英语小说欣赏入门The Lady Or The Tiger

英语小说欣赏入门The Lady Or The Tiger
英语小说欣赏入门The Lady Or The Tiger

The Open Window

Based on a story by Frank Stockton

About the author:

Frank Stockton (1834-1902) was born in Philadelphia. Stockton was an engraver by trade, but he spent much of his time writing stories. His earliest stories were for children, but later he began writing for adults. Stockton was one of the most famous American writers of the 1880s and 1890s.

He was widely admired in his day and even Mark Twain was one of his fans. “The Lady or the Tiger?” is Stockton’s best known work. When it was punished in 1882, it caused a sensation throughout the country as readers debated what the ending should be.

The text

Many years ago there lived a cruel and savage king. This king had a wild and violent imagination, and since he was king, he had the power to make his wishes come true.

The king loved to discuss things with himself. When he and himself agreed on something, the king commanded that it be done, and it was done at once because everyone in the kingdom was afraid of the king.

When thing went smoothly, the king was pleasant and calm. But when a problem arose, his eyes gleamed and he rubbed his hands together with glee since there was nothing he loved more than correcting things that were wrong and destroying those who needed to be punished. [1] The king had heard about the public arena—a place where men and wild animals could demonstrate their courage and strength by fighting each other, The idea appealed very much to this barbaric king. But he used it in a different way—to punish the guilty and reward the innocent.

Here is how it worked. When a man was accused of a serious crime, the king posted a notice. It said that in a certain day the man’s fate would be decided in the king’s arena. Everyone was invited to attend the trail.

The king’s arena! Ah, how well it deserved that name! You see, the idea of an arena was not new, but the way it was used here was different, and came solely from the brain of the king. He thought of it because it delighted him and gave him pleasure.

On the day of the trail, a large crowd would gather in the king’s arena. After everyone was seated, the king entered, followed by his court. The king sat on his royal throne on one side of the arena. When the king gave a signal, a door would open and the accused man would step out into the arena. Opposite him, on the other side of the arena, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side.

The person on trail would walk to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased. No one spoke to him or offered any advice. The choice was his own.

Behind one of the doors was a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel that could be found. If the man opened that door, the tiger immediately leaped out and tore the man to pieces. That was the punishment for his guilt! Then iron bells began to clang, cries of sorrow were heard, and the vast crowd, with heavy hearts, slowly made its way home. Everyone felt sad that the man had deserved to meet such a horrible fate.

But if the accused person opened the other door, a lady stepped out. She was as perfect a

match for him as could be found in the land. The king nodded his head and singers and dancers came forward. Musicians played beautiful melodies on golden horns, and the two people were married at once. Then joyous bells rang out, the people shouted and cheered, and everyone threw flowers in the path of the innocent man as he led his bride to his home,[2]

It didn’t matter if the man already had a wife and family, or if he was in love with another lady .For as the king often said, “Nothing can interfere with my wonderful plan for punishing the guilty and rewarding the innocent.”

The king was very proud of his way of administer justice. He thought is was perfectly fair. After all, the accused man could open either door he pleased. The choice was his. Of course, the man never knew whether he was going to be devoured married, for sometimes the tiger came out one door and sometimes out if the other. Still, the man’s fate was in his own hands. And, in every case, justice was swift and final.[3]

The plan was popular with the people too. They never knew what they were going to see. Would it be a bloody murder, or a joyful wedding? There was lots of suspense.

This savage king had a beautiful daughter. She was wild and reckless as her father and, a as you might expect, he loved her very much. As I have said, the reckless was reckless. She was so reckless she fell in love with one of the king’s servants.[4] And though he was handsome and brave, he was , after all, only a servant. Still, he loved her very deadly.

Their love affair went on happily for many months. And then one day the king happened to discover its existence.

The king did not hesitate or waver for a moment The young man was immediately thrown into jail, and a date was set for his trail in the king’s arenas.

This was, of course, an especially important occasion. The king, and all of the people, were very interested in how the trail would turn out. Never before had such a case occurred. Never before had a slave dared to love the daughter of a king!

The king sent out men to find the fiercest tiger in the land. At the same time the kingdom was searched for a young lady suitable in beauty and rank, so that the young man could have a fitting wife in case fate did not throw him to the tiger.

