




A: it's a nice day, isn't it? Oh, may i introduce myself? I am XXX. Nice to meet you!

B: Glade to meet you XXX, my name is XXX.

A: XXX, this is XXX.

B: I am very glad to meet you.

C: it's pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Chongyi so far?

C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.

B: It always takes time to get used to a new place. (don't worry. You 'll get used to it in no time)

B; I'm very glad to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you.

B: I am from Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Company, and I am come here to learn the new technology. What about you?

C: oh, really, it is welcome. I am a worker. By the way, my name is XXX.

B: nice to meet you. I am XXX. I am sorry, I have to go now, see you later.


A: I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, 被介绍人.

B: How do you do?

C: How do you do?

B: how long have you been here?

C: just come here for 3 days.

B: do you like here?

C: yes, very much. The people here is very friendly, and they help me a lot.

B: anything I can help you just told me.

C: thanks a lot.


A: good morning. How's every thing?

B: fine, just fine. Thanks.

A: doing anything for lunch?

B:well, as a matter of fact, i've got a lunch date with XXX.

A: happy new year!

B: the same to you! A: have a nice weekend!

B: thanks. You too!

A: i haven't see you for ages(a long time). How have you been?

B: fine, just fine. And you?

B: not bad, it really is great to see you again.


A:Well, i must be off now, i have an appointment at six.那好吧,我必须要走了,我有个6点的约会B: In that case, i won't keep you any longer. Drop in any time. 那我就不留你了,欢迎随时再来

A: i just dropped in to say goodbye.

B: take care and give my best to you parents.

A: thank you, i will. Hope to see soon.


A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Museum? 对不起,你能告诉我如何去博物馆?

B: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. 你可以做5号公共汽车,司机会告诉你如何去哪里。

A: but i want to walk there. 但是我想走路去

B: Oh, then you walk along this street, turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. Keep straight on until you see a road sign that says "Museum", and then you follow the sign. It will direct you to the Museum. 沿着这条路走,在第3个十字路口向右转,在第一个路口左转。直走到你能看到博物馆的路标后,按照路标来走就能指引你到博物馆了。

A: walk along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then I'll see the road sign? 沿着这条路,右转,左转,直走,然后就能看到路标?

B: That's right. 是的。

A: excuse me, which way is to the post office?/excuse me, can you tell me where main street is? B: turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.

A:Excuse me, where is the Beijing Railway Station?对不起,请问北京火车站在哪里?

B:You can take the subway to get there.你可以坐地铁到那里。

A:How long will it take to get there?要多久才能到那里?

B:It takes only ten minutes.只需10分钟。

A:May I take a bus or a taxi to get there?我可以坐公共汽车或打的到那里吗?

B:You can take No. 1 bus or a taxi.你可以乘1路公共汽车或的士。

A:Excuse me, sir. Where is the No. 1 bus stop?先生,请问1路公共汽车在哪里?

B:Please turn right at the traffic lights.请到红绿灯处向右拐。

A:Thank you very much.非常感谢。

B:You’re welcome.没什么。


I suggest that ...do more practice


Ask for help

Could you do me a favor? I am new here, and I do not know how to use the telephone(how to get the dormitory)

礼貌的结束,thank you very much! (Thanks a lot)

You are welcome!



首先要说明原因I'm terribly sorry,last time...

I do apologize for this. I will do... 赞成与反对

Agreeing and disagreeing

赞成:I really disagree with you.

反对:I do not agree with you. (There are some, but not many.) In my opinion...


1. I will support you. 我会支持你的。

2. I’ll back you up. 我会挺你的。

3.I’m on your side.我站在你这边。

4. You can count on me. 你可以依靠我。

5. You can rely on me. 你可以依赖我。

6. You can trust in me. 你可以信赖我。

7. I’ll be available if you need me. 你需要帮助时,我就有空。

8. I’ll be there if you need a hand. 你需要帮助时,我就会出现。

9. I’m a phone call away. 我随call随到。

10. I’m with you all the way. 我一路上陪着你。


1. Where are you from? 你从哪里来?

2. How long have you been in Chongyi? 你来崇义多久了?

3. Do you speak Chinese? 你会说中文吗?

4. Wow, where did you pick up your Chinese? You speak Chinese so well! 哇,你在哪里学的中文?你中文讲得好棒喔!

5. Why did you come to China? Did you come here to study Chinese or just visit? 你为什么来中国?你来中国学中文还是只是观光?

6. What do you do in China? 你在中国从事什么工作?

7. Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国食物吗?

