


Global Shortage of Fresh Water

People usually think that fresh water is inexhaustible. They hold this opinion because they can see water everywhere, rainwater, water in the river or the lake and they can get water as soon as they turn on the tap. Acturally, there is a serious shortage of fresh water. Fresh water is not only needed in people's daily life but also in industry and agriculture. Fresh water shortage is made more serious by pollution and population expansion, to say nothing of the fact that the Yellow River is drying up. Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be most effective. First, everyone should be advised to economize fresh water. Besides, measures should be taken to prevent water pollution. Finally,we should exploit fresh water resources by making use of underground water, desahing seawater, and even purifying water already polluted. These are not the best and the only three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to protect fresh water resources.


内容:鲜Water1的短缺。人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,井水,河水等)2。实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水,增加污染等) 3。我们应该怎么办,人们通常认为,食水是取之不尽,用之不竭。他们认为这个意见,因为他们可以看到到处都是水,雨水,河流或湖泊的水,他们可以在最短的水,当他们在水龙头。 Acturally,有一个淡水严重不足。淡水是不仅需要在人们的日常生活,而且在工业和农业。淡水短缺问题变得更加污染和人口膨胀严重,更不要说一个事实,即黄河没有枯竭。很多方法可以有助于解决这一严重问题,但下面的人可能是最有效的。首先,每个人都应该尽量节约淡水。此外,应采取措施,以防止水质污染。最后,我们应该利用利用地下水利用的淡水资源,desahing海水,甚至已经污染的净化水。这些都不是最好,只有3个,我们可以采取的措施。但是,应当指出,我们应采取强有力的行动,以保护淡水资源。



Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small village. Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and harm. (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义) 这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的 国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。 We must first understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world. On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American culture. 我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。 I have some suggestions about dealing with this problem. First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring benefit. In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment of people's living standard, so we should accept. Secondly, it can also bring harm. China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the process.


英语演讲稿,全球化 篇一:全球化英文演讲稿 This is opposites becomes globalization,we know that some place’s economics get great,however some poorest than they ever we promote globalization or not Is globalization the arch-criminal to the poverty gap What is globalization That is ,diffuse market economy from one country to all of the world,make capitalism cover every corner of the globe. And we all know, if one country carry out the Capitalism and market economy in the same time ,it can get great efficiency ,increase the productivity. But everybody knows market economy have its own shortcomings ,first,it can lead to poverty gap easily. The rich richer, the poor poorer. This is the nature of the market economy. But, because of this, we should stop globalization If there is no globalization, how the Multi-National Corporation make Listing and financing, put their product to every place in the world to every people’s there is no globalization,many problem couldn’t be solved by peace ways. Like country in Africa get


有关经济全球化的英语作文范文 Economic globalization benefits the world immensely, especially the prosperity of tourism. As a result,the cultures, languages and customs in the minorities are notmysterious to the world any more, which should be attributed to thepopularity of tourism. It is a consensus that tourism canstimulate the economic development in a region, since tourism playsan important role in the acceleration of the improvement ofservice, such as transportation, accommodation, catering and othermarginal business. With a view to attracting more tourists, theminority regions have to consider how to improve their image andservice, during the course of which they can have an overall planto promote the status of their region. Nowadays, many people travelfor minority regions to satisfy their curiosity, where they canhave unexpected findings. Furthermore, tourism can strengthenthe interflow of cultures and traditions between the people indifferent regions. Trips to minority countries and regions renderpeople a lot of new cultures and customs, which, presumably, havebeen handed down from old ages and enjoyed very splendid history. Formerly, people can only get some segments about the minoritiesfrom videos, films and other incomplete descriptions on books. Now,tourists have more opportunities to communicate or even live withthe minority people and acquire first-hand knowledge about them,which provides the researchers with a lot of authentic information. Admittedly, tourism damages thenatural environment in some minority regions and spoils thepeaceful life of them to some degree due to their frequentactivities in the minority regions, the environment beingdeteriorated in some regions, which is not what we expected. Generally, the popularity of Englishand tourism brings more advantages than damage to the minorityregions, since it has enriched people’s knowledge and widened theirhorizons. But meanwhile, we should be on the alert for the damageto the minority regions and take effective means to tackle theproblems tourism arouses. Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries:


关于环保的英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:环保英语作文man and his environment in modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we is not clean as before. so many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it. throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. with the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. he has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. however, man’s c hanges to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. the pollution of water is equally harmful. the whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.


经济全球化英语作文 Prepared on 22 November 2020

This phenomenon of economic globalization is one of numerous international phenomena which has become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Econo mic globalization, in brief, makes the whole world a smaller village. Economic globalization offer s abundant opportunities for every country in this world to develop their economy, enrich their culture,improve their regime, update their technology and so on, but of course it is a two-edge d s w o r d:i t c a n b r i n g b o t h b e n e f i t a n d h a r m. It is important that we must understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand,economic globalization offers a mass of opportunities for every country . On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects is that there are many people think the America can dominance th e global economy. I have some suggestions to deal with this problem. As we all know, economic globalization can bring benefit to everyone. In the past twenty years, in the rapid process of economic globalizati on and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapider economic grow th, social progress and so on, so we should accept economic globalization. Secondly, in the proce ss of explosive development of economic globalization, China has been experiencing the disintegration of the traditi onal should keep our own basic principles into the economic globalization to get more benefit.