Of course, everyone knew that the slave was guilty of the crime with which he had been charged. He had fallen in loved with the princess. Both he and she admitted this fact! But the king would not think of allowing this to stand in the way of the trail. No, nothing could interfere with the workings of his arena. He simply enjoyed it too much. Besides, it didn’t really matter how things worked out. The young man would be murdered—or married—and in either case he’d be out of the way.

The great day family arrived. People came from near and far, filling up every seat in the huge arena. Those who could no get in huddled together against the out side walls and waited for news.

The king entered and took his place on the royal throne. They were ready to begin. The king gave a signal. A door opened and the salve walked into the arena.

What a sight he was—tall, handsome, and proud! No wonder the princess loved him. What a terrible thing for him to be there!

The youth took his time as he walked across the arena. Then he turned and bowed to the king, for that was the custom. However, the young man was not thinking at all about the king. His eyes were staring at the princess, who sat next to her father.

From the moment the had ordered her lover to appear in the arena, she had thought, day and

night, of nothing else but this great event. The princess had more power and influence than any person who had ever person who had ever been interested in a case. And so she did what no one else before her had ever done. She had learned the secret of the doors. She knew behind which door waited the tiger, and behind which door stood the lady. Gold and her power as princess had brought her the secret!

But she knew more than which door hid the lady. She also knew who the lady was one of the loveliest and most beautiful ladies in the king’s court. She , alone, had been selected to be the wife of the youth, if he was found innocent of daring to fall in love with the princess.

Yes, the princess knew who she was,

And the princess hated her!

The princess had seen—or thought that she saw—the lady was! And she thought he had even glanced back. Once, she had seen them talking together. It was only for a minute, it is true. But much can be said in a minute! Perhaps they were speaking about nothing at all. But how could the princess know that? The young lady was lovely—but she had dared to look at the princess’ lover! So the princess hated the woman silently waited behind the door.

When the young man turned and looked at the princess ,his eyes met hers. He searched her face, which was paler than any in the ocean of faces around her. And then, as their eyes and souls met, he saw that she knew. She knew! She knew behind which door crouched the tiger, and behind which door stood the lady. She knew! He had expected her to know. He understood her, and he was certain that she would not rest until she had discovered the secret—the secret hidden to everyone else, even to the king.

The only way the youth could be sure of success was for the princess to discover the secret the doors. And as he looked at her, he saw that she and discovered the secret, as he knew she would.

As he stared at her, his eyes burned with the question: WHICH? It was as plain to her as if he was shouting it to her from where he stood. There was not a second to lose. The question was asked in a flash. It must be answered in an instant!

The princess raised her hand and made a sudden, quick movement to the right. No one but her lover saw her. Every eye was staring on the man in the arena.

He turned and with a firm step walked quickly across the arena. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was on that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right and pulled it open.

Now the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out that door, or did the lady?

The more we think about this question, the harder it is to answer. It means we must study the human heart—something that is very difficult to do.

Think about this. She was a wild and savage princess whose soul was burning with jealousy and hate. She had lost her lover. Should another woman have him?

How often, during the day and in her dreams, she had thought about the tiger leaping out with its cruel, sharp claws. Then she covered her face with her hands and was filled with horror.

But how much oftener she imagined him at the other door! She pictured his look of delight as he saw the lady. Her soul burned in agony as she saw him rush to the woman she hated. She could hear the glad shouts of the crowd and the bells ringing wildly. She imagined the priest marrying the couple right before her eyes, while she sat there helpless and in pain. Then she clenched her fists and tore her hair.

Would it not be better for him to die at once!

And yet —that awful tiger, those shrieks, that blood!

She had given her answer in an instant. But it had been made after many days and nights of anguished thought. She had known she would be asked. She had decide what she would answer. And without the slightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the night.

Now the question I leave to you all is this: Which came out of the opened door—the lady or the tiger?

Use Context Clues

Use context clues to work out the meaning of the following words and idioms from the story. You may look back at the story to get more help if necessary. Put a √ in the box next to the correct answer.


1.The king rubbed his hands together with glee because he loved correcting things.

