


Part III Vocabulary

41. When they asked him about it, he said it was no _____ of theirs and wouldn't tell them anything.

A. concern

B. relation

C. connection

D. relevance

42. _____ the sense of someone watching them, Ralkph would have shouted at his wife.

A. Despite

B. But for

C. Except

D. Except for

43. The waltz and the tango seem to be out of fashion today. Things like the twist and jerk seem to be _____ young people are really interested in.

A. about all that

B. about that all

C. all that about

D. all about that

44. In his culture, _____ is was, this exchange of names on pieces of paper was probably a formal politeness, like saying "thank you".

A. all that

B. whichever

C. whatever

D. what

45. With the acquisition of smaller companies by larger ones, the 1960s saw a _____ of new conglomerates.

A. surge

B. suspension

C. dissolution

D. merging

46. You should _____ yourself of every chance to improve

your English.

A. indulge

B. endow

C. avail

D. assert

47. The _____ activities in rural societies are those involving the production of food and raw materials.

A. pleasant

B. predictable

C. presumable

D. predominant

48. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships _____ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

A. currently

B. obediently

C. randomly

D. frequently

49. What you say does not _____ the previous evidence.

A. stick to

B. consist in

C. accord with

D. associate with

50. We should _____ him with the facts of the case at once.

A. acquire

B. require

C. acquaint

D. inquire

51. We decided to _____ the program.

A. carry away

B. adhere to

C. give in

D. get at

52. He is very cute and always _____ giving offence.

A. cautious of

B. aware of

C. certain about

D. good at

53. Diamonds that are _____ or are too small for jewelry are used to cut very hard metals.

A. flawed

B. perfect

C. luminous

D. crude

54. Leaves are not distributed _____ on a plant stem, but are arranged in a very precise way that assures them the maximum light.

A. dangerously

B. randomly

C. densely

D. linearly

55. Accountants record all information _____ the economic aspects of an organization's activities.

A. submitted to

B. limiting

C. pertinent to

D. taxing

56. To become a soldier, he had to go through a _____ training period.

A. serious

B. rigorous

C. sober

D. radical

57. He _____ to preserve world peace by supporting the establishment of an organization to settle international disputes.

A. endeavored

B. suggested

C. plotted

D. tended

58. It took millions of years for order to grow out of the _____ of the universe.

A. adjustment

B. change

C. chaos

D. symmetry

59. Our club is _____ with a national organization of similar clubs.

A. affiliated

B. afforded

C. affected

D. afflicted

60. His behavior _____ from the rules.

A. deviated

B. separated

C. derived

D. detached

61. His musical talent remained _____ through a lack of training.

A. intact

B. invalid

C. latent

D. transient

62. They made the doors _____ the walls.

A. equal to

B. flush with

C. connected with

D. face to

63. He devised a plan _____ he might escape.

A. wherein

B. whereas

C. whereon

D. whereby

64. He put forward a proposal _____ reason.

A. lack of

B. void of

C. deficient of

D. sufficient of

65. This country should _____ macro-economic (宏观经济学) policies that help to reduce the rate of unemployment.

A. experiment

B. implement

C. supplement

D. complement

66. The chairman felt that it was his place to _____ the disagreement between two of his committee members.

A. keep out of

B. let go

C. left behind

D. flared up at

67. This machine _____ the take-off and landing of an aircraft.

A. stimulates

B. simulates

C. pretend

D. buffer

68. The chairman felt that it was his place to _____ the disagreement between two of his committee members.

A. refrain from

B. intervene in

C. interfere in

D. penetrate into

69. From an _____ point of view it's a nice design.

A. ethnic

B. ethical

C. exotic

D. aesthetic

70. During the ten thousand miles journey across the desert, several men dropped with _____.

A. recession

B. concession

C. wreck

D. fatigue


2019年12月大学英语六级考试(全一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on theimportance of having a sense of social responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening comprehension (30minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from thefour choices marked A), B) C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard 1. A)It focuses exclusively on Jazz. B) It sponsors major jazz concerts. C) It has several branches in London. D) It displays albums by new music talents. 2. A) It originated with cowboys. B) Its market has now shrunk. C) Its listeners are mostly young people. D) It remains as widespread as hip hop music. 3. A)Its definition is varied and complicated. B) It is still going through experimentation. C) It is frequently accompanied by singing. D)Its style has remained largely unchanged. 4.A) Learn to play them.


