《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲
《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》(双语)课程教学大纲










选定教材:Harvey S. Rosen: Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002(节选).








Chapter 1 Introduction





1.1Introduction of Public Finance

Public finance, also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.

1.2 Public Finance and Ideology

1. Organic view of government

Society is conceived of as a natural organism.Each individual is a part of this organism,and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community,and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus,the community is stressed above the individual.

2. Mechanistic view of government

Government is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals.The individual rather than the group is at center stage.


1. How is public finance defined?

2. What are the ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state?

Chapter 2 Public Goods





2.1 Public Goods Defined

1. Public goods are neither excludable nor rival.

That is, people cannot be prevented from using a public good, and one person’s use of a public good does not reduce another person’s ability to use it.

2. Public goods are characterized by non-rivalry and non-excludability in consumption.

⑴ Non-excludability: the property of a good whereby a person can not be prevented from using it.

⑵ Non-rivalry: the property of a good whereby one person’s use doesn’t diminish other people’s use.

3. Some important aspects of public goods:

⑴ Thus, each person consumes the same amount, but not necessarily the preferred amount, of the public good.

⑵ Different types of public goods: pure and impure public goods; local public goods; congestible goods; etc.

⑶ The relationship between public goods and public provision:

Public goods are not necessarily publicly provided.

Public goods that are publicly provided are not necessarily publicly produced.

Public goods can be provided privately, and private goods can be provided publicly.

2.2 Efficient Provision of Public Goods

1. Efficient provision of public goods requires that the sum of the individual MRSs equal the MRT, unlike private goods where each MRS equals the MRT, required by Pareto efficiency.

MRS: marginal rate of substitution.

MRT: the marginal rate of transformation.

A Pareto efficient allocation occurs when no person can be made better off without making another person worse off.

2. Graphically, it’s shown as “horizontal summation” for private goods, while for public goods it is “vertical summation”.

3. The free rider problem

A free rider is a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids payment for it.

Because public goods are not excludable, the free-rider problem prevents the private market from supplying them. The government, however, can potentially remedy the problem.

Casual observation and laboratory studies indicate that people do not fully exploit free riding possibilities. Nonetheless, in the certain cases, free riding is a significant problem.

Market mechanisms are unlikely to provide non-rival goods efficiently, even if they are excludable.

4. Cost-benefit analysis

Deciding that the government must play a role in supplying public goods is only the first step, and then the government must determine what kinds of public goods to provide and in what quantities.

If the total benefits exceed the costs of supplying a public good, the government can provide it and pay for it with tax revenue, making everyone better off.

Cost-benefit analysis: a study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public good.

Cost-benefit analysis has a tough job. It does not observe any price signals when evaluating whether the government should provide a public good.

The efficient provision of public goods is, therefore, intrinsically more difficult than the efficient provision of private goods.

2.3 About Privatization

1. Privatization:

It means taking goods or services that are supplied by the government and turning them over to the private sector for provision and /or production.

2. Public or private production of public goods.

Even in cases where public provision of a good is selected, a choice between public and private production must be made:

⑴ Between public sector and private sector

Incentive to improve in efficiency;

Difficulty in acquiring and measuring efficiency;

Outcome: cost saving and quality of output.

⑵ Determining whether public or private production will be more efficient:

A key factor is the market environment. Public versus private ownership is less important than whether effective competition is present.

Another important question is the extent to which complete contracts can be written with private sector service providers.


1. How are public goods defined?

2. Why does the free-rider problem induce the government to provide public goods?

3. How should the government decide whether to provide a public good?

4. What is the right mix of public and private provision for public goods?

Chapter 3 Externalities





3.1 The Nature of Externalities

1. Externality: the uncompensated impact of one person’s actions on the w ell-being of a bystander.

When the activity of one entity (a person of a firm) directly affects the welfare of another in a way that is outside the market mechanism, that effect is called an externality (because one entity directly affects the welfare of another entity that is “external” to it).

Simply, an externality occurs when the activity of one person affects another person outside the market mechanism.

2. The nature of externalities:

An externality is a consequence of the failure or inability to establish property rights. Namely, externalities may generally be traced to the absence of enforceable property rights.

3. The characteristics of externalities:

They can be produced by consumers as well as firms;

Externalities are reciprocal in nature;

Externalities can be positive;

Public goods can be viewed as a special kind of externality.

4. The effect of externalities

⑴ Externalities lead markets to allocate resources inefficiently. Externalities cause market price to diverge from social cost, bringing about an inefficient allocation of resources:

In the presence of a negative externality, such as pollution, the social cost of the good exceeds the private cost. The socially optimal quantity is therefore smaller than the market equilibrium quantity;

Positive externalities generally lead to under provision of an activity.

⑵ All of the remedies share the goal of moving the allocation of resources closer to the social optimum.

3.2 Private Solutions to Externalities

1. Bargaining and the Coase Theorem

⑴ Coase theorem: the proposition that if private parties can bargain without cost over the allocation of resources, they can solve the problem of externalities on their own, if property rights are established..

