


I. 词汇与结构(Vocabulary and Structure) 20%

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1) The hall has a _____ for more than 800 people. ( b )

A. capability

B. capacity

C. breadth

D. apparatus

2) This law _____ the number of accidents caused by children running across the road

when they get off the bus. ( d )

A. intending to reduce

B. intended reducing

C. intends reducing

D. is intended to reduce

3) They _____ yesterday because of a trifle. ( a )

A. fell out

B. fell behind

C. fell through

D. fell in with

4) Mrs. Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours after her

husband’s boat had been _____. ( a )

A. wrecked

B. decayed

C. collapsed

D. fired

5) If he had worked harder, he _____ the exams. ( c )

A. must have got through

B. would get through

C. would have got through

D. could get through

6) He is working hard for fear that he _____ . ( a )

A. should fall behind

B. fall behind

C. may fall behind

D. would fall behind

7) If each manager makes his usual speech, the meeting will be _____ for forty-five

minutes. ( b )

A. expanded

B. prolonged

C. delayed

D. exceeded

8) We should be delighted to _____ a member of the institute. ( b )

A. have you to become

B. have you become

C. having you become

D. having you to become

9) _____ adequate preparations, they thought it better to postpone the excursion till next

week. ( c )

A. Not to have made

B. Not making

C. Not having made

D. Having not made

10) Since the couple could not _____ their differences, they decided to get a divorce. ( a )

A. reconcile

B. comply

C. coincide

D. resign

11) China and the United States are _____ the third and fourth largest country in size in

the world. ( d )

A. separately

B. similarly

C. especially

D. respectively

12) I _____ a parcel several days ago. You are expected to receive it in a week. ( b )

A. sent for

B. sent off

C. sent in

D. sent away

13) _____ she wondered if she had made a mistake. ( b )

A. Not until long afterwards that

B. It was not until long afterwards that

C. Not long until afterwards

D. It was long afterwards until

14) When her own studying was done, she tried to read _____ of his books was not in

use. ( a )

A. whichever

B. which

C. that

D. what

15) After seeing the movie, _____ . ( d )

A. the book was read by him

B. the book made him want to read it

C. the reading of the book interested him

D. he wanted to read the book

16) Through long power lines electricity goes _____ . ( c )

A. to the place needed

B. there it is needed

C. where it is needed

D. which it is needed

17) You’d better take your umbrella with you _____ it rains. ( c )

A. in the case of

B. in no case

C. in case

D. in any case

18) Staying in a hotel costs _____ renting a room in a dormitory for a week. ( c )

A. twice as many as

B. as much twice as

C. twice as much as

D. as much as twice

19) I _____ what he said. ( b )

A. hardly could believe

B. could hardly believe

C. could believe hardly

D. believe hardly

20) It’s not polite to _____ when people are talking. ( b )

A. break into

B. break in

C. break up

D. break down

21) Were it not for friction, we _____ to walk on this earth of ours. ( a )

A. would not be able

B. should not have been able

C. were not able

D. are not able

22) Neither my brother nor I _____ playing chess. ( a )

A. enjoy

B. enjoys

C. are enjoying

D. have enjoyed

23) It is the first time that he has been to Shanghai, _____? ( b )

A. isn’t he

B. isn’t it

C. hasn’t he

D. hasn’t it

24) With _____ winds, a sailing ship could outrun a steam ship. ( d )

A. profitable

B. advantageous

C. beneficial

D. favorable

25) The peasants are in high spirits because another rich harvest is _____ . ( c )

A. at sight

B. out of sight

C. in sight

D. by sight

26) Pick me up at 8. I _____ my bath by then. ( a )

A. will have had

B. will be having

C. can have had

D. may have

27) We had plenty of bread, so I _____ a loaf. ( a )

A. needn’t have bought

B. didn’t need buy

C. needn’t buy

D. needn’t to have bought

28) Dams _____ for centuries in different parts of the world. ( b )

A. had been built

B. have been built

C. was being built

D. were building

29) The permission that was needed to build the roads _____. ( c )

A it will be granted B. was being granted

C. was granted

D. have been granted

30) On special _____ we usually go to an expensive restaurant. ( a )

A. occasions

B. times

C. vacations

D. chances

31) She was so annoyed that she felt like _____ with him. ( b )

A. to argue

B. arguing

C. to have argue

D. having argued

32) I am afraid I haven’t got time to _____ the matter right now.

( a )

A. go into

B. look for

C. turn over

D. clean out

33) _____ like a million and a half dollars had been expected to guarantee their security. ( d )

A. Nothing

B. Anything

C. Everything

D. Something

34) He has _____ on his farm. ( d )

A. 20 head of cattles

B. 20 heads of cattles

C. 20 heads of cattle

D. 20 head of cattle

35) The red _____ is quite popular with fashionable girls this year. ( a )

A. blouse

B. bloom

C. blossom

D. block

36) Tom is _____ clever, but his brother is _____ stupid. ( a )

A. fairly/rather

B. rather/fairly

C. rather/quite

D. quite/fairly

37) She is well known _____ . ( d )

A. not only her kindness but also her understanding

B. not only for her kindness but also her understanding

C. for not only her kindness but also for her understanding

D. not only for her kindness but also for her understanding

38) We could not pull apart two plates which _____ a vacuum. ( c )

A. removed

B. substituted

C. enclosed

D. replaced

39) My cat would not have bitten the toy fish, _____ it was made of rubber. ( d )

A. if she has known

B. she should have known

C. if she knew

D. had she known

40) The company _____ a rise in salary for years, but nothing has happened yet. ( c )

A. is promised

B. is promising

C. has been promising

D. promised

II.辨别错误(Error Identification) 10%

Directions:There are 10 sentences i n this part. For each sentence there is one error among the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that indicates the error. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41) The treaty, which the OECD hopes to be drafted by the end of the year, would need to be


, criminalizing bribery abroad.

backed by new laws in each member country

C D (a)

42) Without the fundamental discoveries and understanding provided by science,


technology would be a hit-or-miss affair, lacking direction and making a little progress.

B C D (d)

43) 58 percent of people were asked thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol


should be banned. (b)


44) While the general public tend to agree that animals should be treated well, most people


are unlikely to give up eating meat or wear clothes made of leather and wool. (c)


45) Having been practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chance of


winning the World Series this year. (a)

46) The action of market forces means that the price of something goes up if the demand


for it rises and the supply available remain constant. (d)


47) Faced with the possibility of a water shortage during the summer months, Beijing has


asked their citizens to limit their use of water. (c)


48) The new form of lively, interactive software is that could finally turn the computer


into the high-tech-learning tool as it was always expected to be.

C D (b)

49) With cars, many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making a


trip to the countryside or seaside at weekends instead of confined to their immediate


neighborhood. (d)

50) The size and visibility of a big company usually assures unwanting attention, and


labor activists pile on, in part, to help boost union membership by taking on a giant.

C D (b)

III. 完形填空 (Cloze) 15%

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank

there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) below the passage. You should

choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter

on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

One crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another; and people who cross it frequently do not make t he voyage for the 51 of its interest.

Most of us are quite happy when we feel tired enough to go to bed and pleased when the journey 52 . On the first night this time I felt especially

lazy and went to bed 53 earlier than usual. When I arrived in my

cabin, I was surprised 54 that I was to have a companion during my trip. I expected 55 but there was a suitcase 56 mine in

the opposite corner. I wondered who he could be and what he would be like.

Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might meet ___57_ , except that he was wearing 58 good clothes that I made u p my mind that we would not get on well together 59 and did not say

a single word to him.

I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was the

middle of the night. I felt cold but covered 60 as well as I could and tried to go back to sleep. Then I realized that a draught was coming from somewhere. I got up 61 the door but found it already locked from

the inside. The cold wind was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room and 62 the moon shone through it on to the other bed. __63__

there. It took a minute or two to 64 the door myself. I realized

that my companion 65 through the window into the sea.

51) A. reason B. motive C. cause D. sake

52) A. is achieved B. finish C. is over D. is in the end

53) A. quite B. rather C. fairly D. somehow

54) A. for seeing B. that I saw C. at seeing D. to see

55) A. being lonely B. to be lonely C. being alone D. to be alone

56) A. like B. as C. similar D. the same that

57) A. in each place B. for all parts C. somewhere D. anywhere

58) A. a so B. so C. such a D. such

59) A. whoever he was B. whoever was he

C. however he was

D. however was he

60) A. up me B. up myself

C. up to myself

D. myself up

61) A. to shut B. for shutting

C. in order that I shut

D. so as for shutting

62) A. while doing like that B. as I did like that

C. as I did so

D. at doing so

63) A. It was no one B. There was no one

C. It was anyone

D. There was anyone

64) A. remind to lock B. remember to lock

C. remind locking

D. remember locking

65) A. had to jump B. was to have jumped

C. must have jumped

D. could be jumped


51. D. 52. C. 53. B. 54. D.

55. D. 56. A. 57.D. 58. D.

59. A. 60. D. 61. A. 62. C.

63. B. 64. D. 65. C.

IV.阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 30%

Directions: There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some q uestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choicer and

mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through

the center.