The word glee means.

a. joy

b. anger

c. gloves

2.Men and wild animals could demonstrate their courage by fighting each other. The

word demonstrate means

a. lose

b. show

c. run away from

3.If he opened the wrong door, he would be devoured by a tiger. The word devoured


a. watch

b. chased

c. eaten

4.The king did not hesitate or waver for a moment. The word waver here means

a. move gently in different

b. hesitate

c. waste

5.She knew behind which door crouched the tiger, and behind which door stood the

lady. The word crouched possibly means

a. slept soundly

b. stood close to the ground preparing to leap

c. hid

6.At the thought of her lover marrying another lady, she clenched her fists and tore

her hair. The word clenched means

a. held tightly

b. clapped

c. let go


7.But the king would not think of allowing this to stand in the way of the trail.

Nothing could interfere with the workings of his arena. The idiom stand in the way means

a. interfere with

b. support

c. suffer from.

8.The youth took his time as he walked across the arena. The idiom took his time


a. asked for more time

b. ran very

c. did not hurry

Checking Comprehension

Answer each question with a complete sentence. You may look back at the story.

1.What happened when the king wanted something to be done?


2.What was behind one of the doors in the king’s arena? What was behind the other door?


3.Why was the king’s arena so popular with the people?


4.With whom did the princess fall in love?


5.How did the author describe the salves as he entered the arena?


6.Who was the lady behind the door?


7.How did the princess feel about the lady behind the door?


8.In which direction did the princess move her hand?


9.Which door did the young man open?


10.How did the princess make up her mind to direct her lover to the right?



外语原版小说阅读技巧与策略 1. why to read original edition novel 要想真正提高外语水平,阅读原版小说是必经之路,正如不是每个人都能成为外语高手一样, 不是每个人都能够有毅力读完N本原版小说的.(我特佩服门卫,能够把一本<飘>都上N遍,如果我有这种毅力的话,早就成为高手了…) 2. fundamental conditions 语法:系统准确的掌握语法. 基本上,如果是E,高中毕业以后这一点都达到了 词汇: 熟练词汇>2.5k, 认知词汇>5k 工具书:一本C-E, 一本E-E,或者用文曲星代替,但我偏好字典——词汇认知学指出,词汇的记忆效果与词汇的检索时间正相关(我现在读法文,由3本D, F-C,F-E,F-F) 3. 选材,仁者见仁,就我个人而言, 我偏好当代中篇作品(我现在选了一本Marcel Pagnol 写于1957年的<父亲的荣耀>, 280pages) 4. 前期工作: 查找百科全书或相应的工具书,了解到作者的生平,作品,世人的评价. 5. 阅读中的词汇学习: 每天阅读6 pages(6X225=1350字),在阅读过程中碰到new words先做标记,读完后再查D, 把生词记载在本子上,并及时背诵(我现在最怕的就是这一点,会不会半途而废???) 6. how to read 我准备默读, 这是我的习惯,朗读太费尽了,泛读也没有意义,介于精泛之间 7. read what 我主要研究其词汇搭配.词汇的用法是语言中最难的,比如,法语中最简单的一个介词à,用法不计其数,在大型D上有好几页,为什么同样的词汇在名家手下就生龙活虎,到了我的手下就一潭死水呢?我认为这应该是读原版小说的最根本目的.


