江苏六年级上英语培优检测检测试题2020秋( 第一单元)含答案

江苏六年级上英语培优检测检测试题2020秋(  第一单元)含答案
江苏六年级上英语培优检测检测试题2020秋(  第一单元)含答案

学校_______________ 班级_________ 姓名_______________ 考场____________ 考号_________________ ………………………

装………订………线………外………不………得………答………题……………… 江苏六年级上英语培优检测试题 2020秋(第一单元)



2019-2020年六年级英语培优试题二 一、单词大变身。(10分) 1. It’s a ________ (sun) day today. 2. Little water drop goes _________ (high) and ________ (high). 3. Hello, Mr. Wind. Nice _____________ (meet) you again. 4. Can you help me ________ (go) up to the sky again? 5. You can see a sprout in several ________ (day). 6. What should you ________ (do) then? 7. I can see a sprout. I’m so __________ (excite). 8. My plant has two green ___________ (leaf). 9. Do you know how __________ (make) it? 10. Is he still ___________ (make) popcorn? 二、看图连线。(5分) vapour lovely sprout fall cloud 三、排排队,组合成正确的句子。(15分) 1. sprout, several, you, see, the, can, days, in. 2. tree, you, a, how, plant, do 3. some, pot, I, into, a, put, seeds 4. sun, it, now, the, is, in 5. is, lovely, it, so 6.does, the, come, where, rain, from(?) https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d7280843.html,es, the, vapour, from, the, cloud(?) 1 8.the, can, water, how, become, vapour(?) 9.shines, sun, and, the, becomes, water, the,vapour(?)


小学六年级英语培优补差计划 培优补差工作历来是教育工作成效的一个关键因素,优中培优能够提高学校的知名度,而差中补差从而使其优,则可以提高学校的升学率。但培优补差工作又是学校中作一项最艰巨的任务,一方面它关系到学校的存亡,另一方面它又需要每个老师共同努力,付出自己的最大努力。踏入教师行业一年多,我时刻认识到这点的重要性,只是由于种种原因,我在这方面做得并不好。经过一番认真的思考,本学期,我将从以下几个方面努力去做好培优补差工作,以改善自己的教学方法,提高自己的教学效率。 首先,合理分组,优中培优。课对于六年级的学生来说史关键,因此,打好学生的英语基础,对其今后的学习和生活也会更有影响。本学期,我将努力改善自己的课堂效率,将学生进行合理的分组,争取每节课都给学生布置相应的任务,同时给其留有一定的空闲时间,引导其自主创新。特别是对于操作能力较强,课堂上又吃不饱的学生,要给其布置更为艰巨的任务,充分发挥其独创性。同时,利用学校或者上级部门组织的活动,对部分操作能力较强的学生进行特别培训,让其多多接触一些新的视野,操作技能上更上一层楼。 其次,互帮互助,优中带差。对于英语课老师来说,学习差的学生往往是学习作风懒散又兴趣不高的学生,这一点

有其自身的原因也有教师的原因,特别是教师的课堂效率不高也是影响这些学生学习积极性的一个主要因素。因此,在这方面我将努力提高自身的专业素养,创造一些较为丰富的课堂情境,提高课堂效率,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。此外,课堂上布置任务体现分层的原则,不同的学生区别对待,特别是后进生,应给他们提供一些较为简单或者经过努力后能够完成的任务,以提高他们的自信心,不打消他们的积极性。同时,对于课堂上偶尔出现的他们解决不了的任务,充分利用分组的作用,让学生互帮互助,实在解决不了的问题,教师予以引导,共同努力共同解决。 最后,挤出时间,关注学生学习的。无论是学优生还是学差生,他们在学习的过程中都回多多少少存在一些心理问题,这不免会影响学生学习的效率,从而出现学习下降的现象。因此,平时多观察,及时发现,及时引导,这对学生的学习是很有帮助的。在这方面,本学期,我会更加注意,特别是课堂上出现问题的学生将成为我课下关照的对象,此外,尽可能当天问题当天解决,以免拖后效果不佳。 总之,培优补差差工作是一项艰巨的任务,它需要教师有足够的重视和努力的付出。相信,在今后的中,自己努力付出,就会做得更好。