8. Are you interested in doing a language exchange with me? 你有兴趣和我做个语言交换吗?

9. What do you like about China? 你喜欢中国哪些东西?

10. Where have you been in China? 你去过中国哪些地方?


W: Taxi! Taxi, please!

M: Good morning. Where to?

W: XXX please. I need to catch 5:00 train. M: It may be difficult.

W: I know. Please just do your best.

M: Ok, I will. We probably can still make it. If we don't stuck in a traffic jam.


B: Good morning, Madam. May I help you? A: Good morning, I'd like to open a new account to deposit this money.

B: A current account or fixed?

A: A current account would be fine.

B: Ok. Please fill out this form. And give me your ID card.

A: Here's the form, my ID card and the money. And, I have another account which I'd like to clear today. Please can you draw out all the money from this bankbook and put it into the new account?

B: Ok. I'll deal with these one by one。

Airport 机场

A: Flight BE 407 to Rome is delayed. Will passengers please wait in the lounge? 飞往罗马的BE407航班推迟起飞。请乘客在休息室等候。

B: Oh, how annoying! 噢,真烦人!

A: The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible. 起飞时间将尽快通知。

B: It’s infuriating! I have to be in Rome by five. 真气人!我得在5点以前到达罗马的。

Check-in counter 检票

A: May I see you tickets and passports, please? 我能看下你的票和护照吗?

B: Here they are. 在这里

A: Would you put all your baggage on the scale, please...Ah, eighteen kilos.请把所有行李放来称重,一共18公斤

B: Is that inside the free allowance? 这些事在允许的范围内吗?

A: Yes, we allow twenty kilos each. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? 是的,我们允许每个人携带20公斤的行李。你是要靠窗的还是靠过道的位置?

B: A window seat, please. 请给我一个靠窗的位置

A: Here is you boarding pass, have a nice flight. 这是你的登记卡,旅行愉快

B: Thank you. 谢谢


Officer: May I see your passport? 我能看下你的护照吗?

B: Of course, here you are. 当然可以,给你

Officer: Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to the China? 能告诉我你来中国的目的吗?

B: I am here to study at a university. (Sightseeing/business) 我来这里的大学学习。(观光/商务)

Officer: Where are you staying? (Do you have the return ticket?) 在那里居住?(你有回程机票吗?)

B: I am stay in the university. 我在学校居住。

Officer: How long will you be staying here? 你在这里呆多长的时间?

B: 1 year (I plan to stay for about 10 days) 一年(我计划呆10天)

Officer: OK, thank you very much. 谢谢


A: Do you have anything to declare? 你有没有什么东西需要报关?

B: No 没有

A: Please put all carry-one luggages in a basket and then place it on the conveyor. 请把所有的随身行李放到一个筐里,然后把筐放在传送带上。

B: Should I take off my jacket too? 我要脱掉我的夹克吗?

A: Yes. And would you mind opening your lap top? 是的。你介意打开你的手提电脑吗?

B: No. not at all. There you go.没关系。给你。

A: Thank you. Please take off your shoes too. 谢谢。请脱掉鞋子。

B: ok A: thank you.


A: Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer planes, please? 打扰了。你能告诉在那里转机吗?

B: Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight? 你有下一趟飞机的登记卡吗?

A: Yes. 是的

B: You can directly go to the boarding gate of the next flight by following the sigh. 你可以跟随那些标记直接到下一趟飞机的登机口。A: I see. Thank you. 看到了,谢谢


A: Please fill out this form before the plane lands. (请在飞机降落前填好这张表格。)It's a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the airport before you can enter the country.(这表格是有关海关和移民的。当您下了飞机,要进入这个国家的时候就要用到。)


