

Unit four Earthquakes

1. burst爆裂,突发

The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客。

I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。

The police burst through the door. 警察破门而入。

There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。


(1) burst in on…突然打断

He burst in on our conversation. 他突然打断了我们的谈话。

(2) burst into +n. 突然…

The speaker burst into angry speech. 演讲者突然讲粗话。

(3) burst out + doing突然…

The woman burst out crying like a child. 那个妇女突然像小孩一样哭了。

(4) burst to do sth. 迫切想做某事

I am bursting to tell you the news. 我迫不及待的想告诉你这个消息。

2. suffer


A, 受苦He suffered terribly when his mother died.

B, 受到损失If I lost, my self-esteem will suffer.

C, 遭受 He suffered no pain

联想扩展:suffer from

1、受…之苦I suffered most from lack of rest.

2、患…病I am suffering from a cold.



_______ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river .

A. Having suffered

B. Suffering

C. To suffer

D. Suffered

3. reach



The started early, hoping to reach there before dark. 它们很早就出发,希望天黑前到达那里。易混辨析:

reach; get; arrive 到达

reach后直接加地点;get加to再加地点;arrive后加at/ in再加地点,at 后加小地点;in 后加大地点。如果表示地点的词是副词,get和arrive后都不能用介词。另外,只表示“到了”,不强调到什么地方用arrive。


The number of the students in our school will reach 2000 next year.


Can you reach the book on the top of the shelf? 你能够到书架顶上的那本书吗?



Please pass me the salt, it’s out of my reach. 请把盐递给我,我够不到。


Your letter reached me yesterday. 我昨天收到你的来信。

The news reached me just now. 我刚刚听到那个消息。


Where does this road reach? 这条路通向哪里?


1、Most children stay at home until they ____ school age.

A. get


C. reach

D. arrive

2、Dear Jenny, thank you for your letter which ______ on April 1st.

A. arrived

B. arrived at

C. arriving

D. arrived me

3、It is _______that the letter will ____you this afternoon.

A. most like; arrive

B. likely; reach

C. mostly like; get

D. best like; reach

4. cover


The playground is covered by fallen leaves, we should clean it. 特别提示:

表示“覆盖”时,常用cover…with / by句型,并且译法比较灵活。

I am covered by dust. 我满身都是土。She covered her face with her hands. 她用双手捂着脸。(2)包括;包含;涉及

The study of physics covers many subjects.

(3) 保护;掩护

The mother covered the baby from the falling ceiling.母亲保护婴儿不受下落的天花板的伤害。(4)走完多少路;看完多少页书。

I can cover 100 Li on foot a day. 我一天不行能走100里。

How many pages have you covered? 你看完了多少页书?


Our school covers an area of 60.000 square meters. 我们学校占地60000平方米。


表示“占多大面积”用…covers an area of +数词。


The chief editor sent a reporter to cover the event. 主编派了一记者去采访整个事件。

1、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and ____ an area of 15 square kilometers.

A. covered

B. being covered

C. covering

D. covers

2、This is a long hard winter, with everything _______ white.

A. covered

B. covered by

C. covering

D. covering with

3、This book is said to be a special one which ________ many events not found in other history books.

A. writes

B. covers

C. prints

D. reads

4、This is a long hard winter, with everything _______ white.

A. covered

B. covered by

C. covering

D. covered with

5、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and ____ an area of 15 square kilometers.

A. covered

B. being covered

C. covering

D. covers

5. dig out挖出;发现;捐钱

It is not easy to dig out the past. 发掘过去的历史是不容易的。

He was buried by an avalanche and had to be dug out. 他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。


dig down 挖下dig in 开始细致的工作dig at 挖苦;嘲笑某人dig deep 挖深;挖出来

dig for 发掘;搜集dig into 钻研dig up 掘起;挖出

6. 表示方位的介词in / on / to / off


(1)in 表示在范围里的某个方向

Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。

(2) on表示接壤

Canada is on the north of the USA. 加拿大在美国北边。

(3) to表示不在范围里,也不接壤

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国东边。



Japan lies east of China.或者East of China lies Japan.


(4) off 表示

A. 在范围里但不接壤(多指各国的岛屿)

Taiwan is off the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。

B. 在离…不远处

My house is off the main road. 我家离大路不远。

1、Taiwan lies______ the southeast of Fujian, which is ______ southeast of China.