⑵ Two important assumptions played a key role in the preceding analysis:

T h e c o s t s t o t h e p a r t i e s o f b a r g a i n i n g a r e l o w.Transaction costs: the costs that parties incur in the process of agreeing and following through on a bargain;

The owners of resources can identify the source of damages to their property and legally prevent damages.

2. Mergers

It is to internalize an externality by combining the involved parties.

3. Social conventions

Some social conventions can be viewed as attempts to induce people to take into account the externalities they generate.

3.3 Public Policies toward Externalities

1. Pigovian Taxes

⑴ Pigouvian Tax: a tax enacted to correct the effects of a negative externality.

That is, a Pigouvian tax is a tax levied on each unit of a polluter’s output in an amount just equal to the marginal damage it inflicts at the efficient level of output.

⑵ In essence, the Pigouvian tax places a price on the right to pollute. Such a tax gives the producer a private incentive to pollute the efficient amount.

Just as markets allocate goods to those buyers who value them most highly, a Pigouvian tax allocates pollution to those factories that face the highest cost of reducing it.

The taxes give the factories incentive to develop cleaner technologies, because a cleaner technology would reduce the amount of tax the factory has to pay.

2. Subsidies

⑴ A subsidy for pollution not produced can induce producers to pollute at the efficient level.

However, subsidies can lead to too much production, are administratively difficult, and are regarded by some as ethically unappealing.

⑵ A subsidy can correct the under-provision of an activity caused by positive externalities, but care must be taken to avoid wasteful subsidies.

3. Tradable Pollution Permits (Creating a Market)

As long as there is a free market for the pollution rights, the final allocation will be efficient whatever the initial allocation. Pollution rights may be traded in markets.

This fixes the total level of pollution, an advantage when administrators are uncertain how polluters will respond to Pigouvian taxes.

4. Regulation

Regulation is likely to be inefficient because the social value of pollution reduction varies across firms, locations, and the populace.

Nevertheless, this is the most widespread form of environmental policy.


1. What is an externality? What are the nature and the characteristics of externalities?

2. What is the Coase Theorem? How to understand and apply it?

3. What are the public policies toward externalities? How to apply them? What are the differences between them?

Chapter 4 Political Economy







4.1 Direct Democracy

Various voting procedures are used to decide on public expenditures. Some are here:

1. Unanimity Rules

⑴ The Lindahl’s model shows the tax shares and level of public good provision to which everyone agrees.

Lindahl Prices: the tax shares of each individual.

An equilibrium is a set of Lindahl prices such that those prices each person votes for the same quantity of the public good.

⑵ Two main problems may impede the practical provision:

It assumes people vote sincerely, but strategic behavior may prevent individuals from reaching the Lindahl equilibrium;

It may take a lot of time to find the mutually agreeable tax shares.

2. Majority Voting Rules

With it, one more than half of the voters must favor a measure to gain approval.

⑴ Majority voting may lead to inconsistent decisions regarding public goods if some people’s preferences are not single peaked.

Voting Paradox:although e ach individual voter’s preferences are consistent, the community’s are not.

Agenda Manipulation: the process of organizing the order of votes to assure a favorable outcome.

Single-peaked Preferences: when moving away from the most preferred outcome in any and all directions, the individual’s utility consistently falls.

Double-peaked Preferences: when moving away from the most preferred outcome, the individual’s utility goes down, but then goes up again.

⑵ Median Voter Theorem:

As long as all preferences are single peaked, the outcome of majority voting reflects the preferences of the median voters.

Median Voter: the voter whose preferences lie in the middle of the set of all voters’ preferences — half the voters want more of the good than the median voter, and half want less.

3. Logrolling

People can trade votes and hence register how strongly they feel about various issues.

Logrolling allows voters to express the intensity of their preferences by trading votes. However, minority gains may come at the expense of greater general Losses.

4. Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

⑴ Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow proposed that in a democratic society, a collective decision-making rule should satisfy the following criteria:

It can produce a decision whatever the configuration of voters’ preferences.

It must be able to rank all possible outcomes.

It must be responsive to individuals’ preferences.

It must be consistent (transitive).

S ociety’s ranking of A and B depends only on individuals’ rankings of A and B.

(Independence of irrelevant alternatives.)

Dictatorship is ruled out.

⑵Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem states that, in general, it is impossible to find

a decision-making rule that simultaneously satisfies a number of apparently reasonable criteria.

The implication is that democracies are inherently prone to make inconsistent decisions.

4.2 Representative Democracy

Explanations of government behavior require studying the interaction of elected officials, public employees, and special-interest groups.

1. Elected Politicians

Under restrictive assumptions, the actions of elected officials mimic the wishes of the median voter.

Median voter theorem for elections has two striking implications:

First, two-party systems tend to be stable in the sense that both parties stake out positions near the “center”.

Second, the replacement of direct referenda by a representative system has no effect on the outcome.

Several aspects of the analysis require careful examination:

Single-dimensional rankings; ideology; personality; leadership; decision to vote

2. Public Employees

Public employees have an important impact on the development and implementation of economic policy.

Niskanen’s model of bureaucracy

One theory predicts that bureaucrats attempt to maximize the size of their agencies’ budgets, resulting in oversupply of the service.