小学2017—2018学年度第二学期阶段性检测 六年级英语试题 班级_____ 姓名_____ 等级_____ 听力部分 一、听句子,选出你所听到的句子所含的那个单词。 ( )I A burk B bark C break ( )2.A exercises B exercise C surprised ( )3.A interested B interesting C interest ( )4.A videos B video C wideo ( )5.A living B. live C lived 听问句选答语。根据听到的句子选择恰当的答答语。 ( )1.A .In October 2003. B in October 2001. C In October 2005. ( )2. A.Yes, he wasn’t. B Yes, he was C No, he wasn’t. ( )3. A. She was born in the US. B. She was born in 1880. C. She was born in England. ( )4.A. Learn to speak. B. Learn to spell. C. Learn to write. ( )5.A..Because I'm happy. B Because I' m sad. C Because I’m bored. 三、听小对话及问题,选择恰当的答语 ( )1. A. She is buying a present. B He is buying a present. C. He buys for his sister. ( )2.A.twenty-one. B. twenty-three C. twenty-five ( )3.A In 1880. B. In the US. C. In England. ( )4.A Lost his pen. B. Lost my pen. C. Like crying. ( )5.A. On the bus. B. On the train. C. Visit his grandma. 四、听短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是T否F相符。 ( )1. My good friend is a girl. ( )2. My friend is from Canada. ( )3. He is 171cm tall. ( )4. He likes going hiking and taking pictures. ( )5. We are sad together. 五、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将其句子补充完整。


六年级英语培优补差工作计划 -----林坤海一、主要目的: 培优辅差,就是在课堂上有意识给学生制造机会,发掘并培养一批尖子生,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成扎实基础,协助教师进行辅差活动,全面提高中等生和后进生学习的主动性和积极性,树立起他们学习的勇气和信心,克服自卑的心理,转变学习观念,在学生中形成“赶、帮、超”的学习氛围,从而提高整个班级的教学质量。 二、存在的问题 本学期我继续任教六年级(1)班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,大部分学生学习积极性低,学习目的不是很明确,认为英语课就是枯燥无味的课程,有的不配合老师的教学,如在老师录音或者教读时不愿意张嘴跟读,甚至不完成作业等;当然也有一部分学生的学习能力确实很强,能独立认真的完成每节课布置的任务。针对这一现象,本期需要花大力气做好培优补差工作。 三、具体措施: 1.不歧视学习有困难的学生,不纵容优秀的学生,一视同仁。加强与学生的沟通与交流,对班级的学生进行比较深入细致的了解。尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。

2.经常与家长联系,相互了解学生在家与在校的一些情况,共同促进学生的作业完成情况,培养学习兴趣,树立对学习的信心。 3. 对优等生·潜能生·后进生的确定要谨慎准确,特别是潜力较大的学生,应安排重点辅导;对于优秀生学习的主要目标放在提高分析和解决问题的能力方面,而学困生的主要目标是放在课本知识的掌握和运用上。 4.对于学生的作业完成情况及时地检查,并做出评价。差生经常会出现作业没做好的情况。要能耐心的询问原因,“对症下药”让学生感受到老师的关爱,让学生主动参与学习。 5.培养班级“小老师”,让他们在课后帮助和督促那些学习能力较弱的同学完成学习任务。 在教学中我会努力把培优辅差工作落实到实处,充分发挥各种积极因素,争取让每一位学生都能有不同程度的提高!


六年级英语培优补差计划 一、思想方面的培优补差。 1.做好学生的思想工作,经常和学生谈心,关心他们,关爱他们,让学生觉得老师是重视他们的,激发他们学习的积极性。了解学生们的学习态度、学习习惯、学习方法等。从而根据学生的思想心态进行相应的辅导。 2.定期与学生家长、科任老师联系,进一步了解学生的家庭、生活、思想、课堂等各方面的情况。 二、采取有效培优补差措施。 采用各种措施,做好抓两头促中间的工作,取得较好的效果。 1.课上多给差生展示的机会,多创造机会让他们品尝跳一跳摘果子的乐趣。 2.安排座位时坚持“好差同桌”结为学习对子。即“兵教兵”。 3.课堂练习分成三个层次:第一层“必做题”—基础题,第二层:“选做题”—中等题,第三层“思考题”--拓广题。满足不同层次学生的需要。 4.着力提高四十分钟的教学质量。在备好学生、备好教材、备好练习,上好课的基础上,精编习题。习题设计(或选编习题)紧扣重