A. in; on

B. to; in

C. on; in

D. to; on

2、They traveled ________, all the way up to Wisconsin .

A. the north

B. in the north

C. north

D. the south

7. keep / stop /prevent…from doing防止/阻止…发生

What prevented you from coming on time? 什么事情使你没有按时到?

主动句中,stop和prevent 后的from可以省略,keep后的from不能省略。被动句中,三个词后面的from都不能省略。


It seems very difficult _________.

A. to stop the child to cry

B. preventing the child crying

C. to keep the child from crying

D. holding the child’s crying

8. make sure = be sure

(1) + to do 一定;务必

Be sure to come on time this afternoon. 下午一定要按时到。

(2) + of + n. 把…弄确切

I know there is a train to Beijing tonight, but you should make sure of the time.

(3) + that从句

We are sure that China will become a strong and powerful country.

be sure / make sure to do = be certain to do

be sure / make sure of + n. = be certain of + n.

be sure / make sure + that… = be certain + that…

当be sure / make sure + that…时,句子的主语必须是人;而be certain + that…时,句子的主语用it。

1、It is ______ that they both have the greatest respect for each other.

A. certain

B. sure

C. certainly

D. surely

2、---Henry, ______ the light is ______ when you leave the lab. ---All right.

A. be sure; turned down

B. make sure; turned off

C. sure; turn off

D. make sure; turning off

9. protect vt. 保护

(1)protect sth.

To protect the environment, we should drive less. 为了保护环境,我们应该少开车。

(2)protect sth. / sb. from + n.

You should wear a pair of dark glasses to protect your eyes from the snow.

(3)protect sb. / sth. from doing

Ge You speaks carefully in public to protect himself from being hurt.

(4)protect A against B

The tree belts can protect this area against shifting sand.

1、He raised both his arms to protect his face ______ the ball.

A. from

B. for

C. with

D. to

2、At the meeting, we reached a conclusion that we should do what we could ______ the Yellow River from being further polluted.

A. to protect

B. protecting

C. protect

D. protected

3、You’d better wea r your sunglasses to protect your eyes ______ the sun.

A. from

B. with

C. in

D. under

10.There is no + doing …是不可能的

There is no knowing how old he is. 不知道他多大。

There is no persuading him to give up his idea. 不可能说服他放弃他的观点。


⑴修饰不可数名次 a great / good deal / a large amount of / much

⑵修饰可数名次many / a number of / a great(good) many

⑶即可修饰可数名次也可修饰不可数名次plenty of / a lot of / lots of / a large quantity of / quantities of / a mass of / masses of

1、I spent _______ of my time in this work.

A. a plenty

B. a good many

C. a good deal

D. great deal

2、–How many books does he have --- He possesses ________them.

A. plenty of

B. very much

C. a great deal

D. an amount of

Those who welcomed the railway saw it as more than a rapid and comfortable means of passing. They actually saw it as afactor in world peace. They did not foresee that the railway would be just one more means for the rapid movement of aggressive armies. None of them foresaw that the more weare together-the more chances there are of war. Any boy or girl who is one of a large family knows that.

Whenever any new invention is put forward, those for it and those against it can always find medical men to approve or condemn. The anti-railway group produced doctors who said that tunnels would be most dangerous to public health: they would produce colds, catarrhs (粘膜炎)and consumptions. The deafening noise and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on the nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do grave injury to delicate lungs. In those with high blood-pressure, the movement of the train might produce apoplexy (中风). The sudden plunging of a train into the darkness of a tunnel, and the equally sudden rush into full daylight, would cause great damage to eyesight. But the pro-railway group was of course able to produce equally famous medical men to say just the opposite. They said that the speed and swing of the train would equalize the circulation, promote digestion, tranquilize the nerves, and ensure good sleep.

The actual rolling-stock was anything but comfortable. If it was a test of endurance to sit for four hours outside a coach in rain, or inside in dirty air, the railway offered little more in the way of comfort. Certainly the first-class carriages had cushioned seats; but the second-class had only narrow bare boards, while the third-class had nothing at all; no seats and no roof; they were just open trucks. So that third-class passengers gained nothing from the few mode except speed. In the matter of comfort, indeed they lost; they did, on the coaches, have a seat, but now they had to stand all the way, which gave opportunities to the comic (滑稽的)press. This kind of thing: A man was seen yesterday buying a third-class ticket for the new London and Birmingham Railway. The state of his mind is being enquired into.

