新课标小学英语听力100篇 Word版

新课标小学英语听力100篇 Word版
新课标小学英语听力100篇 Word版

Word Bank

elder adj.年龄较大的parent n. 父亲,母亲neighbor n. 邻居,邻国lucky adj. 幸运的、pet n. 宠物

1. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False.

( ) 1. The name of my friend is Tommy.

( ) 2. He has a younger sister.

( ) 3. Rover is the name of a dog.

( ) 4. The Blacks are my good neighbors.

( ) 5. Mr. and Mrs. Black are my parents.

2. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

( ) 1. A. Lisa B. Tina C. Linda D. Terry

( ) 2. A. The Blacks B. Tony and Rover C. Tony and Anna D. Mr. and Mrs. White

( ) 3. A. Bad B. So-so C. Old D. Nice

( ) 4. A. Tina B. Rover C. Mr. Black D. Tony

( )5. A. A cat B. A fish C. A rabbit D. A dog

2. My foreign classmates

Word Bank

foreign adj. 外国的,外国来的several adj. 几个的,个别的Spanish adj. 西班牙的,西班牙人的overseas adj. 海外的,国外的different adj. 不同的get along 融洽相处

1. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False.

( ) 1. There are several foreigners in my class.

( ) 2. John is Chinese.

( ) 3. Emma is Spanish. She’s from Span.

( ) 4. Chen and Huang are Chinese. They are from China.

( ) 5. The students in my class get along well.

2. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

( ) 1. A. Britain B. The United States C. Spain D. China

( ) 2. A. Cheng and Huang B. Emma C. John D. Both Emma and John ( ) 3. A. Emma B. Jonhn C. Chen D. Huang

( ) 4. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, there are. D. No, there aren’t. ( ) 5. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, there are. D. No, there aren’t.

Word Bank

seldom adv. 很少,不常get together 聚会alone adj. 单独的,独一无二的

lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的excited adj. 兴奋的,激动的

1. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False. ( ) 1. Jack gets together with his friends very often.

( ) 2. They sometimes go for a long walk in the street.

( ) 3. Jack is often alone, so he is very lonely.

( ) 4. He always tells his friends that a dog is man’s best friend.

( ) 5. He always stays at home with his pet cat.

2. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

( ) 1. A. A dog B. A cat C. A bird D. A rabbit ( ) 2. A. He is never lonely. B. He is always lonely. C. He is sad. D. He is excited. ( ) 3. His mother. B. His father C. His classmate D. His dog ( ) 4. A. A cat B. A pet dog. C. A man. D. A girl. ( )5. A. In the park. B. On the street C. In the garden. D. On the beach.

4. Poor Amy

Word Bank

rent n. 租金unfortunately adv. 不幸地,倒霉地depressed adj. 沮丧的,抑郁的landlord n. 房东nervous adj. 紧张不安的

1. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False. ( ) 1. Amy can’t pay this month’s rent.

( ) 2. Her friends can help her.

( ) 3. Amy is poor, but she is very happy.

( ) 4. When the landlord is knocking at the door, she is very nervous.

( ) 5. In fact, no one is home.

2. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

( ) 1. A. She can’t pass the exam. B. She can’t pay the month’s rent.

C. She lost her money.

D. She is ill.

( ) 2. A. Her friends. B. Nobody C. Her parents. D. The landlord ( ) 3. A. She’s depressed. B. She’s happy. C. She’s angry. D. She’s sleep. ( ) 4. A. Money. B. A house. C. Friends. D. A job. ( ) 5. A. Her fiends. B. Her mother. C. Her brother. D. The landlord.


听力材料 一、根据读音内容,选择正确的一项,把字母编号填在括号内.(10分) 1. My foot hurts. 2. My father is shorter than my uncle. 3. Why is Amy angry ? Because she failed the math test. 4. Today is rainy. I can’t play football. 5. I feel sick. I have a headache. 6. I often visit grandparents on the weekend. 7. I went skiing last winter holiday. 8. I usually take pictures on my trip. 9. My birthday is February 1st . 10. How heavy is your brother? He’s 35 kg. 二.听音, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 打“√”或打“×”。(10分) 1.I’m very happy. ( ×) 2. I went to a park and rowed a boat on my holiday. (√) 3. Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I did. (×) 4.The rabbit’s ear s are longer than the mouse’s. (√) 5.I feel sick, I have a fever. ( × ) 6. How do you feel, John? I feel sick, I have a fever. I must stay in bed. (×) 7.Why were you happy yesterday, T om? Because yesterday was my birthday. (√) 8. Where did you go on your holiday? I visited the Great Wall. (√) 9. I am 158cm. Sue is 150cm. I am taller than Sue, but Sue is stronger than me. (×) 10. What’s the matter with you? I feel sick, my head hurts. (√) 三.听读音,选出最相适应的答句,将其编号写在前面的括号里。(10分) 1. How tall are you?


