
Unit 4

Lesson 1 What’s So Funny?


Story A


A famous art collector was walking through the city when he noticed a dirty cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He did a double take.


He noticed that the saucer was an antique and very valuable, so he walked casually into the store and innocently offered to buy the cat for 20 dollars.


The store owner replied, “I’m sorry, but the cat isn’t for sale.”


The collector said, “Please, I need a hungry cat with a good appetite around the house to catch mice. I’ll pay you 200 dollars for that cat.”


The owner said “sold” and handed over the cat.


The collector continued, “Hey, for the 200 dollars I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer. The cat’s used to it and it’ll save me from having to get a dish.”

收藏家接着说:“嘿,200 美元的话能不能把那个破碟子也送给我。毕竟这猫已经习惯了用它,这样也省得我再去买猫食盆了。”

And the owner said, “Sorry my friend, but that’s my lucky saucer. So far this week I’ve sold 68 cats.”

店主说:“对不起,朋友,那可是我的幸运碟。到现在为止,这周我已经卖出去68 只猫了。”

Story B


Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retired for the night, and went to sleep.


Some hours later, Holmes woke up and asked his faithful friend, “Watson, look up at the sky and tell m e what you see.”


“I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes,” replied Watson.


“And what do you deduce from that?”


Watson thought for a minute.


“Well, according to the studies on astronomy, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. According to the positions of the stars, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. According to the scientific measurement of time, I deduce that the time is probably a quarter past three. According to the current atmosphere, I forecast that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Holmes?”


Holmes was silent for a moment. “Watson,” he said, “someone has stolen our tent!”


Story C


A middle-aged man was feeling very down. Everything had been going wrong for him. He had had problems at work and his wife had left him for another man. So, after he had been feeling depressed for over a month, he decided to go to the doctor. He had to wait for what seemed like ages in the doctor’s surgery. The bleeding man next to him was looking at his watch nervously; a

woman was coughing and sneezing badly; and a baby was screaming. Finally, after he had been waiting for about half an hour, he was called in for his consultation. The doctor was writing a note at her desk when he came in. “Sorry, I’m just fin ishing something. I’m afraid we’ve been very busy this morning.” She then turned to the man. “So, what’s the problem?” she asked.


“Well, I’ve been having a bit of a crisis, you know, lots of problems,” replied the man. “And I’ve been doing a lot of work.”


“Mmm, you’re looking very pale.” The doctor started to examine him. “Well, everything is working OK,” she announced afterwards. “You have slightly high blood pressure and you’re breathing quite heavily, but otherwise everything’s fine.”


“So what can I do?” asked the man. “I’m going on a trip soon. I will be working

in the United States for three months. This time next week, I’ll be arriving in New York.”


The doctor thought for a while. “I think what you need is a good laugh. That would do you a lot of good. A circus is performing in town. Why don’t you go to see it?

I hear there’s an amazing clown who’ll really make you laugh. His name’s Grock.”


“I am Grock,” replied the man sadly.


Lesson 3 My Favourite Comedian


TEXT 1 Mr Bean


Mr Bean is an internationally recognised comedy character in films and TV series. He has a reputation for constantly encountering awkward situations, which greatly amuses audiences of all nationalities and cultures. His humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language that is


One of my favourite episodes was Mr Bean in a fancy restaurant. After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, puts it in an envelope and places it on the table. After a moment, he looks back at the envelope but this time he looks surprised, as if he did not know it was there. He opens it to find a birthday card and very happily puts it on the table for everyone to see.


When he looks at the menu, an astonished look quickly appears on his face. He takes all the money out of his wallet, counts it and puts it in a saucer. He then looks from the menu to the money with concern until he finds one thing that makes him smile. Then he orders a dish called “steak tartare”. When the dish arrives, he is shocked to d iscover that “steak tartare” is actually raw

hamburger. He makes an attempt to eat it, but it is clear from the look on his face as he is chewing that he finds the taste truly awful. He cannot hide his feelings, except when the waiters ask if everything is all right. When this happens, he smiles and nods, indicating that everything is fine. When the waiters are not looking, however, he busies himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can reach—the sugar bowl, the tiny flower vase, inside a bread roll and under a plate. He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him and throws some down the trousers of the restaurant’s violinist!


I like to watch Mr Bean on TV but I wouldn’t want to meet someone like him in real life, and I certainly wouldn’t want to have dinner with him!



Rowan Atkinson is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter. In Britain, Mr Atkinson is mostly famous for many successful TV shows but internationally we know him best as the awkward, clumsy, but always amusing Mr Bean. If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famous creation, then you are in for a surprise. On the contrary, he is nothing like Mr Bean.


