
(sample letter of intent form)

letter of intent for possible

contract for sale of assets

possible seller: _____________________________

possible buyer: _____________________________

business: _____________________________

date: ______________, 20_____

this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible seller named above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is not a legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer. the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.

____________________________ ________________________



____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________







日期:______________, 20_____




____________________________ 签字


Date: April 22nd, 2013 To, M/S.*******Company Co. Ltd Attn: Mr. Tel: Fax: Address: 日期: 2013年4月22日致: M/S.*********有限公司致:先生 电话: 传真: 地址: Subject: Letter of Procurement Intent 主题:采购意向书 Dear Mr. ****, We, the undersigned, are willing and able to purchase the following commodity as specified in the terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth. 亲爱的****先生: 我方公司有能力与意愿,准备依据下列规格和所示条款条件来采购如下产品: S n Product Name/品名 Specification s/规格 Quantity/ 数量 UnitPrice(US D)/单价(美元) Material/材质 1 Shuttering/模 板2.44m*1.22m *14mm 8000m2/ 平米 3.8/m2 Wooden/木质 2 Square Timber/ 木方50*100mm 20m3/立 方 1.4/m Hemlock/铁杉 木

Port of Delivery: Dubai 交货港:迪拜 INCONTERMS: CIF 出货条款:CIF Packing: Standard Export Packing 包装:标准出口包装 Shipping: Within 15 days after receipt of 30% deposit. 船运:收到30%订金后15天内. T erms of Payment: T/T 30% in advance and 70% balance when see the B/L copy. 付款方式:电汇预付30%,收到提单后付清余下70%. This is for your information and action. Best wishes For *********Company ~Page 2of 2 ~


合同意向书范本 潜在资产出让合同意向书 潜在卖方:_____________________________ 潜在买方:_____________________________ 交易事项:_____________________________ 日期:______________, 20_____ 本意向书不具有约束力,所包含之条款有待上述潜在卖方与买方就可能发生之交易(本处应指“资产出让”)进行磋商。本意向书不应被视为任何合同、或具有法律约束力的协议,而应视作仅为磋商之目的而订立的有关本意向书项下可能达成之合同的条款概述。签署本意向书之目的是为了能够便于潜在买方就购买价格筹措资金。双方应对本意向书之内容保密,且除了本意向书项下双方及其雇员、律师、会计师和潜在买方之潜在贷款方之外,不得向任何其他第三方透露。本次磋商之交易条款随附其后,但是除非潜在的买卖双方签署书面协议,这些条款(及潜在出让本身)将不具有约束力。随附条款中“应该”一词仅为合同阅读之惯例,并不意味随附之条款具有或将要具有法律约束力。 ____________________________ 签字 ____________________________ 签字 LETTER OF INTENT FOR POSSIBLE CONTRACT FOR SALE OF ASSETS Possible Seller: _____________________________ Possible Buyer: _____________________________ Business: _____________________________ Date: ______________, 20_____ This is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the Business named above from the possible Seller named above to the possible Buyer named above. This is not a contract. This is not a legally binding agreement. This is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. This is being signed in order to enable the Possible Buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. This letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and


员工续签合同意向书 篇一:员工合同续签意向书 上海临港泥城经济发展有限公司 劳动合同续签意向书 (合同制) 公司人力资源部: 关于本人劳动合同到期续订事项,经慎重考虑,意向如下: 1、□愿意与公司续订固定期劳动合同 2、□不愿与公司续订劳动合同。 以上为本人真实意愿。 员工(签章): 年月日 篇二:续签劳动合同意向书 续签劳动合同意向书 _____________员工: 一、你与本公司签订的当期劳动合同将于______年_____月_____日期满。关于续签事宜,现发意向书征求你个人的意见;请于以下“员工意向回签”部分签署意见; 二、说明:具体签订以最终双方协商为准;收到此通知书后请于______年___月___日前交回本意向书; 过期此通知书失效,视为你自动放弃续签劳动合同。

