandmas this is a great thing, why people and you know don’t like it, and then we come all the way for two hours here, there’s some Russian gone there’s a people checking out the all go is that there’s follower zap reason, we’re going to go into that, but when I joined the fun at the young global leader, I was thrilled by so many ideas for the first of three four years, I’ve learned what does the globalization mean, what is the copper to citizenship mean, what about social responsibility mean, how all these new ideas and see so many great leaders talking about leadership and that benefit a lot and a year 2008, and 2009 when the financial crisis came, I think about it go back to work because we can never win the world by talking, so go back to spend seven years, now I come back, I think it’s time to do something return, so I learned so much, let’s talk about years ago so why I should not talking to young global leader of today shelling with them how we gone. C: Through that was the thing, let’s start with where you are today just how big is all about, how many people come every day, I mean people come in a week how fast is it growing. M: yeah, we have for over a hundred million buyers visiting our site shop in our site our everyday, and we create a hundred million and everything we created 14 million jobs for china directly and indirectly, and we grow from 18 people to 30000 people, meeting people in my apartment to now, we have a full big campers compared to 15 years ago, we were big but compared to 15 years later with to a baby. C: And a big will you be 15 years from them. M: I think 15 years ago, I told my team that 15 years in the past 15 years we go from nothing to this size, and 15 years later I wanted people see know about alibaba no top up, because it’s already everywhere, I want 15 years ago when we talk about what is e-commerce why small business can using this e-commerce this internet can do business cross the nation, and I hope 15


马云哥伦比亚英文演讲稿 篇一:马云哥伦比亚大学演讲稿(英文) 篇二:马云哥伦比亚商学院演讲文稿+翻译 Ma Yun's lecture in Columbia Business School (00:00-12:36) Thank you, professor. It’s my great honor to be here. So when I listen to the introduction, I’m a little bit confused whether it’s talking to the most powerful people, influential people. And first let me introduce myself. I’m 100% made in China, and I learn my English by myself when I was a kid from most of the American tourists when they visited my city called Hangzhou. So in the early 1970s, when a lot of foreign visitors visited the city, so every morning I got up early and become the tour guide for them for 9 years. Three guy, they told me English and I show them around. And I learn about the language; I learn the culture. And I learn how to think differently because everything I learn from my schools when I was a kid was different from the things I learn from foreign tourists. Cause my father and my school teachers told me that China was the richest country in


创新创业基础课 创业者访谈分析报告 题目:创新创业基础课创业者访谈分析报告 刘兴 学生姓名: 学号:1616220001 科任老师:袁甜 班级:16物联网工程 所属学院:中兴通讯信息学院 撰写日期:2017年12 月 创新创业基础教研室制 2017年10月18日

创业者访谈分析报告内容撰写要求 一、实训目的: 1、从创业者身上学习成功创业的战略 2、获得对行业的洞察 3、构建人际网络并获得一个潜在的创业导师 4、评估个人创业潜力 二、实训任务: 访谈一位自己选择的创业者,目的让学生真正了解“现实生活中的创业者,最理想的是自己感兴趣的行业中的创业者。并提供访谈记录,撰写分析报告。 三、实训要求: (一)被访创业者的要求 1、该创业者不能是家族成员或朋友,这是一个你扩大自己网络的机会 2、尽可能高标准选择创业者,公司年龄至少在3年以上,年收入达到500万以上。 (二)分析报告里要回答以下问题要点: 1、谁是创业者 2、创业者的专业经验或背景是什么? 3、创业者采用何种过程创建企业? 4、这种过程成功吗? 5、按照何种标准可以视企业为成功的? 6、与创业者对话,你学到了什么? 7、基于访谈和个人自我评估,你觉得自己的创业潜力如何? 8、不管是否创业,你需要什么技能来取得成功? 9、为了帮助你建立这些技能,制定一个初步的时间表。