Rowan was born on 6 January, 1955. He grew up on a farm with his parents and three older brothers. His father was very strict and did not believe in the value of television.


Rowan had a very successful academic career. At the age of 13, he was awarded a scholarship to a boarding school. Later, he studied at Newcastle University where he attained the highest marks in his year. At Oxford, he obtained his master’s degree in electrical engineering. This may explain why he loves fast cars, of which he has many.


When Rowan was young, he had a stutter and to make his speech clearer, he began to speak very carefully. This may be why some of his characters have unusual ways of speaking.


As early as primary school, Rowan had already shown a talent for acting, but it was only later at university that he decided to become an actor. A key event occurred one day in 1976 when he was playing around and pulling a face in the mirror. “I discovered my face,” he said later.

早在小学时,罗温就表现出了表演天赋,但直到大学毕业,他才决定当一名演员。1976 年的一天发生了一件关键的事情,闲玩之中他对着镜子做鬼脸。后来他说,“那天,我发现了自己的另一副面孔。”

John Lloyd, who worked as a producer for BBC Television, says that one rarely meets someone with such genius, and that when he worked with Atkinson he


Unit 5

Lesson 1 Enlightening a Mind


Helen Keller was an exceptionally special girl. By the time she was seven years old, she still couldn’t speak, read or write and needed to have everything done for her. This was because she couldn’t see or hear. With these severe restrictions to her communica tion, Helen’s behaviour was often unbearable. She was sometimes troublesome, stubborn and angry, and had a tendency to break things when no one understood her.


Helen’s parents got a superb teacher recommended to them, a woman named Anne Sullivan. Anne was a teacher and former student at a school for the blind in Boston. She’d had eyesight problems early in life as well so she could relate to Helen’s difficulties.


Anne’s technique to teach Helen language was simple and straightforward. Anne spelt words by writing on Helen’s hand so that Helen coul d get a mental picture of the words. She started with the word “doll”. She would let Helen play with the doll, and then spell the letters “D-O-L-L” on her hand. When they initially did this, Helen thought it was a game. She wrote about her excitement later in her book, The Story of My Life:


“Running downstairs to my mother, I held up my hand and made the letters for ‘doll’. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation.”


When they were at the well one day, Anne p ut one of Helen’s hands under the stream of water. As the water flowed over Helen’s hand, Anne spelt out “W-A-T-E-R” into Helen’s other hand. As Anne wrote on Helen’s hand, Helen suddenly realised that the movement of the fingers meant the cool liquid flowing over her hand. This precious knowledge gave her hope and joy. Finally, she got the world of words opened up to her.


Now that Helen grasped the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could. Children who can see and hear learn language easily, but for Helen, it was a gradual and sometimes painful process. However, because Helen was so enthusiastic about learning, the results were amazing.


As Helen’s knowledge and vocabulary expanded, she asked more and more questions. This soon led her to discover more complex words and changed her thinking process. Trying to learn the word “love” was an experience that she remembered well. This is how she described it in her book:


“I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word ‘love’. This was before I knew many words. I had found a few early violets in the garden and brought them to my teacher ... Miss Sullivan put her arm gently round me and wrote on my hand, ‘I love Helen.’ ‘What is love?’ I asked. She drew me closer to her and said, ‘It is here,’ pointing to my heart ... Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it.”


Although the meaning of love was still not apparent to Helen, she kept on trying

signs, a question which meant, ‘Is love the sweetness of flowers?’ ‘No,’ said my teacher.’


When Helen and Anne were outside one day, Helen felt the warmth of the sun’s rays. She pointed up and asked if that was love. When her teacher said that it wasn’t, she was confused and disappointed. “I thought it strange that my teacher could not show me love.”


The word “think” was also a difficult one for Helen because it is such an abstract concept. However, one day as she was working on a simple task, she had a breakthrough. She was making necklaces with the help of Anne when she noticed that she had made some mistakes. Because she was uncertain how to fix them, she stopped to think carefully. As she did this, Anne touched Helen’s forehead and wrote the word “think” on her hand.“In a flash I knew tha t the word was the name of the process that was going on in my head.”


It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex word—a word for something she couldn’t touch. At that moment, her mind returned to the word “love”. As she thought about its meaning again, the sun came out. She pointed to the sun and asked her teacher again if that was love. Anne answered Helen by explaining that love was like the sun and clouds in a way.


“You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain... You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything. Without love you would not be happy or want to play.”


In that vivid moment, Helen finally understood the beautiful truth of the word

就在那个动人的时刻,海伦终于明白了“love”这个词语蕴含的美丽的真谛。Lesson 3 Understanding


It seems obvious now how we acquire knowledge and understanding. To start with, we need questions. Then, to find answers, we observe the world around us and study the facts. After that, we consider possible answers and test each to find the right ones. Although today we are more used to typing a few key words into a search engine and waiting for the Internet to give us an answer, modern scientists and thinkers are still solving the world’s problems with this type of analysis—luckily for us.


However, in the 17th century when Francis Bacon (1561-1626) suggested that this type of thinking was the way to gain knowledge, he was going against the views of the day. Although Bacon held an important rank in King James’ royal court of England, his true interest was not the day-to-day, slow and inefficient working style

of the government, but the worthy search for knowledge. This was certainly not the interest of most people in his days. At that time, people believed more in the church than in facts, and people like Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who proved the idea that “the Earth is not the centre of the universe”, were often punished by the church with no one coming to their defence. The church and many people tended to ignore the facts and didn’t want to challenge what they had always comfortably believed. In fact, when Galilei proved that the Earth was not the centre of the universe, instead of believing him, people chose to believe views that were almost 2,000 years old!

17 世纪时,弗朗西斯•培根(1561—1626)提出用这种思考方式获取知识时,他的观点却与当时的观念背道而驰。尽管培根在英国国王詹姆斯的宫廷中位高权重,但他真正感兴趣的不是政府日复一日、拖拉、低效的工作作风,而是那些值得探索的知识。当然,探索知识并不是那个时代大多数人的兴趣所在。那时人们相信教会胜过相信事实,像伽利略•伽利莱(1564—1642)那样证明了“地球不是宇宙中心”的人物,往往会被教会惩罚,也没有人会为他们辩护。教会和多数人一样往往忽视事实,不愿意去挑战自己一直以来相信的东西。事实上,当伽利略证明地球不是宇宙的中心时,人们没有选择相信他,而宁愿相信2000年前的陈旧观点!

It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these primitive ideas as they

the Earth must be the centre of the universe because it felt like the Earth was standing still. Galilei disagreed. At first, people approved of his studies and urged him to continue, but later when he proved Aristotle wrong, they grew angry and put him in prison. They didn’t want to abandon what they’d always thought as true. An d this is still often true today. People make the assumption that if someone important and respected says that something is right, then it must be so. But even though Aristotle was a great man who inspired many great scientists and philosophers after him, he was wrong at times. And Galilei also made mistakes. He is now known as the father

of astronomy but he believed that the Earth moved round the sun in a perfect circle. He was wrong.


Therefore, our understanding of the world around us is constantly growing and changing. In other words, we learn more every day and none of us can ever sit back and say, “We know it all.” We need to thank the great men of the past for their wisdom. They understood that we don’t know ever ything and probably never will, as this would mean a world with questions.


We owe so much of our knowledge and understanding of the world to people like Bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to step out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that today’s civilisation is built upon. These men knew that

knowledge and understanding are things to fight for; more vital to a man, and more beneficial to mankind, some might say, than all the money in the world.



Who questions much, shall learn much, and remember much. —Francis Bacon

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.—Galileo Galilei

(2)所有的真理一旦被发现,都很容易理解。最难的是发现真理。——伽利略• 伽利莱

Unit 6

Lesson 1 From Page to Screen


Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a film of a book I love. Although highly regarded books do not always make good films, it is safe to say that great films may be made from not particularly good books. (The

Godfather immediately springs to mind.)


The source material for a film may be taken from classic novels, short stories, comic books and stage plays, as well as non-fiction such as biographies and autobiographies, even those written by ghost writers. All can work well, but why do many adaptations and indeed remakes fail with both cinema audiences and critics? And why do some adaptations get lower ratings than others?


A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take creative liberty and sometimes there may be changes to the plot, additions, and even different endings to please producers, directors and test audiences. I, like many

p eople, have often left the cinema feeling “the film is not like the book”.



Another problem area is the cast. Finding actors acceptable to film audiences can mean the difference between success and failure. Readers of the book use their imaginations to visualise characters and have very definite ideas about how characters should look and sound. This is where I think many film adaptations fall down.


Some books are just too difficult to be adapted for technical reasons, although films like The Life of Pi are changing this idea. CGI (Computer Generated Image) technology has had a huge

impact on the film industry. It allowed the previously unfilmable to become a reality.


One may think that it is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptations. In fact, sometimes authors are very involved in the process and may even be the screenwriter. This can actually be a disadvantage because they may be too close to the material and find it difficult to adapt to a new form. At other times they are not, and there are instances where writers have been very unsatisfied with the film versions of their work; Stephen King is an example of this. Even more extreme was novelist J. D. Salinger, who made sure no film versions of his popular novel A Catcher in the Rye could ever be made. In this situation, it is clear that viewers will not be disappointed! For me, anyway, it is always a bad idea to watch a film of a book you love.