大学英语六级高频核心词汇accelerate v. 加速 affection n. 喜爱 accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的 acknowledge v. 感谢 acquire v. 学会 address v. 向……讲话 alert a. 活跃的b. 机警的c. 外国的 allocate a. 准许b. 位于c. 分配 appeal v. 有吸引力 applicable a. 适用的 assess v. 估价 assumption n. 假定 abnormal a. 不正常的 abolish v. 废除

absurd a. 荒唐的 accommodate v. 提供膳宿 addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me! acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle adverse a. 不利的,有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage。aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain。 alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ amplify v. 扩大(声音)> anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter。 applaud v. 鼓掌;赞许> I ~ your suggestion。 apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure。 array n. 陈列,一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person。


英语六级高频词汇汇总 考过四次的 1.obscure(99-12,02-12,03-6,05-6 2.transition(00-6,01-6,03-6,05-6) https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e17175589.html,patible(01-6,02-12,02-12,05-6) 4.cherish(03-6,04-12,05-6,05-12) 考过三次的 1.dominate(99-12,04-6,05-6) 2.ascribe(99-12,03-12,05-12) 3.mingle(99-12,00-6,05-6) 4.dilemma(99-12,01-12,05-6) 5.allege(00-6,02-6,03-6) 6.conform(00-6,00-12,02-12) 7.hamper(00-12,02-6,03-9) 8.assurance(00-12,01-12,03-9) 9.ambiguous(01-6,03-9,05-12) 10.explicit(01-6,03-12,04-12) 11.acknowledge(01-6,02-6,04-6) 12.absurd(01-12,02-6,05-12) 13.coincide(03-12,03-9,05-6) 14.impose(03-12,04-12,05-12) 考过两次的 1.anticipate(99-12,03-12) 2.feasible(99-12,03-12) 3.respectable(99-12,00-12)

4.revenge(99-12,03-12) 5.haul(99-12,03-12) 6.negligible(99-12,03-6) 7.ambitious(99-12,00-12) 8.trivial(99-12,03-6) 9.intuition(99-12,04-12) 10.facet(99-12,03-12) 11.threshold(99-12,03-6) 12.decent(99-12,05-12) 13.extinct(99-12,00-12) 14.indignant(00-6,01-12) 15.eternal(00-6,03-12) 16.simultaneously(00-6,05-6) 17.expenditure(00-6,04-12) 18.deprive(00-6,00-12) 19.provoke(00-6,01-12) 20.jeopardize(00-6,04-6) https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e17175589.html,pensate(00-6,04-6) 22.illusion(00-12,02-6) 23.obedient(00-12,03-12) 24.increasingly(00-12,01-6) 25.gloomy(00-12,05-6) 26.enhance(00-12,03-12) 27.defy(00-12,05-12) 28.collide(00-12,03-12) 29.recession(01-6,05-12) 30.analogy(01-6,05-12) 31.enrol(01-6,01-12) 32.immerse(01-6,05-6)


abnormal 不α.正常的absurd α . 荒缪的current a. 当前的 decent a. 体面的像样的还不错的 abundant α . 丰富的 acute α . 敏锐的锋利的 aggressive α . 侵略的好斗的 ambiguous α . 模棱两可的模糊的 ambitious α. 有雄心的 有抱负的 appropriate α . 合适的恰当的 authentic α. 可靠的可信的 average α . 一般的普通的barren α . 贫瘠 的不毛的bound α . 一定的chronic α . 慢 性的commentary α . 实况报道compact α . 紧凑的小巧的competitive α . 竞争性的 有竞争力的compact a. 紧凑的小巧的 compulsory a. 强迫的强制的义务的 confidential a. 机紧的秘密的 conservative a. 保守的传统的 consistent a. 和??一致 conspicuous a. 的 显而易见的引人注目crucial a. 关键的current a. 当前的 delicate a. 精细的微妙的精心处理的 destructive a. 毁灭的 economic a. 经济的 elegant a. 优雅的优美的精致的embarrassing a. 令人尴尬的 energetic a . 精力充沛的 equivalent a. 相等的 eternal a. 永恒的无休止的 exclusive a . 独有的排他的 extinct a. 灭绝的 extinct a. 灭绝的绝种的0 fatal a. 假的冒充的 fatal a. 致命的毁灭性的 feasible a. 可行的 feeble a. 脆弱的虚弱的rough a. 粗略的不精确的rude a. 粗鲁的不礼貌的sensitive a. 敏感的sheer a. 完全的十足的shrewd a. 精明的stationary a. 固定的subordinate a. 次要的从属的


2019年6月英语六级听力真题答案(第一套)Section A Long Conversations 1. D) A project with a troublesome client. 2. B) Take wedding photos. 3. C) Nervous. 4. A) Start her own bakery. 5. D) They have to be more responsible for what they do. 6. Behave like adults. 7. D) Those who respect her student commitments. 8. C) Those conductive to their academic studies. Section B Passages 9. B) They break away from traditional ways of thinking. 10. C) They resulted in a brand new style of skiing technique. 11. He won three gold medals in one Winter Olympics. 12. B) They die almost instantly. 13. D) It has an instant effect on your body chemistry. 14. To enjoy good health while in dark moods. 15. B) They are closely connected. Section C Lectures or Talks 16. D) They focus their attention on different things.


