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Final Test for English Majors of 2002

(Advanced English)

I. Choose the best answer: 25%

1. She gave thanks for our contribution.

A. procure

B. profuse

C. profound

D. prodigious

2. and conspiracy will not succeed; the government will not be defeated.

A. Subscription

B. Subsidence

C. Submission

D. Subversion

3. A good friend will not desert one in time of .

A. adversary

B. adverse

C. adversity

D. advent

4. The psychiatrist gave that the man was insane at that time.

A. evidence

B. argument

C. witness

D. testimony

5. She is a woman of erect and handsome .

A. carriage

B. figure

C. personage

D. appearance

6. His with everything we suggest makes it hard to know what he really feels.

A. alliance

B. compliment

C. compliance

D. compassion

7. Diligent police work will help crime.

A. endorse

B. eradicate

C. fluctuate

D. radiate

8. Nutritionists food into seven basic groups.

A. categorize

B. clarify

C. ratify

D. separate

9. Only states are able to make treaties.

A. sovereignty

B. sovereign

C. democratic

D. democracy

10. diseases may be spread by viruses and bacteria.

A. Deadly

B. Mortal

C. Fatal

D. Infectious

11. His only is an occasional game of golf.

A. diversification

B. diversion

C. diversity

D. divergence

12. One of California‟s most problems is an inadequate water supply.

A. acute

B. unusual

C. persistent

D. unexpected

13. Large areas of Alaskan land remain due to harsh climate.

A. inaccessible

B. immature

C. desolate

D. parched

14. Constant interruption of his work him.

A. threshed

B. tormented

C. exasperated

D. evaporated

15. The people under dictatorial rule.

A. lavished

B. languished

C. languid

D. lamented

16. Do you think he will his seat in the Senate?

A. relinguish

B. cede

C. demolish

D. disregard

17. He was convinced that he had in him the of a great painter.

A. outcome

B. makings

C. requirements

D. consequence

18. If you saw a doctor leaving a house, you might the fact that someone in the house was ill.

A. deduce

B. induce

C. conduce

D. produce

19. When the discovery was first announced, many scholars were .

A. unbelievable

B. disbelieved

C. incredible

D. incredulous

20. The seeing-eye dog was the blind man‟s companion.

A. constant

B. staunch

C. loyal

D. faithful

21. Your work will , but try to improve it.

A. get to

B. get at

C. get by

D. get round

22. Mr. Jones his daughter when she married against his wishes.

A. shrank from

B. cast off

C. cut up

D. loomed as

23. “We cannot know anything, because we intuitive realize that our thoughts are unreliable.” This argument is the logical fallacy called .

A. Dicto Simpliciter

B. Post Hoc

C. Contradictory Premises

D. Hasty Generalization

24. In Kennedy‟s inaugral address, his argument and persuasion was based mainly on .

A. facts and logic

B. concepts and ideas

C. an apeal to emotion

D. rehetorical devices

25. “Frankenstein” is the title character in a novel by .

A. Mary Wollstonecraft shelley

B. Max shulman

C. Henry Fairlie

D. George Orwell

II. Give the meanings of the following American colloquial expressions or slangs: 15%

1. rat

2. knothead

3. mad

4. dreamy

5. yummy

6. cute
