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Text comprehension

I. B II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T.


1. “snail mail”.

2. “an essential stepping stone on the road to success”.

3. “the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society”.

4. “the means to shape our views of the world”.

5. “to negotiate the boundaries between languages and to compromise in translation”.

6. “to use linguistic skills, to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and to shape language accordingly”.



1. with convenient ways to reach any part of the world.

2. It seems that everyone is able to always get in touch with anyone else if he or she can afford to.

3. is the most important to society.

4. a fundamental skill in today’s world, where different cultures interact.

5. are finding ways to interrelate different cultures.

Structural analysis of the text

1. The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.”


2. Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word “homesickness” in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German.

Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered. Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; The word “democracy” means completely different things in different contexts; the flat breads of Ce ntral Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “bread” has to serve for both.

Part One. Vocabulary Analysis

I. Phrase practice

1. provided =as long as 假如,倘若

need never be out of touch =can never fail to be reached 从不会失去联系

2. regardless of =no matter 不管,不顾

3. overlook at our peril =fail to notice at great risk 忽视……的危险或风险

4. hovers somewhere in and around all those words =may be described by these words

to varying degrees

5. hit the problem of untranslatability head-on = were directly confronted with the problem that something in one language cannot be rendered into another


1. stepping stone;

2. at their peril;

3. serve;

4. mentality;

5. staple;

6. facilitating;

7. messaging;

8. hybrid.


III. Word derivation

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. The country is trying to move from a centrally planned economy (economic) to one basically geared to the needs of the market.

2. There are no good roads in the area, so most of the ranches are only accessible (access) by jeep or other off-road vehicles.

3. The two approaches are so fundamentally (fundamental) different that it is surprising that they have both been successful.

4. They spent much time comforting the homesick (homesickness) children at the beginning of the summer camp.

5. We are looking for an experienced journalist to join the news teams. The salary is negotiable (negotiate).

6. The amount of any of these ingredients can be adjusted (adjustment) according to your taste.

7. The remoteness (remote) of the house was the only thing that made them hesitate about buying it.


8. He parked the car and smiled at her, complacently (complacent) assuming he had passed the test.

1. economic a. 经济学的;经济的;有利可图的

economical a. 节俭的;经济的,合算的

economics n. 经济学

economist n. 经济学家

economy n. 节约;经济

2. access n. 通道,入口

accessible a. 可得到的;易接近的,可进入的

accessibility n. 可以得到;易接近


3. fundamental a. 基本的,根本的;重要的

fundamentalism n. 原教旨主义

fundamentalist n. 信奉正统派基督教的人