目录 1、创业者简介(300-500字) 2、创业者访谈记录 3、创业者案例故事 4、创业者访谈案例分析报告 访谈记录、案例故事、分析报告各至少1000字吧 创业人物访谈报告 访谈记录: 一、访谈目的 通过这次访谈来了解一些成功人士的奋斗历程,从中能够得到一些经验,使得我们对生活有一个正确的生活态度和价值观,对未来的就业有一个正确的认识!二访谈提纲 访谈人物赵浩先生 访谈人齐树 研究现象研究赵浩先生创业路程上应对挫折和困难的心态。 研究目的主要研究赵浩先生创业路程和主要经历,在现实社会中是否能够经受各种磨练,能否保持正确的生活观,正确的对待生活和未来。 研究对象赵浩先生 三访谈进程 以下是进行访谈的问题: 1.您对大学生自主创业的看法? 答:总体上我是支持的,原因有以下几点: (1)国家及相关地区政策的鼓励与支持。(2)严峻的就业人数,在加上去年的经济危机使就业更难。(3)国家出台了一系列相关的优惠政策。(4)能创造更多的就业岗位,并为社会创造价值。 虽然有很好的外部条件,但对创业者要求是很高的,要求(1)创业者要有好的眼光,描准好市场,发现好产品。(2)创业者要有好的思维方式、好的营销模式。(3)创业者具备相关技能与胆识。


以下这篇英文演讲稿是马云在上市路演的演讲稿全文(附中文翻译),由应届毕业生演 讲稿站整理提供。 大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。 , ' ac a, d a d c a a a baba 。 年前,在我的公寓里,18位创始人有了一个梦。这个梦想就是,在某一天我们能够创 立一个为成千上万小企业主服务的公司。这个梦想,从始至终都没有改变过,让天下没有难 做的生意。 15 a a , 18 d a a ad ad a , a da ca b d a a , a ca a b . da , a a a d b a 。 在阿里巴巴,我们为一些小的生意人奋斗,和他们的客户在不懈努力。其实,我们的目 标非常简单:能够帮助商家和客户找到彼此,并按照他们独特的需求方式来开展服务。我们 帮助这些小生意人成长,创造出前所未有的工作机会,开拓出崭新的市场。 a a baba, , a b a d a d c . , c , c a a d c d ac a d c d c b a d a a b d . c a , c a b a d a , a a b b 。 如今,年过去了。我们再中国已经成了一个家喻户晓的名。现在,我们也已经准备好 让全世界来认识我们。 da , 15 a a d. ’ ca a d a b a d a c a.a d , a ad d 。 稍后,您将听到我们公司商业上经营的细节。不过,首先让我带您开启一段走遍中国的 旅程,让我们透过一些真实的人们以及他们的真事,看看阿里巴巴对他们产生了什么影响。 a d a b a . b a a a d c a, a , a a a baba a ac 。 我深感荣幸,能和你们分享这些故事,能为您展示阿里巴巴的精神与核心。 a d a a a a d a baba。 让我感到更加自豪的是,我们能够点燃创新、创造机会、造福客户、并且能给创业者圆


马云在达沃斯全英文采访,这12句话太经典! 这大概是今年达沃斯论坛(Davos Forum)上最火爆的一场对话了,说着英语的马云依旧是妙语连珠,机智风趣,场上笑声不断。 采访谈到他早年的人生经历、阿里巴巴的创立以及当前的一些热点话题。 以下这些摘录,既体现了他作为一位创始人的开阔视野和远见卓识,也值得年轻人深思。 2015马云达沃斯论坛经典12句话 1 希望15年后人们不再讨论电子商务 在谈到他对未来的憧憬时,马云说,他希望15年后人们不再讨论电子商务,因为那时候电子商务已经和电一样普通。 2 我们的IPO挺小的

谈到阿里巴巴去年赴美上市,马云说,“我们的IPO挺小的,才250亿美元”。主持人一定是专业捧哏,立刻说:“Yeah, the largest IPO in history.” (是啊,也就是史上最大而已。) 3 习惯被拒绝 马云谈起自己年轻时求学找工作无数次被拒的悲惨经历:

当年肯德基刚进入中国,我去面试,一共去了24人,23人都被录用了,就我被拒了。 他还透露说, 我向哈佛大学递交过10次入学申请,每次都毫无例外地被拒绝。 主持人这时适时插话:They are sorry now.(他们现在肠子都悔青了。) 这些被拒的经历带给他的人生感悟就是——我们要习惯被拒绝,我们没那么优秀。(We have to get used to being rejected. We are not that good.) 4 每天至少有6千万次信任被建立 谈到在网络交易中建立信任的问题,他说这是一个充满信任危机的世界,但是: 我们每天完成6千万次在线交易,人们彼此并不认识。我不认识你,但我把货发给你,你不认识我,但你把钱打给我了。 所以每天至少有6千万次信任被建立。这是件让我很自豪的事。


努力面对今,要给梦想机会 ----------马云 最快乐的日子也是在每个月工资89元的时候 关于这个问题,马云笑着说,那时候我对生活有想法、有梦想、有目标,每天都会为下个月能否涨工资而努力,为了早日买房子而努力,我觉得有想法的日子才是最快乐的日子。今天我再说自己去买车子买房子就没有当初的快乐,感觉不同。马云认为,失败的原因都由欲望、贪欲引起,他告诉所有创业者,多花时间看别人如何失败,学习别人的失败经验,失败的经历是宝贵的,成功的经历是瞎扯的。 创业一定要坚持自己的梦想 马云透露,当初做教师时承诺校长要在学校待5年,90年代作为教师的马云,每月拿着89块钱的工资,在面对外界一千多的工资诱惑,为了遵守对校长的承诺,马云依然放弃了众多优厚的待遇,用实际行动遵守了诺言。 在创业时,马云说,创业一定要坚持自己的梦想。“初恋总是美好的,但是人们往往会遗忘初恋。”马云告诫创业者,创业后一定要多多回忆当初创业的初衷,要想想自己当初创业时为什么要做,创业要做什么,只有时刻反思才能做好创业。 给梦想一个实践的机会 1995年,我发现互联网有一天会改变人类,可以影响人类的方方面面,它到底该怎么样影响人类?这些问题我在95年没有想象清楚,但是隐隐约约感觉到这是将来我想干的。我请了24个朋友到我家里,大家坐在一起,我说我准备从大学里辞职,要做一个互联网,我花了将近两个小时来说服24个人,两个小时后,大家投票表决,23个人反对,一个人支持。但是我经过一个晚上思考,第

二天早上我决定我还是辞职去实现我自己的梦想。 我发现我今天回过来想,我看见很多游学的年轻的人是晚上想想千条路,早上起来走远路。晚上出门之前说明天我将干这个事,第二天早上仍旧走自己原来的路线。如果你不去采取行动,不给自己梦想一个实践的机会,你永远没有机会。所以我稀里糊涂走上了创业之路。 给自己一个承诺,坚信事情能够做好 我把自己作为一个盲人骑在一个瞎的老虎上面,所以根本不明白将来会怎么样,但是我坚信,我相信互联网将会对人类社会有很大的贡献。当时95年不太有人相信互联网,也不觉得有这么个互联网对人类这么大的贡献,所以我用了比尔盖茨的名字,我说比尔盖茨说互联网将改变人类的方方面面。结果很多媒体就把这个事情登了出来,但是这句话是我说的,95年比尔盖茨还反对互联网。 有了一个理想以后,我觉得最重要的是给自己一个承诺,承诺自己要把这件事做出来。很多创业者都想想这个条件不够,那个条件没有。这个条件也不具备,该怎么办?我觉得创业者的最重要的是创造条件。如果机会都成熟的话,一定轮不到我们。你坚信这件事情能够起来的时候,给自己一个承诺说我准备干五年,我准备干十年,干二十年,把它干出来。我坚信你就会走的很久。 我在一次创业者交流过程中,我说创业者的激情很重要,但是短暂的激情是没有用的,长久的激情才是有用的。一个人的激情也没有用,很多人的激情非常有用。如果你自己很激情,但是你的团队没有激情,那一点用都没有,怎么让你的团队跟你一样充满激情面对未来面对挑战,是极其关键的事情。 创业者一定要想清楚两个问题 我想创业者一定要想清楚两个问题,第一,不是你父母让你干什么,不是你


