优化探究英语(人教版)练习:选修7 Unit Sharing Word版含答案

优化探究英语(人教版)练习:选修7 Unit  Sharing Word版含答案
优化探究英语(人教版)练习:选修7 Unit  Sharing Word版含答案



Patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease often struggle to remember recently learned information, meaning they forget things like important appointments or where they left their keys. But it seems that these memories are not lost. They are still filed away in the brain somewhere; they just can't be easily accessed.

Now, researchers at MIT have developed a means of getting back memories in mice suffering from Alzheimer's. The method relies on a technique that uses light to control genetically modified neurons (转基因神经元). Currently it is too early to be used in human trials as it involves inserting light emitting(发光) equipment into the subjects'brains, but the same principles still apply, the researchers said.

“The important point is that this is evidence of the concept. That is, even if a memory seems to be gone, it is still there. It's a matter of how to get it back,”said the senior researcher Susumu Tonegawa.

The team took two groups of mice, one genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's and one healthy. They then placed them into a room and gave them a mild electric shock.All of the mice showed fear when put back an hour later. When placed in the room a third time several days later, the Alzheimer's mice acted normally. They had forgotten the shock.

The researchers were then able to bring back the memory of the shock by activating(激活) the cells in which the memories were stored. Even when the mice were put into an unfamiliar room, they showed fear when the cells associated with the shock were activated.

“Short-term memories seem to be normal in order of hours.But for long-term memories, these early-Alzheimer's mice seem to be damaged,”said the lead researcher Dheeraj Roy.“Directly activating the cells that we believe are holding the memory helps t hem get it back. This suggests that it is indeed an access problem to the information, not that they are unable to learn or store this memory.”


1.What can we learn about the researchers at MIT?

A.They are the pioneers of brain research.

B.They have used the method in human trials.

C.They can cure Alzheimer's using the new method.

D.They can get back memories in mice with Alzheimer's.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“Now,researchers at MIT have developed a means of getting back memories in mice suffering from Alzheimer's.”可知,他们能够使患有早老性痴呆病的老鼠恢复记忆。


2.Why did the Alzheimer's mice behave normally the third time?

A.They failed to remember the electric shock.

B.They were accustomed to the situation.

C.They managed to overcome the fear.

D.They activated the association automatically.

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“the Alzheimer's mice acted normally.They had forgotten the shock.”可知,这些老鼠忘记了受到的电击。


3.For long-term memories, the early-Alzheimer's mice .

A.can transform their brain cells

B.can't learn new tricks well

C.can easily get back their memories

D.can't access the information stored

解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But for long-term memories,these early-Alzheimer's mice seem to be damaged”和“Directly activating...this memory”可知,对于长期记忆来说,这些处于早老性痴呆病早期的老鼠因为(脑细胞)已经被损害,不能获得这种已经储存的信息。


4.The main purpose of the text is to .

A.introduce a method of a research

B.report the latest discovery about a disease

C.give advice on how to improve memories

D.explain how a brain stores information




If you followed the 2016 Olympic Games, you may have noticed that several athletes, including US swimmer Michael Phelps, had circular bruises on their bodies. These bruises were the result of “cupping (拔火罐) therapy”,a traditional Chinese medicinal practice that has been around for more than 2,000 years.

Many athletes say that they have benefited from the therapy. Phelps used the therapy in the

fall of 2014 and has used it about twice a week since, reported ABC Ne w s. Another US swimmer, Dana V ollmer, also believes that “it really helps with blood flow”.

However, some have said that the supposed health effects result from people's feeling that the treatment works, rather than any physical effect of the treatment.

To figure out cupping therapy has any physical effect, last year researchers from Germany carried out a test in which a false treatment was provided.

In the study, the same type of cups was used in the real treatment and the false treatment. But in the false treatment,the cups had a hole at the top so that they couldn't create the proper suction (吸力).

The tested patients, who suffered from a disorder that caused a lot of pain, were told that they would receive either traditional cupping or “soft cupping”. But they were not informed that the so-called “soft cupping” was a false treatment.