3. Special interests

Special interests can form on the basis of income source, income size, industry, region, or demographic and personal characteristics.

The iron triangle

4. Other Actors

The judiciary; journalists; experts

4.3 Explaining Government Growth

1. The growth of government has been rapid by any measure.

The important point is that the increase in the relative size of the public sector does not necessarily imply something is “wrong” with the political process.

Explanations of this phenomenon include:

Citizen preferences, Marxist view, chance events, changes in social attitudes, income redistribution

Wagner’s law: the hypothesis that government services/expenditure rise at a faster rate than income.

2. Proposals to control the growth in government include:

Encouraging private sector competition, reforming the budget process, constitutional



1. What would lead to the voting paradox? What would be the effect of logrolling?

2. How could Arrow’s Impossibility The orem be understood?

3.What do Median voter theorem for elections and Niskanen’s model of bureaucracy implicate?What are the special interests?

4. How can the growth in government be explained and controlled?

Chapter 5 Deficit Finance





5.1 Basics of Deficit and Debt

1. Deficit:

The deficit during a time period is the excess of spending over revenues.

Surplus: The surplus during a time period is the excess of revenues over expenditures.

On-budget deficit (or surplus): it considers only on-budget activity.

Off-budget deficit (or surplus): it takes into account only off-budget activity.

2. Debt:

The debt at a given time is the sum of all past budget deficits. That means, the debt is the cumulative excess of past spending over past receipts.

Borrowing is an important method of government finance.

3. Official figures regarding the size of federal government deficits, surpluses, and debts must be viewed with caution for several reasons:

Government debt held by the Federal Reserve Bank.

State and local government debt.

Effects of inflation: Inflation erodes the real value of the debt; the official deficit

or surpluses does not reflect this fact.

Capital versus current accounting: The federal government does not distinguish between capital and current expenditure.

Tangible assets: Tangible assets owned by the government should be taken in to account.

Implicit obligations: such as promises to pay Social Security benefits.

5.2 The Burden of the Debt

1. Lerner’s View

Assume the government borrows from its own citizens—the obligation is an internal debt.

According to Lerner, an internal debt creates no burden for the future generation.

When a country borrows from abroad to finance current expenditure, the obligation is referred to as an external debt.

In this case, the future generation certainly bears a burden.

2. An Overlapping Generations Model

It takes into account a phenomenon that several generations coexist simultaneously at any given time.

⑴ Then the following results emerge:

As consequence of the debt and accompanying tax policies, the generation that was old originally has a lifetime consumption level higher than it otherwise would have had.

Those who were young and middle-aged originally are no better or worse off from the point of view of lifetime consumption.

The young generation originally has a life time consumption stream lower than it would have been in the absence of the debt and accompanying fiscal policies.

⑵ The natural framework for comparing across generations the burdens (and benefits) of government fiscal policies is called generational accounting.

It involves the some steps.

3. Neoclassical model

It stresses that when the government initiates a project, whether financed by taxes or borrowing, resources are removed from the private sector.

Crowding out hypothesis means that, when the public sector draws on the pool of resources available for investment, private investment gets crowded out.

Crowding out is induced by changes in the interest rate.

4. Ricardian model

It means that the form of government finance is irrelevant.

In effect, private individuals undo the intergenerational effects of government debt policy, so tax and debt finance are essentially equivalent.

5.3 Borrowing Compared with Taxing

Several factors influence whether a given government expenditure should be financed by taxes or debt.

1. Benefits-received principle:

The benefits-received principle suggests that if the project will benefit future generations, then having them pay for it via loan finance is appropriate.

2. Intergenerational equity:

If future generations are expected to be richer than the present one, some principles of equity suggest that it is fair to burden them.

3. Efficiency considerations:

From an efficiency standpoint, one must compare the excess burdens of tax and debt finance.

4. Macroeconomic considerations:

Functional finance: use taxes and deficits to keep aggregate demand at the right level, and don’t worry about balancing the budget by itself.

5. Moral and political considerations.

The views based on ethical and political standpoints.


1. What is the connection between deficit and debt?

2. What are the views on the burden of debt?

3. What influence a given government expenditure should be financed by taxes or debt?


1. Harvey S. Rosen. Public Finance[M]. New York: McGraw-Hill, 200


2. Holley H. Ulbrich. Public Finance in Theory and Practice[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,


3. Arye L. Hillman. Public Finance and Public Policy: Responsibilities and Limitations of Government[M]. Cambridge University Press,2003.

4. Richard A. Musgrave. The Theory of Public Finance[M]. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

5. N. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Economics[M].New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

6.David N. Hyman. Public Finance: A Contemporary Application of Theory to Policy[M]. The Dryden Press,1996.