Ma Hannover Expo opening ceremony speech Good evening everyone! Dear chancellor Merkel, deputy prime minister Makai, ministers, ladies and gentlemen, it’smy great honor to speak in the CeBIT. I remember 14 years ago, when I first came to Hannover, I tried to rent a small booth to sell the Chinese products to the west and to the Europe, t hat’s been a long time to looking for the booth, and at that time Hannover was not that prosperous, but the fair was very successful. It's difficult to get a booth, finally, we got a small booth, we got the booth, but very few people found us. Eight years ago, we came back again, We tried to help off the booth to move them online, help them to sell on the Alibaba , it didn't work, it goes at that time, people think, the trade fair and online are conflict to each other. Today I come back again, the reason that I come back again, is trying to find the important missing part of the Internet business, Internet in the past 20 years, was pretty successful, but one thing that is very strange that I found that very few Internet companies can survive peacefully and healthily for more than 3 years, that means most of the Internet companies can only have honeydays, honey weeks, they don’t have even


主持人:马云,你为何要回到达沃斯? 马云:七年时间不算短,上次我在达沃斯还是2008年。其实我首次参加达沃斯是在2001,作为全球青年领袖。当时我从未听说过达沃斯。我来的时候,到了瑞士之后,却发现许多年轻人在示威抗议,看上去很可怕的景象,我就问他们为什么要示威,他 们回答说“反全球化”。当时我就纳闷,“为什么呢,全球化是多好的事啊,为什么 会有人不喜欢全球化?”随后我们又花了两个小时来到这里,到处都是荷枪实弹的警察,一路经过各种检查,我当时想“天哪,这到底是来参加论坛,还是来探监啊?” 但当我参加完全球青年领袖论坛之后,我觉得特别激动。我听到了许多全新的观点,在大概三四年时间里,这是我第一次认识到了什么是全球化、什么是企业公民、 什么是社会责任。所有这些都是全新的观点,听到无数的领军人物,他们讲了什么是 责任,这使我受益匪浅。2008年和2009年,全球金融危机爆发,我觉得自己应该回 去认真工作,因为光靠谈话,我们永远无法赢得世界。因此我回去潜心工作七年,现 在我回来了,我觉得可以有所回报。我可以跟现在的全球青年领袖谈谈,谈谈我们过 去的经历。 主持人:马云,现在阿里巴巴[微博]多大? 马云:现在我们网站每天都有上亿买家浏览我们的网站,我们在中国所创造的直 接和间接就业岗位有1400万。公司人数从最初的18个人发展到了现在的3万人,从 在我公寓里办公的18个人到现在四个办公区里的3万多人。与十五年前比,我们现在变大了,但我希望十五年后看现在,现在依然是大的。我曾说过,十五年前,我们从 一无所有发展成现在的规模,但我希望,在十五年后,人们看不到阿里巴巴和淘宝, 因为所有都会化为无形而无处不在。十五年前,我还要去讲电子商务,去讲中小企业 如何利用电子商务或互联网把生意做到全国,但我希望,十五年后,人们会彻底忘记 电子商务,这就像如今的电力一样,现在不会有人把电力看成是高科技。我不希望十 五年后,我们走在马路上,依然在讨论要如何利用电子商务去帮助企业。 主持人:2014年,阿里巴巴在纽交所上市, IPO规模高达250亿美元,你对此怎么看?


马云经典励志演讲稿:从梦想到成功 2017-03-14来台湾前我听到一些声音,说不需要你去教创业。 但当过四年师范生,教过六年书,好为人师”可能已经是我们的本性。 我在学校教了6年书,觉得没有完全尽完做老师的责任。 我常常有机会就去大学演讲,有人说你在北京、上海、美国讲,咋不来台湾讲?正好有一个机会碰到校长邀请,于是就过来了。 这个世界观点很多,大家请用自己的脑袋去判断。 一、关于创业:1、阿里巴巴的创业是一路被批评跟骂过来的,没有骂声我反而会特别紧张。 因为世界变化很快,也越来越多元化。 任何观点,大家用自己的脑袋去判断,我们可以有不同的观点可以展示未来和看待。 2、阿里巴巴很幸运,但我们付出的代价跟努力超乎大家的想像,背后有太多眼泪、委曲和挫折。 创业的时候,我以为企业大了没那麽多痛苦跟麻烦,可以像有钱人一样到沙滩上享受人生抽雪茄,没想到做大了更累,压力也更大,每个错误都可以让你明天就关门。 3、少听别人说,自己去思考,找一些志同道合的人,给自己一个决心,我干五年十年一定把它做出来,阿里是今天这样走出来的,今天这条路也是所有创业者都走过的路,可能这也是基本的原则。