高中语文外国小说欣赏知识梳理 一:注音 赝品脚踝撇下呆滞箭镞鸟窠梗条芜菁鬈发撞城槌挣断痉挛颠踬飓风歼灭麦秸倾圮膻味发绺伛偻娇妍骟马阒无一人 狗吠狺狺宅邸浑身解数疵点蜷缩犄角牝鸡脖颈呱呱直叫狞笑麋集龟裂趿拉不啻树杪剐刑麦垛黏泥量体裁衣供应勋绶皱襞毗邻情愫诡谲逾越鸡仔大腹便便冰雹捋着装帧蒙骗费劲二:判断写法并修改 碳块嘎然而止合拢振憾见风驶舵编码偌大扛鼎之作人才流逝 就地收集心生报怨工作检查寻物启示民族融合遍地踪迹登报声明 肖象画悬而未决禀赋林荫道瓷实克勤克俭美轮美奂颐指气使品头论足交鸿运欠收膘肥体壮安贫若素销声匿迹剥啄有声付之一炬临摩记事簿煞有介事闪烁其词不过尔尔气喘吁吁百般支吾 三:填空与课文内容的理解 1:《桥边的老人》作者海明威,______记者和作家。长篇代表作有《丧钟为谁而鸣》《太阳照样升起》《永别了,武器》。他的小说《太阳照样升起》描写了在欧洲参战的青年流落巴黎街头的生活情景,成为“__________”的代表作,1954年因中篇小说《____________》获诺贝尔文学奖。《桥边的老人》小说中的对话成为推动叙述的主要力量,反映了______内战造成的民不聊生和作者对战争的厌倦。海明威有一个众所周知的理论,叫“____________”。 2:伍尔芙,__________女作家,意识流小说的代表人物之一。被认为是二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋之一。《墙上的斑点》是她第一篇典型的意识流作品。这是一篇____人称叙述的小说,小说通篇以内心独白贯穿。在假定没有其他人倾听的情况下,一个人物把自己的所感所思毫无顾忌地直接表露出来,就是“内心独白”。这是意识流文学最常用的技巧。 3:<炮兽》节选自《_______》。这部小说围绕共和国志愿军粉碎旺岱地区反革命叛乱的斗争,描绘了一个史诗般惊心动魄的时代,再现了大革命时期严酷的阶级斗争和革命形势。课文节选中,那个被船员们称为“乡下人”的“老头”其实就是从英国去法国组织叛乱的叛军最高统帅___ ________。同时作者通过对特定场景的描写,很好地烘托出了主人公的刚毅性格,塑造出一个铁腕叛军统帅的形象。雨果创作主张“_____________”,场面之间的对照映衬,显示出浪漫主义瑰丽的艺术效果。

高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Sister Carrie 学生版讲义资料

Chapter III WEE QUESTION OF FORTUNE--FOUR-FIFTY A WEEK Once across the river and into the wholesale district, she glanced about her for some likely door at which to apply. As she contemplated the wide windows and imposing signs, she became conscious of being gazed upon and understood for what she was--a wage-seeker. She had never done this thing before, and lacked courage. To avoid a certain indefinable shame she felt at being caught spying about for a position, she quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference supposedly common to one upon an errand. In this way she passed many manufacturing and wholesale houses without once glancing in. At last, after several blocks of walking, she felt that this would not do, and began to look about again, though without relaxing her pace. A little way on she saw a great door which, for some reason, attracted her attention. It was ornamented by a small brass sign, and seemed to be the entrance to a vast hive of six or seven floors. "Perhaps," she thought, "They may want some one," and crossed over to enter. When she came within a score of feet of the desired goal, she saw through the window a young man in a grey checked suit. That he had anything to do with the concern, she could not tell, but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weakening heart misgave her and she hurried by, too overcome with shame to enter. Over the way stood a great six- story structure, labelled Storm and King, which she viewed with rising hope. It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women. She could see them moving about now and then upon the upper floors. This place she decided to enter, no matter what. She crossed over and walked directly toward the entrance. As she did so, two men came out and paused in the door. A telegraph messenger in blue dashed past her and up the few steps that led to the entrance and disappeared. Several pedestrians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating. She looked helplessly around, and then, seeing herself observed, retreated. It was too difficult a task. She could not go past them. So severe a defeat told sadly upon her nerves. Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made. Block after block passed by. Upon streetlamps at the various corners she read names such as Madison, Monroe, La Salle, Clark, Dearborn, State, and still she went, her feet beginning to tire upon the broad stone flagging. She was pleased in part that the streets were bright and clean. The morning sun, shining down with steadily increasing warmth, made the shady side of the streets pleasantly cool. She looked at the blue sky overhead with more realisation of its charm than had ever come to her before. Her cowardice began to trouble her in a way. She turned back, resolving to hunt up Storm and King and enter. On the way, she encountered a great wholesale shoe company, through the broad plate windows of which she saw an enclosed executive


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s’separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.


