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f o r的用法完全归纳 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

f o r的用法完全归纳用法1:(表目的)为了。如:

They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。

What did you do that for 你干吗这样做

That’s what we’re here for. 这正是我们来的目的。

What’s she gone for this time 她这次去干什么去了

He was waiting for the bus. 他在等公共汽车。

在通常情况下,英语不用 for doing sth 来表示目的。如:他去那儿看他叔叔。

误:He went there for seeing his uncle.正:He went there to see his uncle.

但是,若一个动名词已名词化,则可与 for 连用表目的。如:

He went there for swimming. 他去那儿游泳。(swimming 已名词化)



What can I do for you 你想要我什么

We study hard for our motherland. 我们为祖国努力学习。

Would you please carry this for me 请你替我提这个东西好吗

Do more exercise for the good of your health. 为了健康你要多运动。

(1)有些后接双宾语的动词(如 buy, choose, cook, fetch, find, get, order, prepare, sing,

spare 等),当双宾语易位时,通常用 for 来引出间接宾语,表示间接宾语为受益者。如:

She made her daughter a dress. / She made a dress for her daughter. 她为她女儿做了件连衣裙。

He cooked us some potatoes. / He cooked some potatoes for us. 他为我们煮了些土豆。注意,类似下面这样的句子必须用 for:

He bought a new chair for the office. 他为办公室买了张新办公椅。

(2) 注意不要按汉语字面意思,在一些及物动词后误加介词 for:


误:They decided to advertise for their new product on TV.

正:They decided to advertise their new product on TV.

注:advertise 可用作及物或不及物动词,但含义不同:advertise sth=为卖出某物而打广告;advertise for sth=为寻找某物而打广告。如:advertise for a job=登广告求职。由于受汉语“为”的影响,而此处误加了介词 for。类似地,汉语中的“为人民服务”,说成英语是 serve the people,而不是 serve for the people,“为某人的死报仇”,说成英语是avenge sb’s death,而不是 avenge for sb’s death,等等。


Knives are used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。

This knife is for cutting bread. 这把小刀是用于切面包的。

It’s a machine for slicing bread. 这是切面包的机器。

The doctor gave her some medicine for her cold. 医生给了她一些感冒药。


He went home for his book. 他回家拿书。

He went to his friend for advice. 他去向朋友请教。

She often asked her parents for money. 她经常向父母要钱。

We all hope for success. 我们都盼望成功。

Are you coming in for some tea 你要不要进来喝点茶


That’s for you. 这是给你的。

Here is a letter for you. 这是你的信。

Have you room for me there 你那边能给我腾出点地方吗


I am sorry for it. 对不起。

Thank you for coming to see me. 谢谢你来看我。

I couldn’t speak for laughing. 我笑得说不出话来。

He couldn’t sleep for joy. 他高兴得不能入睡。

【用法说明】有些表原因的特殊结构不宜用介词 for 来引出,而用其他介词。如:


误:For the result of his hard work, he got a pay rise.

正:As a [the] result of his hard work, he got a pay rise.

注:as a [the] result of 是习语,意为“由于……的结果”。


误:For Mother (being) away, she had to cook the meal herself.

正:With Mother (being) away, she had to cook the meal herself.

注:“with+宾语+宾语补足语”可用来表示原因,此时的 with 不能换成 for。类似地,下例中的 with 也不能换成 for:
