
I belw it on the last exam.(blow it 是个俚语, 意思就是“搞砸rack了, 弄坏了”)
I want to speak to you for a minute.(我想和你说两句话)
I must have lost track of the time.(我一定是忘记钟点了)
It is very difficult to convey the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.
A.transfer运送 B.transform 使改变 C.convert 改变 转换,强调某物形式上的转变 D.convey表达。传达。指情感或疑似的传递

Over my dead body(打死我也不说)
I have to say I was bothered by the way you handled the meeting today.(我得说你今天主持会议的方式令我无法理解。)
Kind of . sort of .还好啦!(表示一点点喜欢,但又不是很喜欢,不是很强烈)
You have to have the courage to examine who you really are, to come to terms with the dark corner of your own soul.(你必须有审视自己的勇气,面对并接受你灵魂中的黑暗角落。)
I thought we were all pretty much in agreement.(我以为我们的意见相当一致了。)
I have to work overtime。(英文里加班叫overtime 例如别人喊你今晚出去吃饭,你说:sorry,I have to work overtime 就是告诉他,很抱歉,我今天要加班)n
We canot afford to lose an important document.(我们丢不起任何文件。)
What's your score? 你考多少分啊?实比较含蓄一点的问法应该是, "Did you do well in the test?" (你考得如何啊?) 或是 "Do you mind telling me your score?" (你介不介意告诉我你考几分啊?)
如果是别人这样问你的话, 你可以回答说, "I scored an 80 in the test." (我考了八十分) 或是 "I didn't score high in that test." (我考得不好啦!)
Here is the file you were looking for .(这是您要找的文件。)
I want to renew this book.(我想续借我的书。)Renew 就是'续借' 的意思. 书到期了但是你还想继续借这本书, 你就可以说 "I want to renew this book."
任何固定时间一到要去换约我们都叫 renew, 例如你的汽车牌照过期了, 或是你的保单到期了要去更新或是中文里讲的续约, 也是用 renew. 比如说, "I want to renew my car insurance for this coming year. "
Bentham's utilitarianism is sometimes summed up with the slogan “The greatest good for the greatest number.”
Let me just put you through to accounting (我帮你转到财务部吧 )
I never watch horror films.(我从来不看恐怖片)
literary film 文艺片 musicals 音乐片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片 sowordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片 affectional film 爱情片 erotic film 黄色片 western movies 西部片 film d'avant-garde 前卫片 serial 系列片 trailer 预告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度

h film, feature film 长片

I would like to take tomorrow off if that is all right with you (我想明天请一天假,如果您允许的话 )
I was just thinking about getting a bite to eat.(我正想去吃点什么呢)
He's not in our department. 他不是我们班的 He's not in our class. 等等~