It turned out that most patients correctly guessed which kind of cupping they had received. In both groups, patients also experienced about the same reductions in pain. “The results suggest the effects of cupping therapy might come from factors that are not necessarily part of the treatment itself,” the researchers told the Li v e Science website.

The question of whether cupping therapy works still needs to be answered.“But because the treatment is relatively safe and it could be helpful for some people, the therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment program involving other exercises, nutritional choices and lifestyle changing,”Dr Brent Bauer, director of the US Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at Mayo Clinic, told Li v e Science.


5.Why is Michael Phelps mentioned in the passage?

A.To give athletes a new way to swim faster.

B.To provide athletes with a new way of treatment.

C.To introduce the topic on cupping therapy.

D.To show swimmers suffer from disorders.



6.The purpose of the test by researchers from Germany was to .

A.promote the health effects of cupping therapy

B.see whether cupping therapy has a physical effect

C.compare traditional cupping with soft cupping

D.compare cupping therapy's effects on different groups of people



7.What can be learned from the passage?

A.Different people need different types of cupping therapy.

B.The real treatment and false treatment almost have the same effects.

C.The results show that cupping therapy is not part of the treatment.

D.Cupping therapy is only effective when used with lifestyle changing.

解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“In both groups,patients also experienced about the same reductions in pain.”可知,实验表明两种不同的拔火罐方法效果是一样的。


8.According to Dr Brent Bauer, cupping therapy .

A.is a fast and easy treatment for people to carry out

B.is a newly invented way to cure some diseases

C.needs a long period of time to take effect

D.can be used together with other treatments

解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“But because the treatment is relatively safe and it could be helpful for some people,the therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment program involving other exercises,nutritional choices and lifestyle changing”可知,Dr Brent Bauer认为拔火罐可以和其他方法一起配合治疗。



A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two of humankind's most dreaded fears —getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework done in a single night thanks to his quick-witted(反应敏捷的)character.

Sun Yixiao was on his way up last Tuesday evening after school when the lift suddenly stopped.A moment of 1 followed before the teenager decided to take 2 into his own hands and find a way out.Sun said he tried to pry(撬)the elevator door open,but 3 there could be a malfunction (机器故障)that would send the elevator 4 a free fall,he 5 the idea and instead 6 against the wall.He then pressed all the buttons in the hope of getting the elevator to work again,but in vain.Sun then pushed the “Stop” button to lock the elevator and make sure it wouldn't move. 7 a cellphone at hand,Sun tried 8 to get the attention of people outside,but no one responded 9 time passed by.

But the young boy didn't give up.

He slipped a note 10 the door with the message “People stuck inside;please ask the

property management(物业)for help”and hoped someone would pick it up and act it on.After 11 all his options,the 12 kid decided to tend to his homework, not knowing how long it would take 13 someone found him.He took out his textbooks and 14 himself with his daily homework routine.Soon after he finished his duties,Sun heard loud voices coming from 15 .

“There was a large crowd outside,including my teachers and other parents;people looked quite 16 ,”Sun said the moment he was rescued.He had been trapped for five hours by the help arrived.

On China's Twitter-like Weibo,many netizens 17 the boy's bravery and calmness in the face of such 18 .“The guy must have 19 the advantages and disadvantages of the situation:he had a great chance to survive an 20 elevator,but would have been doomed if he left homework undone,”joked @Zealshifang.


1.A.panic B.excitement

C.confusion D.depression



2.A.materials B.substances

C.matters D.events

解析:根据下文的“find a way out”可推知,主人公决定自己处理这种意外情况,与上文的“overcame”呼应。take matters into one's own hands固定搭配,意为“亲自处理某事”。


3.A.considering B.telling

C.understanding D.ignoring



4.A.onto B.into

C.within D.from

解析:send sth.into sth.为固定词组,意为“使进入(某种状态)”,此处表示“使电梯自由下落”。


5.A.formed B.abandoned

C.rejected D.accepted



6.A.stood B.lay

C.knelt D.leaned



7.A.With B.Without

C.Through D.By



8.A.screaming B.crying

C.whispering D.yelling

解析:根据空后的“to get the attention of people outside”可推知,主人公当时大声喊叫,希望有人能够听到,以便得到帮助。yell“叫喊”。


