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摘要 (1)


1 绪论 (3)

1.1论文选题的背景及意义 (3)

1.2国内外研究现状 (3)

1.3研究思路及主要内容 (4)

2 生产线平衡的基本原理 (5)

2.1生产线平衡的目的和原则 (5)

2.2生产线平衡要满足的约束条件 (5)

2.3影响生产线平衡的主要因素 (5)

2.3.1标准作业指导书的制定对生产线平衡的影响 (5)

2.3.2 排线对生产线平衡的影响 (6)

2.3.3员工责任心对生产线平衡的影响 (6)

2.4生产线平衡问题的方法研究 (6)

2.4.1程序分析 (6)

2.4.2 操作分析 (7)

2.4.3动作分析 (9)

3 F公司整车流水线的情况概述 (10)

3.1F公司概况 (10)

3.2F公司装配生产线平衡的情况概述 (10)

3.2.1F公司电动车生产流程现状 (10)

3.2.2F公司电动车生产中存在的关键问题 (11)

4 F公司整车流水线平衡的解决方案 (12)

4.1F公司整车流水线平衡整改方案 (12)

4.2整车线与吊挂方案对比 (14)

5 结论 (16)

致谢............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。参考文献. (17)



F公司在装配生产线中就经常遇到这种问题,作业负荷不平衡给F公司造成无谓的工时损失,还造成大量的工序堆积,严重时会造成生产线的中止。在市场需求越来越大的今天,F公司研究改善生产线就迫在眉睫。实现均衡生产不仅有利于保证设备、人力的负荷平衡,从而提高设备和工时的利用率,同时还有利于建立正常的生产秩序和管理秩序,保证产品质量和安全生产;均衡生产还有利于节约物资消耗,减少在制品数量,加速流动资金周转,从而降低生产成本。在均衡生产的基础上实现“单元生产(cell production)”,也提高了企业生产应变能力,对应市场变化实现柔性生产系统;通过平衡生产线,可以综合运用程序分析、操作分析、动作分析、Lay out 分析、时间分析等传统工业工程手法,能提高全员的综合素质。总之,现代生产企业在大力提倡现代工业工程应用时,不要忽视基础工业工程方法在企业中所起的事半功倍的作用。



In the mode of line production, how to improve the overall efficiency of the production line and how to reduce work in the process of production decide the enterprise equipment and personnel utilization,and at the same time it will restrict the improvement of production line's production capacity .At present, the problem of production line balancing has been found to be the key link of production process design and standardization of work process. Manufacturing production is mostly multiple process flow continuous production line after fine differentiation .At this time, work division simplify the operation difficulty, improve operation skill and improve operation efficiency .However, after this work differentiation, the processes of the operation time cannot be the same exactly both in theory and practice, and this will lead to working load imbalance in the process. It will cause not only dead weight loss, but also a lot of process heap, and sometimes even cause line termination. Fulfilling balanced production in enterprises is conducive not only to ensure the equipment, manpower load balance in order to improve the utilization rate of equipment and working hours, but also to establish normal production order and management order to ensure product quality and safe production. At the same time, balanced production can help save the consumption of materials, reduce work in process, accelerate capital turnover and as a result reduce production cost. Achieving cell production on the basis of balanced production can improve enterprises' production strain capacity, and realize the flexibility of production system in corresponding of changes in the market. Through the balance of production line, we can make comprehensive use of traditional industrial engineering of program analysis, operation analysis, motion analysis, Lay analysis and time analysis to improve the overall quality of all workers..All in all, when modern production enterprises energetically advocate modern industrial engineering, they should not ignore multiplier effect fundamental industrial engineering methods bring in enterprises.

Key Words: Line Balancing, Operating efficiency,Modern Industrial Engineering, Operating segments
