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positive favorable(dis)approval

supportive defensive negative

objection critical opposition

objective subjective optimistic

indifferent compromising uninterested

questioning disappointed concerned

neutral cautious pessimistic

biased suspicious doubtful


论点:认为,相信:argue , argument , believe , suppose, think , be convinced that [相信] , hold the belief that … , have a notion that …, view…as , regard….as , see…as, consider….to be, reckon [算作,设想],

论据: for example , for instance , specifically, take… as an example

like , such as … , Imagine …. ,

调查研究:investigation , inquiry [hold an inquiry into a case对一个案子进行调查]

research, study, survey, report , questionnaire[调查问卷],measurement ,


得出结论:conclude th at … ,come to a conclusion that …. ,

draw a conclusion that …

表明,发现:show , suggest , demonstrate , manifest [清楚地显示或表示]

display, find , find out, discover, reveal , prove

indicate, imply,

预测、预报、预言:forecast , foretell, foresee, predict

表示赞同:agree, appreciate意识到, 懂得, approve赞成、批准, consent to同意

表示反对:against , disagree, disapprove, dissent from, object to ,

be opposed to反对

表示事实:belief , fact , reality, truth

表示理论,设想:assumption , theory, hypothesis [假设]

表示目的:to do, aim at, for the sake of , for , serve as, in favor of [有利于],

for the purpose of, intend to do ,


expert , specialist , professor , associate professor [副教授],sociologist [社会学家],economist, linguist[语言学家],consultant [顾问] psychologist [心理学家],

behaviorist [行为学家],philosopher[哲学家] , anthropologist [人类学家],

archaeologist [考古学家]



原因:后接句子--- Because, since , as , for

后接词组--- because of , thanks to由于,多亏, owing to 由于, 因...之缘故, due to , as a result of 作为结果,

by/in virtue of [由于]

* The movie touched me by virtue of its story.

结果:so(that), accordingly[因此];as a result; consequently; for this

(that)reason; hence; therefore


比如A 是因,B是果:Greenhouse effect is responsible for weather change

A account for / be responsible for B

A cause / lead to / result in / bring about / bring on / trigger /give rise to B


“但是,然而”:but , however; yet , nevertheless, whereas

“尽管,虽然”:后接句子--- although , though, even though , while ,#


后接词组--- despite; in spite of

“相反地”:conversely[相反地] ; on the contrary;

“另一方面”:on the other hand;


by comparison ; in contrast (相比之下); in the same way; similarly


also; besides; furthermore; in addition; in particular(特别地)more importantly; moreover; What’s more


in brief; in conclusion; in short; in a word , in sum; to sum up; on the whole , to conclude


and , or , at the same time, meanwhile , as well as


1.积极:approving 赞许的,,optimistic 乐观的, sympathetic 同情的, consent 赞成

2.消极:negative否定的,消极的,反面的,pessimistic 悲观的,apprehensive 忧虑的,reserved 有保留的,内向的,arbitrary武断的, biased有偏见的,偏心的, partial 不公平的, critical 持批评态度的, depressing 令人沮丧的,disappointing令人失望的, doubtful怀疑的,object反对, be opposed to/opposing反对的, scared惊恐的,panick恐慌, sensitive敏感的,subjective主观的, suspicious怀疑的

3.中性:objective 客观的,impartial 公平的, unbiased公正的

4. 情绪:anger愤怒, indignant 愤怒的r, happy高兴的, contempt轻视, gloomy沮丧的

5.其它:surprized惊奇的, amazed惊奇的, puzzled迷惑的, ambiguous模棱两可的, neutral 中立的,indifferent漠不关心的, subjective 主观的