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 〔.schedule 时间表 2. skip 跳,略过 3. make sen se 讲得通,有意义 4. fall shorts of on e's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5. cater to 迎合,款待 6. supervisor 监督者,管理者 7. speak highly of 评价高

8. a millio n thi ngs to do 许多事情要做 9. discou nt 折扣 10. co undn't have played worse/could n't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.1 un dersta nd the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12. go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出 来 13. distractio ns 分心 14.1 wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15. submit 屈从,忍受 16. staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为…配备人员/材料 17. register 登记,注册 18. deadli ne 最后期限 19. be nefit 受益

20. Are you kiddi ng 你在开玩笑吗 21. credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23. budget your money 预算开支 24. put in(a lot hours) 花费,支出 25.it's up to you 取决于你,由你决定 26. deserve(ho nor) 应受,应得,值得 27. ma intenance man 维修工 28. stack of papers 很多文件 29.out of the way(remote) 30.do with/do without abno rmal a. 异常的,反常的 abolish vt.废止 absurd a.荒唐


一、名词词组和固定搭配 1.介词+名词 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于,为了……的缘故 in addition to 另外,加之 in addition 除…之外(还) in the air 流传中 on (the/an) average 按平均值,通常 on the basis of 根据,在…的基础上 at best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,向好的方向发展 on board 在船(车或飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in case of 假如,如果发生;防备 in case 假使,以防(万一) in no case 决不,无论如何不 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,管理 (a)round the lock 日夜不停地 in common 共用的,共有的 in conclusion 最后,总之 on condition (that) 如果 in consequence of 由于…的缘故,因为 on the contrary 正相反 in contrast with/to 与…对比起来,与…形成对比out of control 失去控制 under control 处于控制之下 at all cots 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at the cost of 以…为代价 in the course of 在…过程中,在…期间 of course 当然,自然 in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过时的,不用的 up to date 现代化的,切合目前情况的 in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的


2019年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of community responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A)It focuses exclusively on jazz. B) It sponsors major jazz concerts. C) It has several branches in London. D) It displays albums by new music talents. 2.A) It originated with cowboys. B) Its market has now shrunk. C) Its listeners are mostly young people. D) It remains as widespread as hip hop music. 3.A)Its definition is varied and complicated. B) It is still going through experimentation. C) It is frequently accompanied by singing. D) Its style has remained largely unchanged. 4.A) Learn to play them. B) Take music lessons. C) Listen to them yourself. D) Consult jazz musicians. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


大学英语六级翻译常用词汇:经济类 中国经济 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化 market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan


2019年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案【含解析】 今年的六级阅读难度和去年12月份的难度持平 Passage One Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerful artificial intelligence (AI)will be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity ”,and praised the creation of an academic institute dedicated to researching the futu re of intelligence as “crucial to the future of our civilization and our species”. Hawking was speaking at the opening of the Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence(LCFI)at Cambridge University, a multi-disciplinary institute that will attempt to tackle some of the open-ended questions raised by the rapid pace of development in AI research. “We spend a great deal of time studying history,” Hawking said, “which, let’s face it ,is mostly the history of stupidity. So it’s a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence.” While the world-renowned physicist has often been cautious about AI, raising concerns that humanity could be the architect of its own destruction if it creates a super-intelligence with a will of its own, he was also quick to highlight the positives that AI research can bring “The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge”, he said, “We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AL. Perhaps with the tools of this new