听力专项 一、听录音,选择你所听到内容。【听关键词法】 ()1. A. NBA B. PRC C. CBA ()2. A. watched B. washed C. watered ()3. A. taller B. shorter C. water ()4. A. train B. plane C. paint ()5. A. family B. happy C. study 二、听录音,标序号。 () () () () () 三、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。 ()1. Amy went to a forest park yesterday. ()2. Sarah is taller than John. ()3. Mom is going to go shopping tomorrow. ()4. Mike had a good time in Hong Kong. ()5. Usually I go to school on foot. 四、听录音,补全短文。 I have a good friend. She's Amy. She's 1. ________ than me. She likes 2. ________. Her favourite class is 3. ________. Last year, we went to Hainan. We took pictures and 4. ________ there. We also 5. ________ for our friends. We had a good time.

听力专项(一) 听力材料: 一、1. NBA 2. washed 3. water 4. train 5. family 二、1. I rowed a boat with my friend last Saturday. 2. I went to a park with my parents last week. 3. I want to fly kites. 4. W:What's your favourite food? M:I like noodles best. 5. W:What's her hobby? M:She likes playing badminton. 三、1. —What did Amy do yesterday? —She did her homework at home. 2. John is 1. 65 metres tall. Sarah is 1. 5 metres tall. 3. —Mom, what are you going to do tomorrow? —I'm going to go shopping. 4. —Where did you go on your holiday, Mike? —I went to Hong Kong. I was very happy. 5. —How do you go to school? —I go to school by bike. 四、I have a good friend. She's Amy. She's taller than me. She likes reading stories. Her favourite class is English. Last year, we went to Hainan. We took pictures and went swimming there. We also bought gifts for our friends. We had a good time. 答案: 一、1-5ABCAA 方法点拨:此题用听关键词法解答。 二、2 3 4 5 1 三、1-5FFTTF


小学英语听力教学策略探究 摘要:一直以来,小学英语教师在教学过程中只注重读和写的技能训练,忽视听和说能力的培养,导致学生在听和说方面却极为缺失。所以,作为一名小学英语教师,必须给予听力教学高度重视,并广为探索小学英语听力教学的策略和途径。 关键词:小学英语;听力教学;听力环境;英文发音;词汇量 下面,本文结合笔者自身的教学经验,在小学英语听力教学方面提出一些指导性意见。 一、创造良好的英语听力环境,使学生快速进入听力状态 常规下的小学英语听力教学,教师通常采用的是用录音带播放的形式来进行,既激不起学生“听”的兴趣,又不能提高效率。所以,我们应改变这种传统的教学方式,积极营造良好的英语听力环境,使学生快速进入听力状态。 如在听力教学开始之前,我们可为学生播放一些适合小学生听的英文歌曲,或者是与听力教学内容相关的趣味小资料,这样学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围中,就会集中注意力去听,一方面为我们听力教学的进行做了良好铺垫,另一方面

潜移默化地锻炼了学生的听力能力。 二、矫正学生英文发音,丰富学生英文词汇量 英文发音准不准、英语单词掌握得多不多,对学生的听力理解有着直接的影响作用。所以,要想提高学生的听力能力,我们首先要使学生掌握正确的英文发音和丰富学生的英语词汇量,只有这两者进行有机结合,才会使学生的听力能力得到真正发展和提高。 首先,在英文发音方面,我们可通过以下方法来对学生进行矫正:听力过程中,让学生跟着录音反复朗读,对于学生错误的语音、语调进行及时指出和纠正;教师对所有的音标进行分类总结,使学生全面、系统地把握。 其次,在英语词汇量方面,我们可从以下几方面着手:重视每单元的词汇教学,对于每个单词的发音和词义,要求学生正确掌握。由于听力材料内容具有宽泛性,所以材料中出现的单词并不可能全部是教材中的单词,还会出现许多学生陌生的单词,这就给学生正确理解听力材料带来了一定阻碍。所以,我们应对听力过程中频繁出现的陌生英语单词加以整理、汇总,然后分发给学生,让学生理解、记忆,以提高学生听听力的连续性。 总之,希望广大英语教师能够重视小学阶段的听力教学,并根据小学生的心理特点和认知结构制定出科学、合理的听力教学策略,从而大幅度提升学生的听力水平,为学生


20072008学年度第二学期 小学三年级英语期末综合测试题听力材料一.听音,完成单词。10% 1. duck , duck 2. egg, egg 3. hamburger, hamburger 4. jump, jump 5. night, night 6. queen , queen 7. under, under 8. box , box 9. sister , sister 10. lamp, lamp 二、根据你听到的内容,按顺序用数字1-10标出。(20分) 1. Look at the lion, it’s so cute. 2. Where is the bike? It’s on the desk. 3. Happy Children’s Day. 4. I am kangaroo. I’m from Australia. 5. This is a zoo. 6. Can I have a apple, please? Certainly. 7. A.M. a.m. 8. I can see a rainbow. 9. Do you like grapes? Yes, I do. 10. seventeen , seventeen ( 4 2 1 7 3 5 9 8 10 6 ) 三. 选出你所听到的图画,在其下边的括号里打“√”。10% 1. Do you like pears? Yes, I do.

2. I have a ruler, it’s long. 3. Where is my bike? It’s on the desk. 4. CAN, CAN, I from Canada. 5. Draw a boy. 四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分) 1. Circle STUVW. 2. Port the tea. 3. Lister to me. 4. Tall, tall, tall, make yourself tall. 5. J, J, J, jump, jump, jump. ( √×√×√) 五.听音,把录音内容提到的单词或字母的编号填在括号里。10% 1. Where is my car? It’s on the desk. 2. This is a woman. 3. Jump thirteen times. 4. Point to “agl” 5. Draw a picture. 六. 听录音,选择正确的答句。10%


毕业复习专项训练题------听录音判断对错 五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分) (一) ( )1.Liu Yun is from China. ( )2.Liu Yun is a Grade four student. ( )3.There are many tall building in Guangzhou. ( )4.We can see Do ngfeng Park through Liu Yun’s bedroom window. ( )5.Liu Yun’s school is near her home. (二) ( )1.Mr Black is going to visit China this summer holiday. ( )2.The Great Wall is in Jiangxi. ( )3.Mr Black likes taking pictures. ( )4.Tom is Mr Black’s son. ( )5.Mr Black is from UK. (三) ( )1. Joan comes from China. ( )2. Joan’s father is a university teacher and her mother is an engineer. ( )3. Joan has Chinese lessons on weekends. ( )4. Joan likes to play with her Chinese friends. ( )5. We teach Joan Chinese and Joan teaches us English. (四) ( )1.Mr Brown lives in the village with his family. ( )2.Mrs Brown is a writer. ( )3.Sam goes to school on foot. ( )4.The Browns often get up early and do sports in the morning. ( )5.Sam has lunch at home. (五) ( )1.Li Ming live in the city. ( )2.Li Ming’s cousin met him at the bus station. ( )3.Li Ming and his cousin went to Guanhzhou Zoo. ( )4.LI Ming and his cousin bought some shorts in Tianhe plaza. ( )5.Li Ming had a good time yeaterday. (六) ( )1.This is a new classroom. ( )2.There are two windows and six doors in the classroom. ( )3.There is a computer and some books on the teacher’s desk. ( )4.There are forty-five chairs in the classroom. ( )5.The students often clean the classroom after school. (七) ( )1.Li Yang is Sandy’s penpal.


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. fresh 2. salad 3. foot 4. sweet 5. tomorrow 二、听录音,用序号1~6给图片标序号。 1. I don’t like peppers. Because they are hot. 2. What would you like to eat? A sandwich, please. 3. I’m hungry. I’d like a hamburger. 4. The ice cream is so sweet. 5. My favourite food is salad. 三、根据录音内容,选择相应的图片。 1. What would you like to drink? I’d like some tea. 2. Would you like a hamburger? No, thanks. I’d like a sandwich, please. 3. What’s your favourite food? Ice cream. 4. Look, these vegetable are very fresh. 5. Oh, I like to eat chicken. It’s so delicious. 四、听句子,选择合适的答语。 1. What would you like to drink? 2. What’s your favourite food? 3. I’d like some water. 4. Please clean the vegetables. 5. Are you hungry? 五、听句子,填入所缺单词。 1. She would like some__water___. 2. I love ice cream. It’s _sweet___________! 3. The vegetables are __heathy________. I like them. 4. My__favourite_____________food is ___ice cream____________. 1


英语听力技巧:小学英语听力讲解 英语听力课的教学主要采用“听听录音------做做练习------对对答案”的教学方式,教学效果不尽如人意。一些学生的英语能力不仅没有得到提高,反而对英语学习失去兴趣,甚至产生了畏难情绪。听力是一个思维和语言相互作用的过程。听力课的教学设计要以学生为中心。密切关注学生的生活实际和已有的知识水平。通过由浅入深的活动来培养其综合运用语言的能力。下面将以几个主题为例,讨论如何在听力教学活动中合理设计听前、听时、听后与读、说、写技能相结合的活动。 一、精心设计听前活动,引入听力情境,激发学生听的兴趣。 听前活动是听力教学的暖身活动,在听前学生先阅读听力材料,激发学生听的兴趣,集中听的注意力,同时扫除即将听到的语言材料中的难点,以便顺利地进入下一阶段的活动。 精心设计听力课的导入是上好听力课的前提。设计导入活动时,教师要以听力材料 的内容着手,特别关注学生的兴趣。 (1)利用图片和多媒体课件导入。 在学生正式听录音之前,为了让学生能尽快地进入听的状态,初步感受听力的主题。教师可以利用图片和多媒体课件等教学辅助材料来刺激学生的视觉。激发他们对由画面内容引起的猜测、联想等一系列的思维活动。通过教师层层有启发性的提问,鼓励学生积极思维,勇于表达。教师还可组织学生就画面内容展开讨论。在讨论过程中学生的 信息可以得到互补。 (2)利用学生背景知识导入。 学生进入课堂时,都是有备而来的。他自身已有的知识水平、生活经验、兴趣爱好等都对课堂教学产生积极的影响。教师要努力激活学生的背景知识,使学生凭借已有的知识和经验来获取更新的知识,更多的经验。 二、合理安排教学活动,精心设计听力练习,使学生积极参与听时活动。听中活动的设计主要是培养学生听力理解能力。通过听不同形式的材料来培养学生获取事实、信息的能力。在完成听力任务的过程中养成听的习惯,积累听的方法,锻炼听的心理,完善听的技巧,从而逐步提高听的能力。听时活动的设计一定要围绕主题设计循序渐进的,形式多样的活动来激发学生的参与意识。让学生在完成任务的过程中获得一份成功的体验。 作为教师,我们要善于捕捉学生微妙的心里想法和心理变化,及时调整我们的教育教学策略。教师应该因势诱导学生一起讨论制订更完善、更民主、更具人情味的英语课堂学习纪律。这一活动的开展不仅会激发学生英语学习的兴趣,更会使学生在英语课堂上规范自己随意的行为。对学生整个的学习过程会产生积极的影响。 听时活动的设计一定要根据材料的内容结合学生的语言实际、认知能力、年龄特点设计由易及难,由单项到综合的活动,在一环扣一环的环节设计中让学生一步一步完成任务。其次,在学生完成任务的过程中,教师要明确自己的角色,教师决不是录音设备的操纵者,而是 学生的帮助者。教师要通过提问、观察等多种途径了解学生在听的过程中注意


小学六年级英语听力专项练习(三) 一.Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里) ()1. A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish. C. I like bananas ()2. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty k g. C. He is 172 cm. ()3. A.I am going to go fishing. B. I want to be a policema n. C. I am going to be sad. ()4. A.I do my homework at home. B. I was at hom e. C.I went shopping. ()5. A. He is a student. B. He is my brother C. He works in a hospital. ( ) 6.A. I want a bag. B. I want a pen. C. I like that red bag. ( ) 7.A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He i s 172 cm. ( ) 8.A. We are going to have a picnic. B. I am going to be a teache r. C. I am going to have a headache. ( )9.A. I watch TV. B. I was at home. C. I went to see my uncl e. ( )10.A. That tall young man. B. A woman. C. A teac her. ( )11.A. It's next to the nature park. B. You can get there by the No.10 bus. C. You can get there at 3 o'clock. ( )12.A. She works in a hospital. B. She is an actress.C. She goes to school every day.


