



The goal of a job interview is to sell yourself. Many of the same questions are asked by interviewers time after time. Therefore, the best way to sell yourself and have a successful interview, is to prepare answers that are honest and tell the interviewer what they need to hear.

The good interviewers know which questions to ask to find out not only about the applicant's skills, but also about how the applicant thinks and how committed she/he is to getting the job done. Here are some of the questions and some possible responses given by Raymond P. Harrison, a vice president in the Philadelphia office of Drake Beam Morin Inc., an international consulting firm.

面试的目的是推销自己。面试官一次又一次地问同样的问题。因此,推销自己并成功面试的最好方法,就是准备诚实的答案,告诉面试官他们想要听到的。好的面试官知道应该问哪些问题,不仅要了解应聘者的技能,还要了解应聘者的思维方式,以及他/ 她对工作的投入程

度。以下是国际咨询公司Drake Beam Morin Inc.费城办公室副总裁雷蒙德? p ?哈里森(Raymond P. Harrison) 提出的一些问题和可能的回答。

1. Tell me about you. 自我介绍

"Keep your answer to one or two minutes; don't ramble. Cover four segments - early years, education, work experience, recent times - with an accent on the later." “把你的答案控制在一两分钟之内;不要扯太多。涵盖四个部分——早年,教育,工作经验,


2. What do you know about our company? 你对我们公司了解多少?

Know products, size, income, reputation, image, goals, problems, management talent, management style, people skills, history and philosophy. Don't say you do not know much ... you should state that you would like to know more." 了解产品、规模、收入、声誉、形象、目标、问题、管理才能、管理风格、人际技巧、历史和哲学。不要说你知道的不多……你应该表明你想知道更多。

3. Why do you want to work for us? 为什么想入职我们公司?

"You wish to be part of a company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals." What can you do for us that someone else cannot?


"Relate past experience that represents success in solving previous employer problems that may be similar to those of the prospective employer."


4. What do you look for in a job? 你希望从工作中得到什么?

"Keep your answer opportunity-oriented. Talk about the opportunity to perform and be recognized."


5. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm? 你需要多长时间才能对我们公司做出有意义的贡献?

Be realistic and say six months to one year. 现实一点,就说半年到一年吧。

6. You may be overqualified or too experienced for the position we have to offer. 对于我们所提供的职位,你可能资历过高或太有经验。

Strong companies need strong people; experienced executives are at a premium today; the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required; a growing, energetic company rarely is unable to use its people talents. Emphasize your interest in a a long-term association." 强大的公司需要强大的人才;如今,有经验的高管非常珍贵;雇主会得到更快的投资回报,因为你有比要求更多的经验;一个成长中的、充满活力的公司很少不能使用它的人才。强调你对长期合作的兴趣。

7. Why are you leaving your present job?


Stick to one response. Don't change answers during the interview. Give a 'group' answer if possible - "Our office is closing". Another possible answer is "We agreed to disagree." 坚持一个回答。面试时不要改变答案。如果可能的话,给一个“集体”回答——“我们的办公室要关门了” 。另一个可能的答案是“我们同意各自保留不同意见。”

8. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits? 离职后,你放弃了所有的福利,你怎么觉得? "Concerned but not panicked." 担心,但没有恐慌。

9. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment. 描述你认为理想的工作环境。"Where people are treated as fairly as possible."


10. How would you evaluate your present firm? 你如何评价你现在的公司?

"An excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences." It is important not to bad mouth past employers or bosses. Bad mouthing tends to reveal more about you than about those who are the objects of your comments."


11. Why haven't you found a new position before now? 你为什么还没找到新工作呢?

"Finding a job is easy but finding the right job is more difficult." “找工作很容易,但找到合适的工作更难。”

12. Had you thought of leaving your present position before: If so, what do you think held you


你以前想过离开现在的工作吗?如果想,你认为是什么让你留在现在的工作岗位上? "Challenge, but it's gone now."


13. If I spoke to your previous boss, what would she/he say are your greatest strengths and


如果我问一下你以前的老板,他/ 她会说你最大的优点和缺点是什么?

This 'threat of reference check' question almost always produces honesty but also perspiration. It is important, in your response, to "be honest but not too negative." 这种“背景调查威胁”的问题几乎总是会让人诚实,但也会让人冒汗。在你的回答中,“诚实但不要太消极”是很重要的。

14. What are your weak points? 你的缺点是什么?

Don't say you have none. Turn a negative into a positive answer: "I am sometimes impatient and I

get too deeply involved when we are late." 不要说你什么都没有。把消极的回答变成积极的回答候,我可能会长时间懊恼。”


15. How much do you expect if we offer this position to you? 如果我们给你这个职位,你期望的薪水是多少?

"Be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer - 'My understanding is that a job like the one you are describing may be in the range of ...'"


16. What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended? 你最近读的一本书是什么?电影你看到吗?你参加了什么体育活动?

"Talk about leisure books to represent balance in your life." “谈论休闲书籍来代表你生活中的平衡。”

17. Will you be out to take your boss' job? 你会接受你老板分配的工作吗?

Not until I get the current job done." 直到我完成目前的工作。

18. How would you describe the essence of success?According to your definition, how

successful have you been so far?


"A sense of well-being ... Pretty successful with the usual ups and downs."



At some point in every interview, the interviewer would ask the applicant if she/he has any questions. It is important that the applicant has some questions - and some good ones - because questions can reveal as much about the applicant as answers.


Here are some good questions to ask the interviewer when the time comes: 以下是一些面试时应该问的好问题:

1. Why is this position open? 为什么这个职位空缺?

2. How often has it been filled in the last 5 to 10 years? What have been the primary reasons

for individuals leaving?

在过去的5 到10 年里,它被填满的频率是多少?个人离职的主要原因是什么?

3. What would you like done differently by the next person who fills this job? 你希望下一个接任这份工作的人做些什么不同的事情?

4. What is the most pressing problem? What would you like to see done in the next 2 to 3



5. What are some of the longer term objectives that you would like completed? 你希望完成哪些长期目标?

6. What freedom would I have to determine my work objectives, deadlines, and methods of



7. Where could a person go who is successful in this position and within what time frame? 在这个职位上取得成功的人能在什么时间内去哪里?

8. How is one judged? What accounts for success? 如何判断一个人?成功的秘诀是什么?