特此通知 签发部门:人力资源部签发人:发出时间:年月日———————————————————————————————————————— 员工意向回签(在确定选项前的方框中打“√”,限选一项) 不再续签劳动合同 签有固定期限劳动合同并希望续签________年□□□签订无固定期限劳动合同 员工签名:回交日期: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ 续签劳动合同意向书(接收凭证) _____________员工: 一、你与本公司签订的当期劳动合同将于______年_____月_____日期满。关于续签事宜,现发意向书征求你个人的意见,请于以下“员工意向回签”部分签署意见; 二、说明:具体签订以最终双方协商为准;收到此通知书后请于______年___月___日前交回本意向书; 过期此通知书失效,视为你自动放弃续签劳动合同。 特此通知


合作意向书,英文 篇一:英文版合作意向书 LOI English Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd And Dart Energy PTE LTD And Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd Letter of Intent on Cooperative Development of Unconventional Gas Dated: May 20, 2013 Cooperating Parties: Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd Party B: Dart Energy PTE LTD Party C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd A. Precondition to the Cooperation 1. Party A is a business entity incorporated under the approval of Henan Provincial Government. It is responsible exclusively for coal bed methane (CBM) exploration, extraction and production, development and utilization in Henan Province and is

the first provincial CBM development and utilization company in China. Party A has obtained the qualification to exclusively cooperate with foreign enterprises. 2. Party B is a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Singapore. The company has the technical and capital capabilities of t assessing CBM resources, designing appraisal and pilot drilling programs and subject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre-drainage of several coal mining areas. 3. Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization of automotive new energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the company has eight CNG gas stations, two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas station in operation. 4. It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry out


PURCHASE ORDER 采购合同 合同编号( Contract No.):日期(Date): 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d5033257.html,modity, Quantity and Price: 1.1. The contract price will be calculated based on the actual shipping quantity. 结算总金额以实际发货数量计算。 1.2. The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales. 装箱单应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 1.3 As seller's parking list indicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2. Shipment 装运: 2.1 The seller is responsible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 2.2 Package: opp bag


YOUR LOGO 中英文合同意向书范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

中英文合同意向书范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 (sample letter of intent form) letter of intent for possiblecontract for sale o f assetspossible seller: _______________possible bu yer: _______________business: _______________date: _ _____________, 20_____ this is a non- binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible s eller named above to the possible buyer named a bove. this is not a contract. this is not a l egally binding agreement. this is merely an outl ine of possible contract terms for discussion pu rposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to a nyone other than the parties and their employees


合同签订意向书 篇一:签订劳动合同意向书(经典) 签订劳动合同意向书(存根) 存根编号( RLQDXX001 )员工姓名:通知发出时间:200 年月日 公司经研究决定,拟与你签订劳动合同,请于200 年月日前交回《回执》,到公司人力资源部签订劳动合同,逾期未签订并同期未交回《回执》视为不同意(放弃)签订劳动合同。劳动合同起始时间自200年月日起。合同期限为: ①固定期限年(); ②以完成一定工作任务为期限(),安排到部门(项目部),至(工作任务)完成时终止。 通知送达方式: 直接送达()特快专递()电报()电汇() 其他()《回执》交回时间:200 年月日接收人签字:经办人:注:原则上为本部门或项目部负责人、人力资源部经办人 (《回执》粘贴处) 签订劳动合同意向书(一联) 编号( RLQDXX001 )本通知送达单位:员工姓名: 公司经研究决定,拟与你签订劳动合同,请于200 年月日前交回《回执》,到公司人力资源部签订劳动合同,逾

期未签订并同期未交回《回执》视为不同意(放弃)签订劳动合同。劳动合同起始时间自200年月日起。合同期限为: ①固定期限年(); ②以完成一定工作任务为期限(),安排到部门(项目部),至(工作任务)完成时终止。 特此通知。 联系电话:联系人: 公司全称(公章): 200年月日 签订劳动合同意向书《回执》(二联) 编号 ( RLQDXX001 ) Xxxx单位: 本人同意下列选项(“√”): 1、同意公司在《签订劳动合同意向书》中表达的意见()。 2、本人不同意与公司签订劳动合同()。 员工本人(签字): 200 年月日 篇二:签订劳动合同意向书 宁夏青铜峡水泥股份有限公司 NingXia QingTongXia Cement Co.,Ltd 签订劳动合同意向书