执笔人:毛翠英 2006年5月

审定人:吴美华 2006年5月

院负责人:杨抚生 2006 年6月


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《财务管理学》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程中文名称:财务管理学 课程英文名称:Financial Management 课程编码:20000006 课程类型:学科基础课 总学时:56 理论学时:56 实验学时:0 学分: 3 适用专业:会计学 先修课程:《会计学原理》、《企业会计学》 开课院系:管理学院会计教研室 二、课程的性质与任务 本课程是会计学专业的学科基础课。通过本课程的学习,使同学们了解财务管理的基本理论框架,掌握企业筹资管理、投资管理、日常经营管理、利润分配管理以及财务分析的主要内容和基本方法,为进一步学习专业课程打下坚实的基础。 三、理论教学内容和基本要求 Chapter 1 The Role of Financial Management Know about what is financial management and organization of the financial management function; Understand the goal of the firm. Chapter 2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments Know about the business, tax, and financial environments of the firm. Chapter 3 Time Value of Money Know about the concept of the time value of money and types of annuities; Master the calculation of future value and present value of a single fund or an annuity. Chapter 4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities Know about the distinctions among valuation; Understand the principle of security valuation; Master the methods of bond valuation, preferred stock valuation and common stock valuation. Chapter 5 Risk and Return Know about the definition of risk and return, and attitudes toward risk; Understand risk and return in a portfolio context, and diversification; Master how to use probability distributions to measure risk, and the using of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Chapter 6 Financial Statement Analysis


《组织行为学》(双语)课程教学大纲 课程中文名称(英文名称):组织行为学(Organizational Behavior) 课程代码:B27052 课程类别:专业课程 课程性质:必修课 课程学时: 32 学分: 2 适用专业: 人力资源管理专业 先修课程:普通心理学 一、课程介绍 1.分别从个体,群体和组织系统三个层面上帮助读者解释、预测和控制组织行为,内容包括:组织行为学导论、态度和工作满意度、情绪与心境、人格与价值观、知觉与个体决策、激励理论及其应用、群体行为的基本原理、工作团队、沟通、领导力、权力与政治、冲突与谈判、结构与组织行为、组织文化、组织变革等部分。 2.组织行为学是人力资源管理专业本科学生必修的专业课程,它的先修课程为普通心理学。 二、课程教学目的和任务 本课程教学目的是使学生掌握组织行为学的基本知识与发展规律;指导学生阅读相关组织行为学案例,培养学生以现代组织行为学理论为依据,培养学生在团队建设与管理、人际沟通、领导、组织结构设计、组织文化建设、组织变革与发展、跨文化沟通、学习型组织建设等组织行为学的实务能力。 三、课程学时分配、教学内容与教学基本要求


1、阅读:本科程要求学生在阅读教材的基础上,泛读规定的参考教材。老师随堂抽查学生阅读情况。 2、听课:本课程要求学生进课堂听讲全部课程,并做好笔记。听课和笔记情况随时检查,记入平时成绩。 3、辅导:要求学生主动学习,随时提出问题,老师随堂辅导。要求学生与老师建立电话、电子邮箱、QQ、微信联系,交流自学情况。另外,每学期期末集中大型辅导1次。 五、考核方式和成绩评定方法 考核方式:期末闭卷考试 成绩评定方法:平时成绩(含考勤、回答问题、作业等)占30%,期末考试成绩占70% 六、教材与主要参考书目 教材: 《Essentials of Organizational Behavior》,Stephen P. Robbins等,中国人民大学出版社,2011年. 参考书目: 《组织行为学》,陈春花等,机械工业出版社,2013年. 执笔人:蔡东宏审核人:批准人: 审定时间:2014 年 6 月 11 日


新编实用英语综合教程教学大纲 教学大纲是根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》,并结合我校实际情况编写。 学时:第一学期 64 学时,第二学期72学时,每周授课4学时,开设两个学期,共计 136 学时。 适应专业:高职高专各个专业。(商务英语专业除外) 一、课程的性质和任务 课程性质:本课程为公共必修课。 课程任务:经过两个学期的学习,完成《新编实用英语综合教程》一至二册的教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。 相关课程:根据各专业自行设计安排,部分专业在修完本课程后开设专业英语。(计算机英语、秘书英语、汽车英语等) 二、课程的基本要求 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知 2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的 1000 个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中 1500 个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟 120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有关业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过总词数 3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟 50 词。能读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思; 4)根据上下文做出简单的判断和推理; 5)理解文章的写作意图,作者的见解和态度等; 6)就文章内容做出结论; 7)快速查找有关信息。 6、写作 能运用所学词汇和语法写出简单的短文;能用英语填写表格,套写便函、简历等,词句


