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Cathy Martin is a hurricane hunter with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For six months each year, she is part of a team that collects ________ she describes as "vital data, to save life and property."

When winds pick up, ________(spin) toward the Caribbean and U. S. coastline, Martin and ________(she) flight team spring into action.

They use instruments called dropsondes, which ________(set) free from a tube at the back of the plane. As a dropsonde makes its 10,000-foot landing into the sea, it sends out information about air temperature, pressure, humidity, and the speed and ________(direct) of the wind.

On an eight-hour flight, Martin's team ________(typical) drops 15 to 20 dropsondes while flying from one side of the storm ________ the other, trying to cover as much ground as possible. They head for the center (or eye) of the storm, ________ there's no wind, and also search for the strongest winds, to help people on the coast prepare for what's coming. Sometimes, they will use an unmanned aircraft ________ (gather) data closer to the ocean's surface.

Though these flights can be long,________(tire) and often last several days in a row, Martin likes her job and wishes she could fly every day.

【答案】 what;spinning;her;are set;direction;typically;to;where;to gather;tiring 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Cathy Martin 以及她的团队是如何收集数据预测飓风的。



(3)考查代词。修饰名词flight team使用形容词性物主代词,故填her。

(4)考查时态语态。句意:他们使用一种叫做下投式探空仪的仪器,这种仪器从飞机后部的管子中释放出来。主语是dropsondes与谓语动词构成被动关系,结合上下文使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,故填are set。

(5)考查名词。句意:当探空仪降落在10000英尺的海面上时,它会发出有关空气温度、压力、湿度以及风速和风向的信息。根据上文名词并列结构the speed and可知,应填名词,故填direction。





(9)考查非谓语动词。句意:有时,他们会使用无人驾驶飞机收集更接近海洋表面的数据。本句为不定式to do作目的状语,故填to gather。




With the development of modem technology, people can stay ________ (connect) with their families and friends easily, however far apart they are from each other. WeChat is one of the most ________ (frequent) used means of communication in China. It is reported that the number of the WeChat users ________ (reach) over 1.1billion so far.

Once joining the WeChat, people can find more and more people start to add them ________ friends. They don't have to consider time ________ (zone) when communicating. Another reason why ifs so popular is that it costs nothing. It's also very convenient for people to immediately update ________ they are doing by WeChat.

However, addiction to WeChat will rob people of the time that should otherwise ________ (spend) on something more important. And the many so-called friends on it are not really friends at all, who simply want ________ (put) ads or sell items on Moments. Besides, people on the Wechat are more likely to compare ________ (they) with others, which will make them feel bad when finding some people seem to be ________ (success).

【答案】connected;frequently;has reached;as;zones;what;be spent;to put;themselves;(more) successful


(1)句意:随着现代技术的发展,人们可以很容易地与家人和朋友保持联系,不管他们相距多远。系动词stay后,用形容词connected“有联系的”,stay connected with“与……保持联系”。故填connected。


(3)句意:据报道,到目前为止,微信的用户数量已经超过11亿。so far做时间状语时,应使用现在完成时,the number of做主语时,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填has reached。