衣架(带不带都成), 毛巾4条, 浴巾,牙刷6支, 电池(5号1盒,7号1盒,2号4个,纽扣电池若干)、电子闹钟、针线包、粘钩若干、雨伞、电话号码本、指甲刀、剪子、雨衣、墨镜、眼镜、皮筋、卡子、镜子、护理液、小螺丝刀、梳子、牙膏、刷牙杯、饭盒、筷子、勺子(刀叉要带全)、镜子、化妆品(这边的化妆品很便宜的,少带一点,到这边再买了)、皮筋、橡皮手套,擀面杖,鞋刷、菜谱,肥皂一定要带的;


感冒类: 板蓝根, 快克清凉油若干康泰克1盒、痰咳净1盒风痛宁1盒、复方甘草片1瓶、百服宁(2盒)、白加黑(3盒)、体温表保健类: 施尔康、维生素片


消炎类: 氧氟沙星, 诺氟沙星, 阿莫仙, 黄连素、三金片口腔类: 草珊瑚含片, 西瓜霜、牙痛药外用类: 达克宁2盒皮炎平1盒、红花油, 棉签, 药棉, 乐敦眼药水, 消炎眼药水, 咪康唑软膏, 邦迪, 四环素眼膏, 红霉素、云南白药、清凉油











T-shirt 多带,内衣裤,袜子多带些纯棉的衣服袜子,内衣多带








圆珠笔(蓝、红色)、签字笔及笔芯、自动铅笔、铅心、橡皮、涂改液、固体胶水、裁纸刀、笔袋、文件夹(多带)、笔记本、计算器(带函数功能)、信纸, 英汉/汉英词典、快译通、订书机、便签条、回形针、订书钉、小透明胶、雅思书籍、双面胶文具一类还是要带的铅笔橡皮一定要带


编程软件(VC、BC),MatLab(Full version better),Mathematica,PhotoShop5.0,AutoCAD,Origin等熟悉的软件,精选光盘三十张,操作系统,中文平台,OFFICE 97 或2000,Windows NT,正版LINUX软件及书籍,详细的UNIX的书,其它高深的计算机书籍一堆




(a) 系统软件:98、XP、NT、DOS、WINME、WIN2K中英文版。

(b) 办公软件:OFFICE全套(中英文)、WPS2000、金山词霸、快译。

(c) 系统工具:杀毒软件、GHOST、磁盘工具、WINZIP、WINRAR




(g) 编程软件:VB、C、DELPHI、C++ 网络线多带



A: Hello. Can I speak to Alice, please? 喂,请找爱丽思接电话好吗?

B: Hold on, please.请稍等。

A: Thank you.谢谢你。

B: Sorry, but she's out. May I take a message? 抱歉,她出去了。

A: Would you tell her Tom Gray called and ask him to return my call as soon as he gets back? 你能告诉她汤姆?格雷打过电话,让他回来后给我回电话。

B: I’d be glad to.我会的。

A: Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Company, can I help you? 崇义章源钨业股份有限公司,又什么我能帮助你的?B: It’s XXX from USA, can I speak to XXX, please? 我是来自美国的XXX,能让XXX接电话吗?

A: One moment please.稍等一下。

C: Hello, XXX speaking. 你好,我是XXX。



人物: A:会展电话营销人员 (李先生) B:参展商(彼特) F: 会展现场营销人员(刘先生) G:参展商B的助理(玛丽) C:现场引导人员 D:观众 E:展销人员扮演角色名单: (詹A C 骏B 丘F 飞G 涛D 曹E) (场景1)邀展 A:你好,彼得先生。 A:?Hello,?Mr.?Peter. B:你好,李先生。 B:?Hello,?Mr.?Li. A:听说你公司最近在扩大业务,进行顺利吗? A:?I?heard?your?company?recently?in?expanding?the?business?and?go?smoothly ? B:是的,还不错 B:?Yes,?it?is?fine A:我想邀请贵公司参加我们的汽车展览,新型车将是这个展览亮点,也为你公司发展提供平台。 A:?I'd like to invite you to take part in our car exhibition .The?new?car?will?be?the?exhibition highlights and it will provide?a?platform?for?the?development?of your company. B:哦,我想我们公司会对这个很感兴趣。 B:Oh,?I?think?our?company?is interested in it. A好的,你先留下你的联系方式?到时候我们联系。 A?Well, now?you?should?leave?your?contact?way and we will contact you that time. B?好的!?我的电话号码是3853748, B?OK!?my?telephone?number?is?3853748, A?没问题,谢谢! A?No problem ,thank?you. (场景2)考察 F:彼特先生和这位女士,你们好,我是李先生的同事刘先生,请问贵公司对参加我们这个汽车展有什么看法吗。 F:Hello, Mr Peter and Ms. I’m Mr Peter partner,Mr Liu.What does your company think about join in this car exhibition?


商务谈判英语对话实例 (1) a: you could save a lot if you would order a little more . b: how could we do that ? a: we offer a discount for large orders . b: let me take another look at our requirements . a:如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的钱。 b:怎么说呢? a:我们对大量订购有打折。 b:那我们看看我们的需要量有多少。 (2) a: we can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces. b: i'm not sure we can use that many . a: it would represent quite a savings . b: ok, i'll see what i can do . a:订购一万个以上,我们可以打九折。 b:我怕我们用不了那么多。 a:这省下的可是一笔不少的钱哩。 b:好吧,我考虑考虑吧。 (3)

a: why are there three prices quoted for this part ? b: they represent the prices for different quantities. a: i see . b: the more you order , the more you will save . a:这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价? b:那表示不同的量有不同的价钱。 a:原来如此。 b:订购愈多,省的钱愈多。 (4) a: is this your standard price ? b: yes ,it is . a: it seems too high to me b: we can negotiate the unit price for large orders . a:这是你们的基本准价吗? b:是的 a:好像贵了一点。 b:如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。 (5) a: i'm calling about mistake on our last invoice . b: what was it ? a: we should have been given the large quantity price . b: yes ,that is absolutely right .


1、Have you a reservation? 您预定过了吗? 2、May I know your name and room number? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗? 3、Here is your room key. 给您房间钥匙。 4、Please pay at the cashier’s desk over there. 请去那边帐台付款。 5、Are these your baggage? 这些是您的行李吗? May I take them for you? 我来帮您拿好吗? 6、Housekeeping, may I come in? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗? 7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. 请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。 8、I hope I’m not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰您。 9、One moment, madam. I’ll bring them to you right away. 等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。 10、I’ll send for an electrician( doctor...) 我给您请电工(大夫……)。 餐饮部: 11、Sit down, please. Here is the menu. 请坐,给您菜单,先生。 May I take your order, sir? 您要点菜吗? 12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? 13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗? 14、Service hours are: (餐厅)供应时间是: 7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast. 早餐7点到9点。 11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch. 午餐11点半到1点半。 6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner. 晚餐6点半到8点半。 15、Here is the bill. Please sign it. 这是您的账单,请签字。 前厅常用英语 欢迎和问侯语 1)good morning (afternoon,evening),sir(madam).2)how do you do!how do you do!glad to meet you.3)how are you ?fine,thanks.and you?4)welcome to our hotel.5)wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.6)i hope you will enjoy your stay with us.i hope you enjoy your stay with us.i hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.7)have a good time. 电话用语 8)good morning.this is concierge(bussiness center,reservation,front desk...),benson is speaking.may i help you ?9)sorry,i\'ve dialed the wrong number.10)may i speak to your general manager?11)sorry.he is not in at the moment.12)would you like to leave a message?13)pardon?i beg your pardon? 祝贺语 14)congratulations!15)hppy birthday!16)hppy new year!17)merry christmas!18)have a niceholiday!19)wish you every sucess! 答谢和应答语 20)thank you very much.21)thank you for your advice(information,help).22)it\'s very kind of you. 23)you are welcome.24)not at all./don\'t mention it.25)it\'s my pleasure./with pleasure./my pleasure.26)i am at your service. i\'malways at your service.27)thank you for staying in our hotel.28)thank you for your understanding. 道歉语 29)i\'m sorry./i\'m very sorry.30)excuse me.31)i\'m sorry.it\'s my fault.32)sorry to have kept you waiting.33)sorry to disturb you.34)excuse me for interrupting.35)i\'m sorry about this36)i apologize for this.37)that\'s all right./it doesn\'t matter./it\'s nothing./let\'s forget it. 征询语 38)may i help you? yes,please.39)what can i do for you?40)is there anything i can do for you?41)please let me know if there is anything else i can do for you.42)please wait a moment(minute).43)may i use your phone? yes, of course./certainly. 指路用语 44)go upstairs/downstairs.45)it\'s on the second(third...)floor.46)excuse me.where is the washroom(restroom)?47)excuse me.where is the elevator(lift,clinic,restaurant)?48)this way,please.49)after you,please.50)turn left/right.51)it\'s in the lobby neat the main entrance.52)go straight ahead.53)go down to the lobby.54)turn left at the first corner.55)sorry ,i\'m not sure.if you\'ll wait a minute,i\'ll be glad to find out for you. 提醒用语


英语商务谈判对话 Robert在前面的谈判最后提出签约十年的要求,Kevin会不会答应呢?如果答案是否决的话,Robert又有何打算?他一心为公司的利益打算,极力争取技术转移地协定,而对方会甘心出让此项比金钱更珍贵的资产吗?请看以下分解: K:Wecan'tsignanycommitmentfortenyears.Butifyourproductio nqualityisgoodafterthefirstyear,wecouldextendthecontractand increaseouryearlypurchase. R:Thatsoundsreasonable.Butcouldyoushedsomelighton(透露)thesizeofyourorders? K:Ifwearehappywithyourquality,wemightincreaseourpurchase to100,000ayear,foratwo-yearperiod. R:Excuseme,Mr.Hughes,butitseemstomewe'regivinguptoomuchi nthiscase.We'dbegivingupthefive-yearguaranteeforincreasedyearlysales. K:Mr.Liu,you'vegottogiveupsomethingtogetsomething. R:Ifyou'reaskingustotakesuchalargegamble(冒 险)forjusttwoyear'ssales,I'msorry,butyou'renotinourballpark (接受的范围). K:WhatwouldittaketokeepPacerinterested? R:Athree-yearguarantee,nottwo.Andaqualiltyinspection(质量检 查)tourafteroneyearisfine,butwe'dlikesomeofourpersonnelonth eteam. K:Acceptable.Anythingelse?


Miss Chen comes to Mr.LINAN’s booth on the last day of exhibition. She expresses her appreciation of Mr. LINAN’s products. At the same time, gives her own suggestions. Miss CHEN: Hi, Mr.LI. Li NAN: Hi there. I’m so happy to see you again. You are Mis s Chen. I remember you came to our booth on the first day of the exhibition. MISS CHEN: Yes, I’m here again because your cotton textiles are very appealing to me. Li NAN: Do you like the products we sold you? MISS CHEN: Yes. The cotton cheongsams are selling well, especially the ones with the traditional Chinese patterns and characters. Li NAN: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll send you a catalogue of our various products when I go back to China. MISS CHEN: Thank you. In this exhibition your products, presentation, and hospitality really impressed me. By the way, if your textile products have brighter colors, they will be more popular. Li NAN: I’m glad you have a good impression of our products, Miss Chen. I hope we can keep in touch and continue to cooperate. MISS CHEN: I will keep in touch with you. Have a safe and happy journey home! LI NAN just participated in an international exhibition. He is talking about the results of the exhibition with the General Manager, Mary Mary : Mr.LI, what are the results of the exhibition? Li NAN: Not bad. Mary: Could you give me some details? Li NAN:Yes, We have established business relationships with two new clients, who ordered 20 million RMB of cotton cheongsams. Mary: Good. Are there have other achievement? Li NAN: I also got acquainted with more than 200 customers. Mary: Oh, wow. What is the effect? Li NAN: Customers made more than ten suggestions. There, I held a product showing meeting and a press conference. As a result, our brand has been strengthened. Mary: Very good! Li NAN: Here is the results analysis. I hope the visitors at the exhibition can be our real buyers in the future. Mary: You are right. I think you’ve done an excellent job.


日常用语(句子): 酒店常用英语 Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以 B&B 家庭式酒店 Boutique hotel 精品酒店 Resort 度假村 King-size 特大号床 Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房 Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间 Single room 单人间 Suite 套房 Studio suite 公寓套房 Adjoining room 相邻房 Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层 Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾 Receptionist 前台接待 Reception/Front desk 前台 Coach 旅游大巴 Reservation 预订(不是预定) Doorman 门房门童 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员 Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务 Ground 花园 Tip 小费 Service charge 服务费 Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服) Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车 Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌 Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌 check-out 退房 check-in 登记入住 lobby 大堂 Owner response: 业主回复 基本信息 23.May I have your name, please? 请问您贵姓? 10.Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out? 请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房? 59.What time do you expect to arrive, Sir? 请问大概什么时候到酒店,先生? 46.What time will the guest be arriving? 客人大概什么到达酒店? 11.How long will you stay in our hotel? 请问您打算逗留多长时间? 36.Could you h old the line, please? I’ll check our room availabilities for those days. 麻烦请您稍等,我们查询那段时间的房态。 37.Just a minute, please I’ll check our booking situation. 麻烦请您稍等,我需要查询我们的房态。 73.Just a moment, please. I’ll check the availability for you. 麻烦请您稍等,我查询能否可以提供给您。 41.Could you hold on for a moment please? I’ll check our reservation record. 麻烦请您稍等,让我查询我们的预订纪录。 72.How many people are there in your party? 与您同行有多少人? 50.I’ll arrive one day early. Is that OK? 我那天早点到,可以吗?


商务谈判英语对话谈判 想要成为一个成功的谈判者那就行必须掌握“会听”。谈判过程中,我们要鼓励对方多说,这样我们才有机会向对方提出问题并请对方回答,由此就可以尽量多的去了解对方。通过商务谈判英语对话谈判的练习提高我们的听说能力。下面橙子整理了商务谈判英语对话谈判,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判英语对话谈判:实例对话 Business Negotiation A: The seller Miss Lin representing Huaxin Trading Co.,Ltd. B: The buyer Mr. Cai representing James Brown&Sons Co.,Ltd. A: Good morning, Mr. Cai. Glad to meet you. B: Good morning, Miss Lin. It’s very nice to see you in person. Let me introduce my colleagues to you. This is my manager, Mr. Jia. A: How do you do? Mr.Jia. B: How do you do? Miss Lin. Nice to meet you. B: ....And this is Mr. Wang. He is in charge of sales department. This is Miss Huang. She is in charge of business

with clents. A: Nice to meet you, Miss Huang, Mr. Wang. B: Nice to meet you, Miss Lin. A: How are things going? B: Everything is nice. A: I hope through your visit we can settle the price for our Chinaware, and conclude the business before long. B: I think so, Miss Lin. We came here to talk to you about our requirements of HX Series Chinaware. Can you show us your price-list and catalogues? A: We’ve specially made out a price-list which cover those items most popular on your market. Here you are. B: Oh, it’s very considerate of you. If you’ll excuse me, I ’ll go over your price-list right now. A: Take your time, Mr. Cai. B: Oh, Mr, Wang. After going over your price-list and catalogues, we are interested in Art No. HX1115 and HX 1128, but we found that your price are too highthan those offered by other suppliers. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such high prices. A: I’m sorry to hear that. You must know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years while


商务谈判中英文对话 务英语用词明白易懂、正式规范、简短达意、语言平实。用词方面多使用常用词,以保证所用词语具有国际通用性,保证能为普通大寡所理解,但又不能过于口语化,即商务英语所使用的语言不能过于非正式。下面学习啦小编整理了商务谈判中英文对话,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判中英文对话:实用对话A: G o o d m o r n i n g, M i s s. G l a d t o m e e t y o u.早上好,很高兴见到你。 B:G o o d m o r n i n g,M r .g a l d t o h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y o f v i s t i n g y o u r c o m p a n y a n d I h o p e t o c o n c l u d e s o m e b u s i n e s s w i t h y o u。很兴奋能有机会.拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。 A:I t h i n k s o,a n d I d o n t b e l i e v e w e v e m e t.我们以前没有见过吧? B:N o,I d o n t t h i n k w e h a v e.我想没有。 A:M y n a m e i s L i S u n g-l i n我叫李松林。 B:M y n a m e i s C h e e r y S m i t h.您好,我是切莉史蜜斯 A:H e r e s m y n a m e c a r d.这是我的名片。

B:A n d h e r e s m i n e.这是我的。 A:I m o u r s a l e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e,h o w d o y o u d o,w h a t c a n I d o f o r y o u.我是我们公司的销售代表,你是做什么的,有什么可以为你服务的吗? B: O u r c o m p a n y w i l l b u y i n a b a t c h o f c o m p t e r s, a s t h e p r o c u r e m e n t m a n a g e r s e c r e t a r y,I w a n t t o g e t t o k n o w y o u r p r o d u c t.我们公司要购进一批电脑,作为采购经理的秘书,我想了解一下你们的产品。 A:O u r c o m p a n y e n g a g e d i n i m p o r t a n d e x p o r t t r a d e f o r5y e a r s,h a s m a n y p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d q u a l i f i e d p a r t n e r s. C o m p a n y i n g o o d s t a n d i n g, d e v e l o p e d m a n y l o n g-t e r m p a r t n e r s,l o o k f o r w a r d t o w o r k i n g w i t h y o u.我公司从事进出口贸易5年来,已经拥有很多专业的,资质良好的合作商。公司信誉良好,发展了很多长期合作伙伴,期待与你们的合作。 B:I w a n t t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t y o u r c o m p a n y s p r o d u c t s,I h o p e y o u c a n p r o v i d e m e w i t h t h i s. B e l i e v e t h a t t h r o u g h t h e c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h y o u r c o m p a n y,w e w i l l e x p a n d m a r k e t s h a r e i n C h i n a, C h i n a s c o n s u m e r d e m a n d i s v e r y s t r o n g。我想了解


酒店英语情景对话;唤醒服务 句型: 1.I'm going to Tianjln early tomorrow morning. 我明天一大早要去天津。 2.So I would like to request an early morning call. 因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。 3.At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? 您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您? 4.But I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Tianjin by 10 o'clock.但我是10点钟必须赶到天津花园宾馆会议室。 5.That means that I'll have to be on the road by 7 o'clock at the latest. 就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。 6.In that case,I would like you to call me at 5∶45? 那样的话,你们明早5点45分叫醒我好吗? 7.OK.So we will wake you up at 5∶45 tomorrow morning. 好,那么我们明早5点45分叫醒您。 8.Will you do me a favour,Miss? 小姐,能帮个忙吗? 9.I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service. 不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。 10.Would you like a morning call? 您要叫醒服务吗? 11.I want to go to the Bund to enjoy the morning scenery there. 我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色。


商务谈判对话情景模拟 想要让你的谈判有好的结果,就一定要学会阐述利害关系。许多人在说中文时,往往可以巧舌如簧,但是你会用英语进行谈判吗?下面我整理了商务谈判对话情景模拟,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判对话情景模拟:情景对话 A: Hello? Ms. Patterson? This is Bill from Workmate calling. I’m just wondering if you had a chance to look over the estimate I sent for your gala(晚宴) dinner project next month... As I said in my email, we can help you with production according to your needs, but we will only be able to give onsite(现场的) management support services on a limited basis. B: Oh, yes. I reviewed your estimate. But it seems like the project blueprint(项目计划) you sent with the estimate is not quite what we had in mind. Did you get a copy of the specs for this project? A: Yes, I have several copies, but they’re all different versions(版本)... The latest I have is version , is that correct? B: No. Later we decided to opt(选择) for the prior outline, version 7. A: Hold on, let me pull up your version 7 requirements... Oh yes, no wonder our estimate is a little different from what you had in mind. I see the version 7 also includes 6 additional hostesses


Remark n.陈述、言语Nerve n.神经 Realization n.实现Operation n.经营 Ruin υ.崩溃、毁灭Reservation n.预订Register υ.登记、注册Assign υ.分配、指定Baggage n.行李Distribute υ.分发 Deliver υ.投递、递交Occupancy n.居住、占用Currency n.货币efficiency n.效率personality n.个性 smart α.活泼的、精明的appearance n.外表 good manners 彬彬有礼adaptability n.适应性figure n.数字 settle υ.解决、安定complaint n.投诉、抱怨soothe υ.安抚 financial α.财政的、财经的satisfaction n.满意