Passage 1

Tom, at 53, was a very successful man. He had worked up a first class business, married a charming woman and built himself a good house in the

London suburbs, that was neither so modern, nor so conventional . He had good taste. His son, Bob, 19, was doing well at Oxford; his daughter, April, aged 16, who was at a good school, had no wish to use make-up or wear low dresses.

She still considered herself too young for these things. Yet she was happy, affectionate and thoroughly enjoyed life. All the same, for some time, Tom

had been aware that he was working hard for very little. His wife gave him

a quick kiss in the morning when he left for the office and, if she was not

at a party, a quick kiss in the evening when he came home. It was obvious

her life was completely filled with the children, her clothes, with keeping her figure slim, with keeping the house clean and smart, with her charities, her tennis and her friends, and parties.

The children were even busier –the boy with his work, and with his own friends, the girl with hers. They were polite to Tom b ut if he came into the room when they were entertaining a friend there was at once a feeling of

constraint. Even if they were alone together, he saw that when he came upon

them they were slightly embarrassed and changed the subject of their conversation. Yet they didn’t seem to do this when they were with their

mother. He would find them all three, for instance, laughing at something,

and when he came in they would stop laughing and stare at him.

66) From the passage we understand that Tom was _____________ .

A. a successful business man who lived in a town

B. not very successful but lived in a nice house

C. was a builder who lived in the suburbs

D. was a successful man who had built his own house

67) What does the writer tell us about Tom’s daughter, April?

A. She was too young to enjoy life.

B. She was happy and loved life.

C. She was very sophisticated.

D. She was good at school.

68) Tom k nows his wife is not very interested in him because ___________ .

A. she is always doing housework

B. she pays him no attention except to kiss him sometimes

C. she is always playing tennis

D. she is only interested in clothes and make-up

69) How did the children behave towards Tom when they were with friends?

A. They were pleased and informal.

B. They were rude and formal.

C. They were polite and embarrassed.

D. They were polite and relaxed.

70) What do the family often do when Tom comes into the room?

A. They start laughing and look at him.

B. They stop talking and look embarrassed.

C. They start talking and laughing.

D. They stop laughing and look at him.


66) D. was a successful man who had built his own house

67) B. She was happy and loved life.

68) B. she pays him no attention except to kiss him sometimes

69) C. They were polite and embarrassed.

70) D. They stop laughing and look at him.

Passage 2

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may

count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a

degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A

typical course consists of three classes per week for 15 weeks: while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses

during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years

attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of

work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student

to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.

For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is

recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in

spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student

affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is performed by

students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous number of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activities. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him

later in his career.

71) Normally a student would at least attend __________ classes each week.

A. 36

B. 20

C. 12

D. 15

72) According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed

________ .

A. to live in a different university

B. to take a particular course in a different university

C. to live at home and drive to classes

D. to get two degrees from two different universities

73) American university students are usually under pressure of work

Because __________.

A. their academic performance will affect their future careers

B. they are heavily involved in student affairs

C. they want to observe university discipline

D. they want to run for positions of authority

74) Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations

Probably because ________.

A.they hate the constant pressure and strain of their studies

B.they will then be able to stay longer in the university

C.such positions help them get better jobs

D.such positions are usually well paid

75) The student organizations seem to be effective in __________.

A. dealing with the academic affairs of the university

B. ensuring that the students observe university regulations

C. evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a court

D. keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activities


71) B. 12

72) B. to take a particular course in a different university

73) A. their academic performance will affect their future careers

74) C. such positions help them get better jobs

75) B. ensuring that the students observe university regulations

Passage 3

We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability

teaching. On t he contrary, both their knowledge and experiences are enriched. We f eel that there are many d isadvantages in grading pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have

a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it

can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!

Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their

intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality.

We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not

just their academic abilities. We also value personal qualities and social

skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these

aspects of learning.

In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in

groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share,

and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal

problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other

as well as from the teacher.

Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual

tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also

have formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We e ncourage our pupils

to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do

this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

76) In the passage the author’s attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” 

is ___________.

A. critical

B. questioning

C. approving

D. objective

77) By “held back” ( line 1) the author means “___________”.

A. made to remain in the same classes

B. forced to study in the lower classes

C. drawn to their studies

D. prevented from advancing

78) The author argues that a teacher’s chief concern should be the

development of the student’s ___________.

A. personal qualities and social skills

B. total personality

C. learning ability and communicative skills

D. intellectual ability

79) Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph?

A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together

with others.

B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.

C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be

capable organizers.

D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.

80) The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ___________.

A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class

B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities

C. offer advice on the proper use of the library

D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching


76. C. approving

77. D. prevented from advancing

78 B. total personality

79 D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.

80 A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class

V. 英汉翻译(English-Chinese Translation)15%

Directions:In this part there are five sentences for you to translate into Chinese. Then

write the translation on the Answer Sheet.

81) I smoke a lot more heavily than I used to.


82) In the 1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely

wealthy and the very poor.


83) Some plants are so sensitive to pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly

clean environment.


84) Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their

interpersonal ties.


85) At this workshop, we are merely going to present some of the problems that have

come up in our economic development, and then leave it to the experts to find out

causes and work out solutions.



VI. 写作(Writing)10%

Directions: For this part, you are allowed twenty (20) minutes to write a composition on the topic No Pains, No Gains. You should write 100-120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





对外经济贸易大学商务英语(MA)考研参考书 Part1:题型部分 英语篇(基英&综英) 词汇: 词汇是所有的基础,非常重要。 没有最基础的东西,那也只能是空中楼阁。积累的时候不能光查查,然后抄抄就了事,要及时复习,反复刺激,形成长期记忆。记忆的时候不要死记单词和中文意思,要结合相关的句子结合语境记忆,尤其是一些固定搭配、固定用法要积累。当然不是把单词的每一条都记下来,要剔除不重要的和太生僻的部分。记忆之后就是运用,除了做词汇题,这些固定搭配有的可以直接运用到作文中使用,会起到很大的作用。平常要结合阅读来积累单词,精读的文章需要每一句都弄得明明白白,经典的词汇和句型也要积累下来,反复复习。可以在自己抄句子的时候,空出单词或者词组部分,把他们写在一旁,然后复习的时候,试着填入,看看自己是否已经掌握,不掌握的勾出来,重点复习。这样不会的就会越来越少。复习的时候不需要拿专门的时间,用平常零碎的时间即可。还有就是积累的时候注意词汇的词根词缀等,养成分析词根词缀的习惯,万一遇到生词不会可以进行合理的猜测。但是不需要对词根词缀进行专门的复习,可以看看常用的词根词缀了解大意即可。 积累的词汇要拿专门的本子,方便集中复习。或者用卡片也行,最好大小一致。卡片就是容易丢失弄乱,也有不好的地方,如果有专业的记忆卡可以尝试。 关于是否需要专门的记忆词汇,依照个人情况而定。

基英选择题词汇部分: 主要是考察用词,词组,语法,难度不是很大,一般是高英中的普通词汇以及和商务结合的词汇,还有一些商务的常用词汇。考的语法也很少也不难。对语法的直接考察不是很多,但是也绝对不能忽视,虚拟语气、倒装、让步和独立主格结构重点复习。'题目给出的句子多与经济相关,以后句子可能会越来越复杂,要学会分析句子结构,抓住考点,从容应对。12年选择题部分出自九几年的大六真题。 关于这部分,大家可以先拿冲击波《专四语法与词汇》看看,然后多做做英语专业基础英语真题的词汇部分,可以参照星火基础英语单词部分(ps:参考书的答案可能有错,大家自己注意)。但是其他学校的词汇题有的和贸大并不十分契合,可以放在前期积累词汇。中期还是应该拿贸大真题好好做做,总结考法,然后相应地在积累的时候有的放矢。 平常多积累词汇,拉丁语常用缩略词也要熟悉一下。以及各种经贸的term和缩写。积累的过程中要注意记新的还要巩固旧的。 阅读题的词汇部分: 难度较大,最好熟悉GRE重点常用词汇并能对某些词形词义相近的词语和词组做出辨析,可适度多次温习。如果觉得GRE太多,可以直接熟练专八词汇。有精力再准备GRE(注意GRE红宝书涵盖生词、怪词量较大,可剔除掉不重要的)。记忆一定要结合语境,以及阅读训练。重点是运用。有的词不需要了解得十分细致,自己把握。 词汇部分的推荐资料: 必备资料: 高英和商务英语阅读的词汇词组部分 中国日报英语点津网站的business hot word版块新词热词版块也可以看看 (网址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2c3135910.html,/language_tips/) pass bec新编剑桥商务英语难词解译(陈小慰) 《英美报刊核心商务术语释义》兰磊很赞!对商务知识的扩充和报刊阅读很有帮助 其他参考资料(以下资料可以挑着自己需要的看): 《常春藤专八词汇》 《8级词汇巧学速记》这本的词汇题目和真题风格相似。 《英语文化与:英语成语1000条》。贸大很多习语都是从中出的。 中国日报汉英特色词典 二三级笔译手册(重点看经贸部分,其他部分可以挑着看) 《英语口译常用词语应试手册》中有关经贸的单元、高级商务口笔译的笔译教材里的词汇表、网上下载的资料以及平常做翻译、看新闻时遇到的经济类词汇 《刘毅22000》采用分类的方式,用于记忆同类的词汇,同时辨析词汇的差异。 纽约时报新词 Ps: 谚语部分已经很久没有考察了,大家可以没事的时候积累几个常见的,谚语一般比较有意思,就当放松。对谚语的考查可能会以首字母填空的形式,也有可能是让大家用自己的话解释所


商务英语情景对话 A: seller B: buyer A: Hello, welcome to XX company, I’m the (职位). These are my Colleague , Miss … and Miss …. B: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m the (职位),from XX company,(城市,国家) A: Nice to see you, too. Here is our catalogue for your reference. Is there anything particular you’re interested in? B: Well, I’m interested in your golden delicious apple. A: You have a good judgment. Golden delicious apple is famous as its first class quality, rich juice, and sweet sour taste. It’s also produced from Shandong province which has a good reputation of apples. B: well, I’m very impressed .May I have some idea of your price? A: Sure, USD 2000 per ton, CIF Newyork.(

B: Your price for golden delicious apple at USD 2000 per ton is on the high side, I can’t accept it. A: You must be aware that the price of golden delicious apple has been increasing since last year. It is fixed according to the upward trend in the international market price. B: But your price is much higher than the market price .Thailand gives a much lower price. A: The quality of this kind of golden delicious apple is much better. I can quote you on apple of quality and the price will definitely be lower. Our price varies according to the quality. B: What i mean is that your price is higher than of the same quality .It will be hard for us to persuade our clients to accept such a price .And as I known, many suppliers are in fact cutting the price trying to get a large market share. A: But our product can deal with the competition .You can see that we have already got many orders and more are coming. It shows that our product and price are acceptable


2017 年4 月成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位 外国语水平考试广东) A 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue completion (15 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) 考生须知 1.本试卷分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分85分,试卷二满分15分,考试时间共 120分钟。 2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷或其他类型答题卡上的无效。答题前请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。 3. 答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B] [C] [D] Part I Dialogue Completion (l5 points) Directions: There are I5 short in complete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. 1.Speaker A: ______ I guess I’m addicted to the Internet. Speaker B: So you’d better quit surfing the Net deep into the night. A.I knew it. B. Why, it’s a pity! C. I can't help it. D. What seems to be the problem? 2. Speaker A: Don't be sad, I'm sure things will change for the better soon. Speaker B: ______. A. That sounds awful. B. Yes you're probably right. C. I hope not! D. You are welcome! 3. Speaker A: Can I get some information about the training program here? Speaker B: _______ A. Yes, you do B. Go ahead C. You certainly can D. That's fun 4. Speaker A: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? SpeakerB:______ What kind of party? Speaker A: It's a birthday party. A. Sounds good B. Looks nice C. Seems all right D. Feels OK 5. Waiter: ______? Customer: Yes, I'll have a steak, medium rare, with French fries. A. What do you want to eat B. Have you decided what to do yet C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now D. Sorry, but who'd like to order


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2020商务英语专业大学排名一览表 商务英语专业方向主要培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和较 系统的国际商务管理理论知识,具有较强的实践技能,能在外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、管理、教学、研究工作的英语高级专门人才。一起来了解一下商务英语专业大学排名吧! 商务英语专业 排名 高校名称 开此专业学校数 1上海外国语大学3822华南理工大学3823黑龙江大学3824广东外语外贸大学3825上海财经大学3826对外经济贸易大学3827上海对外经贸大学3828江西师范大学3829华中农业大学38210四川外国语大学38211广东工业大学38212广州航海学院38213四川旅游学院38214浙江工商大学38215西南财经大学38216江苏理工学院38217暨南大学38218江西财经大学38219西安外国语大学38220福建江夏学院382 简要介绍 "商务英语"的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了,但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。究竟什么是商务英语?