二、这些经历对我帮助很大:1、学英文。 我的英语不是正规教育出来,是聊天聊出来的。 我们家是没有人懂英文。 我每天早上骑自行车在杭州酒店门口,找来旅游的老外练英文,我做免费导游,这样聊了九年。 这九年,我受益最大的不仅是语言,而是了解了不同的东西,了解了西方的一些思考和文化,开拓了视野。 因为其实你学的不是语言,而是文化,学习了解另一个国家跟地区是怎麽发展。 到今天为止,去全世界各地合作的时候,我能明白背后的出发点是什麽。 如果只是透过翻译交流,有时理解起来会很艰辛。 2、当老师。 进师范当了学生会主席,还当了学联主席,学习了怎么理解别人,组织活动。 我分配到大学教书时,当时的校长说,全班就你一个人分配到大学教书,你5年内不许出来。 我答应了。 后来,在学校的日子比较艰辛,因为同样是老师,我的毕业学校最差,大家不太看得起,工资也不够用。 后来深圳有人承诺给我1200块工资、海南愿意出3600块工资。


XX马云达沃斯演讲稿全文 1月23日,瑞士达沃斯,马云同世界名嘴查理·罗斯举行“洞察力新观念”对话。“我们需要学会习惯被拒绝,即使是现在。我在找工作的时候被拒绝了三十多次。去肯德基应聘,24个人收下了23个,我是唯一一个被拒绝的。我去考警察,5个人招4个,我又是唯一一个被拒绝的。后来我申请哈佛,被拒绝了10次。”以下是应届毕业生演讲稿网为您提供的《XX马云达沃斯演讲稿全文》。 【被哈佛拒绝10次:我习惯了被拒绝】 马云年轻时失败不断的经历,最终成为成功学里屡试不爽劝导年轻人的励志鸡汤。考大学失败三次,考高中失败两次,这些当年“不甚光彩的事迹”在人生耀眼的时刻,味道都变得不一样起来。 被问及“这些被拒绝”的经历对其人生是否产生影响时,马云坦然笑答:影响就是我习惯了被拒绝。 马云似乎从不避讳谈及过往,他甚至还抖出了更多自己被拒绝的料:我复读了3年,参加过30多次面试,都以失败告终。我参加警察的招聘,5个人里录取了4个,我是唯一被拒绝的。甚至后来参加肯德基服务员的面试,24个人面试,录了23个人,我又是唯一被拒绝的。我向哈佛大学递交过10次入学申请,每次都毫无例外的被拒绝。 难怪有网友神点评:有人天生丽质,马哥你是天生励志。

阿里还是个婴儿:我们ipo挺小才250亿美元 即使可以毫不避讳地承认自己crazy如马云,即使是5年前对沃尔玛高管狂言“XX年后我们会比沃尔玛还要大”,马云今天依旧认为阿里巴巴“还是个婴儿”,“因为相对于未来可以达到的高度,我们今天的规模依然是个婴儿。”与其说他谦虚,不如说这是他对阿里巴巴未来高度的自信宣言。 马云说,他希望XX年后人们忘记阿里巴巴,因为阿里到时已经无处不在;XX年后人们忘记电子商务,因为电子商务已经在生活中无孔不入,不再是值得谈论的“新鲜事”;XX 年后,没有人再谈论电子商务怎样方便百姓的生活,因为电子商务已经融入经济的血脉,不可分离。 而对于查理·罗斯发出的评价阿里巴巴ipo规模的邀请,马云狡黠地笑:“我们的ipo盘子其实挺小的,区区250个亿美元。” 他继而解释到,250亿美元的融资背后是来自世界的信任,“给我带来非常大的压力。如今,我们的公司比ibm、沃尔玛还大,我们跻身于世界前50大的公司。” “我们真的厉害成这样吗?过去,人们说阿里巴巴太差了,和谷歌雅虎简直不能比,那时候我知道我们比大家想的好。但如今,我也知道我们没有大家想得那么好。阿里巴巴只有XX年的短暂历史,我们员工的平均年龄是27-28岁,我们在做一件前无古人的事。”马云说。