Reservation n.保留、预定 Suite n.套房 Roman α.罗马的 Presidential α.总统的 Confirm υ.进一步确定、证实Discount n.折扣 Program n.议程、节目Reception n.接待,欢迎Expense n.花费、经费、费用charge υ.收费 reservationist n.预订处值班员deluxe n.豪华 list n.表、目录、名单 rate n.价格等级 flight n.飞行、航班conference n.会议 guarantee υ.保证 check n.支票 Doorman. 门卫人员 Tag n.标签 registration n.登记、注册receptionist n.接待员 bellman n.应接员 prefer v.喜欢 recommend v.推荐、介绍、建议tiring a.使疲劳的


(一) The seller Miss Lin representing Huaxin Trading Co. Ltd. The buyer Miss Cai representing James Brown & Sons A: Good morning, Miss Cai. Glad to meet you. B: Good morning, Miss Lin. It’s very nice to see you in person. Let me introduce my colleagues to you. This is my manager, Miss Cai. A: How do you do? Miss Cai. B: How do you do? Mr. Wang. Nice to meet you. B: ……And this is Mr. Cai. He is in charge of sales department. This is Miss Huang. She is in charge of business with clients. A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cai, Miss Huang. B: Nice to meet you, Miss Lin. A: How are thing going? B: Everything is nice. A: I hope through your visit we can settle the price for our Chinaware, and conclude the business before long. B: I think so, Miss Lin. We came here to talk to you about our requirements of HX Series Chinaware. Can you show us your price-list and catalogues?


1 admission ticket:入场卷 2 attendee:出席者,在场者 3 applicant:申请者 4 badge:胸章 5 booth:展台;售货棚;展览摊位 6 booth contractor:展台搭建公司 7 booth number:展位号码 8 booth order:展位预定 9 box lunch:盒饭 10 brochure:宣传小册子 11 budget:预算开支 12 business card:名片 13 classroom type meeting room:教室形会议厅 14 clinic:教学班,现场会议 15 company fascia/signage:公司楣板 16 confetti:彩色纸屑 17 conference:专业会议,协商会 18 congress:代表大会,会议 19 cooperation:合作;协作 20 consortium:国际财团 21 convention site inspection:会议场地考察 22 convention registration:会议代表签到

23 corner booth:角落展台 24 dealer meeting:经销商会议 25 decorator:装潢公司 26 destination:目的地 27 diplomat:外交官,外交家 28 draping:布帘,铺设桌面的群布 29 drayage:运送展品 30 dress code: 着装规范 31 exhibit designer:展台设计师 32 exhibit producer:展台搭建商 33 exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置) 34 exhibit:展位或展品,很多场合下,可与booth互换,意为“展位”,但主要指展出的物品 35 exhibition:展览会 36 exhibition planning:展前联络 37 exhibitor manual:参展商手册 38 exhibitor:参展商 39 exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。 40 exposition:博览会 41 facility manager:展馆或展厅经理 42 facility:同“convention center*”,指展览馆或展览设施


商务谈判对话英语实例文档4篇Business negotiation dialogue English example docume nt 编订:JinTai College

商务谈判对话英语实例文档4篇 小泰温馨提示:谈判是指除正式场合下的谈判外,一切协商、交涉、商量、磋商等等,本文档分析了谈判的核心技巧以及切实可行、久经考验的谈判方式,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:商务谈判对话英语实例:情景对话文档 2、篇章2:商务谈判对话英语实例:实用短句文档 3、篇章3:商务谈判对话实例:情景对话文档 4、篇章4:商务谈判对话实例:议价句子文档 谈判能力在每种谈判种都起到重要作用,无论是商务谈判、外交谈判,还是劳务谈判,在买卖谈判中,双方谈判能力的强弱差异决定了谈判结果的差别。下面小泰整理了商务谈判对话英语实例,供你阅读参考。 篇章1:商务谈判对话英语实例:情景对话文档 Dan上回提议前半年给他们二成折扣,后半年再降为一成半,经Robert推翻后,Dan再三表示让步有限。您知道

Robert在这折扣缝隙中游走,如何才能摸出双方都同意的数 字呢?他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢?请看下面分解:R: How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units? D: That's a lot to sell, with very low profit margins. R: It's about the best we can do, Dan. (pause)We need to hammer something out (敲定)today. If I go back empty-handed, I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job. (smiles) D: (smiles) O.K., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?! R: Good. Let's iron out(解决)the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery(取货)? D: We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31st.