商品买卖合同 合同编号(Contract ):NO Goods Sales Contract 买 方(Buyer): 营业执照号码(身份证号) Business License No.(ID No.): 卖 方(Seller): 营业执照号码Business License No.: 签订时间Signing date : 签订地点Signing place : 经双方协商同意,按照<<中华人民共和国合同法>>,签订本合同,并严格遵守履行。 一、标的、金额 the subject and amount 买方向卖方购买如下商品: 货 号 Item No 商 品 名 称 Description 型 号(规格)Mode l No.(specification)) 数 量 Quantity 单 位 Unit 单 价 Unit price 金 额A mount 备 注Rem arks 合计人民币金额(大 写): 佰 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元整 (空格不够,可附页。凭样定货的,双方可另附约定。) 二、交提(货)日期 Goods delivery date or delivery time 交提(货)时间: 年 月 日,卖方经买方同意,可提前供货。 三、交提(货)地点 Goods delivery place : 。 四、交提(货)方式 Means of goods delivery :第 种 1.卖方送货 2.卖方代运3.买方自提4.其他 。买方收货时,由收货员签字,在送货单上加盖公章或收货专用章。 五、 商品质量(标准)The commodity quality (standard):第 种1.国家标准2.行业标准3.企业标准4、样品标准5、双方另行约定 。凭样交货的商品,应与双方确认的样品及其说明的质量相同,样品应当由双方签章封样保存。如对商品有特殊要求的,可另行约定。合格率低于 ℅为该批商品不合格,买方有权拒收。 六、商品验收Goods inspection and acceptance 验收时间:第 种1.当场验收2. 交货日前 天内验收3.交货后 天内验收。验收方法:第 种1.逐件2.抽样3.其他


战略合作意向书英文 【篇一:战略合作协议书(中英)】 战略合作协议书 strategic cooperation agreement 甲方: party a: 乙方: 甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、共同促进发展的原则,就化石燃料燃烧 优化及尾气处理技术研究事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议: in accordance with the principle of equity and free will, and common development, party a and party b have arrived at the following agreement by friendly negotiation in terms of 一、甲方的权利义务 i. party a’s right and obligation 1 2、甲方帮助乙方争取新技术试点与推广,协助解决乙方在行业发展 过程中的问题。 3 4、甲方支持乙方展开多种形式的互动交流与合作。 1. party a shall provide 4. party a shall be in support of p arty b’s interactive exchange and cooperation in various forms. 二、乙方权利义务 ii. party b’s right and obligation 12 3 4、乙方有义务执行双方所达成的决议,维护彼此的合法权益。 1. party b is entitled to 4. party b is obliged to carry out the agreement concluded by both parties, and safeguard the legitimate rights and obligations of each other. 三、其它 iii. others 1、甲、乙双方中任何一方欲变更、解除本协议,必须采取书面形式,解除协议需提前一个月向对方提出。


采购意向书中英文 篇一:MODEL_LOI_采购意向书英文模板 Dated: __________________________ To : Dear Sirs: hereby declare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase the following commodity as specified below and certify that we have available full funding fo r the purchase: NAME OF THE PRODUCT : SPECIFICATIONS : Quantity: Quantity per shipment per month: Quantity the Letter of Credit will be issued for: Port of Delivery: Contract duration: Packing: Discharge rate per day at port of delivery: Price: Terms of Payment: Please specify the type of LC/payment you wish to offer: DLC, RLC, FFDLC, FFRLC, or SBLC Full Name of the Bank : Full Address of the Bank:Bank Telephone No: Bank Fax No:


(sample letter of intent form) letter of intent for possible contract for sale of assets possible seller: _____________________________ possible buyer: _____________________________ business: _____________________________ date: ______________, 20_____ this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible seller named above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is not a legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer. the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________