Despite the challenges, there have been some highly successful films made from popular books. For me, Jaws, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings all fit this category. And possibly the best proof of a successful adaptation is the James Bond

Perhaps unusually, audiences seem to accept that the actors who have played James Bond have changed so often, although everyone seems to have their favourite. I know I do.


Lesson 3 The Advertising Game


The advertising industry started with the fundamental purpose of promoting and selling goods to people who might need them. Advertising agencies would create a basic type of advertisement known as a commercial advertisement. Such advertisements have gone through a process of change over the years along with social, economic and technological developments.


Classic advertisements used to give information about finding certain products. It was likely to be the name of a company, part of which might include the name of the place from which the product originated. For example, it could be “Shanghai Sewing Machines”, or “Tsing Tao Beer Corporation”. From the name you would know what the company sells, where they are located, and the name of the product.


Advertising agencies used to create this kind of advertising and it could be very effective. But then they realised that it might not be suitable for a marketplace where products and services are in direct competition with each other. Particularly now, in modern times, advertisements need to attract and hold the attention of the public. For this reason, it’s now normal to see advertisements that consist of pict ures or words from experts to show people how good the product is. Others try to create advertisements that people simply enjoy looking at. As present-day advertisers often have large budgets, huge amounts of money are spent on applying modern design techniques to make these advertisements as visually attractive as possible. However, even this is often not enough to be noticed in a modern city.



Because of the boost in advertising, people are used to seeing a high standard of visual design. Modern advertisements need something else to separate them from their competitors. To stand out in a world of competitive advertising, they must combine the highest standard of design with creative ways to make people believe that they “must have the product”. For example, some advertisements may suggest that buying a car can make you free. That is, they use the concept of freedom to sell the car. Other common ideas include happiness, wealth and success. In fact, in the world of advertisements, such content is as old as advertising itself.


For many of today’s advertisers, repeating old ideas is not a successful approac h. Ideas that would work in the past genuinely are not as effective now. They realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is—most people know and anticipate that the main purpose of the advertisement is to make customers buy the product. Instead, these advertisers look for other ways to make people notice their products. The top advertisers of today believe that using humour as well as new and unusual ideas to surprise people is important. Their aim is to create something that has never been seen before and that people find interesting. By doing this, they hope to make people forget that someone is trying to sell them something!


However, not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some advertisements nowadays aim to make a contribution to society and welfare. For example, there are public advertisements, which encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. Over the last decade, the government has sponsored

giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase

public knowledge about topics that used to be ignored by most people, and this has made our society a better place for everyone.



Unit 4 Lesson 1 What’s So Funny? 第一课有趣的小故事 Story A 故事A A famous art collector was walking through the city when he noticed a dirty cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He did a double take. 一个著名的艺术品收藏家在穿过城市时看见一只脏猫在一家商店门口舔饮浅碟中的牛奶。他惊讶地又看了一眼。 He noticed that the saucer was an antique and very valuable, so he walked casually into the store and innocently offered to buy the cat for 20 dollars. 收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。 The store owner replied, “I’m sorry, but the cat isn’t for sale.” 收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。 The collector said, “Please, I need a hungry cat with a good appetite around the house to catch mice. I’ll pay you 200 dollars for that cat.” 收藏家说:“拜托了,我正需要一只又饿、胃口又好的猫帮我抓屋里的老鼠呢,我可以出200美元买那只猫。” The owner said “sold” and handed over the cat. 店主说了声“成交”,就把猫给了他。 The collector continued, “Hey, for the 200 dollars I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer. The cat’s used to it and it’ll save me from having to get a dish.” 收藏家接着说:“嘿,200 美元的话能不能把那个破碟子也送给我。毕竟这猫已经习惯了用它,这样也省得我再去买猫食盆了。” And the owner said, “Sorry my friend, but that’s my lucky saucer. So far this week I’ve sold 68 cats.” 店主说:“对不起,朋友,那可是我的幸运碟。到现在为止,这周我已经卖出去68 只猫了。” Story B 故事B Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retired for the night, and went to sleep.


