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Practice Time!
❖ They have the same name. ❖ Nancy doesn’t want to sing. ❖ The man ran madly to the camp. ❖ Let’s get together when Ted’s better. ❖ The teacher repeated the speech. ❖ The bus doesn’t run on Sunday.
English Pronunciation & Intonation
/Ɔ / song sock sorry long loss dog dollar /Ɔ :/ door daughter four form forty saw /u/ good book cooking would wooden /u:/ two soon blue goose school /Ə / again attack above afraid ago /Ə :/ stir serve surf surface turn skirt
English Pronunciation & Intonation
/i:/ feed feet tea team seek sea three /i/ fid fit did pig figure pity city live /e/ bed Ben beg said sell best better /æ / lab bag flag lack ladder flatter flat /а‫ ׃‬/ car bar far fast father bath half /ʌ / rub bus supper rush run summary
语音语调专训 English Pronunciation &
Intonation Practice
❖ 准确(辅音和元音) ❖ 好听(重读) ❖ 地道(语调和连读)
English Pronunciation & Intonation
❖ 辅音(清辅音和浊辅音) /p/ peak pack cap rope simple rapid /b/ break back boy cab symbol rabbit /t/ tear coat written tick heating debt /d/ dear code ridden dig reading dead /k/ cap leak clocking duck backing /g/ gap league clogging dug bagging
4பைடு நூலகம்
English Pronunciation & Intonation
/ʃ / sheep passion share pressure crash /ʒ / pleasure treasure occasion garage /ʧ / chain cheap searching catch lunch /ʤ / Jane jeep joke edging orange
English Pronunciation & Intonation
/ei/ pay pace paper say safe ray train /ai/ why wide wife eye ice either line /Əu / low load home hopeful notice /аu / now how mouse noun cow house /Ɔi / joy pointer choice coin toilet /iƏ / fear near really ear fierce /ɛƏ] / scare chair dare fair pair /uƏ / tour cure curious sure cruel
Try It!
English is the most widely spoken language in the history of our planet, used in some way at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe. Nonetheless, it is time to face the fact that English is a crazy language—the most loopy and wiggly of all tongues.
English Pronunciation & Intonation
其它辅音 /h/ anyhow childhood behind heart /r/ rice read mirror river road correct /l/ file lead mill live elect bill lesson /m/ mice month lemon same lamb /n/ nice dinner north listen seen nine /ŋ / angry young ring singer length finger
Practice Time!
❖ He is hurting the sheep. ❖ I think it will be cold. ❖ He has never seen his new rifle. ❖ Collect the paper, please! ❖ What’s wrong with the sweets? ❖ This is the best possible measure.
English Pronunciation & Intonation
/f/ fast safer leaf belief proof rifle /v/ vast saver leave believe prove rival /θ/ breath cloth mouth three thief thirsty /ð / breathe with then this father though /s/ sink bracing ice base lace racing /z/ eyes razor zip zeal zoo bays