《管理学原理(双语)》教学大纲 课程编号:070108 开课院系:经济管理学院工商管理系 课程类别:学科基础必修适用专业:信息管理与信息系统、国际 经济与贸易、会计学、工商 管理、金融工程 课内总学时:54 学分:6 实验学时:课内上机学时: 先修课程: 执笔:贾振全审阅:高俊山 一、课程教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学生了解管理工作的特点、管理思想和管理理论的产生与演变过程以及主要理论学派的代表人物及其理论贡献;掌握管理的基本概念与性质、管理过程各项职能的运作程序以及常用的管理方法;在熟练掌握上述内容的基础上,应能利用有关理论和方法,分析一些企业管理中的具体问题。 本课程使用英文原版教材,学生在学习管理过程的普遍规律、基本原理和一般方法的同时,提高学生独立阅读外文专业书籍与文献的能力以及在专业领域使用外文与人交流、沟通的能力也是本课程重要的教学目标。 二、课程教学基本要求 1.课程重点: 本课程主要介绍管理的基本概念、基本原则和基本方法,通过课程学习使学生能够从整体上把握管理学的知识体系与架构并能够应用所学知识分析和解决管理实际问题。 2.课程难点: 管理理论实际上是对成功管理者的成功经验的总结。管理学的基本特点决定了在教学过程中必须理论联系实际,这就要求教师必须准备大量的案例以帮助学生理解相关理论并组织学生利用相关知识积极参与讨论。同时,由于采用双语教学的授课方式,如何使学生真正做到能够运用外语来学习专业知识也是本课程的难点所在。 3.能力培养要求: 在教学过程中注意培养和提高学生的:(1)利用管理学专业知识分析和解决实际问题的能力;(2)外语运用能力。 三、课程教学内容与学时 课堂教学(54学时,讲授内容依课堂进度会有所微调,另每章均配有各种形式的案例以辅助课堂教学) 1.管理与管理者(6学时) 1.1 组织、管理与管理者的概念 1.2 管理的本质:管理职能与过程,管理角色模型,管理的普适性


教学大纲 《机器学习理论(双语)》教学大纲 课程编号:111103A 课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课 □专业必修课■专业选修课 □学科基础课 总学时:48 讲课学时:32 实验(上机)学时:16 学分:3 适用对象:投资学专业 先修课程:金融计算机语言、金融计量学、量化金融学(双语) 一、教学目标 当代投资学越来越多的采用人工智能技术解决复杂投资决策问题。人工智能的理论和技术在当代投资中的地位越来越重要,甚至已有取代传统投资决策和方法技术之趋势,因此投资学专业学生需要系统的学习人工智能理论在金融投资中的应用。人工智能的理论和技术主要来自于机器学习理论。本课程系统的向学生讲授机器学习理论。机器学习理论与计算机编程、统计学以及计量经济学有密切的联系,因此学生在学习本课程前需要有足够的背景知识。本课程将通过介绍机器学习理论,让学生了解如何利用机器学习理论以及人工智能技术进行金融问题研究和进行量化投

资决策。该课程是专业必修课中的一门重要课程,是一门跨学科的复合型课程,因此需要学生对各先修学科有扎实的基础,本课程突出学习前沿人工智能理论知识与应用相结合,重点培养学生综合运用跨学科知识进行量化投资。学生在学好本课程后,将对其后续课程以及毕业论文设计帮助巨大,也将增强学生在大数据人工智能时代的就业竞争优势。 目标1:掌握主流和前沿的机器学习理论 目标2:熟练运用机器学习理论结合投资学知识解决具体问题 目标3:融会贯通投资学、统计学、计量经济学、计算机编程以及机器学习理论,提升处理复杂投资决策问题的能力。 目标4:充分了解投资学发展的前沿,了解人工智能与投资学发展逻辑联系。 二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系 (一)教学内容 《机器学习理论》涉及三大板块知识。即基础理论知识介绍、上机实习和综合运用。在基础知识模块主要介绍和讲授机器学习理论的主要知识框架,包括:监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习,其中监督学习中的若干模型属于精讲内容,无监督学习属于细讲的内容,而强化学习属于粗讲的内容。上机环节主要采用Python、Matlab以及R语言,结合学理论知识,熟练运用计算机语言调用相关理论模型。因为这是一门跨学科复合型课程,在课程的后半段,教学内容将突出综合应用,采取在给定适当投资场景的前提下,以案例分析的形式,让学生构建模型,提升综合能力。案例包括(但不限于):量化投资与智能选股、人工智能与衍生品定价、机器学习理论在股票预测中的应用、强化学习与投资决策、监督学习与信用风险识别等。此外,课程还会从行业发展与产业经济学视角,引导学生了解智能投资以及科


郑州信息工程职业学院基础部 《新编实用英语H》课程教学大纲 课程编码:9999010062 总学时:72学时 实验学时:无 学分:3学分 适用对象:一年级学生 先修课程:《新编实用英语I》 一、课程的性质与任务 (一)本课程的性质 大学英语课程是非英语专业学生必修的一门基础课程。旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行书面信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。《新编实用英语 u》是我院高职一年级学生第二学期所有学生学习和掌握英语听,说,读,写基本技能的基础课。 (二)本课程的任务 本课程在高职高专院校中人才培养计划中是必修课程。该课程理论与技能培养并重,相互结合,培养各类高职高专的应用型人才。经过学习,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听说读写译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语资料,使学生在今后的工作和社会交往日常活动中能用英语有效地进行口头和笔头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此, 该课程将努力做到以下三个方面: 1、培养学生英语综合应用能力具有较强的阅读能力和良好的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。 2、增强学生的学习能力、特别是自主学习能力。 3、提高学生的综合文化素养。 (三)本课程培养人才的定位 该课程是我院各专业学生必修的一门公共基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力(听、

说、读、写、译),使他们在今后工作中与社会交往中能用英语有效地进行信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展日益国际化的需要。 (四)本课程在人才培养过程中的作用 经过本课程的学习,使学生扎实语音、语法、词汇和基本句型等语言基本功,强化并提高听、说、读、写、译的综合能力,提高学生就业竞争力。 二、课程的基本要求 通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知2500个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1000个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中1500个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材 料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超 过数3%的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟50词,能读懂通用的简短文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思;


离散数学》双语课程教学大纲 一、课程编号:040510 二、课程类型:必修 课程学时:理论教学 72学时 / 4.5学分。 适用专业:信息与计算科学专业。 先修课程:线性代数、概率论、高等数学等。 后续课程:编译原理、操作系统、数据结构、数据库等。 三、课程性质与任务 《离散数学》是信息与计算科学中基础理论的核心课程。该课程采用双语教学形式,教材是国外原版英语教材。通过本课程的学习,主要培养学生的抽象思维能力、严密的逻辑推理能力、阅读外文科技文献能力和专业英语写作能力。并为学生今后处理离散信息、离散建模、软件开发、计算机硬件系统设计、程序设计的时间和空间复杂度分析等提供理论指导基础,是学生从事信息科学的实际工作必备数学工具。 四、教学主要内容及学时分配

五、教学基本要求 了解离散数学所涵盖的内容及背景思想;理解离散数学组的数学思想和基本概念。掌握离散数学常用的基本方法、手段、技巧,并具备一定的分析论证能力和较强的利用离散数学解决实际问题能力。具体要求有: (1 )理解子集、空集、全集、集合相等、幂集等基本概念;掌握集合的两种表示法。 (2)熟练掌握集合的交、并、差补运算;能通过文氏图理解与掌握集合的有关运算;了解包含排斥定理及其简单应用。 (3)熟练掌握集合运算的基本定律,并能熟练地应用这些定律证明集合恒等式。(4)掌握逻辑代数的基本理论和方法,理解命题﹑复合命题及真值表的概念,熟练掌握逻辑运算符‘非’﹑‘合取’ ﹑‘析取’﹑‘蕴涵’﹑及 ‘存在’﹑‘任意’等量词的定义及使用;理解条件语句的概念;理解等价。掌握一些常见的逻辑推理方法。

(5)熟练掌握乘法原理﹑加法原理﹑排列﹑组合﹑鸽笼原理及递归式,会用组合计数思想的方法计算简单的古典概率问题。 (6)理解序偶与笛卡尔积的概念;理解 n 元组与 n 个集合笛卡尔集的概念。 深刻理解关系的基本概念;掌握二元关系的关系矩阵与关系图。熟练掌握关系的自反性、对称性、反对称性和传递性四种性质并熟练掌握其求法。 深刻理解二元关系的自反闭包、对称闭包和传递闭包的概念并熟练掌握其求法。熟练掌握等价关系的判定与相关等价类的求法。了解关系的计算机表示﹑关系的运算﹑传递闭包及Warshall算法。 (7)理解映射、满射、单射、双射的概念并熟练掌握其判定方法;了解复合映射与逆映射的概念及求法。 (8)理解有向树,无向树,根数,标定树的定义及性质;掌握极小生成树算法; 了解生成树搜索法。 (9)理解无向图,哈密顿圈及哈密顿路,传输网络,匹配问题,图的着色的定义及性质;掌握欧拉环游及欧拉通路,最大流问题的定义﹑性质及算法。 掌握有关哈密顿图的一些必要和充分条件。 六、对学生课外作业的要求 本课程概念多、比较抽象、定理证明和应用有一定难度,为了学生进一步理解课堂教学内容,拟布置一定数量的课外习题为宜,教师批改作业本的 2/3, 并安排时间上习题课。各章节习题量分布如下: 七、教材及主要参考书


《消费者行为(双语)》课程教学大纲 Consumer Behaviour Module Syllabus 课程号/Module Code:34200802 制定(修订)单位/Institute:Surrey International Insitutute 制定(修订)人或执笔人/Writer:Shi Fangfang 制定(修订)时间/Time:Feb 2012

课程概述/Module Summary The module is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of consumer behaviour via theoretical discussion, case analysis and first-hand research experience. It covers general consumer behaivour theories and models, and relates to examples and cases in the tourism context. The module focuses on the many factors that affect consumer behaviour. Knowledge and understanding of this subject informs areas such as new product development, marketing, and public policy issues. Behavioural concepts, appropriate research techniques and recent research findings will be discussed, to enhance understanding of how tourists/consumers choose products in today’s world. 课程的性质/Module Nature: Compulsory module for BSc Tourism Management 课程教学目标/Module Aim The module aim is that on successful completion of the module, students will be able to: ●Understand the core concepts and models of consumer behaivour ●Understand and critically evaluate the factors affecting consumer behaviour in tourism ●Be aware of global tourism demand patterns and trends in tourist behaviour ●Appreciate how knowledge of tourist behaviour feeds into marketing, strategy and policy development ●Apply research methods to analyse an aspect of consumer behaviour and report results in a clear and concise manner 课程适用的专业与年级/Applicable Majors and Grades BSc Tourism Management, Level 3 课程的总学时和总学分/Module Hours and Credits 36 hours, 2 credits 本课程与其他课程的联系与分工/Relation with Other Modules It is one of the core modules for undergraduate students majoring in tourism management. It benefits from the basic marketing knowledge introduced by the module Tourism Marketing, and lays a solid foundation for