意向书与合同的区别 一、两者的概念 合同:实践中,合同可以以不同的名称出现,如合同,合同书,协议,协议书,备忘录、契约等。 意向书:意向书是双方当事人通过初步洽商,就各自的意愿达成一致认识而签定的书面文件,是双方进行实质性谈判的依据,是签订协议(合同)的前奏。 二、两者的区别 1、内容不同 合同的内容是合同签订主体之间的民事权利义务关系,而意向书的内容仅是合同签订主体就某一事项共同意识的一致认定,并不是双方民事权利义务关系。 2、签订时间 合同的签订时间是双方就权利义务关系达成一致协议后签订,而意向书是双方就某一事项达成共识后就可以签订。 3、法律后果 合同的签订会导致法律效力的产生,对签约主体具有约束力,而意向书的签订不会导致法律效力的产生,对签约主体不具有约定力。但有的意向书具备了签约主体之间法律权利义务关系的内容,因此是对签约主体具备法律约束力的,实际上已经属于合同了,只是名称不同而已。所以意向书不能片面的认为具备法律效力或不具备法律效力,关键还是要看其内容是否具备了合同的内容。 三、两者的联系 签订意向书是签订合同的基础,但并不是所有合同的签订都必须签订意向书。意向书的签订是为了合同签约主体就彼此权利义务能顺利达成一致,是为了合同的顺利签订。而合同签订往往是在意向书的内容基础上所签订的,所以意向书的内容往往会影响合同签定的内容。 四、两者区别的意义 1、弄清两者区别,可以指引我们在实践正确选择两者的用法; 2、弄清两者区别,可以正确认识签订两者的法律后果。 总结语: 合同意向书与合同的区别关键是看是否具备双方权利义务内容,而不能仅仅只简单地从



意向书中英文 篇一:合作意向书(中英对照) 羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书 Letter of Agreement (For the Cooperation On Knitted Sweater Workshop) 甲方Party A: 乙方Party B: 双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向: Through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following: 一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。 1. Agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是: 额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 Both parties will invest_***$ on the project. PartyA will provide fund and workshop facilities as investment, accounting for 51% share. PartyB will provide the processing equipment, accounting for 49% share. 二、甲乙双方各自负责

2. 甲方应做好以下工作Resonsibilities For PartyA: 1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地XX平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本; 1) Rent out the production and official field XXm2 (including warehouse) to the cooperative workshop. The rental should be lower than the market price and should be listed as a production cost of workshop. 2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本; 2) Provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop. 3、负责设备进口的相关税费; 3) Relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment. 4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本 4) Transportation and installation fee in Chinese Mainland, which is listed as the production cost of workshop.. 乙方应做好以下工作Responsibilities For PartyB: 1. 负责产品开发、销售; 1) Development , marketing and sales of the product


date: april 22nd, 2013 to, tel: fax: address: 日期: 2013年4月22日致: m/s.*********有限公司致:先生电话:传真:地址: 主题:采购意向书 dear mr. ****, 我方公司有能力与意愿,准备依据下列规格和所示条款条件来采购如 port of delivery: dubai 交货港:迪拜 inconterms: cif 出货条款:cif packing: standard export packing 包装:标准出口包装 shipping: within 15 days after receipt of 30% deposit. 船运:收到30%订金后15 天内. terms of payment: t/t 30% in advance and 70% balance when see the b/l copy. 付款方式:电汇预付30%,收到提单后付清余下70%. this is for your information and action. best wishes ~page 2of 2 ~篇二:中英文合同意向书范本 中英文:合同意向书范本 business: _____________________________ date: ______________ 20_____ this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible seller named above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is not a legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer. the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto but the terms and the possible sale itself are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word shall is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ witnesses ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ witnesses (合同意向书范本) 潜在资产出让合同意向书 潜在卖方_____________________________ 潜在买方_____________________________ 交易事项_____________________________ 日期______________ 20_____ 本意向书不具有约束力所包含之条款有待上述潜在卖方与买方就可能发生之交易本处应 指“资产出让”进行磋商。本意向书不应被视为任何合同、或具有法律约束力的协议而应视 作仅为磋商之目的而订立的有关本意向书项下可能达成之合同的条款概述。签署本意向书之


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 续签合同意向书范本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

篇一:续签协议书 续期补充协议书 甲方:(出资方) 乙方:(实际操盘方) 甲、乙双方于年月日签署了编号为的股票配资合作 《协议书》,并于年月日签署了《补充协议书》,因原约 定的合作期限到期,现双方就合作期限事宜补充约定如下: 1、双方同意合作期限延后一个月,即原《协议书》约 定的合作期限截止日由年月日顺延至年月日。” 2、合作期限顺延之后,甲方原始资金的管理费按照原 协议约定的标准执行。 3、除补充协议特别约定的之外,双方的各项权利义务 均按照原《协议书》的约定执行。 4、本补充协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自双方签字之日起生效。 甲方:(出资方)乙方:(实际操盘方) 日期:日期: 篇二:合同续签协议书 合同续签协议书