新人教版高中英语必修二课文原文及翻译(Word精校版) Unit 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE 文化遗产 Reading and thinking FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS 从问题重重到迎刃而解 Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 社会进步需要经济发展。新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。在发展与文化遗址保护之间找到恰当的平衡点,并加以保持,这可能是一项巨大的挑战。 Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. Af ter listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. 然而,巨大的挑战有时候会带来伟大的解决方案。二十世纪五十年代,埃及政府打算在尼罗河上新建一座大坝,可以防洪、发电,并为该地区更多的农民供水。但是,该提案引发了抗议。因为大坝泄流可能会损坏许多寺庙,摧毁一批文物,而这些文物是埃及文化遗产的重要组成部分。埃及政府在听取了研究该问题的科学家以及大坝附近居民的意见后,于1959年向联合国寻求帮助。 A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a document was signed, and the work began in 1960. 委员会成立了,旨在减少对那些建筑物的破坏,并防止文物损失。该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。专家们经过调查研究,多次试验,提出了一个保住那些建筑的方案。最终,(埃及政府)签署了一份文件,于1960年开始动工。 The project brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. 该项目集聚了来自世界各地的政府机构和环保人士。人们将寺庙和其他文化遗址逐块拆解,运至一个不受河水侵袭的安全地带,再按原样复原。1961年,德国工程师搬迁了第一座寺庙。在随后的二十年里,数千名工程师和工人拯救了22座寺庙和不计其数的文物。50个国家向


Unit 4 Lesson 1 Avatars 虚拟形象 The avatar you choose says a lot about you. The article will help you understand your choice of avatars better. 你选择的虚拟形象能透露出你的很多信息。这篇文章将帮助你更好地理解关于虚拟形象的选择。 When you are online, you can be anyone or anything. You can create your own image and a new personality. These digital identities, known as avatars, are a key part of how people use the Internet to communicate and express themselves. 当你上网时,你可以是任何人或任何事物。你可以创设自己的形象,并且拥有新的个性。这些数字身份,被称作“虚拟形象”,这是人们利用互联网进行交流和表达自己的关键部分。 The first simple 2D avatars appeared in role-playing computer games in the 1980s. Yet, very few people knew that future avatars would have such a wide variety of forms and uses. By the late1990s, they had been used in web chats like instant messenger. 二维虚拟形象最早出现在20世纪80年代的角色扮演电脑游戏中,当时,很少有人知道虚拟形象后来会有如此广泛的形式和用途。20世纪90年代末,虚拟形象被用于网络聊天,如即时通讯。 When people started creating their own avatars, they discovered that they were going to have the power to create new identities that did not look or act like their real selves at all. They could dress their avatars in fancy clothes, or they could try being someone of the opposite sex, and call themselves “Andy”instead of “Anna”! When Internet users realised that their avatars would be seen by many people, not just their friends, they started having more than one avatar: a sensible one for work; a friendly, good-looking one for meeting people; and a silly one for having fun. Avatars let you express yourself and they give you lots of room for creativity. 人们开始创设自己的虚拟形象时,他们发现自己将有能力创设一种新的身份,这种身份在相貌和行为上可以与真正的自我完全不同。他们可以给自己的虚拟形象穿上华丽的衣服,或者尝试换个性别,可以给自己取名为“安迪”,而不是“安娜”。当互联网用户意识到很多人会看到他们的虚拟形象,而不仅仅是他们的朋友时,他们开始使用不止一个虚拟形象:一个朴素实用的虚拟形象用于工作;一个友好的、好看的虚拟形象用于交友;一个傻乎乎的虚拟形象用于取乐。虚拟形象让你可以表达自己,还给你很多创造空间。

新教材北师大高中英语 Unit2 sports and fitness课文和翻译

新教材北师大高中英语 Unit2SPORTS AND FITNESS课文和翻译 THE UNDERDOG Part 1 Paul and I were on our school basketball team, The Lions.We loved basketball and were both huge fans of the NBA.When we weren't playing on the court which was next to our building, we were watching a game on TV.My favourite player was LeBron James. Paul's favourite player was Tyrone Bogues, a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets, although we actually agree that they are both champions. Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall,which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA.Guess what? Paul was only 1.6 metres tall, too!Paul knew that being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more.During all those hours of doing jump shots on his own, he used Bogues as his inspiration .Paul once said,“If Bogues could make it,why not me?” Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to try out many times just for making the team.He was still usually on the bench,being just a replacement,which was really toughon him.Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team.However, Paul didn't get a chance. This week, The Lions were playing our main competitors,The Bears, a team whose record this season had been perfect.They hadn't lost a single game.It would be a tough one.Paul didn't know he'd soon get the chance that he'd been waiting for. 弱者 保罗和我是我们学校篮球队,狮子队的成员。我们都热爱篮球,都是NBA的铁杆球迷。当我们不在紧挨着我们大楼的球场上打球时,我们就在电视上观看比赛。我最喜欢的球员是勒布朗·詹姆斯。保罗最喜欢的球员是蒂尼·博格斯,他曾效力于夏洛特黄蜂队,尽管我们一致认为他们都是冠军(球员)。 博格斯身高只有一米六,这使他成为NBA史上最矮的球员。你猜怎么着?保罗的身高也只有一米六!保罗知道自己比其他球员矮意味着他必须多练习。在那些自己跳投的时间里,他把博格斯当作自己的动力。保罗曾经说过,“如果博格斯能成功,为什么我不行?” 我们的教练却并不太确定。保罗多次参加选拔,方才入选球队。然而,他仍旧通常“坐板凳”作为替补队员,这对他来说是真够倒霉的。所有人都知道保罗技能出众、训练刻苦,并极度渴望为球队效力。

新人教选择性必修二Unit 4课文翻译(英汉对照)

新人教选择性必修二Unit 4课文翻译(英汉对照)SEEING THE TRUE NORTH VIA RAIL: VANCOUVER AND THE HEART OF CANADA 坐火车看“真北方”:温哥华与加拿大腹地 Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast. Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train. For both of them, the thought of crossing the whole county by rail was exciting. 李黛予和表妹刘倩前往加拿大探望居住在大西洋海岸哈利法克斯市的表兄妹。她们没有一路乘坐商业航班,而是决定先飞到温哥华,然后再乘坐火车。一想到可以坐火车横穿整个国家,姐妹俩就激动不已。 Before starting out, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver, seeing the sights. During their first day, as is typical of Vancouver, it rained. Despite the weather, they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay, and later visit an island that had wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques. The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city. Later, they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away. 出发前,她们在温哥华待了两天,欣赏当地风光。第一天温哥华一如往常细雨蒙蒙。尽管天气不佳,她们仍然泛舟驶入海湾,接着游览了一座岛屿。岛上有精致的店铺,出售手工艺品和古董。第二天,天气晴朗,温度适宜,她们看到壮美的群山俯瞰着整座城市,甚是欣喜。随后,她们在不远处的森林中徒步旅行,十分惬意 The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies. Seen from the train window, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive. When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty. They spent the night, and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian

新教材北师大高中英语必修二Unit6 The Admirable课文和翻译

必修二Unit6 The Admirable课文和翻译 At the Nobel Prize Lecture on 7 December, 2015, an 84­year­old Chinese woman walked slowly on to the stage .She began to talk about the life­saving drug, artemisinin, which she had discovered with the help of her team in the 1970s.The woman was Tu Youyou, the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.A scientist who was on the Nobel Prize Committee called Hans Forssberg explained that “the discovery of artemisinin has led to the development of new drugs which have saved the lives of millions”.When thanking the Committee for the honour,Tu Youyou said, “This is not only an honour for myself, but also recognition of and encouragement for all scientists in China.” Tu Youyou was born in Zhejiang Province, China, on 30 December, 1930.She studied medicine at Peking University Health Science Centre.After graduation, she became a member of China Academy of Chinese Medical https://www.360docs.net/doc/3319213575.html,ter, she studied Chinese medicine for two and a half years with experts in the field [4]from whom she gained a deep knowledge about traditional practices . In 1969, Tu Youyou was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malaria—a disease that killed millions of people every year.Across the world,scientists had been trying to find a cure.They tested more than 240,000 chemicals with no success.However, Tu Youyou had an idea that Chinese herbs might hold the secret.She studied ancient Chinese medical literature and visited experts in traditional Chinese medicine .She researched hundreds of traditional recipes connected to anti­malarial cures.Then Tu Youyou and her team began using modern research methods to study these Chinese herbs one by one. This was not an easy task. The reason why this was difficult was that the team had limited resources . They did not have enough staff ,and the laboratory in which they worked had poor air quality.However, after hundreds of failed experiments, they eventually came across a promising chemical.It worked well in experiments on animals, but they had to know if it was safe for humans.Tu Youyou bravely volunteered to be the first human subject when they were ready to start testing and the rest of her team followed her.The test was a success .The medicine they discovered, artemisinin, has now become the world's most effective drug for fighting malaria.