点、难点、疑点和热点,面向大多数学生,符合学生的认知规律,有利于巩固“双基”,有利于启发学生思维;习题讲评注意增加信息程度,围绕重点,增加强度,引到学生高度注意,有利于学生学会解答;解答习题注意多角度,一题多解,一题多变,多题一解,扩展思路,培养学生思维的灵活性,培养学生思维的广阔性和变通性;解题训练注意“精”,精选构思巧妙,新颖灵活的典型题,有代表性和针对性的题,练不在数量而在质量,训练多样化。因此各种不同程度的学生都能获得不同的发展。 三、培优补差的具体做法: 1、在培优补差的过程中能做到不歧视学习有困难的学生,不纵容优秀的学生,一视同仁。首先我做到真诚,做到言出必行;其次做到宽容,即能从差生的角度去分析他们的行为对不对 2、根据优差生的实际情况制定学习方案,多给优秀生一些有一定难度的题目让他们进行练习,学困生则根据他们的程度给与相应的题目进行练习和讲解,以达到循序渐进的目的。 3、经常与家长联系,相互了解学生在家与在校的一些情况,共同促进学生的作业情况,培养学习兴趣,树立对学习的信心。 4、对于优秀生学习的主要目标放在提高分析和解决问题的能力方面,而学困生的主要目标是放在课本知识的掌握和运用上。


译林版六上期中检测试卷 听力部分(30分) 一.选出你所听到的内容。10分 ( )1. A.through B. think C.three ( )2. A.shout B.start C.showed ( )3. A.each B.eat C.ear ( )4.A.pear B.wear C.weather ( )5. A.cloudy B.could C.would ( )6. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d7280843.html,ugh B.heavy C.high ( )7. A.looked B.excited C.took ( )8. A.fit B.first C.sad ( )9. A.foolish B.forest C.front ( )10. A.rainy B.holiday C. sunny 二.根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。10分 ( ) 1.A.It’s 20th September. B.It’s Monday. C.It’s cloudy. ( ) 2.A.I went to the park. B. I fly a kite. C.I’m ill. ( ) 3.A.No,it wasn’t. B.Yes,it is. C.No,it isn’t. ( ) 4.Ayes,it was. B.It was cloudy. C.My kite flew away. ( ) 5.A.Yes,there is. B.No,there wasn’t. C.Yes,there were. ( ) 6.A.I am. B.We do. C.He can. ( ) 7.A.Oh,how beautiful! B.It’s beautiful. C.It fits well. ( ) 8.A.On bike. B.On foot. C.By bikes. ( ) 9.A.I went to a farm. B.It was rainy. C.It’s raining. ( ) 10.A.Yes,I am. B.No,I wasn’t. C.Yes, I did. 三、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。10分 ( )1.It was a sunny day today. ( )2.They had a picnic in the park. ( )3.There were not any people in the park. ( )4.They had lunch near the lake. ( )5.They were happy today. 笔试部分(70分) 四、找出每组中不同类的单词。10分 ( )1.A.tell B.say C.sentence ( )2.A.king B. clever C.foolish ( )3.A.was B.go C.were ( )4.A.walk B.summer C.point ( )5.A.people https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d7280843.html,k C.honey ( )6.A.shout https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d7280843.html,ugh C.cloudy ( )7.A.cloud B.rainy C.windy ( )8.A.brought B.became C.paper ( )9.A.lunch B.afternoon C.morning ( )10.A.thirsty B.ask