甲方: 乙方: 鉴于甲乙双方在年月》(以下简称“原合同”)中约定 由乙方为甲方提供服务,因原合同即将到期,甲乙双方乂 有继续合作的意愿,故双方经协商一致,就原合同有效期延长之有关事宜约定如下: 一、在本续签协议有效期间内,双方的各项权利义务关系均适用原合同。 二、本续签协议有效期为年,即自年月日起至年月日止,甲乙双方可于本协议到期之日前协商再次续签之有关事宜。 三、本协议只涉及对原合同有效期限的变更,原合同所涉及的费用、服务内容及甲乙双方权利义务等其它合同内容均不发生变化。本协议一式贰份,双方各执壹份,各份具有同等效力。 甲方: 授权代表: 签订日期: 乙方:授权代表:签订日期: 篇三:续签合同意向书 续签《劳动合同》意向书 女士 /先生: 您与公司在年月日所签的《劳动合同》将于年


合作意向书范本 合作意向书范本 合作意向书范本 甲方: 乙方: 为满足各自经济利益,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、平等合作的原则,达成合约: 一、乙方应具备如下基本前提条件: 乙方对该专案已经完成书面可行性建设方案与商业实施方案; 该项目已经中国政府同意并批准进行建设与经营; 乙方对该项目具备合法、独立的建设权与经营权; 乙方能够独立落实并完成项目投资各项基本实施条件并提供办理的相关手续; 乙方对于向甲方就该项目所提供的相关书面档的真实、合法与有效性能够承担法律责任,并有经济实力与甲方共同完成投资合作过程中所发生的经济成本; 二、在乙方提供相关项目资料后,甲方认为乙方有能力满足上述第一条款的所有内容,则开始执行如下协议条款: 三、甲方与乙方就------项目合作,项目投资总额为亿元人民币,乙方需甲方对该项目投入前期资金亿元人民币; 四、甲乙双方约定项目合作期为年; 五、甲乙双方合作,甲方认可对该项目投入现汇为合作条件,乙方认可以自有资产或项目资产作为合作条件及投资资本金偿还抵押与

向甲方利润分配保障。乙方确认在合作期内自有项目的净收益值为亿元人民币; 六、甲方向乙方项目现汇投入币种为币,按投入当期汇率兑换人民币,多余兑换金额由甲方即时收回; 七、甲乙双方就专案合作,建成后专案总资产所有权明确归属于乙方所有; 八、甲乙双方合作,乙方可依据众多会计师事务所中可能实际出现的最低收费价格和甲方每次有可能投入的实际合作资金为上限来确认每次最高评估价值,并办理资产评估的相关手续和支付评估费用。乙方专案经营现状需在签约所在地并由具备国际专业水准机构进行评估与审计,经甲方确认后作为投资法律保障,在与乙方办理合作抵押手续之后,即时投入合作资本;如果甲方根据中国境内专业律师机构出具的有关尽职调查报告认为乙方的情况比较特殊,虽然未做评估与审计,但已可根据乙方所提供的相关项目资料和甲方去乙方所在地所进行的前期实地考察,确认乙方具备投资条件,则在乙方能够以现实自有资产或项目资产作为抵押并与甲方办理合作抵押手续之后,甲方应将首批合作资金万元在个工作日内以甲乙双方认可的方式投入,余款按乙方根据项目专案建设进度向甲方提出相关书面申请并经甲方回函确认后分批投入; 九、甲方对乙方项目投资,在双方约定合作期内,乙方按照甲乙双方约定的每年 %的投资收益比例以及甲方实际投入资金数量,每年向甲方分配经营利润,直至合作期满; 十、甲乙双方合作期内,乙方自由计划偿还甲方投入资本金,于合作期满时,乙方需无条件全额偿还甲方投入资本金;


IRREVOCABLE COMMISSION AGREEMENT 佣金协议 本佣金协议书于2013年08月日在中国北京由双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This Commission Agreement ("Agreement" is between the parties concerned on August , 2013 in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码: Contract No. : 1. 协议开始日期: AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE: 本协议从 ___________ , 2013开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 2013. 2. 协议方: PARTIES: 本协议涉及以下各方: This agreement is made and entered by and between: 甲方: PARTY A: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: AND 和 乙方: PARTY B:
