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鼻息肉切除术-孤立性single Nasal polypectomy

鼻息肉切除术-多发性multiple Nasal polypectomy

鼻甲电烧灼"Nasal turbinate, electric cauterization"

粘膜下中膈矫正术(S.M.R)Submucous resection of septum

全部或部份鼻甲切除"turbinectomy, total or partial"

上颔窦造口术Antrostomy for maxillary sinus


粘膜下透热法Submucosal diathermy

鼻咽切片Nasopharyngenal biopsy

上颔窦切开术,单侧"Caldwell Luc's operation, unilateral"

上颔窦与筛窦切开术Caldwell Luc's operation & ethmoidectomy

窦瘘管修复术Repair of sinus fistula

鼻内筛骨窦手术Endonasal ethmoidectomy

多窦副鼻窦手术Multiple sinusectomy


术后颊囊肿摘出术"Post operation cheek cyst, revised Luc's op"


鼻粘连解除术Lysis of nasal synechia

鼻中膈鼻道成形术-单侧Septomeatal plasty--unilateral

鼻中膈鼻道成形术-双侧Septomeatal plasty--bilateral

鼻部软组织切片Biopsy nose soft tissue

鼻中膈脓疡或血肿引流Drainage. abscess or hematoma nasal septal

鼻内脓疡或鼻侧软骨血肿引流Drainage abscess intranasal or hematoma of lateral cartilage



鼻窦探查术Exploratory antrotomy

"萎缩性鼻炎手术,单侧" "Atrophic rhinitis operation ,unilateral"

口腔鼻腔瘘管修补术Repair of oroantral fistula

下鼻甲成型术Infestor turbinoplasty

经鼻外筛窦切除术Ethmoidectomy external

鼻中膈穿孔缝合术Closure of perforation of septum

鼻中膈造形术Septal reconstruction/septoplasty

一般鼻甲粘膜切除术Ordinary conchotomy


翼管神经切除术Vidian neurectomy

鼻肿瘤切除并植皮Excision of nasal tumor with skin graft

前额窦切除术Lynch's operation

上颔骨切除术-部份Maxillectomy -- partial


经软颚鼻咽探查术Nasopharyngeal exploration through palate approach

鼻内恶性肿瘤切除术"Excision of intranasal tumor, malignant"

后鼻孔闭锁症开放术Opening of choanal atresia

上颔筛窦骨蝶骨根本手术Maxillary ethmoid sphenoid sinus radical operation

肿瘤切除从额窦Excision of tumor from frontal sinus

肿瘤切除从上额窦Excision of tumor from maxillary sinus

肿瘤切除从筛窦Excision of tumor from ethmoidal sinus

鼻后孔成形术-经鼻Choanal plast--trans nasal

鼻后孔成形术-经口Choanal plast--trans oral

Denker's 手术Denker's operation

鼻咽肿瘤切除术Excision of nasopharyngeal tumor


Killian 手术(额窦前壁切除术)Killian operation


鼻与颚囊肿切除Excision of nasopalatinal cyst

经鼻鼻后孔闭塞修补Repair choanal atresia intranasal

经鼻中膈鼻后孔闭塞修补Repair choanal atresia transseptal

经上颚鼻后孔闭塞修补Repair choanal atresia transspalatine

颅颜合并手术Craniofacial resection

脱手套法正中颜面手术并颜面骨复位术Degloving midfacial surgery with facial bone reposition

脱手套法正中颜面手术不合并颜面骨复位术Degloving midfacial surgery without facial bone reposition

鼻骨折开放性复位Open reduction of nasal fracture

鼻骨骨折闭锁复位术Closed reduction of nasal bore fracture

经外侧筛窦切除修补脑脊髓液鼻漏External ethmoidectomy for CSF rhiorrhea

内视镜功能鼻窦手术-单侧Endoscopic functional sinus surgery-- unilateral

内视镜功能鼻窦手术-双侧Endoscopic functional sinus surgery-- bilateral

经外侧前额窦及筛窦切除术External frontoethmoidectomy

经外侧前额窦及筛窦切除术及粘膜骨膜瓣重建术External frontoethmoidectomy with mucoperitoneal flap reconstruction

前额窦骨成形术Osteoplastic approach for frontal sinus surgery

前额窦骨成形术及脂肪填塞Osteoplastic approach for frontal sinus surgery with fat obliteration

前额窦开窗术Trephination of frontal sinus

鼻钮扣放置术Nasal button insertion

侧鼻切开肿瘤摘除术并颜面骨复位术Lateral rhinotomy with facial bone reposition

侧鼻切开肿瘤摘除术不合并颜面骨复位术Lateral rhinotomy without facial bone reposition

单纯性喉直达镜并做声带或会厌软骨肿瘤切除或剥去"Simple laryngoscopy, operative including excision of tumor and/or stripping or vocal cords or epiglottis"

复杂性喉直达镜并做声带或会厌软骨肿瘤切除或剥去"Complicated laryngoscopy, operative including excision of tumor and/or stripping or vocal cords or epiglottis"

喉部肿瘤雷射手术Laryngo micro-surgery with CO2 laser

声带内Teflon注射T eflon intracordal injection

喉成形术-单纯性"Laryngeal plasty, simple"