《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》(双语)课程教学大纲 (2003年制订,2006年修订) 课程编号:110110 中文名:公共财政 课程类别:专业主干课 前置课:西方经济学、财政学、大学英语 后置课: 学分:3学分 课时:51课时 主讲教师:任巧玲、郭晔、毛翠英等 选定教材:Harvey S. Rosen: Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002(节选). 课程概述: 本课程为财政学专业的专业主干课,本大纲适用于财政学本科专业。当前,我国的公共财政体制正在进一步地发展和完善,在这个过程中,充分了解和有效借鉴西方市场经济国家财政领域的基础理论和实践状况十分必要。而在财政学专业课程体系中设置相应课程,正体现出与这一现实要求的协调一致。本课程主要内容包括:财政学的定义及其主要思想;公共品的定义及其提供等问题;外部性的本质及其影响和对策;公共选择的各种机制的讨论与评估;赤字融资及其相关问题等。 教学目的: 本课程的教学目的在于使学生在已有知识基础上,重点掌握西方财政学体系中的基本理论观点,也可以了解到西方国家(主要是美国)财政运行的一般情况;使学生能够在不同的具体现实条件中思考运用所学到的相应观点和知识;同时,使学生掌握财政学方面术语的英语表达方式。 教学方法: 本课程作为一门双语教学课程,使用的是英文教材,课堂教学过程中的内容讲解采用中英文结合方式,英语使用程度需要参考学生的整体接受程度。为强化相关理论知识及其实践运用,本课程根据教学内容进程及其侧重点设置了讨论课时段。同时,本课程大量借助多媒体手段使讲解更加清楚。

各章教学要求及教学要点 Chapter 1 Introduction 课时分配:3课时 教学要求: 通过本章的学习使学生掌握财政学的内涵及其主要功能,并以此为基础把握两种主要的财政思想。本章重点为财政学的基本涵义。 教学内容: 1.1Introduction of Public Finance Public finance, also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income. 1.2 Public Finance and Ideology 1. Organic view of government Society is conceived of as a natural organism.Each individual is a part of this organism,and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community,and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus,the community is stressed above the individual. 2. Mechanistic view of government Government is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals.The individual rather than the group is at center stage. 思考题: 1. How is public finance defined? 2. What are the ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state?


Computer Network Syllabus of Basics of Computer Networking Course name:Computer Network Chinese name: 计算机网络 Course Serial Number:L131006 Weekly Hours: 4 hours Total Hours:60 hours Credits:3.5 Teaching Object (Suitable majors and grades of the course): Computer Science and Technology Major(undergraduate), Network Engineer Major(undergraduate), sophomore Preparations:C programming、Introduction to Computers Course description: The course covers Principles and applications of computer communication, networking, communication protocols, the Internet, LANs, packet-switching networks, network architecture. The course will focus on the design, implementation, analysis, and evaluation of large-scale networked systems. Topics include internetworking philosophies, unicast and multicast routing, congestion control, network quality of service, mobile networking, router architectures, network-aware applications, content dissemination systems, network security, and performance issues. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1.Understand the structure and organization of computer networks; 2.Understand the basic concepts of application layer, transport layer, network layer, link layer protocol design; 3.Understand the basic concepts of network security concepts. Course structure: (I) Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Uses of Computer Networks


《遗传学》课程教学大纲(双语教学) 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:250211 课程名称:普通遗传学(双语教学) 英文名称:GENETICS 课程类别:专业基础课 学时:99 学分:5.0 适用对象:生物技术、生物科学等. 考核方式:考试 先修课程:普通生物学、生物化学等. 二、课程简介 本课程是生物技术、生物科学等专业的骨干基础课程,在这些专业的本科教学计划中占有极为重要的地位。遗传学研究的任务是阐明生物遗传和变异现象及其表现的规律;探索遗传变异的原因、物质基础及其内在规律;指导动植物和微生物的改良,提高医学水平,为人民谋福利。通过本课程学习,使学生全面掌握遗传学的基本概念、基本原理、基本知识和基本分析方法,了解遗传学的最新发展,学会应用遗传学基本原理分析一般遗传问题,为进一步学习植物育种学、分子生物学及其他有关课程奠定理论基础。 Genetics, the science of heredity, is primarily concerned with understanding biological properties that are transmitted from parents to offspring. Genetics is central to biology because gene activity underlies all life processes, from cell structure and function to reproduction. Genetics is an important basic course which has close links with applied researches because it is used not only in the improvement of plants, animals and microorganisms, but also in the public health protection and medicine. Therefore, the basic requirements of genetics teaching is,in terms of theory,to expound the phenomenon of heredity and variation as well as the law of expression, find out the cause and material basis of heredity and variation so as to reveal the inherent law, and in terms of practice,to grasp the basic methods and techniques of genetic research so as to pave the way for learning plant breeding and other related applied subjects. Furthermore, since the course is to be taught by bilingual teaching method, the relation between learning specialized knowledge and improving English level should be appropriately handled. 三、课程性质与教学目的 遗传学是研究生物遗传和变异规律的一门科学,是生物学科中十分重要的基础科学,同时又是一门紧密联系生产实际的基础科学。教学上要求通过系统的学习,使学生对遗传学的基本理论和基本研究方法有全面和深入的了解。弄清生物遗传物质存在