【新教材】北师大版(2019)高中英语必修1、2、3+选修1 课文中英文互译(全)

北师大版高中英语新教材(第一册)课文中英文互译 (Unit 1 LESSON 1)I’m a ... digital native!我是一名……数码族! I’m Joe, a student from London. You’ll often find me sitting in front of my laptop. 我是乔,来自伦敦的一名学生。你会发现我经常坐在笔记本电脑前。 The online world is a big part of my life. I’m a “digital native”—I’ve been using the computer since I was a kid. 网络世界是我生活中的重要组成部分。我是一名“数码族”,还是个孩子的时候就经常使用电脑。 I do a wide range of things online. Besides doing all my school work, I chat with my friends, watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles; I also shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware and other necessities. It’s so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. I also play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room! 我在网上做很多事情。除了做所有的学校作业外,我还和朋友聊天,看电影,阅读每日新闻和其他有趣的文章;我还在网上买各种各样的东西,如书籍、电脑硬件和其他必需品。购物前,能够比较不同的网络商店的质量和价格是非常方便的。我也经常玩电脑游戏,甚至用客厅的电视屏幕打网球游戏! My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict”. They think I’m playing computer games all the time and I chat too much with online friends. According to them, there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. Maybe she’s right. It’s important to meet friends in person from time to time, not just on social media. Actually, I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because real life can be just as interesting. 我父母担心我会成为一个网迷。他们认为我一直不停地玩电脑游戏,并且总和网友聊天。在他们看来,我可能无法判断这些人是否是真朋友,这是危险的。妈妈一直让我和学校的朋友们出去玩(而不是在家打游戏)。也许她是对的。时不时与朋友亲自见面是很重要的,不能只是利用网络交流。事实上,我非常清楚我有时需要强迫自己不上网,特别是因为现实生活

【新教材】北师大版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit1-Unit3 课文双语翻译

北师大版高中英语新教材(选择性必修第一册)课文(Unit 1) Lesson 1 Teachers My teacher我的老师 I haven’t seen Mr Jenkins since I left school, but I often think about him. I wasn’t very good at most school subjects before I met Mr Jenkins. I suppose I was a bit lazy, especially in maths. The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees! But when I was 15 and went into Mr Jenkins’ class, I really became interested in a subject for the first time. 虽然离开学校之后再也没有见过詹金斯先生,但我经常想起他。在遇到詹金斯先生之前,大多数科目我都不是很擅长。我想我那时候有点懒惰,特别是在数学方面。我唯一还记得的数学课内容是三角形的内角和180度!但是在15岁那年,我走进了詹金斯先生的课堂,第一次对一个学科真正产生了兴趣。 Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had simply been a subject full of strange words to me. I had no idea what hydrogen was, and I didn’t really want to know, either! I found it all so boring and difficult. But Mr Jenkins made everything interesting. He used to explain things which seemed difficult with lots of practical examples and in simple language. One day, he took us outside, and we built a rocket! I remember that he let me pour some fuel into the rocket, and then another student lit a match to set it off. It was great fun. 在上詹金斯先生的课之前,科学课对我来说就是一堆奇怪的词语。我不知道氢是什么,而且也不想知道!我觉得这些东西既无聊又难以理解。但詹金斯先生让一切变得有趣起来。他结合很多实际例子用简单的语言解释看似很难的知识。有一天,他把我们带到户外,一起制造了一枚火箭!我记得他让我把燃料倒进火箭,然后另一名学生点燃了一根火柴发射火箭。这非常有趣。 I know that I wasn’t a willing student, but I wasn't slow to learn new things. The problem was that I lacked confidence in myself. Mr Jenkins made me feel that I had my own strengths. I was interested in the study of the stars and planets and he asked me to give a presentation to the class. That was really the first time I tried to explain science to an audience and now it’s my job! Often when I’m preparing a programme, I think about how Mr Jenkins would have done it. Sometimes I think, if only I could call him and ask for his opinion! 我知道自己不是一个主动学习的学生,但我学习新事物并不慢,问题是对自己缺乏信心。詹金斯先生让我认识到我有自己的长处。我对恒星和行星的研究很感兴趣,他让我给全班同学做一个展示。这是我第一次尝试向观众讲解科学知识,现在这成了我的工作!在准备一个项目时,我常会想如果是詹金斯先生,他会怎么做。有时甚至想,如果能打电话征求他的意见就好了! 选择性必修第一册Unit 1 P8


必修二英语课文及翻译 版 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

必修二 Unit1 IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM寻找琥珀厅 Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country's best artists about ten years to make. 弗雷德里克威廉我,普鲁士国王,从未想像过这恩赐与俄罗斯人会令人惊喜的历史。这个礼物,琥珀屋的,赐给这个名字,因为好几吨的琥珀被用来制造它。琥珀被选有一个美丽的黄棕色的颜色就像蜂蜜。房间的设计是别致的流行的日子。这也是一种珍惜用金子来装饰和珠宝,将国家的最好的艺术家们大约10年了。 In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors. 事实上,这个房间没有是作为礼物送人的。它是设计出用于弗雷德里克的宫殿。然而,普鲁士的下一任国王弗雷德里克威廉我、就是琥珀属于,决定不去保持它。在1716他给了彼得最重要的东西。作为回报,沙皇送给他一群他最好的士兵。所以琥珀房成了沙皇的一部分在圣彼得堡冬宫。大约四米长,房间作为一个小接待大厅为重要的游客。 Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing.