9.A.with B.as

C.when D.while



10.A.from B.by

C.through D.across



11.A.exhausting B.wearing

C.completing D.finishing



12.A.handsome B.terrified

C.practical D.modest



13.A.before B.after

C.when D.until



14.A.occupied B.charged

C.devoted D.abandoned

解析:occupy sb.with sth.为固定词组,意为“使某人忙于某事”,结合语境可知,主人公开始埋头做作业了。


15.A.inside B.outside

C.upside D.downside

解析:根据上文的“to get the attention of people outside”可推知,后来主人公听到外面有很大的声音,与下文的“There was a large crowd outside,including my teachers and other parents”呼应。


16.A.relieved B.delighted

C.scared D.puzzled

解析:根据“he was rescued”可推知,当主人公得救时,人们都松了一口气。relieved“感到宽慰的”。


17.A.cheered up B.thumbed up

C.warmed up D.built up

解析:根据“bravery and calmness”可推知,微博上许多网民对主人公的勇敢和冷静评价很高。thumb up“竖起大拇指,评价很高”。


18.A.emergency B.incident

C.accident D.event



19.https://www.360docs.net/doc/317446654.html,pared B.figured

C.imagined D.weighed



20.A.out-of-order B.out-of-date

C.out-of-balance D.out-of-shape




This morning, I got an email from the library. It said the book I reserved was ready to be picking up. Because I had always been waiting to read it, so at that moment I was very exciting. Outside the library, I saw the man driving around the small parking lot, try to find a parking space. He head for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free. He got off his car with a pile of library book to return. Seeing that, I offered to return them to him. He thanked me and jumped quick in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.


This morning, I got an email from the library. It said the book I reserved was ready to be


picked up. Because I had always been waiting to read it, at that moment I was very


excited. Outside the library, I saw the

a man driving around the small parking lot,


trying to find a

parking space. He


headed for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free. He got off

his car with a pile of library book

books to return. Seeing that, I offered to return them


for him. He

thanked me and jumped


quickly in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free

for someone


needed it.


人教新课标选修七Unit1课后强化作业 Name____________________ Score____________________ Ⅰ单词拼写(20分) 1.He supported that country's________(进入)into the European Common Market. 2.________(同伴的)workers helped me rush her to the hospital. 3.The teacher punished the________(吵闹的)children by making them stay after school. 4.When money falls in value, there is no________(鼓励)to save. 5.His________(无能)prevents him from holding a job. 6.I think I am rather o______. I enjoy working with others. 7.I wrote an excuse for my a________ from school. 8.Her a________ was to become a film star. 9.His temper's been changeable this week, so don't a______ him. 10.You are c________!You've knocked over my cup of coffee! 11.After g________,she became a teacher. 12.Last but not least, there is the question of a________ funding. 13.Most of the windows here are open o________. 14.There are four emergency e____ in the department store. 15.The real d________ of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has. 16.There is very little________(利润)in selling newspapers at present. 17.I will do some voluntary work for our________(社区)this summer. 18.On the long journey, he proved himself to be an amusing________(同伴). 19.We________(祝贺)him on his birthday together last night. 20.I hope the arrangements meet with your______(赞成). Ⅱ单项选择(30分) 1.When they moved to Australia, the children ____________ the change very quickly. A. adapted for B. adapted themselves to C. adjusted D. adjusted for 2. In the end, the director _________ the last part of the play. A. was cut off B. was cut out C. cut up D. cut out 3. The President __________ the Chinese Primer Yang in the White House yesterday. A. meets with B. met with C. talked D. spoke 4. ________, they had a wonderful time at Tom’s birthday party. A. All in all B. In general C. Generally speaking D. All of the above 5. She is _______ you could ever meet. A. as a gentle girl as B. as gently a girl as C. a girl as gentle D. as gentle a girl as 6.You can come here to ask me___ if you have any questions.


2016-2017学年下学期七年级英语组合训练(4) 【完型填空】 In the south-east of Guizhou,there is a small city—Kaili,I was born there.Today,I am 1 you about my hometown.Kaili is not far from Guiyang.It’s about two 2 kilometres away from Kaili to Guiyang.Kaili is a small city.There aren’t many tall buildings in it.Most of us live in flats.We like to live in the flats 3 we can be close to our friends.In the centre of Kaili,there is fl big supermarket.You can 4 some nice things here.Things in the supermarket aren’t expensive,so you can 5 a little money for them and they are yours.My hometown is a beautiful city.On each side of the 6 ,there are big trees and nice flowers.The roads are also very clean. 7 make people happy and comfortable.The 8 here are very nice.I like autumn best.It’s neither too hot nor too cold.Kaili is a good place to travel.You can see the 9 Miao Village--Xijiang in the world.You can swim in the Bala River.You can 10 delicious sour soup fish.Welcome to my hometown.1.A.saying B.speaking C.talking D.telling 2.A.hundred B.thousand C.million D.billion 3.A.but B.though C.because D.however 4.A.borrow B.buy C.give D.rent(租) 5.A.spend B.pay C.cost D.take 6.A.rivers B.parks C.houses D.roads 7.A.They B.I C.You D.It 8.A.months B.years C.seasons D.weeks 9.A.biggest B.smallest C.tallest D.youngest 10.A.sound B.taste C.look D.keep 【阅读理解】 Welcome to Shanghai! It is a beautiful and modern city in China.It is also one of the biggest cities in the world.There are many tall buildings,great bridges and busy streets everywhere.It isn’t easy for you to find your way if you are new here.Don’t worry! You can read the map first and take the underground to the places you want to visit.It also has lots of taxis in the whole city.You can get to any place by taxi.Walking along the streets,you can realize the city changes very fast. Shanghai is famous for shopping,eating and traveling.Traveling around Shanghai is cheap and easy.Every year millions of visitors come and enjoy exciting night lives and beautiful

高二英语选修7unit4 sharing reading教案

A Letter Home 知识目标 1. Make the students know about basic information of PNG. 2. Establish the consciousness of helping others 能力目标 1.Let the students talk about the information from the photos. 2. Develop the students’ reading ability. 情感目标 1. Arouse stud ents’ great interest in being a volunteer. 2. Develop student’ sense of cooperation learning. 教学重点: 1.Talk about Jo’s experience with the target language and useful expressions. 2.Get students to know the customs and lives of the poeple in Tombe’s village. 3.Get students to learn different reading skills. 教学难点: 1. Develop students’ reading ability. 2.Enable students to learn to talk about being a volunte. 教学过程: stepⅠ Greetings & Lead-in 1.Greet the students as usual. 2.A sketch played by students. StepⅡ Warming up 1. Ask students some questions and then make a definition of volunteer Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends? Have you ever helped people in your community or people outside your community? 2. Show some pictures and let the students speak out what the volunteers are doing. StepⅢ Pre-reading 1. Introduce Papua New Guinea (PNG) 2. Look at the photos from Jo and answer the following questions: 1) What was Jo’s job in PNG? 2) What kind of students ware in her class? Boys, girls, or both?


7—3 New Words 1.a nnual 作定语 happening every year ◆adj. ~ event, meeting, report, visit, show ◆n. book or periodical that is published once a year年刊,年报 2.m igration migrate from…to… ◆移居move from one place to go to live or work in another ◆迁徙(of animals) go from one place to another with the seasons The birds migrate to North Africa in winter. migrant adj.流动的,迁徙的作定语 ~ workers, ~ birds migration U 3.w itness ◆vt.目击 ~ an accident/ a murder/a quarrel ◆C目击者person who sees an event take

place ~ of/to the accident eye-witness目击者 ◆C证人 ◆C/U 证据evidence give ~ 作证 His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. 4.a ccommodation ◆U 住处rooms especially for living in suitable /cheap/ temporary /permanent ~ ◆(pl.)招待,膳宿accommodations ◆accommodate vt. 供给某人住宿或房间The hotel can ~ up to 500 guests. give sb accommodation for the night make accommodation for sb If you come to my house, I’ll give you accommodation for the night.


1.3 新提升·课时作业 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.It is wrong ________(make) fun of others. 2.He pretended ________(read) when his mother came in. 3.We don't know whether ________(accept) the invitation. 4.The man downstairs found it difficult ________(get) to sleep. 5.My ambition is ________(become) a lawyer. 6.The boy proved ________(be) an honest student. 7.They went there ________(visit) their teacher. 8.My grandmother woke up only ________(find) everybody gone. 9.He was too excited ________(say)a few words. 10.I am so sorry ________(hear) your mother is ill. 11.It took us three years ________(fulfil) the project. 12.The Browns have a comfortable house ________(live) in. 13.The room seems ________(clean) already. 14.Women and children were the first ________(get) into the lifeboats. 15.She invited me ________(have) dinner yesterday. 答案:1.to make 2.to be reading 3.to accept 4.to get 5.to become 6.to be7.to visit8.to find9.to say10.to hear11.to fulfil12.to live13.to have been cleaned14.to get15.to have Ⅱ.完成句子 1.老板让他们整天干活。 The boss made ________________. They were made ________________. 2.他只想出去玩。 He wants to do nothing but ________________. 3.除了吃这药,他什么都信。 He wants to believe anything but ______________. 4.我想让你和汤姆谈话。 I want ________________. 5.让他别关窗。 Tell him ________________. 6.他太激动了,说不出话来。 He is ________________. 7.我们知道她研究这问题有好几年了。 She is known ________________ on the problem for many years. 8.他好像正在吃什么东西。 He seems ________________ something. 答案:1.them work all day to work all day 2.play 3.to take medicine 4.to have you talk with Tom 5.not to close the window 6.too excited to say a word 7.to have researched8.to be eating Ⅲ.单句改错 1.She could do nothing but to cry. ________________________________________________________________________ 2.What do you like to do besides swimming? ________________________________________________________________________ 3.Because of his stupid fault, he had to resign the office. ________________________________________________________________________ 4.The teacher has us to write a composition every week. ________________________________________________________________________ 5.We might as well putting up here for tonight. ________________________________________________________________________ 6.What the teacher said was easy to understand it.


2016-2017学年下学期七年级英语组合训练(3) 【完型填空】 Carol and Susan are very good neighbours.They are in the same 1 at school and they often visit 2 home at weekends.Now they are 3 eight years old.Carol’s mother has got fl new baby.Carol is very 4 to have a little sister.So she is always talking about her to Susan.At first she is very 5 in the new baby because she doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.But 6 some time she begins to get tired of Carol’s endless talking(喋喋不休的谈论)about it.She also feels a little jealous(嫉妒)of her friend. One morning when the two girls 7 in the school ground,Carol says to Susan,“Do you 8 ,Sue,my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight(体重增加了半磅)this week.”“That is not very 9 ”answers Susan.“I know fl baby and he puts on ten pounds a day.”“Oh,that can’t be 10 .”answers Carol laughingly.“Whose baby is it?”“An elephant’s.”says Susan. 1.A.team B.table C.class D.group 2.A.each other’s B.their C.theirs D.each other 3.A.all B.two C.both D.either 4.A.angry B.sorry C.surprised D.glad 5.A.interesting B.interested C.happy D.satisfied 6.A.before B.for C.after D.at 7.A.play B.meet C weight D.walk 8.A.hear B.think C.find D.know 9.A.much B.many C.few D.1ittle 10.A.impossible B.wrong C.true D.sure 【阅读理解】 When we buy a house,we all want to have nice neighbours,because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. But what kind of neighbour is good? 1'hc answers are different from people to people. Here arc my answers. First,it is very important to respect (尊重) each other,“our neighbour tries to know more about our life,what will we feel? He or she may also talk with others about our life. Do you want to live


5.1 新提升·课时作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to keep ________ his courage. 2.Amy joined a painting group but didn't seem to fit ________,so she left. 3.He said he would recommend me ________ Mr. Li as his assistant but he didn't. 4.Look at your coat! It requires ________(wash). 5.It was ________ great comfort to see the boy come to himself after ________ two-hour operation. 6.You'd better substitute the washing machine repaired five times ________ a new one. 7.It took her a while to adjust to ________(live) alone after the divorce. 8.I don't think the color of your coat goes very well ________ your shoes. 9.The doctor has worked with patients of this kind for eight years, so he knows what ________(expect) in his job. 10.Not knowing much of the world yet, simple-minded teenagers are easily taken ________. 11.It is strongly recommended that a car ________(check) every year. 12.—It's the second time that I ________(be) to Shanghai. —What great changes! It's ten years since I ________(leave) it last time. 13.—How far apart do they live? —As ________ as I know, they live in the same neighbourhood. 14.Mary is ________(occupy) with a translation of a French novel. 15.Applicants must satisfy the ________(require) for admission to the university. 答案:1.up 2.in 3.to 4.washing/to be washed 5.a; a 6.for7.living8.with9.to expect 10.in11.(should) be checked12.have been13.far14.occupied15.requirements Ⅱ.完成句子 1.________ ________ ________ ________(有人建议) the project (should) not be started until all the preparations have been made. 2.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(就我而言), you should come back after you finish your study abroad. 3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(这是第二次) he had talked with her face to face. 4.________ ________ ________ ________ ________(我才是) your true friend. 5.Having grown in the countryside, my parents found it hard ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(适应城市生活). 6.I hardly know ________ ________ ________ before you.(what) 在你面前,我几乎不知道该说什么。 7.Recently she ________ ________ ________ ________ with her studies that she hasn't much time to take up the hobby.(occupy) 最近她一直忙于学业,以至于没有多少时间从事她的爱好。 8.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.(as) 尽管晚上的空气很热,我们睡得还是很熟,因为长途跋涉后很累。 9.She came to the scene ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.(moment) 她一听到这个消息就赶到了现场。 10.________ ________ ________ ________,he was a famous writer.(besides) 他除了是位学者之外,还是位有名的作家。 答案: 1.It is recommended that/Some people recommend that 2.As far as I am concerned 3.It was the second time that 4.It is I that/who am 5.to fit in with the city life 6.what to say7.has been so occupied8.Hot as the night air was9.the moment she heard the

牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B组合训练 (含答案)

七年级英语下册7B组合训练 【完型填空】 I grew up in a small town in Ohio, USA. There was a man in my town named Bob. He couldn’t talk clearly and didn’t receive much 1 . So children in the town all thought he was 2 and often played jokes on him. One day, when I met Bob, I decided to play a joke on him just 3 the other children. He asked how I was doing. I told him that my father lost his 4 , and that we didn’t have enough money to live. Seeing my friends laughing far from us, I decided to 5 to tell lies (谎言). I knew he was poor, 6 it seemed funny when he asked me if we needed anything. I told him that we didn’t know if we would have enough to 7 . The next morning, I went out and found a box of food outside my house. I knew it was from Bob. I looked at the small box in shame, and wanted to 8 the box. My father stopped 9 . He said it would hurt Bob’s feelings. From that day on, when we had dinner, I would 10 the small box. Bob gave me the best he had, and I knew that I should not have been given that gift. ( )1. A. information B. service C. money D. education ( )2. A. silly B. shy C. dirty D. lazy ( )3. A. by B. of C. for D. like ( )4. A. friend B. keys C. job D. letters ( )5. A. start B. continue C. forget D. agree ( )6. A. although B. because C. until D. so ( )7. A. eat B. pay C. choose D. wear ( )8. A. hide B. return C. check D. fold ( )9. A. her B. me C. him D. it ( )10. A. deal with B. look forward to C. think of D. take pride in 【阅读理解】 A Disney Town is near Shanghai Disneyland.The most important building in the Town is the Walt Disney Grand Theatre.There are different shows in this theatre.The Lion King is a famous show.They will first give the show in Chinese in this theatre. At the heart of Disney Town is the Market place.There are many shops there.The shops sell


