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THE VICE 1 PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. I’m Joe Biden -- I’ll Jill Biden’s husband -- (laughter) -- which is how I’m getting to be known around here.You’re about to -- we decided 2 to bring in the second team now to talk to you all. (Laughter.) Folks, welcome back to the White House. And for those of you who -- this is your first visit as governor, welcome and congratulations on your elections.

You know, over the last two years the new governors -- the older govern ors will tell you, or at least the ones who’ve been around for two years, will tell you they probably got tired of hearing from me. I was on the phone with you all so often during the Recovery Act. I know none of you liked the Recovery Act much. (Laughter.)

But I just want to start off(出发,开始) by thanking the governors who’ve been here for the last two years for the way in which you implemented 3 (实施,执行) it. I just wanted to give you a little fact. There were over 75,000

individual projects that went on in your states and a total of 250,000 awards, meaning a check had to be cut to 250,000 different entities 4 . And a group of IGs and outside examiners pointed 5 out there’s less than 1/100th of 1 percent of fraud in the entire operation. An d that’s because of you. That’s because of all of you. (Applause.) And it’s because of the mayors.

The new governors, although there’s no Recovery Act, there will a be continued relationship between the federal and state and local government, and we plan on trying to use that as a template(模板,样板) as to how to move forward so we save taxpayers 6 money.

The recovery is underway, although I’m sure a lot of you, having to cut your budgets, don’t feel it.It’s a very difficult time for you all. And I just want you to know that I think we probably can all agree on the major initiatives. We may have a different prioritization, but we all know we have to do something about the long-term debt. We all know that we have to do something about preparing ourselves to

compete in the future in terms of education, innovation and infrastructure 7 .

But I want to remind you all that -- I know you all know but sometimes our constituents 8 (成分) , you look at some of the polling, they think we’ve al ready lost the future to China. They think we’ve already lost the future to

India. They already think we are behind the eight ball.

We are still better positioned than any country in the world -- any country in the world -- to own the 21st century economically. Our GDP is bigger than that of China, Japan and Germany combined. We’re in a situation where here in the United States of America the median income is close to $50,000. In China, it’s $4,500. We wish them better. But just to put this in perspective, it’s important to know where we stand now, the platform from which we now operate, and why if we do the right things we have an overwhelming prospect 9 -- an overwhelming prospect -- of not only recovery here in the United States but leading the world in the 21st century.