小学六年级下英语期中冲刺试卷(四) 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共30分) 1.I bought two apples ________ three pears yesterday. A.but B. and C. or D. for 2._________ of the students in our class went camping last month. A. One thirds B. Three quarter C. Third one D. One fifth 3.________ a nice day! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 4.Let us ________ football after school. A. plays B. played C. playing D. play 5.There ________ a tennis match tomorrow. A. is B. will be C. will have D. have 6.Mr. Lin ________ come tonight, but I’m not sure. A. must B. should C. may D. can 7.Tom is ________. He will have his ________ birthday next month. A. twelfth; twelve B. twelve; twelve C. twelfth; twelfth D. twelve; twelfth 8.________ open the door, it’s too cold outside. A. Do B. No C. Not D. Don’t 9.________ beautiful the garden is! A. What a B. How C. How a D. What 10.They will go to cinema, ________? A. do they B. will they C. won’t they D. did they 11.You need be careful when you walk ________ the street. A. with B. cross C. to D. across 12.I am tired today. I will go to bed ________ than yesterday. A. earlier B. later C. early D. late 13.There ________ any water in the cup.


六年级英语培优 一、选择填空 1.Are you students?Yes, A.I am B.we are C.we’re 2.Is this red apple? A.a B.an C.the 3.I have some in my purse.Do you have ? A.money,some B.moneys,some C.money,any 4. are your jobs? A.What,parents’ B.How,parent’s C.What’s parents’ 5.Can you see those ?They’re . A.people,Japanese B.peoples,Japaneses C.peoples,Americas 6.The desk is and Lin Tao’s.It’s 。 A.Jim’s,theirs B.Jim,theirs C.Jim’s their 7.Your coats are wet.Please ? A.put off it B.put them off C.take off them 8.The box is very small,but it’s A.big B.new C.heavy 9. are your shoes? A.Which,Black B.What color,Black ones C.Which,The black ones 10. daughter is that? . A.Who’s,Mr King B.Whose,Mr King’s C.Whose’s Mr King’s 11.Taiwan is China’s island. A.one large B.first largest C.the largest 12.Sally has radio of the two. A.the better B.better C.good 13.Look,Liu Tao football in the playground A.plays B.palying C.is playing 14.Your handwriting is as as . A.better,my B.good,mine C.good,I 15.Can you show me to do? A.how B.what c.why 16.Nancy the piano than I A.plays,well B.plays,better C.plays,good 17.Be next time. A.more carefully B.careful C.careless 18.There is a kite the tree A.in B.on C.between 19.Are you feeling with us? A.happy B.happily C.much happiest 20.There some in the bottle. A.isn’t,juice B.isn’t,juices C.is,juice 21.I my homework yesterday.I can now A.do,playing B.did,play C.did,playing 22.He you tomorrow.He . A.will call,draws a picture B.calls,drew C.will call,is drawing 23.We Chinese kind. A.are B.is C.like 24.He studies very and I can learn a lot him. A.harder,with B.hard,from C.good,from 25.Wang Bing is good Art and he often helps me in A.in,with B.at,with C.at,to 二、短文阅读 (一)Two Mice The story is about two mice.They are friends.One mouse lives in the country.The other lives in the city.One day they meet each other.The one in the country says,“Come and have a look at my house.”They come to a house in a field.The country mouse gives the city mouse nice food.But the city mouse says,“This food is not good.You must come and live with me in the city.” So they go to the house of the city mouse.It is a very good house.Nice food is ready for them to eat.But just when they begin to eat,they hear a great noise,“Run!Run!The cat is coming!”The two friends run away quickly.After some time they come out,the country mouse says to the city,mouse,“I don’t like to live in the city.It’s dangerous.” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F). ( )1.The two mice live in the city. ( )2.The food in the country is not good for the city mouse. ( )3.The city mouse’s house is very bad. ( )4.Suddenly a cat comes when the two mice are ready to eat in the city. ( )5.The country mouse does not like to live in the city. (二)The Number 13 In some foreign countries,some people do not like the number 13.They don’t think 13 is a lucky number.For example,they don’t like to live on the thirteenth floor. My friend Peter has got the same idea.One day,he asked some friends to dinner.When all of his friends arrived,he asked them to sit around the dinner table.He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food.Suddenly,he cried out,“Oh,there are thirteen people here!”Everybody’s face turned white except Mr Brown.He said slowly with a smile on his face,“Don’t worry,dear friends!”We have fourteen people here.My wife will have a baby in a few weeks。” All of them became happy again.“Congratulations!they said to Mr and Mrs Brown.They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening. 根据短文内容选出正确答案 ( )1. were saked to dinner that day. A.Peter and I B.Some of my friends C.10 people D.Some of Peter’s friends. ( )2.Peter began to count the people . A.before dinner B.at dinner time C.after dinner D.when they came in ( )3,My friend Peter the number 13. A.likes B.doesn’t like C.has got D.wants ( )4.Why did their faces turn thite when Peter said there were 13 people? A.Because the table was too small. B.Because they needed another person. C.Because they thought 13 was a lucky number. D.Because they thought 13 was an unlucky number.


六年级英语培优补差计划 一直都比较喜欢英语,因而成为了一位英语老师。本想着小学英语课堂应该是轻松愉快的课堂氛围,和谐友好的师生关系,但在这几年的英语教学中,发现其实并不然。一直有一个最让我头疼的问题,优生偏少,中等生和差生占份额较大。究其原因,可能是,一,英语教师任教的班级较多,差生总数就更多,二,大部分家长是不能够辅导英语的。三,学生的基础不一样,贫富差距悬殊。导致每次测试优生率上不去,差生分数更是上不去。该如何提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成英语基本能力呢?针对这一问题,我一直在寻找答案。 六年级两个班的学生,英语学习情况都不是太理想,优生少,中等生也不多,差生比例却很高。从课堂表现和作业反馈看,优生一般都能积极发言,作业也完成的较好。而后进生由于缺乏学习兴趣和学习积极性,学习习惯差,上课不认真听讲,经常开小差,对基础知识都没有理解和掌握,作业潦草、马虎。学习态度不端正,出项消极和无所谓的态度。没有学习方法,对不懂得也不问,所以培优补差工作显得尤为重要。经过一番思考,本学期,我将从以下方面做好培优补差工作: 一、指导计划提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,经一部巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教室的辅导有优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯。培优计划要落到实处,尽量挖掘他们的潜能,从培养英语能力入手,养成良好的学习习惯,从而形成扎实的基础阅读写作能力,并协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的英语素养和英语成绩。 二、指定目标在本学期中,培优对象能按计划提高读、说、写的综合能力,成绩稳定在90以上,并协助老师实施辅差工作,帮助后进生取得进步。二辅差对象能按照老师的要求做好,成绩有一定量的提高。 三、指定内容培优主要是是学生每个知识点都得到落实和巩固,还要继续提高学生的阅读能力和理解能力。介绍或推荐适量课外阅读,让优生扩大阅读面,摄取更多课外知识,多给他们一定的指导,以期在写作中能灵活运用,提

新PEP小学六年级下册 英语培优习题 语法篇

小学六年级下册英语培优习题语法篇(一) 班别姓名 一.选择正确的单词或词组填空。 1. Amy is good at _____(runing/running). 2. Let's ______ (have/has)some milk. 3. My friend ________ ( don’t like/doesn’t like) music. 4. Sam is _______ ( thin/thinner) than Lee. 5. Ted _____ (woke/wake) up early this morning. 6. Did you ______(buy/bought)gifts on your trip? 7. Before I ______ (was/were)quiet. 8. -Was there a bridge over the river ten years ago? -No, there _____ ( wasn't/isn't). 9. I _____ (woke/wake) up early this morning. 10. Did you ______(buy/bought)gifts on your trip? 11. Before I ______ (was/were)quiet. 12.-Was there a bridge over the river ten years ago? -No, there ______ ( wasn't/isn't). 二、用所给词语的正确形式填空。 1.Jim likes _____ (play) sports. 2. Kathy can ______ (sing) English songs. 3. Amy is good at _____ (run). 4. Let's _____ (have) some milk. 5. My friend _____ (not like) music. 6. you ______ ( visit) your grandparents yesterday? 7. ______(do)your mother ______(play) badminton every weekend? 8.-- ____ John____ (have)anybooks yesterday?