它又适合什么人读呢?我们仅仅从我们的角度来进行一些阐述,供大家参考。 从英语培训的目的来看,既有考试培训,又有能力培训,商务英语界乎两者之间。 在中国的市场更加深入地融入到国际经济社会之中时,国内人才市场由于大批外资公司的登陆,对商务英语的人才的需求也愈来愈大。不过我们再次要说明商务英语并不是万能的,也不是独立存在的,许多外企需要员工具有更加专业性的英语能力--"职业英语",比如ETS的TOEIC和TOPE,也有人把TOEIC统称为商务英语,其实二者是有区别的,他们的含义与作用都不同。对于职业英语而言,学员参加某一项测试并得到一定的分数来证明其对英语语言的应用能力。学生需要和得到的是一个分数,证明其有能力承担相关的工作。而事实上,比如托福,得到高分的考生并不证明其拥有了相对应的能力。而商务英语,作为一种特定的教程,强调的不仅仅是语言的水平,而是一种实际综合素质的提高。B E C会帮助学员学会如何利用英语语言达到更高的职业目标。例如西方的管理理念、工作心理、如何与外国人打交道等等,实际的在工作中给学员以帮助。 "商务"、"英语"、若即若离 关于商务英语,不少人会有疑问,究竟是"商务中的英语"还是"商务加英语","商务"与"英语"两者内部到底是什么关系?确实


商务英语场景对话 Ms. Anna ,Jack(Dialogue 1),Merry ,Jack(Dialogue2),Shelley ,Ms.Vivian,Mr.Jackson. Dialogue 1 Ms. Anna:Hello,this is Batina Fation Company,Kelley Anna speaking. Jack:Hello,this is jack from James Trading Company.May I speak to Ms.Shelley. Ms. Anna:Oh,I am afraid she is not here now.She has went to Shanghai on business yesterday. Jack:Oh,it is a pity,When will she come back? Ms. Anna:Maybe tomorrow.Would you like to leave a message to her? Jack:Ok,Iam Jack Robin, J a c k R o b I n,from James Trading Company.Our company wants to promote two monthly sportswears to your Company.Including men’s and women’s clothes.I’d like to talk with Ms.Sheylley face to face. Ms. Anna:Ok. Jack Robin, from James Trading Company.I will pass on your message to Ms Shelley. Jack:Great,it’s very kind of you,I will keep waiting for the response.Goodbye Mr. Smith. Ms. Anna:Goodbye!


广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 - 百度文库 百度文库 搜索文档或关键词 普通分享 > 广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 VIP专享文档 2020-05-09 66页 用App免费查看 I. 会话技能15道15分15分钟 II. 阅读理解20道40分40分钟 III. 词汇和语法40道20分25分钟 IV. 完形填空10道10分10分钟 V . 短文写作100~120个词15分30分钟 考试总时间:120分钟 2011年广东学位英语考试试题及答案 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ____ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ____ from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) render D) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your ____ in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a ____ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .


对外经贸大学学子一年来找工作感受——面试准备 上次写了一篇关于找工作的,没想到很多人都回了帖子,甚是感动,所以稍微把思路整理一 下,这次专门写一篇关于面试的,希望对大家有用吧!我写的东西会涵盖短期的准备和长期的准备两方面的内容,大家各取所需吧。 说实话,一个人在面试当中表象怎么样,我认为主要取决于两个因素,一个是你平时的知识积累、逻辑方式、为人处世的原则等等,另外一个则是适合这份工作的匹配程度,如果别人问你的东西都是你不感兴趣的或者不善于的,那么表现得糟糕一点也很正常,大家不要太在意,每个人的发展都是有所侧重的。 不过我仍然坚持准备是王道这样一条道理,也因此在这里把我曾经准备面试的一些东西和大家分享一下。我准备面试的历程是比较长的,可以说从大三下学期开始找实习开始,我就断断续续的开始准备各种面试了。应该说在这个长期的过程当中,我是学到了很多东西的,不仅仅是面试技巧这种表层的。 (一)面试的分类 分类其实都是常识,我只挑几个来说说。 1、群组面试。Big4、部分国企和其他一些公司都喜欢采用这种方式,我个人在群面上把握不大,面的不多时有胜负。原因在于我不是那种aggressive的,但是气场也不算小,群面中 总是风格鲜明,比较引起注意。所以要么很被看重,要么直接出局。我的整体感觉是,群面中不需要太显眼,话不多不少最好,大家要专注于面试中讨论的内容,至于控制时间、做leader啊之类的,能为则为之,不能为则不为之,不要刻意(这可能和大家通常的面经不一样)。应该说群面中还是很容易让人的性格直接暴露的,所以大家也不需要太刻意,自然而为就好,胜负也不必太在意,看缘分就好。(当然纯属个人意见哈!) 2、单面,一对一还是几个人面一个人其实都一样,没什么区别。这中面试我的胜算就比较大了,几乎从未失败过。因为说什么自己可以控制,不受别人干扰。大家需要记住,从进入面试公司开始,到你走出公司办公楼200米,你都是在面试,遇到熟人或是一起面试的人,刻意稍微聊聊,说个笑话,但不要发出很招人的笑声,整个过程要注意自己的礼仪、举止,什么挖鼻孔啊。。。就不要有啦。建议大家提前到个10分钟,你可以在卫生间稍微整理一下正装、领带之类的,然后回去坐定,也就到你了。推开面试房间的门,先稍微欠身行个礼表示尊敬,然后回身把门关上,稳重一点,椅子坐一半左右,不要靠着,也不要坐的太少掉下来(O(∩_∩)O哈哈~)坐定了,就可以回答他的问题了。千万不要他问完,你立刻就回答。完全没必要,你稍微停顿几秒钟低头思考一下也没什么关系,如果遇到很复杂的专业问题,你可以说:我想一下哈,然后迅速的在头脑里列出几个重要的点来。你说出来的话,要有逻辑,最好有几个重要的点。至于回答问题的风格,由你自己来定了,是理智宏大型的,还是真情感动人型的,因人而异吧,但有一点,在我看到的案例里面,凡是和面试官谈的很high的,都会出局!大家现在普遍喜欢踏实一点的吧,没必要非得夸夸其谈的。(以上个人经验,欢迎批评指正,出了问题概不负责,呵呵!) 单面里面,就会有根据简历和个人经历面的,有专业问题面的,有行为面试的,还有案例面


新产品推荐 林先生:These are our new models. 这些是我们的新产品. 李小姐: What are their strong points? 有什么优点? 林先生: There's a lot to be said for them. In the first place.they are more durable than any similar ones on the market. 优点很多.首先.它们比市场上任何类似产品更耐用. 李小姐: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others? 为什么它比其他产品耐用呢? 林先生: The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven very tightly in this fabric. 这纱的质量是经过精心挑选的.而且质地织得很紧密. 李小姐: Can you leave these samples with us? 可以把样品留下来吗? 林先生: How long do you want to keep them? 你要留多久? 李小姐: About three days. 大约三天. 林先生:

That's all right 好吧 In the telephone Daisy: Is Tom there? Tom 在吗? Gates: He’s not here right now. 他现在不在这里 Daisy: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗? Gates: He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。 Daisy: Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话? Gates: Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。 Daisy: When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212? 他回来后, 能不能让他打 (206) 5551212 这个号码给我?


成人本科学士学位英语统一考试 2007.11.17 (A 卷) 一阅读理解 Passage 1 Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and w omen. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the joble ss are in poorer health than jobholders. An investigation shows that whenever t he unemployment. Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. (79)Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they ar e working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into with each other. By collective activity they find friendship and war mth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him ill. Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Word makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his s tudents grow, they are happy beyond words. (80)From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard and study and live a happy and healthy life. 1.The underlined word “average ” in Paragraph I means __ . C A.healthy B. lazy C. ordinary D. poor 2.The reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women is that ___ ___. C A.housewives are poorer than career women B.housewives have more children than career women C.housewives have less chance to communicate with others D.housewives eat less food than career women 3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2? D A.Busy people have nothing to do at home. B.High achievers don ' t care about their families. C.There is no friendship and warmth at home. D. A satisfying job helps to keep one healthy. 4.We can infer from the passage that those who do not work . A A.are likely to live a shorter life B.will lose everything at home C.can live as long as those who work D.have more time to make new friends


2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版) Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet. C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three George: Did you hear about the robbery? Johnny: No, I didn't hear about it.