温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 Unit 4Humour Lesson 1 词汇知识·自主学习 Ⅰ. 根据语境写出正确的单词 1. a special saucer一个特别的杯托 2. in the doorway of a store 在一个商店的门口 3. a valuable antique一个珍贵的古董 4. ask a question innocently装作若无其事地问问题 5. a good appetite胃口很好 6. a faithful friend 一个忠诚的朋友 7. study on astronomy关于天文学的研究 8. scientific measurements科学测量 9. relaxing atmosphere轻松的氛围 10. forecast the weather 预测天气 11. a middle-aged gentleman一位中年绅士 12. in t he doctor’s surgery在医生的诊所 13. a bleeding patient 一个出血的病人

14. sneeze badly 打喷嚏严重 15. scream loudly 大声尖叫 16. hold a consultation会诊 17. have a bit of a crisis遭遇一些危机 18. have the eyes examined检查眼睛 19. announce a piece of good news 宣布一个好消息 20. a popular circus一个受欢迎的马戏团 21. deserve to be praised 值得赞扬 Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思补全下列短语 1. for sale出售 2. hand over 移交 3. be used to 习惯于 4. throw in 增添, 免费添加 5. so far迄今为止 6. wake up 醒来 7. according to 根据, 按照 8. next to 紧挨着 Ⅲ. 根据课文补全下列句式 1. According to the scientific measurement of time, I deduce that the time is probably a quarter past three(现在时间大概是三点一刻). 2. He had to wait for what seemed like ages (好像好几个世纪那么久)in the doctor’s surgery.


Reading and Thinking JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “ KING CHOLERA” 约输•斯诺战胜“霍乱王” Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, until a British doctor. John Snow, showed how it could be overcome. This illness causes severe diarrhoea, dehydration, and even death. In the early 19th century, when an outbreak of cholera hit Europe, millions of people died from the disease. As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera. In time, he rose to become a famous doctor, and even attended to Queen Victoria when she gave birth.However, he never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.在英国医生约翰・斯诺向人们展示如何战胜霍乱之前,霍乱曾是世界上最令人恐惧的疾病之一。它可导致严重腹泻、脱水甚至死亡。十九世纪初,崔乱暴发,肆虐欧洲,数百万人丧命。由于当时无人知道如何预防或治疗霍乱,年轻的约翰・斯诺医生很沮丧。后来,他成了一位名医。甚至照料分娩的维多利亚女王。然而,他始终没有放弃彻底根除霍乱的愿望 In general, doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread. One theory was that bad air caused the disease. Another was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water. Snow subscribed to the second theory. It was correct, but he still needed proof. Consequently, when an outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854, Snow began to investigate. He discovered that in two particular streets the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why. 关于霍乱的蔓延方式,当时医生大体上有两种截然不同的看法。一种看法是空气污染引发,另一种看法是食物或饮用水中的细菌感染导致霍乱。斯诺赞同第二种看法。这一看法是正确的,但他仍需要证据。因此,1854年伦敦暴发霍乱时,斯诺便开始调查。他发现霍乱疫情在两条街道上尤为严重,十天内就有500多人死亡。他决心查明原因。 Snow began by marking on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived. There were multiple deaths near the water pump in Broad Street (especially house numbers 16, 37, 38, and 40). However, some households (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street, and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. These people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer, and so had not drunk the water from the pump. Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame. What is more,in another part of London, a woman and her daughter had died of cholera after moving away from Broad Street. It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. As a result of this evidence, John Snow was able to announce that the pump water carried cholera germs. Accordingly, he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not be used. Through this intervention, the disease was stopped in its tracks 斯诺首先在地图上标出所有死者住所的确切位置。宽街水泵附近有多例死亡(尤其是16号、37号、38号及40号住宅),但是有些住户(如宽街20号和21号以及剑桥街8号和9号)却无人死亡。这些幸存者在剑桥街7号的酒吧工作,酒吧为他们提供免费啤酒,因此没有喝水泵抽上来的水。斯诺怀疑水泵就是罪魁祸首。此外,在伦敦的另一个区域,一名妇女和她的女儿从宽街搬来后死于霍乱。该妇女似乎非常喜欢从水泵抽上来的水,每天都让人从那里打水运到家里来。有了这个证据,约翰·斯诺就能够宣布水泵抽上来的水携带霍乱病菌。于是,他让人拆掉了水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。这一干预举措遏制了疾病的蔓