第二学期六年级英语盐城市实验小学 期中阶段形成性检测试卷 (考试时间60分钟,卷面总分100分) 同学们,还有两个多月你们就要跨进中学的门槛了。在这之前,让我们一起来检验一下自己的英语水平吧!聪明的你一定能行! 听力部分(30分) 一、选出你所听到的单词。(听一遍)(8分) ( )1. A outing B only C exciting ( )2. A problem B project C picture ( )3. A minute B middle C museum ( )4. A rain B rainy C road ( )5. A twin B true C than ( )6. A cool B coat C cold ( )7. A both B mouse C tooth ( )8. A centimeter B kilometer C country 二、听录音,选出正确的答句。(听两遍)(10分) ( )1. A It’s sunny. B No, it’s warm. C I like summer. ( )2. A It’s warm. B I can make snowmen. C Yes, we do. ( )3. A It’s about two kilometers. B Five yuan. C Thank you. ( )4. A Yours is, I think. B He’s tall. C Liu Tao is. ( )5. A Go on an outing. B I’d like a cake. C We went to the park. 三、听录音,完成下列句子。(听两遍)(12分) 1. A: Where is the ? B: You can bus No.2 and at the third stop. 2. A: Hello! It’s Sunday today. are you to do? B: I’m going to have a my parents. A: Good idea! 3. A: What’s the like in spring? B: It’s and . 笔试部分(70分) 一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。用“√”或“×”表示:(6分) ( )1. cute cut ( )2. world work ( )3. sit bike ( )4. ask take ( )5. mouse house ( )6. city my 二、翻译下列词组。(10分) 1. 善于 2. 向右转 3. 年龄和你一样大 4. 在夏季 5. 顺便说一下 6. Beijing opera show 7. go on an outing 8. in the countryside 9. make snowmen 10. a sports meeting 三、根据要求写单词。(10分) 1. heavy (比较级) 2. no(同音词) 3. slow(反义词) 4. do well in (近义词组) 5. get on (反义词组) 6. rain(形容词) 7. good (比较级) 8. snowman(复数) 9. do (第三人称单数) 10. knife(复数) 四、选择填空:(10分) ( )1.Do you have brothers sisters? A some; and B some ;or C any ; or ( )2.Who are those boys? are Bill and Jimmy. A These B Those C They ( )3. Yang Ling’s kite higher than . A flys ; Liu Tao’s B flies ; Liu Tao’s C fly;Liu Tao ( )4.Lucy is taller than , but I’m stronger than . A me ; her B I ; she C me;him ( )5. Where is the Children’ Cinema? -It’s Zhongshan Road. A in B on C at ( )6. Let me ,please. A go home B to go home C go to home ( )7. a lot of rain in spring . A Have B There’s C Has ( )8.We need some warmer clothes the winter in Beijing. A to B in C for


小学六年级(PEP版)期末培优五 Unit 1 一、看一看,连一连。(10分) Dictionary bus bike train plane 二、根据所给句子和首字母完成单词,看看谁的记忆好!(10分) 1. There are many w_____ to go somewhere. 2. - How much are the bananas? - Let me s________. Oh, they’re 4 yuan. 3. - How do you go to school? - Sometimes by bike, sometimes by car, but n_______ by train. 4. - How can I get to the zoo? - You can go by s________. 5. Mary is from C____________. She’s a Canadian. 6. I d on’t go to school on f_________, I go to school by bike. 7. Tom, I’m 15 years old. How a________ you? 8. I u_________ go to school by bike. 9. Usually I go to school on foot, b_________ my home is near. 10. The traffic l_________ are the same in every country. 三、单项选择。(20分) 火眼金睛找出划线部分发音不同与其他三个的单词。 ( ) 1. A. speak B. team C. deal D. bread ( ) 2. A. pig B. bike C. dish D. tin ( ) 3. A. how B. now C. window D. cow ( ) 4. A. there B. here C. where D. somewhere ( ) 5. A. go B. stop C. no D. home 小马虎的作业总是丢三落四,请你帮他修改一下吧! ( ) 6. If we go to Australia, we should go there __________. A. on foot B. by bike C. by plane D. by train ( ) 7. Look at ________ pictures. A. this B. those C. that D. I ( ) 8. You can ________ the No.12 bus to go there. A. take B. by C. in D. on 1