A writer in the early days of railways wrote feelingly of both second-and third-class carriages. He made the suggestion that the directors of the railways must have sent all over the world to find the hardest possible wood. Of the open third-class trucks he said that they had the peculiar property of meeting the rain from whatever quarter it came. He described them as horizontal shower-baths, from whose searching power there was no escape.

16. All boys and girls in large families know that.

A) a boy and a girl usually fight when they are together

B)people tend to be together more than they used to be

C) a lot of people being together makes fights likely

D)Railway leads the world to peace

17. According to those who welcomed the railway, the railway itself should include all the following except.

A)the railway enables people travel fast B)the railway brings comfort to people C)the railway makes the world peaceful D)the railway leads the world to war as well.

18. According to the anti-railway group, all the followings are true but.

A)tunnels are dangerous to public health

B)the noise and the glare of the engine fire may affect people's nerves

C)the rapid speed through the air does damage to people's lungs

D)to those with high blood-pressure, the rapid speed of the train causes them to die

19. We may safely conclude that.

A)the author belongs to the anti-railway group

B)the author belongs to the for-railway group

C)the author speaks highly of the railway

D)the author may never take train because of its potential dangers

20. What is the tone of this passage?

A)Practical B)Satirical C)Humorous D)Exaggerated

Dear Li Hua,

Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advices can help you. First in all, believe in yourself. Your greatest problem is that you lack

self-confidence. The first thing you must do is to smile at your classmates. One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word. Your smiles will show that you are friendly to him. Next, trying talking with a student who is as shy as you or who share the same interest as you.You can discuss your studies with a classmate, and you can talk your hobbies as well. Unles s anyone is in trouble, you should be ready to help him or her. Once if you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly.


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)achieve 表示“完成,到达”。 区别achieve,reach,gain: achieve着重表示达到一定目的的过程中所需要的技能,耐性和努力。 reach指达到任何目标、目的或指达到发展过程中的某个阶段。 gain强调经过奋斗才达到所期望的目标、优势或者有利地位。 2)condition 表示“条件”,condition为单数时,表示人/物所处的“状态”。 conditions(复数)指一般情况,环境。 in good/poor condition状况好/不好。 out of condition状况不好。 on condition that在……条件下,假使。 on no condition决不。 3)connection 表示“连接,关系”。 connections亲戚。 in connection with与……有关。 4)behave 表示“举止,举动,行为表现”。 behave oneself表现良好,行为良好。 behave as起……作用,表现为……。 5)worthwhile 表示“值得做的,值得出力的”。 句型It is worhtwhile doing/to do sth“干……是值得的”。 6)observe 表示“观察,注意”,可接省略to的不定式的复合结构,当observe用被动语态时,其后的不定式应回复to。 observe后也可接由现在分词构成的复合结构。 后接that从句,表示“注意到,说”。 observe还可以表示“遵守,庆祝”。 7)respect 作动词,后直接跟宾语。 respect oneself自重,自尊。 作名词,表示“尊重,尊敬”。have/show respect for意为“对……尊重/尊敬”。 have respect to注意,考虑。 表示“敬意,问候”时,用复数形式,常与give,send,pay连用。 in respect of sth就某方面而言。 with respect to 涉及,关于。 8)argue 表示“争论,辩论”。


(非常全)人教高中英语必修一各单元知识点汇总 主要内容包括: 一、重点短语 二、语法 目录: Unit One Friendship Unit two English around the world Unit 3 Travel journal Unit four Earthquakes Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – a modern hero Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来11. suffer from 遭受12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽15. be good at/do well in 擅长于…16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…17. no longer / not …any longer 不再…18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.)much too 太…(后接adj.)19. not…until 直到…才20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为…make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。


高二英语必修四知识点总结 目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement 知识点总结 (2) Unit2 Working the land 知识点总结 (7) Unit3 A taste of English humor 知识点总结 (11) Unit4 Body language 知识点总结 (14) Unit 5 Theme parks 知识点总结 (15)

Unit 1 Women of achievement 知识点总结【重点词汇、短语】 1. human beings 人类 2. campaign 运动,战役 3. behave 行为 4. shade 阴凉处 5. move off 离开,启程 6. observe 观察 7. respect 尊重 8. argue 讨论,辩论 9. lead a...life 过着…的生活 10. crowd in 涌入脑海 11. support 支持 12. look down upon/on 看不起 13. refer to 查阅,参考,涉及 14. by chance 碰巧 15. come across 偶遇 16. intend 计划,打算