马云谈创新商业模式 国家的创新能力可以说是等于企业创新能力的总和,而企业创新能力离不开企业家的创新能力。马云坦言无法给出创新的定律,因为创新不是设计出来的;有人称马化腾为抄袭大王,但他的“抄袭”只是创新的前奏,目的还是在于创新。任正非说中国没有创新土壤,没有产权保护,创新的冲动就会受抑制……中国企业家网现将这十位创新企业家们对创新的看法以及该如何进行创新整理如下,以飨读者。 马云说:我深信不疑我们的模式会赚钱的,亚马逊是世界上最长的河,8848是世界上最高的山,阿里巴巴是世界上最富有的宝藏。一个好的企业靠输血是活不久的,关键是自己造血。 马云曾在一次演讲中说,他从不使用咨询公司,也很少理会学者的说法,因为这些人的理论都是事后归纳出来的。他认为创新绝对不是提前就设计好,而是按图索骥地一步步走下来。创新没有理论,也没有公式,就是一个个地解决问题。 支付宝,现在看来也是一个很成功的创新,在马云看来,则是被“逼”出来的。 当年,淘宝做得很热闹,但是没办法交易,中国的网上诚信现状倒逼着淘宝必须解决支付的问题。但是,这个事儿得国家发牌照,做还是不做?大的国有银行不愿意涉足这个领域,但是他们

不做,花旗银行、汇丰银行这些外资银行就会做。所以,当马云参加会议的时候,听一位领导人讲:“什么让你创新和做出对未来的决定?那是使命。”所以马云告诉同事们,我们要做“支付宝”。但是我会每个季度向央行等有关部门报告我们到底怎么做的。要做得干净,做得透明。 在全球互联网市场上,以Google为代表的搜索模式、雅虎为代表的门户模式、eBay为代表的C2C模式、亚马逊为代表的B2C 四大互联网模式,无论在资本还是业务上都获得了极大的成功。这一次,资本的聚光灯照向了人称“第五模式”的阿里巴巴B2B 模式。 下一个比尔?盖茨是谁?在2010年4月的博鳌亚洲论坛上,比尔?盖茨的答案是:亚洲的马云。 从1999年创办被誉为“网上广交会”、旨在帮助中国中小企业进军海外市场的阿里巴巴B2B(Business to Business,即企业间电子商务),到2003年为中小型卖家度身打造的C2C(Customer to Customer,即消费者间电子商务)平台淘宝集市上线;从2008年推出旨在吸引优质商家与中高端消费者的B2C(Business to Customer)品牌商城,到2011年11月宣布淘宝商城独立,并使用全新中文名称“天猫”,再到2013年初启动C2B(Customer To Business,即消费者驱动)战略,推出大规模消费者定制平台——聚定制……13年来,阿里巴巴持续创新商业模式,在潜移默化影响国人消费习惯的同时,也改变了生产、批发、零售等整个产业链,大大提升了商业的协同效应。


马云联合国演讲稿英文 篇一:马云XX联合国创变者致辞英文演讲稿 Thank you very much! I am so humbled and honored to be here tonight. I never thought that I would have a chance in my life to be in the United Nations. I learned my English by myself when I was 12 years old, for whatever reasons, I don't know. I just felt in love with this language. Every morning from 5 oclock I rode a bicycle for 40 minutes, to the Hangzhou hotel looking for foreign tourists to teach me English. I showed them around the city, they taught me English. Since then, I began to have a habit. You should use your own brain to think about it, just one more minutes. When everything about it is yes, wait one minute. When everybody says no, wait for one minute. Think about it carefully. Cause if you look at the world from a different way, you may do it in a different way. And tonight, Im so honored to be inspired by all the Game Changer partners. By listening to their stories, I know there are so many things I should do,