大连理工大学“百门双语课程”建设计划实施方案 (试行) 随着科学技术的迅猛发展和全球经济一体化进程的推进,高等教育国际化已经成为世界性趋势,开展和推进双语教学工作是我国高等教育国际化的重要内容,也是培养具有国际意识和国际竞争能力人才、增强高校自主创新能力的必要保障。为此,学校制订“百门双语课程”建设计划实施方案。 一、指导思想 根据《教育部、财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》(教高[2007]1号)、《教育部关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见》(教高[2007]2号)、《高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程实施方案》(2007年1月发文)和《大连理工大学关于进一步加强本科教学工作的若干意见》(大工校发[2006]48号)相关文件精神,在全校范围内努力营造双语教学环境,探索体验教学方式,培养师生教学兴趣。通过“百门双语课程”建设,力争引进国外先进的教学资源,吸引更多的外国留学生来校学习,加强我校的国际交流与合作。 二、建设计划与目标 1. 建设数量:100门左右。 2. 建设期限:2007—2009年。 3. 建设标准:本着稳步推进、注重实效、逐步提高的原则,划分三个标准等级(见下表)。教师可根据自身的外语水平、课程性质和学生具体情况,选择相应的等级标准进行建设。

4. 实施的范围:要求全校每个专业必须安排不低于2门的双语课程,其中计算机和软件类专业、生物和化学类专业、经济和管理类专业、法学类专业、国家重点学科类专业必须建设3门或3门以上的双语课程,外语强化专业的双语课程不得低于5门。同时,鼓励院系进行专业系列双语课程建设。 三、建设内容 1. 师资队伍建设:鼓励聘请海外归国教师担任双语课程负责人,组建双语教学团队,保证双语教学质量。扩大国际交流,努力创造条件直接聘请外籍教师担任课程的主讲教师。采取多种形式、多种渠道、多种层次的培训方式,提高本校教师的双语授课能力。 2. 教材的选用与编写:提倡直接引进先进的,能反映学科发展前沿的优秀原版教材。同时要在吸纳和整合优秀原版教材的基础上,探索多样化的教材建设模式,建设符合我校及国内高校教学需要的优质双语教材。在双语教学过程中,如使用国外原版教材,也可采取学校统一订购,学生借阅,课程结束统一收回等方式解决教材价格贵的问题。 3. 教学方式:按照双语教学课程不同的标准,选择不同的形式组织教学,鼓励同一门课程分别采取中文授课、双语授课等多种形式,由学生自由选学。凡是立项的双语课程,均应制作多媒体课件,以使学生较好地理解和掌握课程的内容。 4. 教学文件:立项的双语课程应严格执行课程规范的要求,教学文件齐全。有完整的反映课程内容的双语课程教学大纲(含外文版)和科学合理的双语课程教学进程表(含外文版)。 四、激励政策 1. 设立“双语教学课程建设”专项资金:凡是批准立项建设的双语课程,学校将投入3000~5000元/门的建设经费,以资助不同级别的双语课程建设。此专项经费资助教师用于外国原版教材的购置、相关教学资料的建设以及双语教学法的研究等。编写双语教材可另行申请教材出版基。对于双语


《运营管理》 课程编号:CMAG322 课程类型:学科基础课 总学时: 54 学时 学分:3学分 适用对象:工商管理专业 先修课程:CMAG111/CACC111/CFIN311 Course Description Supply chain management means the design, planning and control of the information flow, material flow and cash flow with a view to strengthening competitiveness. The supply chain composition structure and the operation directly relate to the whole management process of the enterprise; therefore, the course focuses on the operation and supply chain management on the premise of fast meeting the end-user need, make the response promptly to the unpredictable market demand, and realize optimized movement for the entire supply chain. Learning objectives This is a course in management with an emphasis on real world applications. There are three basic objectives for this course: 1.To develop some simple models that can be usefully applied to generate realistic predictions about the behaviors of important economic variables. 2.To apply the models and management concepts to understand and interpret current world management issues. 3.To familiarize with some basic ideas of management analysis and business problems faced by managers in their daily operations, such as project management, process analysis, quality management, supply chain design, facility location, inventory control, etc. Teaching Methods This course contains lectures, class discussions, homework, quizzes, presentation, self-study and exams etc. Study time To do well in this course, you need to devote time outside of class for practice and proper preparation. A typical student should need 10 hours of no-class time each week during a regular 20-week semester. Doing this theory paper requires READING time. I encourage all of you to do all assigned homework and practice extra questions. Attendance and Class Participation Regular attendance and class participation are expected of all the students. Since the course covers great deal of materials that’s why its very important trying to attend EVERY class on time. Absence which is more than 1/3 of the total teaching hour (16*4/3=21 hrs)will cause an F (a failing grade) directly.And I will record