17. deliver 提送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演说) 18. carry on 继续,坚持 【重点句型】 1. She also discovered how chimps communicatewith each other and her study of their body language helped her work out theirsocial system. 她还发现了黑猩猩之间是如何交流的,而她对黑猩猩身势语的研究帮助她弄清楚了黑猩猩的社会体系。 △ work out 解决、解答、计算出;产生结果、发展;锻炼;作出、制订出 2. She is leading a busy life but she says … 她过着忙碌的生活,但是她说…… △ lead a …life = live a …life 过……的生活 3. Many people look down upon poor people. 很多人瞧不起穷人。 △ look downupon / on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起 4. If the word group refers to differentmembers, use a plural verb.如果group(作主语)指的是各个成员,谓语动词用复数。 △ refer to 指的是:提及;谈到;提到;查阅、参考


高中课本知识分布 必修一 1.共有三个单元 2.各单元知识点 第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,be going to 第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时 第三单元:被动语态,情态动词 3.全书单词数量为:204个 词组数量为:44个 必修二 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第四单元:一般将来时will和be going to的区别,真实条件句和虚拟条件句,让步状语从句 第五单元:原因、结果、目的状语从句 第六单元:表示时间、地点、动作的介词,定语从句,冠词 3. 全书单词数量为:229个 词组数量为:23个 必修三 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第七单元:关系副词,介词+which引导的定语从句,形容词的比较级 第八单元:限制性和非限制性定语从句,静态动词和动态动词 第九单元:现在完成进行时态,现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态 3. 全书单词数量为:262个 词组数量为:40个 必修四 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十单元:不定代词和动词不定式 第十一单元:被动语态,动名词作主语,宾语,表语,定语 第十二单元:跟动名词或不定式作宾语的动词,现在分词作副词,作表语,定语,宾语补足语 3. 全书单词数量为:330个词组数量为:24个 高一共计单词1025,词组131 必修五 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十三单元:过去分词在句中可作形容词或副词用,修饰名词,在句中作定语,宾语补足

语或表语 第十四单元:情态动词表示推测 第十五单元:虚拟语气 3. 全书单词数量为:313个 词组数量为:25个 选修六 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十六单元:过去完成时 第十七单元:过去完成进行时1 第十八单元:过去完成进行时2 3. 全书单词数量为:245个 词组数量为:31个 选修七 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十九单元:名词性从句 第二十单元:将来完成时和将来进行时 第二十一单元:混合虚拟条件句和情态动词 3. 全书单词数量为:340个 词组数量为:13个 选修八 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第二十二单元:被动态和表示报道的表达 第二十三单元:强调句和各种完成时的形态(将来完成时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时,现在分词的完成时及情态动词加完成时的用法) 第二十四单元:劝说的表达 3. 全书单词数量为:375个 词组数量为:61个 高二共计单词1273,词组130个 高中共计单词2298,词组261 北师大版高中英语语法总结(必修一—选修八) 必修一 一、present simple and present continuous 一般现在是和现在进行时 1,present simple: 反复进行的,经常性的动作(惯例习惯) Eg, He watches soap operas. 及状态I live in Budapest. 一般现在时常和下列时间状语连用:always, usually, from, time to time, twice a week, rarely,


最新高中英语必修四知识点归纳 平凡的人则说,勤奋是一种传统的美德。可见,勤奋富有了多么巨大的底蕴与魅力,人类如果丢弃了它,绝对不行。下面给大家分享一些关于高中英语必修四知识点归纳,希望对大家有所帮助。 高中英语必修四知识点1 重要词汇拓展 1 sunburn v.日晒,晒黑→sunburntadj.晒黑的 2 struggle v./n.挣扎,奋斗,努力struggle against struggle for struggle with 3 decade n.十年,十年期 4 super n.冗员, 额外人员;[口]特级品, 特大号商品; 超级市场adj特级的, 极好的, 非凡的 5. hunger n.饥饿,渴望/v.使饥饿→hungryadj.饥饿的;渴望的 6.output n. 产量,输出,input输入,消费 7.disturbing adj 引起烦恼的,令人不安的,disturb v. 打扰,麻烦 8.expand vt.扩大, 扩展,张开, 使发, 详谈; 引伸 9. circulate v.循环,流通→circulationn.循环,流传 10. battle n.战役,战斗v.搏斗,奋斗 11. therefore adv.因此,所以 12. rid vt 摆脱,除去 13.freedom n 自由,自主→free adj 自由的,免费的