Isaac Bashevis Singer 艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer,1904-1991)美国作家。出生于沙俄统治下的波兰,祖父与父亲都是犹太教的长老。他从小接受正统犹太教教育,学习希伯来文和意第绪文,熟悉犹太教的经典和宗教仪式以及犹太民族的风俗习惯等,这一切都铸就了他作品的重要特色。由于受到作家和记者的哥哥的影响,他违背父命,走进了华沙犹太人文学界。在哥哥的帮助下,1935年迁居美国纽约。 辛格15岁开始文学创作。迄今为止已创作30余部作品,全都用意第绪文写成,大部分已译成英文。长篇小说《莫斯卡特一家》(195o)、《庄园》(1967)和《农庄》(1969)等主要写在现代文明和排犹主义双重压力下,波兰犹太社会的解体过程,其中《庄园》是这类作品的代表作。另一类小说主要写爱情与宗教问题,主要作品有《撒旦在戈雷》(1955)、《卢布林的魔术师》(196o)、《奴隶》(1962)、《仇敌;一个爱情故事)(1972)和《童爱)(1979)等。其中最著名的是《卢布林的魔术师》,西方评论家说它是辛格最佳的长篇小说。 辛格的短篇小说创作也很突出,至今已发表I0余部短篇小说集,重要的有《傻瓜吉姆佩尔及其他故事》(1957)、《市场街的斯宾诺莎》(1961)、《羽毛的王冠》(1973)、《短篇小说集》(1982)、《意象集》(1985)、《梅休塞拉赫之死及其他故事》(1988)等。此外还有2个剧本、3部回忆录。11部儿童故事集。1978年,由于“他的充满激情的叙事艺术,这种艺术既扎根于波兰犹太人的文化传统,又反映了人类的普遍处境”,辛格获诺贝尔文学奖。 辛格被称为当代最会讲故事的作家。在创作上,他尊重传统,又吸收了意第绪文学中的营养,创造出自己的独特风格。他的小说有不少以性爱为题材,他认为“在爱情和性爱中比在任何其他关系中,人的本性显露得更充分”。但他不耽于色情描写,而重在探索和揭示激情对个人命运的影响。他主张作家创作要起到娱乐读者的作用,让读者得到艺术享受。所以他的故事叙述生动,文笔轻松幽默,作品中丰富的成语和活泼的句法受到评论界的高度赞扬,认为那是任何译文无法传达的。


英语基础语法知识(一) 第一节词类和句子成分 一、词类 能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词。根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词类(parts of speech)。 英语的词通常分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词和感叹词。现分别叙述如下: (一)名词 名词(noun)是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: foreigner外国人 soap 肥皂Newton牛顿 law 法律freedom自由peace和平 英语名词可分为两大类: < 1。普通名词(common noun)是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如: teacher教师 market市场rice大米 magazine杂志sound声音production生产 2。专有名词(proper noun)是特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须 大写。例如: Hemingway海明威 Russia 俄罗斯 New York 纽约 United Nations联合国 名词又可分为可数名词(countable noun)与不可数名词(uncountable noun)两种。可数名词有单、复数之分。绝大多数名词的复数形式的构成是在单数名词的后面加-s或-es。例如: shop→shops商店 bus→buses 公共汽车 library→libraries图书馆

toy→toys玩具leaf→leaves树叶 英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如: man→men男人tooth→teeth牙齿datum→data数据 有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参阅有关的英语语法书。 (二)冠词 冠词(article)放在名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。冠词分为不定冠词(indefinite article)和定冠词(definite article)两种。 不定冠词为a/an,用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。a用在以辅音开头的名词之前,an用在以元音开头的名词之前。例如: a hotel 一家旅馆 a chance 一次机会 a double room一个双人间 a useful book一本有用的书 an exhibition一次展览an honest man一个诚实的人 冠词只有一个,既the,表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。可用于单数或复数名词前,也可用于不可数名词前。例如: · the TV programs那些电视节目 the house那座房子 the Olympic Games奥运会 (三)代词 代词(pronoun)是用来指代人或事物的词。代词包括: 1。人称代词,如:I, you, they, it等; 2。物主代词,如:my, his, their, our, mine, hers等; 3。反身代词,如:myself, yourself, itself, ourselves, oneself等; 4。相互代词,如:each other, one another等; 5。指示代词,如:this, that, these, those, such, same等;


高中《外国小说欣赏》考点分类梳理 [教材知识综述] 除散文这种常考文体之外,小说也是最近几年尤其是新课程高考中非常热门的一种文体。由于湖南省语文新课程实施中必选了一门《外国小说欣赏》,从而凸显了外国小说阅读在高考中的地位,需要引起广大考生的高度重视。《外国小说欣赏》由“叙述”、“场景”、“主题”、“人物”、“情节”、“结构”、“情感”和“虚构”等八个话题知识组成,因而这些话题知识很可能就是高考出题的八个考点,试题一般以主观简答题的形式出现。 [精粹点睛] 在外国小说阅读的复习中,考生宜紧扣教材的八个话题知识展开,细密梳理八个话题知识及掌握答题要领,规范作答话语。 1.理解叙述角度、人称及其表达效果 「考点梳理」叙述角度有“全知视角”和“有限视角”两种。全知视角大多见于传统小说,叙述者如上帝一般俯瞰人间,对所发生的故事、各个人物都了如指掌,有时候还跳到前台对人物评头论足。如莫泊桑的《项链》。全知视角不受时间空间和人物的限制,方便读者了解故事的来龙去脉。 有限视角的特点是叙述讲究遮蔽作者意图,故意隐藏一些环节,留给读者自己去推理、判断与评价。完全依赖于人物的眼睛来看小说里的世界,完全靠叙述者带领读者走进情节的各个环节,让读者参与其中。这使得读者变得不像在阅读传统小说那样只是被动地听故事,而必须调动自己的知识、经验和想象力。如海明威的《桥边的老人》。 叙述人称主要有第一人称“我”和第三人称“他”。第一人称的叙述只能局限于叙述人的所见所闻,与有限视角一样会受到一定的叙述限制,但它能使小说显得真实亲切,拉近与读者的距离,同时便于抒发感情。相比较而言,第三人称叙述则更自由,与全知视角一样,对人物和故事无所不知,但它的叙述并不那么亲切没有距离感。小说家选择何种叙述人称完全是根据小说的具体叙述需要而定的,也无所谓孰优孰劣。 小说用第二人称“你”来叙述的情况很少见,严格上说不是一种叙述角度而是小说中的一个人物。用“你”,倾注的是叙述者对这个人物一种抒情目光,将之当作朋友,更加拉近叙述者与人物之间的距离,使得他们之间别有一种依恋和欣赏的意味。 「考点纠错」混淆叙述视角与叙述人称;不能结合具体文本回答叙述视角与叙述人称相应的表达效果。


高中英语文学欣赏课教学实践探讨 作者:朱倩倩 来源:《作文成功之路·中旬刊》 2017年第7期 江苏省新沂市第一中学朱倩倩 【摘要】 随着全球化发展,英语越来越受到重视。当前国内高中英语教学形式单一,英语文学欣赏 受重视程度不深,对英语的学习只限于学习语言本身。由于各方面因素的影响,高中英语教学 只注重语言本身知识的掌握,忽略对作品的欣赏及人文素养的培养,高中英语文学欣赏教学对 促进学生英语语言能力有着积极有效的作用,而且是提高学生文化素养的重要手段,在高中英 语教学中应该把文学欣赏作为重要任务之一。 【关键词】 高中英语文学欣赏存在问题探讨对策 在当下的高中英语教学中普遍存在着重知识、轻能力的现象,教学内容主要以词汇和语法 为主,英语口语学习少,文学欣赏课程安排量少,导致学生难以形成听说读写的综合语言运用 能力及思维创新能力,遇到知识难点只能僵硬地学习,学习效率不高。本文对高中英语文学欣 赏课教学实践进行探讨,针对其相关问题,提出相关建议,以供参考。 一、高中英语文学欣赏存在的问题 (一)英语文学欣赏课程安排数量少 高中教学受应试教育的影响,大多数学校主要以高考应试成绩为教学目标,基本英语教学 形式以一种课本、一个进度、一个目标、一种方法进行英语教学,只注重英语语言本身的学习,单一向学生灌输语言、语法知识,忽略对文章文学欣赏的提高,以至于英语文学欣赏课程安排 数量极少,大多数课程都是应试教学,同时我国地域广阔,经济水平、文化水平差距大,英语 教学受重视程度不同,对于经济水平落后地区来说,基础英语教学开展难度都很大,很难在进 行英语文学欣赏课的开设。 (二)教科书文学欣赏作品少 自从新课标推广以来,教学内容和形式有了极大的改善,文学欣赏作品数量有所增加,但 仍然不能达到最佳效果。文学欣赏是英语教学的重要部分,能够有效地促进学生学习效率及运 用水平,在新课标英语教学内容上,教材对文学欣赏没有做出说明和具体要求,虽然教材内容 多以说明文为主,仍是侧重语言知识和语法知识,文学素养体现不足,难以促进学生对文章的 深刻了解,反而会对文章内容感觉枯燥、兴趣不足。 二、促进高中英语文学欣赏教学的策略 (一)改善英语文学欣赏作品的教材选编 目前我国还没有一本专门为高中英语文学欣赏编写英语教材,这就需要英语教师自己动手 选择编排适合高中生学习的英语文学作品,学校可以开展英语文学欣赏选修课,以满足英语教 师文学欣赏教学的需要。例如,教师根据学生的知识发展水平,教材选编符合英国文学经历文