以下是大学英语六级核心词汇精编版,共380个,按动词、名词、形容词、副词分类编排,所选单词根据历年六级考试中词汇部分(即V ocabulary部分考过的词)整理。使用方法: 1. 下载完整版 2.排除(划掉)你已经掌握的词 3.给剩下的单词编号 4.做出周(或日)计划,强化记忆(或供复习时查阅) 大学英语六级核心词汇(380 精编版) I. 六级核心动词 abandon v. 抛弃,放弃 93-1-43 (分别表示考试年、月和具体题号) acknowledge v. 对……表示谢忱,报偿 acquaint v. 熟悉,认识 98-6-64 01-6-48 acquire v. (靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到 98-6-52 afford v. 付得起 98-1-48 allege v. 断言,宣称 00-6-61 alternate v. 交替,轮流 90-1-51 anticipate v. 预期 00-1-41 applaud v. 赞扬,称赞 96-1-42 ascend v. 上升,攀登 98-6-59 ascribe v. 归因于,归功于 00-1-51 assemble v. 集合,聚集 97-6-62 assign v. 分派,指派(职务,任务) 90-1-59 attribute v. 归因于 91-6-69 93-1-53 base v. 建立在……的基础上 91-6-64 bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂 98-6-48 01-6-49 breed v. 培育,养育 98-1-53 cling v. 坚守,抱紧 97-1-48 coincide v. 相同,相一致 91-6-58 collaborate v. 合著,合作 98-6-54 collide v. 互撞,碰撞 97-1-63 commence v. 开始 95-1-57 99-1-41 compensate v. 补偿,赔偿 00-6-69 98-1-43 complement v. 与……结合,补充 98-6-46 comply v. 遵守 95-6-57 98-1-44 99-6-32 conceive v. 想出,设想 96-6-56 00-1-52 concern v. 涉及 90-1-60 condense v. 压缩,浓缩 97-1-62 conflict v. 冲突,战争 99-1-47 conform v. 符合,遵守,适应00-6-63 01-1-54 confront v. 面对,面临 96-6-54 conserve v. 保护,保存 01-1-58 consolidate v. 巩固 99-6-35


大学英语六级考试高频词汇用法总结 答题要点:1.同义词均不选 特点:喜欢考难的单词,eg: homogeneously同一的基因(前缀词根adj adv) 订房间:make a reservation(出现两次) 商业方面的约定:commitment 一般的约定:engagement(也指订婚) 秀色可餐,太美了:gorgeous 签租约:lease 抵押,贷款:mortgage 分期付款:installment 与……相冲突:collide with 六级的最爱:deprive of 剥夺;budget 预算;compensation 弥补,补偿eternal永恒的;intuition 直觉;penalty 惩罚,点球;potential 潜在的;in terms of 在……方面;sheer 完全的;trivial 琐碎的; 六级的旧爱: regardless of 除了 六级新宠 (2002) demonstrate 演示; demonstrated beauty 倾国倾城;mingled 情感、气息、气味 的混合 永陪词汇(永远不 成为答案):claim 有100多条解释 constrain 陪考:empirical 凭 经验的,主观的 出现giant panda/species 就选 死光光,绝种extinct 记忆方法:词根法 +联想法 spir=breath(呼吸) cess=go(走路) inspire吸入空气— —>产生灵感 access一再地走— —>接近 conspiracy共同呼 吸——>同谋者一 再 expire断气——>过 期,满期excess超 过——>过渡 perspire出汗,流汗 超出 aspire不断地呼吸 ——>渴望recess 走回来——>休息 process前进,加工 vers=turn(旋转) form 形式 universe 围绕地旋 转——>宇宙 reform 一再地改变 形式——> 改革 单一的,同样的 conform 共同—> 符合 converse 扭转 perform 演出 共同地deform 不 好的形式——>畸 形 reverse 颠倒,反 转,倒带不好 diverse 不同的 vertigo 头晕 scend=climb(爬) 分开ascend v.攀 登,轻薄物体的上 升, sophy智慧声音从 远处传来 sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故 的descendant n.后 代(在你后面爬)2 1. The peotry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ________ references. A. obscure (重音第二个) B. acute (cute聪明伶俐 boney多骨的bony 美丽的可爱的) C. notable 重要的显著的(★ odour气味) D. objective客观的真 实的 peotry诗 references :参考书 典故推荐信 reference letter (推荐信)= recommendation letter (推荐信) ★absurd 荒谬的可笑的(男人 爱女人爱不死) ★obscure 晦涩的(才华横溢的 人饿不死) ★ ambiguous模棱两 可的晦涩难懂的(我 辈中人,吃安毕圭) instant dictionary快速字典 (文曲星) answer:A 2. The major was asked to ________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions. × A. constrain (只要在选 项中就不选) × B. conduct指挥(过于 简单的词) ★ C. condense浓缩使简 介(density密度) ★ D. converge豫东物体 的集聚和汇合思想 和思潮的荟萃 (verge线条【罗马 时】) con:前缀 代表together