14.equip v.配备,装备→equipmentn.设备 15. export v.输出,出口n.输出(品)→import v.输入,进口n.进口(品) 16.nationality n 国籍,national adj 国家的,民族的nation n. 国家 17.occupation n 工作,职业,占领occupy v.占用,使从事,把注意力集中于...占领, 占据 18.confuse v.使迷惑,使为难→confusedadj.感到迷惑的confusing adj.令人迷惑的 19 regret v./n.后悔,遗憾→regretfuladj.后悔的,遗憾的 20.production n.生产,制造,productive可生产的,可制造的,produce –v 生产,制造 21.discovery n. 发现,发觉,discover-v发现, 22.focus v. 集中,聚焦,n 焦点,中心点 23. reduce v.减少,缩减→reduction n.减少,缩减 24 comment n./v.评论,议论 高中英语必修四知识点2 重点短语梳理 1 if not 如果不…. If so 如果这样, 2.consider oneself sth 自认为是…consider sb sth 认为某人是… 3.since then 从那时起 4.search for a way to do sth 寻找做某事的途径。 5.thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为(to为介词)


人教版高一英语各单元知识点总结 1、What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法 2、I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语 3、 I enjoy reading / Im fond of singing / I like playing computer games、等表示喜好的词语 4、 Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes、“when"作并列连词的用法 5、 What / Who / When / Where is it that、、、? 强调句的特殊疑问句结构 6、 With so many people communicating in English everyday, 、、、“with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语 7、 Can you tell me how to pronounce、、、? 带连接副词 (或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法☆重点词汇☆ 1、especially v、特别地 2、 imagine v、想像 3、 alone adv、 / adj、单独,孤独的 4、 interest n、兴趣 5、 everyday adj、每天的,日常的 6、 deserted adj、抛弃的 7、 hunt v、搜寻 8、 share v、分享

9、 care v、在乎,关心 10、 total n、总数1 1、majority n、大多数 12、 survive v、生存,活下来 13、 adventure n、冒险 14、 scared adj、吓坏的 15、 admit v、承认 16、 while conj、但是,而 17、 boring adj、令人厌烦的 18、 except prep、除……之外 19、 quality n、质量 20、 favourite adj、最喜爱的☆重点短语☆ 1、be fond of爱好 2、treat…as…把……看作为…… 3、 make friends with 与……交朋友 4、 argue with sb、 about / over sth、与某人争论某事 5、 hunt for寻找 6、 in order to为了 7、share…with与……分享 8、 bring in引进;赚钱 9、 a great / good many许多… 10、 have difficulty (in)

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit4 Body language-语法篇(学生版)

Unit4 Body language语法篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 要求学生掌握本单元的重点语法----动词的-ing形式作定语和状语并能熟练运用相关语法知识解决相应类型的题。 一、动词的-ing形式由“动词原形+ing形式”构成,它既是现在分词形式,也是动名词形式。v-ing 能在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾语补足语和状语,但不能单独作谓语。其时态和语态的变化为 二、动词-ing形式的作用 1.动词-ing形式作定语 E.g. The sleeping baby looks very beautiful. (前置定语)这位正在睡觉的婴儿看起来太漂亮了。 E.g. The man sitting in the car is waiting for his daughter. (后置定语)坐在车里的男子正在等他的女儿。 E.g. The law being carried out is to ban drunken driving.(后置定语,强调正在被执行的法律) 正在执行中的这则法律旨在禁止酒后驾驶。 名师点拨 (1)现在分词短语作定语时通常后置,而单个的分词作定语时可置于被修饰词的前面,也可置于被修饰词的后面。 (2)现在分词的完成时的主动及被动形式均不作后置定语。 2.动词-ing形式作状语。 (1)作时间状语。 E.g. Working in the office,the clerk heard an explosion from the street. 在办公室工作时,这位职员听到街上发出了爆炸声。 E.g. Having finished her homework,the girl was busy with the thing she likes. 完成了家庭作业,女孩就忙于做她喜欢做的事情。 名师点拨 动词-ing形式一般式常表示该动作与句子谓语动作同时发生,而动词-ing形式的完成式则表示该


