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A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、


1. W: Wow, how beautiful the goldfish are!

M:Yeah, they’re the nicest ones I have ever seen.

2. W: Where would you like to go if you get enough money, Jim?

M:I’d like to go to the Opera House in Sydney.

3. W: I heard you visited the Shanghai Expo with your classmates, Tom. When did you go?

M: Well, we went there on the second of August.

4. W: What is the weather like today?

M:It’s sunny. I’ll go swimming this afternoon.

5. W: How old are you, Jack?

M:I’m twelve, Mrs. Turner.

W: You are three years younger than my son.

6. W:Why didn’t you hand in your yesterday’s Eng lish homework on time, David?

M:Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve left it at home.

7. W: Excuse me, where is the library, please?

M:It’s far from here. You’d better take a bus. It’ll take you half an hour by bus.

8. W:Aren’t you going to school today?

M: I called my Chinese teacher and told him I was ill.

I’m going to watch the football match with my friends.

9. W: What do you think of English Reading Club, Nick?

M:It’s helpful. I go there twice a month.

10. W: The handbag is so beautiful, how much is it?

M: 14 dollars.

B) 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题



M: Excuse me. How can I get to No.1 Middle School?

W:Sorry, I’m also new in this city.

M: Thank you all the same. Do you come to visit the city?

W:Not the city, but my daughter. She’s working at No.1 Middle School.

M:That’s fun. What’s her name?

W: Wei Xiaoling.

M: Oh, she teaches my son English.


M: H ello, is that Dr Black’s office?

W: Yes, it is. May I help you?

M:Yes, I’d like to speak to Dr Black, please.

W: Dr Black went home this afternoon. May I ask who is calling?

M: This is Jim White.

W: Oh, yes, Mr White. Dr Black asked me to give you his home phone number.

M:Just a moment, please. Yes. What’s the number?

W: His number is 7723-1059.

M:That’s right. Thank you very much.


Miss Lin is a teacher from Hangzhou. One morning, she rode her bike to work as usual. She was going across the road when she saw a bad man take an old lady’s bag and run away. The old lady cried for help but it was so early that nobody was around. The bad man was very strong. Miss Lin knew that it was impossible for her to catch him. So she quietly followed him on her bike. After seeing the man get into a small restaurant, Miss Lin called the police at once. The police arrived in a while and caught the man. Miss Lin was brave and smart. She helped to catch the bad man without hurting herself. We should learn from her.