观后感 在网上看到马云,“男人的长相一般和他的智慧成反比。”每看到他一次,你都会愿意相信他的这句名言是真。象一位创业者们的良师益友。“不仅是物质上的富有,还要精神上的富有”,这是给员工的一种幸福感"客户第一,员工第二,股东第三"更是一种责任感和使命感。 互联网的应用在推动着时代的发展,对互联网应该有更广阔的认识,而不能狭隘的认为只是玩游戏。这也是目前80、90,甚至00后的家长们的普通想法,自身岁数大了,不接受新事物,传统思想、抵触思想浓厚。 诚信应该是做人的最基本原则,但物质化的社会在使人的诚信慢慢丧失,但物极必反,原始价值是需要回归的,也一定是会回归的。从前一说商,人们都会跟“奸”字产生联想,但时代发展的结果,必然是只有那些诚实守信的人,才能立于不败之地。 他的很多的话语给我的感触很深。 我不是一个喜欢崇敬别人的人,不喜欢对某些人顶礼膜拜,只是把会别人的长处成功的方式,看到眼里并且记到心里,喜欢并且去实践"它山之石可以攻玉"这句话。 其实马云成功的原因归根究竟是足够的耐烦,毅力+创新和实用的操作以及让很多人赚钱,盈利的模式+起到伯乐以及凝聚核心的效用+超前的市场前瞻性+成功的融资模式+成功的盈利模式+广泛的草根的客户群体。仅次罢了,可是说起来容易,做起来又有多难呢,其实其中的艰难每个创业者都知道。无论腾讯,阿里巴巴,百度,思科网络,华为……还是现在其他风光无限的企业或个人,又有哪一个是生成富贵的?又有哪一个不是通过自己努力最终获得成功的? 最后送上我改变过的马云的话:我永远相信只要永不放弃,我们还是有时机的,还是坚决相信一点儿,这世上只要有胡想,只要不断努力,只要不断学习,不管竞争对手有多强大你总有成功跨越他的一天。今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但绝对大部分是死在明天晚上,所以每个人不要放弃今天。 刚听了马云先生的演讲,突然内心里很有感触,以前很少听他的演讲,只是对他的名气有所耳闻,只是认为他不过是上世纪众多成功商人中的一个,讲的东西无非尔耳。但是这次偶然的讲座却让我心里产生了千丝万缕般的共鸣,这种感觉非常强烈,因此我觉得非常有必要写下一点东西记录我此时的感受。 我们是新的一代,是改变和创造新世界的一代,确实,我们还年轻,现在我们还不懂以后,更多的人对未来是迷茫的,其实大家都一样,哪怕是如今叱咤风云的成功人物当初能想到几十年后他们能达到何种境界吗?他们共同处在于他们有理想,更重要的是他们能正确的看待生活,正确的看待人生,往往成功的人在坚持他们的事业时往往具有惊人的意志力和韧劲,难道毅力就是人天生的吗,我们现在有多少人在大学里醉生梦死,他们(当然也包括我自己)就天生没有动力,没有激情么?我想不是的吧,每个人也许蜗居在寝室之中的时候偶尔也会想到自己以后会干什么,能干什么,然后由于找不大答案而灰心丧气,又继续沉沦于舒适安逸的环境之中。借用别人的一句话:这真的好比生活在一种堕落的生活中,被它慢慢吞噬,逐渐陷入窒息,而自己却毫无挣脱之力。 我要说的是,马云讲的很对,我们的确需要一些东西,这些东西不是天生的,恰恰好是我们这个年纪最为需要的,那就是一种心态,心态决定姿态~我们需要的是一种积极地、向上的、乐观的心态,这并不是教科书中的说教,而是切实的。创业并不是为了赚钱,而是为了奔向自己的理想,所以他们从不妥协,因为他们自己选择的道路,他们应该乐此不疲,而事实上也确实如此。 任何时候,对待任何事,我们都理应保持乐观,社会是在努力向前的,现在这个社会有太多的人抱怨,太多的人在说这种那种现象不该有,而大多数人抱着反正我也管