高中英语新课标必修四知识点 IV---1 Women of achievements 一、知识点 1. … a girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French. ……一个来自农村的女孩,她装扮成男人去为法兰西而战。 dress as 穿……的服装,使穿得像 Mom insists that we dress up as monsters. 妈妈坚持要我们打扮成怪物。 We must fight for our rights, comrades!同志们, 我们必须为自己的权利而斗争! 2. She helped drive the English out of France. She was caught and put to death by the English.她帮助把英国人驱逐出法国。她被捕并被英国人处死。 drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure. 赶走袭击者;打消失败的念头 He drove the children to school. 他开车送孩子去上学 Indecision drives me crazy. 犹豫要把我逼疯了 In these cases, the person is put to death. 在这些案件中,罪犯被剥夺生存权利。 The prisoner was put to death at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被处决. 3. the Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖 4. …one of the top leaders in modern Chinese histo ry 中国现代史上杰出的领导人之一。 the top historian in her department. 她部门中最杰出的历史学家 5. She concerned herself with welfare projects 她关心福利事业 He concerned herself with public work 他关心公众事务 We're rather concerned about father's health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。 This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply.这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。 6. a specialist in women‘s illnesses 妇科疾病的专家 7. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.她毕生贡献于中国妇女儿童的医疗工作。 He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。He devoted a great sum of money to books. 他们花了一大笔钱买书。 After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. 退休后,他将要致力于园艺。 8. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors. 她的工作鼓励了很多其他的妇女成为女医生。 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事) encourage a man to work better鼓励一个人更好地工作 be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞] 9. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. 她的工作说明了人类和黑猩猩的关系。 have connection with ―与……有关系‖, His illness must have had some connection with his diet. 他的病想必与他的饮食有关。 in connec tion with ―与……有关;关于‖, The teachers often deal with problems in connection with education. 老师经常处理和教育有关的问题。 Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease? 你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗?


高一英语(上下册)英语词组和语法重难点 Unit One必会习语 1.What is sb. like? / What does sb. look like?/What does sb. like? /How does sb like/find sth? 2. argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人争执 3. enjoy/hate sth/ doing sth 4. so / nor/ neither + 系动/助动/情动+ 主语So it is with...; It is the same with... 5. be into 对…深感兴趣=be interested in; have/show interest in /be fond of 喜欢care for; /like; enjoy; 6. surf the internet 上网冲浪 7. all the time 一直总是 8. imagine that...; imagine (sb/sb’s) doing sth / imagine sb to be 想像某人是 CHUCK’S FRIEND 7. cast away 抛弃 8. so…that…/such…that…如此…以致… He was so excited that he could not speak. /So excited was he that he could not speak. It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing. /It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing. It is amusing that such little birds eat so much food. 9. the Pacific Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean; /the Indian Ocean; the arctic Ocean; 10. survive the crash 在空难中幸存 11. a deserted island 荒岛 12. all alone 独自= all by oneself 区别:alone 单独的;独自的lonely 孤独的;寂寞的 13. hunt for 搜寻寻找search for; 12.make fire 生火 13.in order to 为了so as to; in order that; so that 14.even though/even if 即使,纵然as if / as though 15.treat…as/like…把…当作regard...as...; think of...as 16.share sth. with sb. 与…分享share (in) sth 分享 17.care about/for 关心,照顾,喜欢care to do sth 愿意做;care for sb to do sth愿意某人做care +从句愿意;介意 18.should have done 本来应该=ought to have done 19.make friends with 与…交朋友 20.such as 例如for example;for instance WORD STUDY & GRAMMAR 21. keep...as a pet 22. regard ...as...; treat...as; think of...as; consider...as/to be 23. be loyal to; be faithful to;be devoted to 忠诚于 24. be quick in mind and action 思维敏捷行动迅速 INTEGRATING SKILLS 25. have fun;enjoy oneself; have a wonderful time 26. drop me a line 给某人写短信 WORKBOOK