Unit 4 Sharing 答题栏 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A Helen Keller was one of America's best-known women. She was admired for her courage and achievements although she couldn't see or hear. She was also known throughout the world for her self-sacrificing work to improve the condition of the blind, the deaf and the speechless. When she died on June 1, 1968, the newspaper Washington Post wrote:“Her life is truly one of the most remarkable phenomena of our time and her death just short of the age of 88 leaves the whole world poorer.” Helen Keller was born on June 27th, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. For the first 19 months of her life, she was a pretty and happy baby, normal in every way. Then a sudden illness destroyed her sight and her hearing. Because she could not hear sounds to imitate (模仿), she could not speak. Helen used to say that her real birthday was not June 27th, 1880, but March 3rd, 1887 — the day when Anne Sullivan entered her life. It was Anne Sullivan who taught Helen to spell certain words by a special system, Braille, and even to talk. Anne Sullivan could not teach Helen Keller to speak until some other important things had been learned. The little girl had to learn to control her actions and feelings. She had to learn that she could not always do what she wanted to do. She had always been able to get what she wanted by using force. The teacher had to change such habits without breaking the child's spirit. Miss Sullivan's battle began. Sometimes, there was real fighting between the wild child and the strong young teacher. At last, however, the battle was won by Miss Sullivan, who succeeded in showing Helen that she loved her and wanted to help her. The child and her teacher became friends. They continued to be friends until the teacher's death, fifty years later. The day on which Helen finally accepted Miss Sullivan as her friend and teacher was a great day in Helen's life. After that, the teacher could begin to teach the child language.

人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea -词汇篇(学生版)

第5讲Under the sea 词汇篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.熟练掌握重点单词及其用法; 2.能够熟练运用重点短语和句型。 一. 重点词汇 1.annual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的n. 年刊;年鉴 [重点用法] annually adv. 年年地,每年地 [典例] 1) an annual income. 年收入 2) an annual report年度报告 3) Premier Wen Jiabao noted that the two most important problems would be previous to anything else in the government annual report.温家宝总理在政府年度报告中指出要优先解决这两大问题。 2.witness n. 目击者;证人;证据vt. 当场见到;目击 [典例] 1) He is the witness to the accident. 事故的目击者 2) This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies. 这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼。 3.accommodation住所 [重点用法] accommodate v.向...提供,容纳,调和;适应 accommodation address临时通讯处 accommodation allowance膳宿津贴 [典例] 1) The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London. 由于住宿费用昂贵,伦敦的学生感到生活困难。 2) The university offers excellent accommodation for summer visitors. 这所大学为夏季来访者提供了很好的住宿。 4.abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃n. 放任,狂热 [重点用法] abandon oneself to sth./doing sth. 沉溺于 abandon …to sb. 把……舍弃给…... with abandon放任地;放纵地;纵情地 [典例]

人教版高中英语选修七课时作业:Unit 4 Sharing Section Ⅱ Learning about Language (含答案)

4.2 新提升·课时作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1. The man who was good at ________(operate) the precious machine, refused ________(operate) on his leg. 2.—You must obey every word of mine! —What ________ I don't? 3.It is often said that the joy of traveling is ________ in arriving at your destination ________ in the journey itself. 4.Lily usually does some ________(volunteer) work at a local hospital in her spare time for nothing. 5.If most breadwinners donate a day's pay ________ the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful. 6.It is nice to do something for someone else out of the blue and not to expect anything ________ return. 7.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students ________ need of financial aid. 8.Was it in the library ________ he often went to do some reading ________ he met the pretty girl? 9.There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means ________(make) trouble. 10.The scientist has been greatly successful in the experiment that he set ________ to do three years ago. 11.I think whoever makes ________(great) contributions to the company than the others should get the ________(high) income. 12.The board committee felt it a hard job ________(choose) from the candidates applying for the position as everyone of them was very excellent. 答案:1.operating; to be operated 2.if 3.not; but 4.voluntary 5.to 6.in 7.in 8.where; that 9.to make 10.out 11.greater; highest 12.to choose Ⅱ.完成句子 1.We all ________ ________ ________ ________(为……干杯) the bride and the groom at the wedding.(toast的名词形式) 2.I'd rather ________ ________(挨饿) than eat what that mean person offered me.(go) 3.If you ________ ________ ________ ________(需要) anything, don't hesitate to