商务英语专业的现状与发展 一、中央电大与对外经贸大学“商务英语”专业现状比较国内普通“商务专业”(包括经济、贸易、管理等专业)主要培养对内商务工作者,一般设在工商管理院校;新近发展起来的“商务英语专业”主要培养涉外商务工作者,大多设置在普通高校的英语院(系)内。对外经济贸易大学的“商务英语专业”是在该校“英语学院”中开设的一个独立的专业,更多地体现出“商务专业”的特点。而中央电大开放教育的“英语专业商务英语方向”则是附属于“英语专业”之下的一个“专业方向”,更多地体现出“语言教学”的特点。很显然,两校的这个专业在定位上存在着较大区别,但是,按照对外经济贸易大学“商务英语”专业模式建立起来的中央电大开放教育的“英语专业商务英语方向”,下一步发展的目标则应该与对外经济贸易大学一样,建立独立的“商务英语专业”,以适应中国加人,O之后商务环境日益国际化的发展趋势。 对外经济贸易大学“商务英语专业”的课程设置为总学分巧4学分,总学时2754学时。其中:校级公共基础必修课47学分(占总学分的30.51%),学科基础必修课50学分(占总学分的32.46%),专业方向必修课23学分(占总学分的1493%),学科基础选修课至少选修18学分(占总学分的11石8%),学生需从开设的18门选修课中修满12学分,毕业论文4学分。 中央电大“英语专业商务方向”的课程分为专科和本科两个阶段,专科以高中为起点,本科以专科为起点。其课程设置为总学分147学分(专科76学分,本科71学分),总学时2934学时(专科1656学时,本科1278学时)。其中必修课93学分(其中专科44学分,本科39学分,占总学分的63.26%),限选课28学分(其中专科12学分,本科16学分,占总学分的1905%),专科阶段开设有14门选修课供学生选修12学分,集中实践环节8学分,本科阶段开设有11门选修课供学生选修8学分,毕业论文8学分。 _对外经济贸易大学“商务英语”专业课程设置的特点是:1)校级公共基础课所占比例大,基础必修课以语言(英语)课为主,专业必修课以强调基础能力培养为主;2)每一门课程的学分都很少,多为2个学分,这意味着学生必须多选课程才能修满学分;3江将专业知识和技能课程几乎全都放进了选修课之中,因此选修课的专业性和倾向性十分突出,如:工商导论、商业伦理学、管理学原理、国际经贸组织、国际商务环境等,而且几乎全是英文课程;4)没有开设第二外语课程}361开放学习(学生不学习二外课程也可以拿到学位,当然,学生也可以自由选修二外课程,并计入学分)。 中央电大“商务英语”专业方向课程设置的特点是:l)全部课程分为“必修课”、“限选课”和“选修课”三类,必修课虽然占总学分的63.26%,但几乎全是语言类课程,没有包括非本专业的人文、科学等“通识”类课程;2)限选课相当于专业基础课,但数量较少;3)本科阶段的选修课程的专业倾向陛不明显,几乎没有一门与专业直接相关的课程,仅相当于对外经济贸易大学的“基础选修课”。4)选修课程中开设了《日语》和《法语》两门二外课程,而且,学生要想取得学位,必须选修。 二、中国“商务英语”专业与英国“商务学习”专业现状比较中国的“商务英语”专业是将“英语学习”与“商务学https://www.360docs.net/doc/2c3135910.html,/习”同时作为自己的学习内容。从上面的比较中可以看到,目前,无论是以对外经济贸易大学为代表的普通高校的“商务英语”专业,还是以中央电大为代表的成人高校的“英语专业商务方向”,外语学习内容都占有十分重要的比重。当然,随着中国学生英语程度的日益提高,这个比重会越来越小。那么,我们应该作些什么准备呢?我们下一步的方向和目标是什么呢?很显然,应该以英语为母语教学的英美国家的相近专业和课程设置作为借鉴和参考,同为远程教育体系的英国开放大学的“商务学习”专业可以作为中央电大课程设置改革的参考和借鉴的代表。 英国开放大学虽然在学校性质上同中央电大一样,也是一所开放性的成人高校,但他们



Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户

18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈


学位英语考试真题答案 完整版全国卷 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet.

C. I think I do. D. what else Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really C. How are you doing D. Like what Dialogue Three