高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit1-2 ☆重点句型☆ 1. What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法 2. I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语 3. I enjoy reading / I'm fond of singing / I like playing computer games. 等表示喜好的词语 4. Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes. “when"作并列连词的用法 5. What / Who / When / Where is it that...? 强调句的 特殊疑问句结构 6. With so many people communicating in English everyday, ... “with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语 7. Can you tell me how to pronounce...? 带连接副词 (或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法 ☆重点词汇☆ 1. especially v. 特别地 2. imagine v. 想像 3. alone adv. / adj. 单独,孤独的 4. interest n. 兴趣 5. everyday adj. 每天的,日常的 6. deserted adj. 抛弃的 7. hunt v. 搜寻 8. share v. 分享 9. care v. 在乎,关心 10. total n. 总数 11. majority n. 大多数 12. survive v. 生存,活下来 13. adventure n. 冒险 14. scared adj. 吓坏的 15. admit v. 承认 16. while conj. 但是,而 17. boring adj. 令人厌烦的 18. except prep. 除……之外 19. quality n. 质量 20. favourite adj. 最喜爱的 ☆重点短语☆ 1. be fond of爱好 2. treat…as…把……看作为…… 3. make friends with 与……交朋友 4. argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人争论某事 5. hunt for寻找 6. in order to为了 7. share…with与……分享 8. bring in引进;赚钱 9. a great / good many许多…

高一英语必修4 各单元知识点归纳

高一英语必修4 各单元知识点归纳 Unit1 Women of achievement 重要词汇拓展 1 achievement n.成就,功绩→achieve v.达到,完成,实现 2 welfare n 福利事业,福利 3. project n.方案, 计划,, 设计,工程, 企业, 事业,科研项目; 课外自修项目 vi. ①伸出, 突出②设想自已处身于(into) 4. specialist n.专家,专业工作者→special adj.特殊的,专门的→specialize vi.专攻,专门从事 5. connection n.连接,关系→connect v.连接 6. condition n. 状况(不可数),条件(可数),环境(复数)on no condition 决不 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3314798881.html,anization n.组织,机构,团体organize—vt.组织;筹备, 成立; 使加入工会,使有条理 8.behave v.举止,表现→behavior n.行为,举止 9. shade n.阴凉处v.遮住光线 10.▲ worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的It is worthwhile doing sth./ to do sth. worth adj.值……,值得……be worth doing worthy adj.值得做的,可尊敬的be worthy of sth/ being done be worthy to be done 11. observe v.观察,观测,遵守→observation n.观察,观测 12. respect v./n.尊敬,尊重,敬意→respectable adj.值得尊敬的,正派的,体面地→respectful adj.有礼貌的,恭敬的 13. argue .v.争论,辩论→argument n.争论,辩论argued-adj 引起争论的


高一英语必修一1-5单元知识点 Unit 1 Friendship 1. be good to 对……友好be good for 对……有益;be bad to…/be bad for… 2. add up 加起来增加 add up to 合计,总计 add… to 把……加到…… 3. not…until/till 意思是“直到…才” 4. get sth/sb done 使……完成/使某人被…… 5. calm down平静下来 6. be concerned about 关心关注 ; 7. 当while, when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,可将从句中的主语和be动词省去。 While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose. 8. cheat in the exam 考试作弊 9. go through 经历;度过;获准,通过 10. hide away 躲藏;隐藏 11. set down 写下,记下 12. I w onder if….. 我不知道是不是…. 12. on purpose 故意 13. sth happen to sb 某人发生某事 sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 . it so happened that ……正巧碰巧 14. It is the first (second…) that… (从句谓语动词用现在完成时) 15. in one’s power 处于……的控制之中 16. It’s no pleasure doing…. 做…..没有乐趣 It’s no good/ use doing sth. 做某事是没好处/没用的 17. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. it做形式宾语 18. suffer from 患…病;遭受