历年英语六级必考高频词汇top500 1. abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ ! 2. abolish v. 废除> CET Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer 3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的> Your ~ manner embarrassed her! 4. absurd a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea! 5. accessory n. 附件, 零件> Hand bag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse. 6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games? 7. addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me! 8. acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? 9. adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle 10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage. 11. aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold. 12. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain. 13. alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ 14. ambiguous a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处? 15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)> 16. analogy n. 类比by analogy 17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter. 18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion. 19. apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure. 20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~ of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self important person. 22. ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing. 23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary. 24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish. 25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him. 26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again. 27. assurance n. 保证, 把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable. 28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从 29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~? 30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss . 31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent. 32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field. 33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me. 34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ the man. 35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice. 36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光>The summer sun is blazing. 37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~ future 38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁> 39. blunder n. 大错

【英语六级阅读高频词汇】 英语六级词汇表完整版

【英语六级阅读高频词汇】英语六级词汇表完整版 六级阅读高频词汇 acknowledge vt. 承认, 答谢, 报偿 acquisition n. 取得, 获得, 习得;获得物 acute a. 敏锐的, 急性的, 剧烈 adjust vt. 校正, 校准, 调整;调节 vi. (to)适应 adolescent n. 青少年 a. 青春期的, 青少年的 aggressively ad. 侵略地, 攻击地, 有干劲地, 主动地 alien a. 外国(人)的;陌生的 n. 外国(星)人 allegation n. 断言, 主张, 辩解, 指控 alleviate vt. 减轻, 缓解, 缓和 alliance n. 结盟, 联盟 allocate vt. 分配, 分派, 把…拨给 alternative a. 两者择一的;另类的 n. 取舍;选择余地 ambient a. 周围的, 氛围的 n. 环境 ambiguous a. 暧昧的, 不明确的 analogous a. 相似的 anticipate vt. 预期(料), 期望;提前使用, 先行动 appealing a. 吸引人的, 打动人心的 appetite n. 胃口, 食欲;欲望 applaud vi. 鼓掌, 喝彩 vt. 向…鼓掌;称赞 appraise vt. 评价 approach v. 靠近 n. 接近, 临近;途径;方式, 方法 appropriate a. 适当的 arouse vt. 引起, 激起, 唤起;唤醒 arrogant a. 傲慢的, 自大的 artificial a. 人工(造, 为)的;假的, 模拟的 ascribe vt. 归因于, 归咎于 assault vt. (武力或口头上的)攻击, 袭击 assemble vi. 聚集 vt. 集合, 召集;装配assertive a. 言语果断的, 断言的 assess vt. 对…进行估价;评价, 评论 asset n. 有价值的人(或物), 优点财产 assimilation n. 同化,


英语六级考试词汇:必备高频词汇表(A) A abnormal a.反常的,异常的 abolish vt.彻底废除,废止 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;(举止,言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的 absurd a 荒谬的荒唐的 abundance n大量,丰富,充足in-丰富,充裕 academy n.学院,研究院,(中等以上)专门学校 accessory n.附件,配件;[常pl.](妇女的)装饰品(如手提包等);同谋,包庇犯 accommodate vt.向…提供住处(或膳宿);向…提供方便;容纳;使适应 accord n.一致,符合;(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议;vt.授予,给予vi.(with)相符合,相一致in-with与…一致of one’s own-出于自愿,主动地with one-一致地,一致同意地acknowledge vt.承认,认为…属实;对…打招呼,理会;告知(信件,礼物)等已收到;对…表示谢忱 acquaint vt.(with)使了解;使认识,介绍 acquisition n. 获得物,增添的人(或物);取得,获得 activate vt.使活动起来,使开始起作用

acute a. 严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;(疾病)急性的;尖的,锐的 adhere vi.(to) 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持;追随,支持 adjacent a.(to)邻近的,毗连的 adjoin vt. 贴近,与-毗连 administer vt. 掌管,料理-的事务;实施,执行;给予,投(药) adolescent n. 青少年a.青春期的,青少年的 advent n.出现,到来 adverse a.不利的,有害的 advertise vt. 为-做广告,(在报刊\电视等中)公告vi.登广告,做广告,登公告advocate vt.拥护,提倡,主张n. 拥护者,提倡者;辩护人,律师 aerial a.空中的,架空的n. 天线 aesthetic a.美学的,艺术的,审美的 affiliate vt.使隶属(或附属) 于n.附属机构,分公司 affirm vt.断言,坚持声称;证实,确认 afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨 agenda n.议事日程 aggravate vt. 加重,加剧,使恶化;激怒,使恼火


2019英语六级真题试卷 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. PartⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) why Roman Holiday was more famous than Breakfast at Tiffany’s. B)why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans than male ones.