高中英语阅读提高方法之原版小说阅读英语原版小说阅读的必要性 良好的阅读素养是英语学习的重要部分,是关系到个人发展的重要因素,更是提升国民素质、增强国家竞争力的重要基础。为全面提高学生的阅读素养,提高做题正确率,特总结以下建议在实践中,我们发现现行英语教材在阅读素材方面有待完善。例如,原版英语阅读量不足,英语阅读材料不够地道纯正等。教材与初中学生的需求存在以下三点差异: ?第一,词汇量偏少; ?第二,课本中的语言和内容有的经过了加工,如对原文做了删节; ?第三,能让学生产生真实情感共鸣的文章不多。 调查显示,多数学生头脑中对语言的认知比较零散、孤立,呈现出碎片化倾向。这与使用现行英语教材教学的局限性有关。 因此,英语阅读课有必要引入大量原版阅读材料,以满足学生对语言和信息的需要,为整体提升学生的阅读素养提供文化资源。而在阅读课中以思维训练为主的阅读策略的指导,又有利于学生在课外培养独立自主的学习习惯。 2019年至今,笔者所在的英语教研组在初中阶段开展了适合学生英语语言水平和心智发展水平的英语原版小说阅读教学。 在英语必修课上,我们为学生提供充足的、原汁原味的语言素材,大多数是选自获得美国纽伯瑞儿童文学奖的小说。这个奖项每年颁发一次,专门奖励上一年度出版的英语儿童文学优秀作品。此奖项设立近百年来,对美国以及世界儿童文学有着极大的影响。凡获纽伯瑞奖的书籍,皆被列入英语国家英语课必读书籍。另外,我们所用的小说也有选自获得美国图书馆协会最佳青少年读物奖的小说。这些优秀的文学作品是很多美国中小学五至九年级暑期推荐书目中出现频率最高的小说。如: ?Bridge to Terabithia ?Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry ?Number the Stars ?The Giver ?Hoot ?The One and Only Ivan ?Charlotte’s Web ?Island of the Blue Dolphins ?Holes ?Freak the Mighty 英语原版小说阅读的主要益处 1提升学生的文化鉴赏能力 经典的文学作品以生动流畅的语言、匠心独运的构思,细腻鲜活地描写了丰满的人物形象和引人入胜的故事情节;穿越时代和地域,展现人类对于生命意义、友情、亲情、爱和人性等永恒主题的深刻追问。以经典文学作品作为阅读材料,可以使学生获得地道的语言输入,而这些文字更有一种直抵心灵深处的力量,激励着学生潜心阅读,开启心智,因此是使学生受益终生的精神财富。 2塑造学生的情感态度和价值观 初中生正处在人生观和价值观形成的关键期。在英语原版小说阅读课上,教师是学生思想品格的辅导员和引领者。在培养学生阅读能力的同时,我们更有责任去塑造他们积极向上的情感态度和价值观。 英语原版小说中的故事和人物取材于生活,在吸引学生阅读兴趣的同时,也能激发学生的真情实感。学生在享受阅读的过程中真正做到“用心”去体会、去理解、去思考。我们在帮助学生解读他人的生活经历和情感态度的过程中,进一步鼓励学生在体验与联想中丰富自己的人生经历,把小说中珍惜友情、重视