Developing Economy or Protection the Environment Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale. First, they hold that many people are living in poverty and can afford the basic schooling for their children, who often have to drop out of school halfway. Second, they believe only by further develop our economy can we strike a balance between the developed east and the developing west and finally we help the poor get rid of poverty and gain an overall prosperity. 有些人认为,最紧迫的任务是要发展进行了大规模的。首先,他们认为,许非常多,艺术设计多的确是的爱好艺术的确是的人生活在贫困和 不起这个基本教育他们的孩子,他们常常不得不辍学。第二,他们认为只有通过进一步发展我们的经济能够我们之间找到平衡点的东部和西部大开发研制,最后我们帮助穷人摆脱贫困,获得全面繁荣。 On the other hand, there are many people who insist that environment protection should be a top priority. First, they claim that we have only one mother earth. If our ecological environment is heavily polluted or ruined, we could not even survive on this planet. Second, they believe that it’s the rapid and advanced development of economy that leads to many of the serious problems we are facing today, including the awful pollution of our environment. If the problem is left unsolved, we may soon have no water fit to drink, no clean air to breathe, let alone develop our economy. 另一方面,有很多人坚持认为,环境保护应优先考虑的事情。首先,他们声称,我们只


Along with the advance of the society more and mo re problems are brought to our attention, one of w hich is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, howe ver, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold differe nt attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitu des 有不同的看法) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a lo ng-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have di vergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。


《保护环境的英语作文》 保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。 Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do。 For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise。 If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs。 We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment。 此刻,我们身边的汽车不断的多了起来,环境也越来越糟糕!以至于我们周围的空气有很多有害物质。所以,我们要苏身边的小事做起。比如,我们能够骑自行车上学或者步行,这样还能够锻炼身体。有时光的话能够少用电梯,多爬楼梯。我们不仅仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。 保护环境的英语作文(二): There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to peoples health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。 To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution,to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。 In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。Finally,those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。 保护环境 目前环保还存在着许多问题。最严重的问题就是空气、水和土壤的严重污染。污染的空气对人类的健康十分有害。污染的水引起疼病,造成死亡。更有甚者,随着现代社会的迅速扩建,植被大大的减少。


Globalization With the rapid social and economic development, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. Though we are living in the affection of it, yet it is hard to tell it’s advantages and disadvantages. Globalization phenomenon is an outcome of social development. The typical types are economic globalization, cultural globalization. As we all know, it is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pay more attention on this phenomenon and it’s development trend. Globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let various of cultural get a better communication and development. On the contrary, it also has a lot of disadvantages. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, it make the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, the disputes and even wars may take place between nations. In recent years, great risk of diseases being transported between nations has also become a threaten to people. As the globalization has become an irrevocable trend, we must adjust it. This phenomenon is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Consequently, every person, every


Protect the Environment As everyone knows, the earth is the home on which we live. To protect the environment is to protect our home. So, let us take up the responsibility to protect the environment. The following is my advice. In the first place, just like cultivating good habits, start small. For example, we mustn't throw rubbish everywhere and so on. Second, it is critical for us to raise awareness of protecting the environment. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. We can spread view of protecting the environment. After all, if just a few characters do it, it is not enough. Last but important, the government improved relevant laws and regulations. In a word, as a contemporary youth of China, we should actively protect the environment. 众所周知,地球是我们赖以生存的家园。然而保护环境就是保护我们的家园。所以,让我们担负起保护环境的责任。以下是我的建议。 首先,就像培养良好习惯一样,从小事做起。例如,我们不要随地扔垃圾等等。第二,提高保护环境的意识是至关重要的。所话说,有志者,事竟成嘛。我们可以传播保护环境的思想。毕竟,只有少数人去做是远远不够的。最后,政府完善相关法律法规。 总之,作为中国当代青少年,我们应该积极保护环境。


G l o b a l i z a t i o n With the rapid social and economic development, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. Though we are living in the affection of it, yet it is hard to tell it’s advantages and disadvantages. Globalization phenomenon is an outcome of social development. The typical types are economic globalization, cultural globalization. As we all know, it is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pay more attention on this phenomenon and it’s development trend. Globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let various of cultural get a better communication and development. On the contrary, it also has a lot of disadvantages. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, it make the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, the disputes and even wars may take place between nations. In recent years, great risk of diseases being transported between nations has also become a threaten to people. As the globalization has become an irrevocable trend, we must adjust it. This phenomenon is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Consequently, every person, every nation should try the best to get a good position in the process of globalization and make full use of such a vital chance to be stronger.


全球化的影响 范文(一) Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference between countries is disappearing. To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this? Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture. However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization. During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization. For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.

全球化是机遇 英语作文

Globalization:challenge or opportunity? With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent.Globalization has become a unstoppable trend. Different people have different point of views.Some people believe that globalization is an opportunity,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life from globalization.Whereas others argue that it is a challenge because the developing countries suffered a series of environmental pollution problems. As far as I'm concerned, globalization is an opportunity. First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries. Second, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship. Third, globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones. To sum up,we should keep a positive attitude toward it, take good use of it and avoid disadvantages at the same time. There will be a better world where all the people can have a brighter future.