六年级英语培优 II. 单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 从三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. The trees were little last year. Now they are ______. A. small B. tall C. long ( ) 2. Easter is a(n )______ festival. It’s really fun. A. spring B. autumn C. winter ( ) 3. ---______ ---Nothing. I am thinking. A. Are you sad B. What’s the matter C. What are you going to do ( ) 4. Last week, Sam’s team played basketball. They _____fifty points. A. got B. had C. won ( ) 5. ---Let me help you, Ms Smart. ---Thank you! You are very ______. A. well B. bored C. helpful ( ) 6. This dog is very ______. It can help blind people. A. kind B. safe C. special ( ) 7. Jim’s parents are teachers. They ______ love their students. A. both B. all C. every ( ) 8. They can play basketball ______. A. fast B. well C. high ( ) 9. Tom, you are making a mess. You ______ tidy your toys. A. should B. could C. shouldn’t ( ) 10. ---Is this my T-shirt ---Yes, it’s ______. A. hers B. yours C. mine IV.选词合适的词语,并用其适当形式填空(共9小题,每小题1分,满分9分) can whose aren’t can’t you water should rain fall sho uldn’t 1. ---__________T-shirt is it ----It’s Lingling’s.


东夏初中2013-2014学年第一学期M6-M9教学质量检测 六 年 级 英语 试 题 (满分:100分 时间:90分钟) 时间:13年12月23日 等级: 一 写单词(每题1分,共10分) 1 有一天 2 餐刀 3 竹子 4 模仿 5 经常 6 从不 7展示 8 总是 9 清理 10 在.....以内 二英汉互译(每题1分,共10分) 1 play with dolls 2 说英语 3 eat fast food 4想干某事 5 all around the world 6 幸运的熊猫 7 clean the classroom 8 不客气 9给世界带来和平 10拍照 三 按要求写出单词的形式。(每题1分,共10分) 1 photo(复数) 2 story(复数) 3 stop(过去式) 4 clean(现在分词) 5 see(同音词) 6 copy(三单) 7 building(原形) 8 always(反义词) 9come(现在分词) 10 knife(复数) 四单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ( )1 David has got a violin, he can play it very well. A. and B. but C. or ( )2 Daming he will visit China. A.say B. talk C.says ( )3 Have you got chopsticks? A. any B. some C.a ( )4 They are from London, so they are all A. American B. English C. Chinese ( )5 what interesting CD-ROM! A. a B. an C. 不填 ( )6 his mother like noodles? A. Do B. Is C. Does ( )7 Believe it not? Snakes eat meat. A. and B.or C.but ( )8 It the other snake. A. copy B. copies C. copying ( )9 She always stories to me. A. reads B.reading C.read ( )10 Look! Wang Fei a kite. A. flying B. fly C. is flying ( )11 I want a bicycle. A. ride B. to ride C. riding ( )12 Lingling to visit the tall building. A. wants B.want C. wanted ( )13 Can you show your postcard me? A. to B. for C. from ( )14 There are flags from all the world. A. in B. on C. around ( )15 –Do you want to visit the Summer Palace? - A. Yes, you do. B. NO, I do. C. Yes, I do. 五 读一读 连一连(每题2分,共10分) 1 Do you like Thanksgiving Day? A I never drink tea. 2 Do you often go to the park? B Yes, of course. They often ride them. 3 Does she always help her Mum? C Yes, she does. 4 Do they like riding bicycles? D Yes, I do. 5 I never drink coffee. What about you? E Not very often. 六 用下列单词的正确形式填空(每题1分,共10分) 1 He (like)this picture book. 2 She often (clean) her room on Sundays. 3 Anna (have) a soecial meal with her parents last night. 4 Do you want (have) a picnic? 5 Would you like to go (shop) with me? 6 He likes (eat)with a knife and fork. 7 Her mother never (play) with dolls. 8 The bears (睡觉)in the winter. 9 I don ’t (相信)it. 10 They play (和…)children. 七 连词成句。(每题2分,共10分) 1 you, to, I, my, friends, want, be . 2 want, to , China, someday, I, visit . 3 it, can ’t, hear, says, snakes. . 4 flags, all, there, from, are, the, around,world. . 5 a, have, got, knife, fork, chopsticks, you, and, or . ………………………………密………………………………封………………………………线………………………………