stare是盯着的意思stare at sb 为固定搭配盯着某人的意思glance是一瞥,随便的一看的意思glare是瞪眼怒目注视的意思gaze是凝视的意思 8.Spot n. 班点, 雀斑,污点, 地点, 场所, 现场vt. 认出, 发现 a spot on one's fame 名誉上的污点 a scenic spot 风景胜地 a historic spot 古迹vice spots 堕落场所 the meeting on the spot 现场会议 a spot of (一点儿)= a little = a bit of后接“不可数名词” 如:Let's have a spot of lunch.让我们吃点午饭吧。 9.account for 1).总计,占据 Two things account for its occurrence. 发生这件事原因有两个。 2)做出.解释;.说明 How do you account for it? 这你怎么解释呢? Can you account for all these absences? 你能说明你缺席的原因吗。 3.)导致,引起 Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是因为坏天气 10.to be honest也可以是honestly (speaking),...... To be honest, I don't like him very much. In the long run, it pays to be honest. 路遥知马力人久见人心 be honest with 对...说老实话, 同...规规矩矩来往 11.Silly adj. 愚蠢的, 无聊的 12.tiny [ 'taini ] a. 极小的,微小的形容词比较级:tinier 最高级:tiniest 名词:tininess The tiny seed planted it ten years before had flowered. We are living in a big world in which a person is as tiny as a seed. There is no need for you to spend so much time on such a tiny matter. 13.Issue n. 结果, 结局;发行(物); 一次发行量; (报刊)期号;问题; 争端; 论点 v.发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等) 14.Fake n. 假货,欺骗,赝品,冒牌货;仿造品; 骗子 a. 假的v. 假造,伪造;冒充,假装; 假装...的样子[ 过去式faked 过去分词faked 现在分词faking ] 1. 伪造;捏造;冒充He faked my signature to get money from my bank. 2. 假装;假装...的样子She faked illness so as not to go to school. n.[C] 1. 冒牌货;仿造品The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection. 2. 冒充者;骗子 a. 1. 假的;冒充的[B] This is a fake picture. 这是幅假画。 15.rag 1 旧布如:a piece of rag 2 破旧衣服in rags,表示衣衫褴褛 3 质量低劣的报纸 lose his rag 是失去理智的意思 16.Indeed adv. (1) 的确是;实在是I was indeed very glad to hear the news. (2) (表示惊奇、反语等)真的,的确 ‘Who is this woman?’ ‘Who is she, indeed!’(I wonder at your asking.) (3) (用于very + 形容词或副词后,加强语气) Thank you very much indeed.


I 主语和谓语动词的一致 1主语要和谓语动词保持人称和数的一致。如: I am seventeen. She is sixteen. There is a desk in the room. There are no chairs in it. They have not come yet. Nobody knows who is going to win in the competition. What is the latest news about the Olympic Games? 2两个名词由and连接作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。如: Wang Gang and Zhang Hua were here a moment ago. My brother and I have both seen the film. Both rice and wheat are grown in this part of China. 说明 (1) 当and不表示并列意义,连接两个在意义上表示同一人、物或概念或由两个部件配成的物品时,谓语动词用单数。如: The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting.那位教授作家正在会上发言。 One more knife and fork is needed.还需要一副刀叉。 War and peace is a constant theme in history.战争与和平是历史永恒的主题。 (2) 两个并列的名词有each, every, many a等修饰语时,谓语动词一般用单数。如: Each doctor and (each) nurse / Every doctor and (every) nurse was given a new shirt.每个大夫和护士都发了一件新衬衫。 NO sound and no voice is heard.-点声音都没有。 Many boy and (many a) girl has made the same mistake.许多男孩女孩都犯了同样的错误。2电休名词group, class family army, enemy等作主语时,如果强调整体,谓语动词用单数形


高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit21-22 ☆重点句型☆ 1. It has been a long day. I can't keep my eyes open. 2. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. 3. In many countries, shaking one's head means "no" and nodding means "yes". 4. A way of raying "I am hungry" is patting the stomach before a meal. 5. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to teach visitors something. 6. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn ,something. 7. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie. 8. New theme parks are being built all over the world. ☆重点词汇☆ 1. unfair adj. 不公正的,不公平的 2. customer n. 顾客;主顾 3. avoid vt. 避免;消除 4. incredible adj. 难以置信的 5. manage vt. / vi. 做成(某事);管理;经营 6. fold vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住 7. crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的 8. firm adj. (指动作)稳定而有力的;牢固的 9. handshake n. 握手 10. bend vt. / vi. 弯曲;专心于;屈服 11. gently adv. 轻轻地;逐渐地 12. occur vi. 发生;出现 13. focus n. (兴趣活动等的)中心;焦点 14. specific adj. 具体的;特有的 15. amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动) 16. souvenir n. 纪念物;纪念品 17. attraction n. 吸引人的事物;吸引(力) 18. collection n. 收集;搜集;聚集 19. thrill n. 兴奋;激动;(使)激动;(使)胆战心惊 20. minority n. 少数民族;少数 21. educate vi. / vt. 教育;培养;训练 22. conservation n. (自然资源的)保护;管理;保存 23. divide vt. / vi.分;划分;分开;隔开 24. section n. 部分;区域 25. shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机