听力材料 Ⅰ. 听录音,按听到的先后顺序给图片标上序号,每题读两遍。(10★) Who’s your music teacher --- Miss Gao. Sh e’s young. 2. Miss Jones is very strict. 3. The boy is polite. 4. The girl is very shy. 5. --- What’s your English teacher like --- She’s kind. Ⅱ. 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词或词组,每题读两遍。(10★) English teacher is very funny . Zhang is our art teacher. She’s strict. is hard-working. 4. Sarah is helpful. ’s John like ---He’s clever and strong. Ⅲ. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片,每题读两遍。(10★) he young ---Yes, he is. What’s Chen Jie like ---She is helpful. 3. Mr Zhang is old and kind. 4. Wu Yifan is hard-working. 5. Robin is strict. He makes me finish my homework. Ⅳ. 听录音,判断对“√”错“×”,短文读两遍。(10★) Hello, I’m John. I have two new teachers, Mr Wang is our English teacher. He’s young and tall. He’s very funny. Miss Li is our maths teacher. She’s thin and pretty. She’s very kind . We all like them.


小学英语听力教学中存在的问题分析 其实,在课堂上由听而获得的语言是学生最容易理解,也是最容易加工的,因为没有听,就没有说,那么要想用英语来交流也就无从谈起。因此,我觉得英语听力对学习英语十分重要,尤其对小学刚接触英语的孩子们。听,是他们跟老师交流的一个重要环节。所以我们对听力技巧与能力的培养应给予充分而实质性的重视。 《PEP小学英语》测试中听力所占百分比,三年级为54%,四年级为56%,五年级为50%,六年级为40%。也就是说,从卷面上看,听力的重要性似乎是越来越小了。随着课本词汇量、信息容量和知识难度的逐步加大,大部分教师和学生将精力放在了背单词、懂语法等看起来能稳步提升学生测试成绩的“法宝”上。但事实上,正是这种错误的忽视引发了小学生听力的“停滞不前”,因此我们应该意识到听力教学的重要性与必要性。 一、日常听力教学中存在的主要问题及个人见解 在7年来的教学实践中,我觉得英语教学中学生们主要存在以下问题: 1.审题不够细心,可以说是所有学生的绊脚石。按照我们的课程标准命题来看,听力第一题不难,普遍是根据录音内容,圈出所听到的单词或短语。还有就是听音标号或排序之类的题目,造成失分的原因就是审题不够细心。 2.理解困难,主要出现在根据所听到问句选答句。考点无非是: ②听力材料中出现特殊疑问词What/How/Where等等,则应选择相应的答语,如什么东西或做什么要用What,怎么或交通方式要用How,地点或出现方位介词则要用Where。 ③时态,时刻记住:用什么时态来提问就要用什么时态来回答。 3.词汇量积累少,且不会融会贯通,更不懂得变通。听力理解必须以一定的词汇量为基础,词汇贫乏,不论有多高明的技巧也是枉然。此外,高年级听力最后一题通常是填写所缺单词。如:①Mike likes ___football.学生可能会听到play,但不会结合运用like后动词要用ing形式。


2013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语期末综合题 听力材料及答案 一. Listen and choose 第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. cap 2. red 3. jam 4. bus 5. bam 6. pack 7. vast 8. than 9. rope 10. mouth 答案:A B B A B B A B B A 第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. There is a nature park near here. 2. My sister is washing her shoes in the bathroom. 3. It’s cold. Put on your coat please. 4. Yes, I want a pair of sneakers please. 5. What’s the matter with y ou? 6. The monkey has a long tail. 7. How do you feel today, Mom? 8. It’s a nice day, right? 9. Mike’s uncle has a big farm. 10. Look at that skirt. It’s nice. 答案: C A A B C A B C C A 二、Listen and circle 听句子或对话,把与听力内容相符合的图片圈出来。每小题读两遍。读前浏览选项,有助于做出准确而快速的判断!(每小题1分,共10分) 1. What’s the matter with you, mom? I have a fever. (第三幅图)


2017-2018 第一学期PEP五年级英语听力专项训练 Unit1 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把其编号写在左边的括号里。( ) 1. A. young B. funny C. sunny ( ) 2. A. old B. long C. short ( ) 3. A. pretty B. windy C. strong ( ) 4. A. thin B. tall C. kind ( ) 5. A. smart B. strict C. active 二、听音,根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. A. Mr Zhao. B. Mr Ma . C. Miss Liu. ( ) 2. A. He’s very funny. B. He’s very kind. C. He’s very young. ( ) 3. A. No, she isn’t. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. A. She’s short and thin. B. She’s tall and thin. C. She’s tall and strong. ( ) 5. A. He’s a music teacher. B. He’s a P.E. teacher. C. He’s an art teacher. 三、听音,写出下列各句的顺序。 ( ) I know. He’s my father. ( ) What’s he like? ( ) Mr Carter. He’s from Canada. ( ) He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny. ( ) Who’s your English teacher? Unit2 一.Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的词语。 ( ) 1. A. see B. tea C. eat ( ) 2. A. feed B. repeat C. beef ( ) 3. A. meet B. feet C. read ( ) 4. A. Monday B. Sunday C. sunny ( ) 5. A. funny B. play C. party 二.Listen and tick. 听音,判断你听到的句子与看到的句子是否一致 ( ) 1. Today is Tuesday. ( ) 2. I like Wednesdays.


英语听力综合复习题 寮步镇上屯小学英语科组 一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。( ) 1. A. B. . C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. ( ) 6. A. B. C. ( ) 7. A. B. C. ( ) 8. A. B. C. ( ) 9. A. Who B. When C. Where ( ) 10. A. girl B. boy C. toy ( ) 11. A. she B. he C. they ( ) 12. A. the shirt B. the skirt C. the girl

( ) 13. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss ( ) 14. A. thin and short B. thin and tall C. short ant strong ( ) 15. A. China B. Canada C. USA ( ) 16. A. math class B. Chinese class C. science class ( ) 17. A. on Sunday B. on Tuesday C. on Thursday ( ) 18. A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go swimming ( ) 19. A. new students B. new teachers C. new classmates ( ) 20. A. play the piano B. play the violin C. play football ( ) 21. A. date B. today C. may ( ) 22. A. game B. make C. name ( ) 23. A. play basketball B. play games C. play computer ( ) 24. A. make a kite B. make the bed C. make a snowman ( ) 25. A. fruit B. foot C. food ( ) 26. A. what B. which C. week ( ) 27. A. rain B. windy C. spring ( ) 28. A. the weather B. the sweater C. the father ( ) 29. A. When is your father’s birthday? B. When is your m other’s birthday? C. When is your brother’s birthday? ( ) 30 . A. Tree-planting Day is in spring. B. National Day is in October. C. Today is Christmas Day. 二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,判断图片或




浅谈如何培养小学生的英语听力能力 摘要:《小学英语新课程标准》中指出:听、说、读、写技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能。其中",听"位于四项技能之首, 体现了听力教学的重要性。在小学阶段",听说领先,读写跟上",也是学习英语的一条基本原则。但在英语听力学习中,多数学生存在诸多听力障碍。因此,在小学阶段应十分重视学生听力能力的培养,坚决杜绝“聋哑英语”的产生。英语听力教学应综合考虑这些因素的作用和关系,并采取适当的教学策略来消除障碍,才能达到听力教学的目标, 提高学生英语听力技能。 关键词:培养小学英语听力能力非智力因素 新课程强调小学英语教学应注重学生听、说、读、写能力的培养,其中听说是英语学习的基础,在听的基础上才能会说。听,是人类语言交际的一个重要方面。从心理学角度来讲,听是一个复杂的心理过程,是一种积极主动的思维活动。说,是人类语言交际活动的最主要的形式。听说训练是英语教学中非常重要的一个环节。作为一名小学英语教师,应当努力培养学生对英语这门语言的兴趣,通过听、说、读、写等技能的综合训练,使学生具备一定的英语技能和英语会话的能力,为今后进一步的学习奠定良好的基础。听力训练对学生的英语学习是很重要的。因此,在小学阶段应十分重视学生听力能力的培养,坚决杜绝“聋哑英语”的产生。而小学阶段的英语学习是为将来打基础:通过听说训练,培养一定语感,激发学习兴趣,通过自主学习发展学生智力水平,使之学会学习,为学生今后的学习奠定良好的基础,听领先于说,听是英语基本技能之首。 “听”是英语学习中的四项技能之一,它是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。在小学阶段,“听说领先,读写跟上”,是学习英语一条基本原则,因为没有听, 就没有说,用英语交流也就无从谈起。因此,英语听力对学习英语十分重要。然而, 绝大部分小学生的听力能力普遍较弱,有些学生听自己的老师说英语, 还能明白点意思,让他们听录音就觉得如同听天书一般,半天都没反应,这是因为学生听得少,大部分学生只能在英语课上接触到英语,回家又不能自觉、持之以恒地听磁带导致没有形成良好的语音语调,“聋哑症”的现象较为普遍。小学生正处于英语学习的起步阶段,可塑性强,所以在小学英语教学中,应抓住时机,培养小学生的听力能力。因此我们小学英语教师必须帮助学生突破“听力关”,激发他们的学习兴趣,增强自信心。那么怎样才能提高学生的听力水平呢?本人在教学实践中进行了一些尝试、探索。总结了以下几点: 一、营造英语学习氛围。 用英语组织教学, 让学生感知语境。环境能熏陶人,直接影响人的成长。小学生的特点是好奇心强、记忆能力快,他们擅长听、说,模仿能力较强,如果他们在刚接触英语时,英语老师能坚持用英语组织教学,会让他们养成良好的听说习惯,增强他们听说的欲望。因此, 在课堂教学中,师生尽可能多地用英语进行交流。例如:Look at the blackboard, please. Read after me, please. Louder, please. Again, please. Read it by yourselves. Listen to me carefully. Look at my mouth. Act the dialogue, please. Work in pairs. Are you ready? Who will have a try? class is over…另外,在问候、指示、解释练习、纠正错误、表扬等步骤中教师也应该尽量用英语讲。遵循“由易到难、逐步深入,语速由慢到快”的原则,持之以恒地用英语授课,并借助丰富的体态语言,使学生逐步沉浸在英语的氛围之中,培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯,通过课堂训练,使学生们的听力水平不断得到提高。 在教学中,我注意把微笑与鼓励带进课堂,营造轻松活泼的学习气氛。我常常是用一


小学英语听力材料题 2017年小学英语听力材料题 I.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。 ()1.Raywaswalkingonthebeachonesummerday. ()2.Aboywasdrowning,butRaywentaway. ()3.Rayjumpedintothewaterandsavedtheboy. ()4.Crowdsofpeoplewerewatchingeagerly. ()5.Atlast,theboywassaved. 答案I.1.T2.F3.T4.T5.T II.Listentothequestionsaboutthepassageandchoosethebesta nswerA.B.CorD. II.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A.B.C或D。 ()l.A.Anoldman.B.Ray. C.Alittleboy. D.Noone. ()2.A.Whenhewaswalkingonthebeach. B.Whenhewasgoingtoschool. C.Whenhewaswalkingonthestreet. D.Whenhewasswimmingintheriver. ()3.A.Ray.B.Anotherman. C.Aboy. D.Mary. ()4.A.Ray.B.Theboy'sparents.

C.Crowdsofpeople. D.Ray'sclassmates. ()5.A.Raysavedtheboy. B.Raycouldn'tswim. C.Raydrowned,too. D.Manypeopledoveintothewater. 答案II.1.C2.A3.A4.C5.A III.Listentothepassageagainandfillintheblanks. III.听短文填空。 Raywaswalkingonthe___________one___________daywhen heheardaIittleboy_________,"Help!Helpl"Theboywas ________.Withoutthinking,Ray_________intothewater. __________hewasswimmingbacktothe_________withtheboy. Crowdsofpeoplewere________eagerly.Afterawhilethe boywasbreathingagain.ThenhesatupandsaidtoRay, "Youaremy " 答案III.beach,summer,shout,drowning,dove, Soon,shore,watching,hero


英语听力技巧:小学四年级英语听力专项练习 听问句,选择准确的答语,并把字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 41. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she does. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 42. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I don't. C. Yes, you do. ( ) 43. A. It's interesting. B. Cartoon. C. Beautiful. ( ) 44. A. Miss Green. B. She's Miss Green. C. She's my aunt. ( ) 45. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 46. A. Good evening. B. Thank you. C. All right. ( ) 47. A. OK. B. Of course. C. Thank you. ( ) 48. A. Yes, you do. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 49. A. Sport programmes. B. I like. C. On TV. ( ) 50. A. It's 9 o'clock. B. It's 9 yuan. C. It's 9 years old. ( ) 51. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they can't. C. Yes, they do. ( ) 52. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, I can. C. Here you are. ( ) 53. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 54. A. It's a table. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 55. A. Happy birthday. B. Yes, of course. C. Thank you. ( ) 56. A. It's 30 yuan. B. They're 30 yuan. C. I'll take them. ( ) 57. A. Thank you. B. No, thanks. C. Here you are.