高中英语作文范文赏析 Today, with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts people’s body. Today, more and mo re people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly. 今天,随着高科技的发展,我们可以接触各种各样的高科技产品,比如电脑,数字相 机等等。这些产品让我们的生活变得方便,我们可以和家人和朋友随时随地保持联系。我 们的生活受高科技影响而改变,我们生活在一个快节奏的世界。手机深深影响着我们的生活,每个人都有手机。然而手机给我们带来了危害。第一,手机包含了危害我们身体的辐射。现在,越来越多的人死于癌症,主要的原因是高科技产品辐射着他们的身体,长此下去,身体就得病了。手机就是其中的产品,只要我们使用,就会受到危害。第二,手机让 我们忽略了发现生活的美。 As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But how? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it’s important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. If we live in the school’s dormitory, we should be careful not to disturb others. Don’t bring friends back to the dormitory in the mid-night after all the roommates are sleeping. Or playing computer games with the music turn up so loud. Such behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your roommates. 我们都知道,学生应该学会与人相处。但是该怎样做呢?首先,我们应该相互理解体 谅对方。除此之外,和他人分享我们的喜怒哀乐也是很有必要的。我们还要对他人友善, 为他人提供必要的帮助。如果我们住在学校里面,就要注意不要打扰到他人。不要在午夜 时分舍友睡觉的时,把朋友带回来。或者是大声的开着音乐玩电脑。这种行为会伤害到你 与舍友之间的关系。

英语小说欣赏入门The Lady Or The Tiger

The Open Window Based on a story by Frank Stockton About the author: Frank Stockton (1834-1902) was born in Philadelphia. Stockton was an engraver by trade, but he spent much of his time writing stories. His earliest stories were for children, but later he began writing for adults. Stockton was one of the most famous American writers of the 1880s and 1890s. He was widely admired in his day and even Mark Twain was one of his fans. “The Lady or the Tiger?” is Stockton’s best known work. When it was punished in 1882, it caused a sensation throughout the country as readers debated what the ending should be. The text Many years ago there lived a cruel and savage king. This king had a wild and violent imagination, and since he was king, he had the power to make his wishes come true. The king loved to discuss things with himself. When he and himself agreed on something, the king commanded that it be done, and it was done at once because everyone in the kingdom was afraid of the king. When thing went smoothly, the king was pleasant and calm. But when a problem arose, his eyes gleamed and he rubbed his hands together with glee since there was nothing he loved more than correcting things that were wrong and destroying those who needed to be punished. [1] The king had heard about the public arena—a place where men and wild animals could demonstrate their courage and strength by fighting each other, The idea appealed very much to this barbaric king. But he used it in a different way—to punish the guilty and reward the innocent. Here is how it worked. When a man was accused of a serious crime, the king posted a notice. It said that in a certain day the man’s fate would be decided in the king’s arena. Everyone was invited to attend the trail. The king’s arena! Ah, how well it deserved that name! You see, the idea of an arena was not new, but the way it was used here was different, and came solely from the brain of the king. He thought of it because it delighted him and gave him pleasure. On the day of the trail, a large crowd would gather in the king’s arena. After everyone was seated, the king entered, followed by his court. The king sat on his royal throne on one side of the arena. When the king gave a signal, a door would open and the accused man would step out into the arena. Opposite him, on the other side of the arena, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. The person on trail would walk to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased. No one spoke to him or offered any advice. The choice was his own. Behind one of the doors was a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel that could be found. If the man opened that door, the tiger immediately leaped out and tore the man to pieces. That was the punishment for his guilt! Then iron bells began to clang, cries of sorrow were heard, and the vast crowd, with heavy hearts, slowly made its way home. Everyone felt sad that the man had deserved to meet such a horrible fate. But if the accused person opened the other door, a lady stepped out. She was as perfect a


Plot: Exposition raising action climax falling action resolution Conflict: is a struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a story. Conflict can be external or internal and it often takes one of these forms: a person against another person A person against society A person against nature Two elements struggling for mastery within a person Exposition:is the beginning part of a story in which important background information is given. Surprise ending: means an unexpected twist at the end of a story that is not predicted by the reader beforehand and it depends on an unexpected resolution of the main conflict. Point of view: refers to the standpoint from which a story is told, or the angle from which a fictional work is narrated, or the perspective from which a story is presented to the reader. Third-person point of view: (1)、third-person omniscient(all-knowing) (2)、third-person limited (3)、third person objective Innocent narrator(na?ve narrator) does not comprehend all the complexes and complications of the outer world or fails to understand all
